Enric Miralles


Enric Miralles Moya (Barcelona, February 12, 1955 - San Feliu de Codinas, Barcelona, 2000) was a Spanish architect.


He studied architecture at the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and later attended Columbia University in New York (United States). He began his professional career in the studio of Albert Viaplana, where he stayed until 1983. At the same time he was an adjunct professor at the two universities where he had studied.

His work as an architect lived through three eras:

  • (1983-1990) In the first, he worked with his first wife, Carme Pinós. This period highlights the project of the cemetery in Igualada.
  • (1990-1994) He worked alone in this period.
  • He worked with Benedetta Tagliabue, his second wife, his study was called EMBT.

The last two years of his life were devoted intensively to his most important project, the Scottish Parliament Building. It is a work that fully expresses the style of Miralles, respectful of the forms and traditions of the place, and at the same time providing the building with volumes and elements that create a visual tension that changes depending on the angle of observation, and the light. and the shadows at different times of the day.

In his short life, Enric received numerous awards, such as the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 1996. He was visiting professor at numerous schools of architecture and design, including Harvard, in the chair "Kenzō Tange », from Harvard University, which he has held since 1992.

He died prematurely at the age of 45, and was unable to finish off many of his works, including the Scottish Parliament or the Gas Natural building in Barcelona (Torre Marenostrum).

He was married to the Italian architect Benedetta Tagliabue, who keeps the EMBT studio running and has proceeded to finish the works on which he worked together with Enric.

He had two children, Caterina and Domènec Miralles.


Santa Caterina Market, Barcelona.
Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.
Miralles Building at the University of Vigo.


  • La Llauna School
  • Covers in Plaza Mayor de Parets del Vallés
  • Parque Cementerio de Igualada
  • Shooting with Arc
  • Centro Social de Hostalets
  • Centro Social La Mina
  • Casa Garau Agustí
  • Home School in Morella
  • Covers at Paseo Icaria
  • Casa Riumors

Enric Miralles

  • Reader Circle Headquarters
  • Centro de Gimnasia Rítmica y Deportiva
  • Technology Center (Alicante)
  • Municipal Sports Palace (Huesca)
  • Control tower in Alicante Airport
  • Industrial bridge for Camy-Nestlé
  • Aulario de la Universidad de Valencia
  • Expansion of the Royal Museum of Copenhagen
  • Museum of Contemporary Art of Zaragoza
  • Enlargement of Steinfurth Rosenmuseum
  • Museum of Modern Art in Helsinki
  • Hospital geriatric in Palamós
  • New access to Takaoka Station
  • Meditation Pavilion in Unazuki
  • Auditorium in Copenhagen
  • Church and Church Centre in Rome
  • Extension of the Seele glass factory
  • New center in the Port of Bremerhaven
  • Small German houses in wood
  • Public and Lutheran Park in Mollet


  • Renovation of the Santa Caterina Market
  • Reform of a flat on Mercaders Street
  • Rehabilitation of a house in La Clota
  • Embarcadero (Thesssaloniki, Greece)
  • City Council rehabilitation (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • School of Architecture of Venice
  • Casa Damge
  • Chemnitz Sports Palace
  • Leipzig Sports Palace
  • University laboratories in Dresden
  • Kolonihaven (wood case)
  • Casa Club de Golf de Fontanals
  • Expansion of the San Michele Cemetery of Isola
  • Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh — posthumous
  • Palafolls Public Library
  • Maretas Museum in Lanzarote
  • Diagonal Mar Park (Barcelona)
  • Santa Rosa Park in Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona)
  • National Library of Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
  • Six homes in Borneo Eiland
  • Hamburg Music School
  • Campus of the University of Vigo (Vigo)
  • Court of Justice of Salerno
  • Natural Gas Building (Barcelona) — Posthumous
  • Moore Farm
  • Acoustic screens in the Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanas, Barcelona.

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