
Resurrection of Lazarus1310.

Duccio di Buoninsegna (c. 1255/1260, Siena - c. 1318/1319, Siena) was probably the most influential artist in Siena, Italy, of his time. He is considered one of the most influential in the formation of the international Gothic style. First prominent painter of the Sienese school, he was also an inspiration to other members of the same, such as Simone Martini and the brothers Ambrogio and Pietro Lorenzetti, among others.


His surviving production, not very abundant, includes the Madonna Rucellai (1285) from Santa Maria Novella (now in the Uffizi, Florence), and the Maestà (1308-1311) for the Siena Cathedral, considered his masterpiece. He was originally carried in procession through the streets of the city. It meant an important step forward in pictorial style and storytelling through visual art. This great work, made up of multiple images, was dismembered in later centuries and its smaller scenes were dispersed throughout various countries.

Other works by the artist are held in the United Kingdom, both at the National Gallery in London and at Hampton Court (Royal Collection of Elizabeth II).

The only example of Duccio in Spain is the panel Christ and the Samaritan Woman (Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza), which was part of the Maestà in Siena.

Among his lost works stands out an altarpiece painted for the chapel of the Government of the Nine of the city, located in the Communal Palace. He received payment for such work in 1302.

Known Works

Maestà, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena.
  • Madonna with Child / Madonna with Bambino - Printer and gold on board - Museo d'arte sacra della Val d'Arbia, Buonconvento, near Siena.
  • Madonna with Child and Two Angels / Madonna with Bambino and due angeli (c. 1280) - Also known as the Madonna Crevole / Madonna di Crevole - Printer and gold on wood - Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana del Duomo, Siena.
  • Madonna with Enthroned Child and six Angels / Madonna with Bambino in throne e sei angeli (c. 1285) - Also known as Madonna Rucellai (wrongly attributed to Cimabue for centuries) - Tempera and gold on board - Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy, in deposit of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy.
  • Crucifix / Crocifisso - Printer on wood - Odescalchi Collection, Rome, first in the Castello Orsini de Bracciano.
  • Asunción, Sepultura y Coronación de la Virgen / Assunzione, Sepoltura e Incoronazione della Vergine (1287) - Color stained glass - Duomo, Siena.
  • Madonna of the Franciscans / Madonna dei franciscani (c. 1300) - Printer and gold on wood - Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena.
  • Maiestà (Madonna with Child and six Angels / Madonna with Bambino e sei angeli) - Print and gold on wood - Kunstmuseum, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Madonna and Child / Madonna with Bambino / Madonna Stroganoff - Print and gold on wood - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (formerly in the Stoclet collection, Brussels, Belgium).
  • Madonna with Child and six Angels / Madonna with Bambino e sei angeli - Tempera and gold on board - Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia, Italy.
  • Políptic: Madonna with Child with Saints Augustine, Paul, Peter, Sunday, four angels and Christ blessing / Madonna with Bambino and with i santi Agostino, Paolo, Pietro, Domenico, quattro angeli and Christ benedicente (c. 1305) - Also known as Dossale No. 28 - Tempera and gold on board - Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena.
  • Políptic No. 47: Madonna and Child with Saints: Ines, John Evangelist, John the Baptist and Mary Magdalaena; ten patriarchs and prophets, with Christp blessing / Madonna with Bambino e with i santi Agnese, Giovanni Evangelista, Giovanni Battista e Maria Maddalena; dieci patriarchi e profeti, e Christ benedicente - Tempera and gold on board - Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena.
  • The surrender of the castle of Giuncarico / La resa del castello di Giuncarico - Fresco - Palazzo pubblico, Siena.
  • Maiestà with episodes of the Passion of Christ / Maiestà e Storie della Passione di Cristo - Print and gold on board - Duomo, Massa Marittima, Italy.
Little Triptych: Madonna and Child with four saints.
  • Small Triptych: Flagellation of Christ; Crucifixion with angels; Deposition in the tomb / Flagellazione di Cristo; Crocifissione; Deposizione nel Sepolcro - Print and gold on board - Società di Esacutori di Pie Deposizioni, Siena.
  • Little Triptych: Madonna and Child with four angels, the saints Sunday, Ines and seven prophets / Madonna with Bambino e with quattro angeli, i santi Domenico, Agnese, e sette profeti - Printer and another on board - National Gallery in London, London, UK.
  • Portable altarpiece: Crucifixion with Christ blessing; St Nicholas; St Gregory / Crocifissione with Christ benedicente; St Nicola; St Gregory - Print and gold on board - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. U.S..
  • Little Triptych: Crucifixion with angels; Annunciation and Madonna with Child and Angels; Stigmata of St Francis with Madonna and Christ enthroned / Crocifissione e angeli; Annunciazione e Madonna with Bambino e angeli; Stimmate di St Francesco e Madonna with Christ in throne - Print and gold on board - Royal Collection, Hampton Court, near London, United Kingdom.
  • Maiestà (Madonna with Child enthroned and twenty angels and nineteen saints / Madonna with Bambino in throne and venti angeli e dicianove santi) - Print and gold on board - Museo dell'Opera della Metropolitana, Siena.
  • Christ and the Samaritan, secondary table Maiestà from Siena. - Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

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