
Domino game.

The dominoes is a board game in which rectangular chips (tiles) are played and used, generally white on the face and black on the reverse, there are usually different colors, although there are many variants. One of its faces is divided by two squares, each of which is normally numbered by dot arrangements like dice.

The usual score is from zero to six points, which makes up a total of 28 dominoes with the largest tile being the double six. There are other variants of 55, 91, 136 and 190 pieces. For example, in Cuba it is played with 28 pieces in the eastern zone, while in the center and west, including the capital, it is played with 55 chips (Double 9). The player who wins without chips is 3 points and by means of points is 2.

If a player at the beginning of the game obtains four tiles with the same numbers on both sides, he is considered victorious and the game will be restarted. When it closes, the one with the fewest chips wins.


Fichas de dominó antiguas.
Domino of lead alloy of postmedieval period, probably between 1700 and 1900.

The oldest written mention of dominoes is documented in China, in the writing "Ancient Wulin Deeds" (about the capital Hangzhou) written by Zhou Mi (1232-1298) during the Yuan dynasty, where they referred to the "pupai" (games of plates or dominoes) and dice as items sold by merchants during the reign of Emperor Xiaozong of the Song dynasty (1162-1189).

The earliest known manual on dominoes is the Manual of the Xuanhe period, interpreted by Qu You (1341-1427). However, some Chinese scholars believe that this manual is a forgery from a later time.

In the Encyclopedia of Myriad Treasures, Zhang Pu (1602-1641) describes the game of arranging dominoes as "pupai", although the character &# 34;pu" it had changed from Zhou Mi's writing, retaining the pronunciation. Traditional Chinese domino games included Tien Gow, Pai Gow, Che Deng, and others. The Chinese 32-piece set, which represented the roll chances of a pair of dice and introduced duplicates of some rolls, although it did not have blank faces, which differs from the 28-piece sets found in the West in the mid-17th century.

It is precisely in this century when the first vestiges of this game begin to appear in Europe, especially in Italy, and from there they spread throughout the West, although with changes compared to their Chinese original. European domino sets contain neither class distinctions nor duplicates, although they do incorporate combinations with one of the faces in white, blue, black, white, fuchsia and white. In November 2005, the first Dominoes tournament was held in Las Vegas, with the participation of the 40 best Dominoes players from more than 40 countries.

Name of tabs

The tiles with the same number of points in both squares are known as doubles, mules, pigs or carts. Likewise, the tiles with one of the squares without points are called white and those with a point are known as ones. Thus, with two, three, four and five until reaching six. In other places they are usually named Blanco (0), As (1), Dos (2), Tres (3), Cuadra (4), Quina (5) and Cena (6). The double 6 is known on the Colombian coast as la mazorca and the double zero as the pelá, in the Dominican Republic the double zero is known as "la caja". In Venezuela, the double 6 is known as la cochina or double dinner; in the Dominican Republic as "el burro"; in Mexico, as a mule; in Chile, as pig 6; in Peru, it is known as samba; in Puerto Rico as 'la guagua' (the bus); in Colombia 'double dinner' and in Spain it is known as 'the one that weighs the least'.




The game is usually played with four players alone. On many occasions, the game of dominoes can be practiced with 2, 4, 5 or even 12 people and the tiles have to be divided according to the number of players. Classic dominoes are regularly played by 2 to 4 people.


The objective of the game is to reach a predetermined score, playing as many hands or rounds as necessary.

The player who wins a round, adds the points of the chips of his opponents and/or pair, only if this is greater, for example if the player adds 8 points and the opponent 12, the opponent takes the points of the contrary. The first player or pair to reach the score set at the beginning of the game wins.

If a player cannot play, they must “draw” as many chips from the pot as necessary. If there are no chips left in the pot, the turn passes to the next player.

The only valid sign in the game of dominoes is the "thought". When it is your turn to play, you have the option of thinking for a relatively long time to make your partner understand that you have several tiles of the same number, that you are going to cover or that you are going to square. Or on the contrary, playing immediately, without thinking, indicates that you do not have more chips of the number than this at that moment.

In the event that the game is closed, the player with the fewest points in the game or hand (player who went out) wins.

Starting the game

The players of each pair alternate around a table; The members of each pair remain in facing positions respectively.

Before starting, the tiles are placed face down on the table and are shuffled so that the players randomly pick them up in equal numbers each normally 7 (7×4=28 total tiles).

If any player gets a certain number of doubles, usually 4 or more, they are dealt again.

There are several ways to start the first round. One is that the player with the double six starts and the player to his right continues.

In subsequent rounds, the player to the right of the player who started the previous round will start. He has to throw a double, and if he doesn't have one, he will throw any chip. At the end of the round, the person who was handed will have to shuffle the chips for the next hand.

