Contenido The eighty-two (82) is the natural number that follows eighty-one and precedes eighty-three.
Mathematical properties
- 82 is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2 and 41. As the sum of its factors is 44 ≤ 82, it is a defective number.
- A semi-press number.
- A happy number.
- A number of accompanying Pell.
- Størmer number.
- 82 is the atomic number of lead (Pb).
- 6th magic number in physics.
- Object of Messier M82 is an elongated and narrow irregular galaxy in the constellation of the Greater Wave.
- Mark 82 (Mk 82) is a high aerodynamic, unguided pump.
Contenido relacionado
Projective plane
Imaginary number
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