Game Development

In his turn each player will place one of the pieces with the restriction that two pieces can only be placed together when the adjacent squares are of the same value (eg 1 with 1, 2 with 2, etc. until the 6).

It is customary to place the transversal doubles from the start and at any moment of the development of the game, to avoid signals about the type of hand that one has (high game, low game, opportune game). Placing a double is often called doubling down, or laying down.

In the game there is also an advantage commonly known as tapicui, and it is an advantage that a player can have when they get two or more even tiles in the distribution of the tiles, they can play them both at the same time if he is given the chance to play them, taking into account that he must have the same even numbers per point and point. For example, if you have the even tiles 3-3 and 5-5 and at one point is 1-3 and at the other 4-5 you can throw both tiles in a single shot.

If a player cannot place any tiles on their turn they will have to pass the turn to the next player or they will have to take a leftover tile.

It is frequent in the game that one of the players throws, for example, the last of the six, leaving only the double six to throw. In this case it is said that he has hanged or killed the double six. The player who has it will no longer be able to win the round (unless his partner wins it).

If the player gives way having tokens to use in the game, they will incur one less turn and lose the next turn.


The hand continues until one of the following occurs:

  • Some of the players are left without chips literally
  • Some of the players are left without chips to be placed on the table, they must take chips from the chip pit until they are finished, if this happens in this case the player is said to "dominate the game".
  • In the case of “closure” (also called “tranque”, “tranque”, “death” or “killed”)[chuckles]required]), i.e., when in spite of matching chips no one can be placed, the player or couple whose chips add less points will win. In the event of a tie the international norm states that there is no winner and in the next game comes the player in turn, that is, the next one that went out in the current game. However, in some countries or regions they define a winner according to one of the following rules: [chuckles]required]
    • The couple who started the game, or, in individual play, the player closest to the one that came out in the agreed rotation sense (generally inverse to the clock needles).
    • The player or couple who is attributed to him the “closure”.
In any case the output for the next game will be the previously agreed.

Game modes

The most common game modality in Dominoes is that of pairs, with four players, there is also the individual and team modality (composed of two or three pairs each). Depending on the region, Dominoes is governed by a set of rules or conditions of the game. Here are some of them:

Mexican Dominoes

It is used mainly in Mexico and in international Domino tournaments.

  • Players:
    • Individual mode: 4 players, are played by couples each game, but the accumulated score is individual, as both rivals and peers in each game change.
    • Modality by couples: 4 players, consisting of 2 pairs. Couples are fixed, they don't change.
    • Team Modality: A team is composed of 3 pairs, the team clashes are played at 3 tables, each playing the pairs vs the other team, but the accumulated score is by teams, both points and winning games.
  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds the established points, usually 200 0 300.
  • Departure: At the Dominó Internacional to choose who will make the first exit, the chips are returned, and each player takes a chip, the player who loots the highest chip is the one who will perform the first exit of that game.
  • Score: The winning couple will account for the whole of the unplayed points, that is, the sum of the points in the chips remaining for playing both couples.
  • Trace: In the event of a jam, tranque or closure, the winning couple is the one that adds less points in their unplayed chips. The winning couple will account for the sum of the points in the remaining chips for playing both couples. In case of a tie, when the two couples add the same number of points, the couple wins with less number of chips, the points are not counted in case the number of chips is the same for both couples and will run the hand, that is, the player will come to the right of the former outgoing player.

Latin Dominoes

This modality of the game is played mainly in Latin America and South Korea.

  • Players: Two teams of two players each.
  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds 100 or 200 points.
  • Departure: On the Latin domino the player who owns the double six performs the exit of the first round.
  • Score: The winning couple will account for the sum of the points in the chips remaining for playing by the losing couple.
    • In the event of a crash or closure, the couple who have the least number of points will be the winning couple and therefore will not be added points, only the points of the losing couple will be added. In case they add the same amount of points in the closing, the couple that came out in that hand will be the winner and will be the one that will come out the next hand. In case a pory happens, the points are subtracted.
  • Corridod step: If at one point a player takes a run (that none of the other players have the chips to play), the player who gave that run pass is added to 25 or 30 points depending on the rules.
  • Step with tab: if a player passes with a chip this will take the step to the next person.

It should be noted that dominoes are very popular in Latin American countries, especially those with a Caribbean culture and that are typical of the Caribbean Sea region (Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama).

Colombian Dominoes

Game modality in most of the country's departments.

Players: Two teams of 2 players usually.

  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the two teams reaches 100 points.
  • Departure: In the Colombian domino, the player who has double six (the marrana) is in charge of the initial exit; of the first round. In the following rounds, the output is made by one of the two players who have mastered in each of the rounds, i.e., the exit wins, becomes a constant to which it is entitled having dominated the opposing team in each round played. Usually, the output is consulted, which allows the player who creates a better game to be the one who performs the output.

In the game there is also an advantage commonly known as tapicui, and it is an advantage that a player can have when they get two or more even tiles in the distribution of the tiles, they can play them both at the same time if he is given the chance to play them, taking into account that he must have the same even numbers per point and point. For example, if you have the even tiles 3-3 and 5-5 and at one point is 1-3 and at the other 4-5 you can throw both tiles in a single throw.

  • Score: The winning couple counts the total number of points not played by the losing couple.
  • Trace or close: It closes or taps[chuckles]required], as is normally known to the stake in the Colombian domino is as a couple, there are two modalities to award the domain of the game: 1. At the time of closing, the player with the least score is the winner of the round. 2. "The one who closes answers" This is a rule used in the games of dominoes of Bajo Cauca, Zaragoza, in the department of Antioquia, is that at the time of the closing, the player who puts the last chip must have a lower score (individually) than the players of the opposing team. If a player closes the game and his partner is the one who has the least points, he is not taken as winner or game dominator; in this case, if an opposite player has less score than the one who made the close, this will be the winner. Given the case, in which the game is closed having a double to place, the player who possesses it will be the one who touches you answer, since it is the one responsible for placing the last chip in the game. Given a tie in either case, the team that has closed the game is the winner. After the game is closed, the totality of the points not played by the losing couple is added. The winning couple has the exit on the next round.

Also in some regions when it is a game that is not played in groups but individually, it is customary to establish as a rule the payment of a fee for the case of Paso or Dominoes, which can be different or the same for both cases. It is paid as follows:

  • If a player Domina, that is, win the game, each player will pay the winner the agreed rate for this case.
  • If a player Come on., that is, it yields its turn because it does not have a chip that can place, then it will pay the person who made it It'll happen. (usually it is the last person who put a chip), the agreed rate for this case.

Chilean Dominoes

Game modality that has some important variants, and that is played in several regions of the country.

  • Players: From 2 to 4 players, individually or in teams.
  • Objective: After several games, the game ends when a player gets to add 121 points or more, and the opponent who has less points, is the one who wins the game.
    • If there is the case that two or more players have tied in their scores to define the winner, a play between the players in question will be played until a winner is defined.
  • Departure: In the Chilean domino, the so-called Chancho 6 (double 6) the one who started the exit, if not, is lowered to the next scale (double 5, double 4) etc. Then already in the second hand, the player or the couple follow him to his right, in the sense of the watch handles, and so on.
  • Score: Once a game is finished, each player sums his score on a table, and they are counting, that of all the games of each or on a team, as the case may be, so the goal is to add the least amount of points until one or one of the opponents reaches the score of 121 to win the game.
  • Pass or Sacar: When a player stays out of play possible and left chips undistributed, you can choose to play by or by pulling out of the chips that were not distributed, until the player has the option to play or pass if none allowed him to play. That rule must be chosen before the game begins.
  • The close or hold it varies a little in Chile. When a player manages to close the game, leaving without any possible moves, he proceeds to count the points of each play or couple, including the player who has closed the game, then the one who has the most points, must add the score of all his opponents and add them to his. This will be done:
    • The player or team with the highest number of points must add their score plus those of all their opponents and add them to theirs.
    • In case of a tie between one or more players, the chips will be rolled and they will have to pull one each, then the higher or lower number (as they have decided before) will be the player who will lose.

Venezuelan Dominoes

This modality of the game is played mainly in the cities of the states of Táchira, Zulia, Mérida, the Capital District (Caracas), Carabobo, Yaracuy and Bolivar.

  • Players: Two teams of 2 players each usually
  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds 75 or 100 points
  • Departure: In the Dominó Venezolano the player who has double six, "double sena" or "cochina" (as it is usually called in most states of Venezuela) performs the exit of the first round. In the following rounds will start the player to the right of the one that left in the previous round
  • Score: The winning couple will account for all points not played by the losing couple, except in the Zulia, where the points of the chips remaining for playing both couples are added (this is not general, as the Tachirense method is also used to count only the chips of the losers).
  • Trace: The stake is in pairs, that is, the team that owns less is the winner of the round and the points of the remaining chips will be noted for playing by the opposing couple (except in New Sparta). In case of a tie, when the two couples add the same amount of points, no team will note the value of the draw and in the notebook will place a 0 (zero) so as not to alter the points already won and keep the account of games played. In Maracaibo there is a variant, in a contest the player with less points is the winner of the game and the winning couple joins the total points of all the unplayed chips.
    • In the case of the individual lever in the city of Maracaibo, at the time of a draw of points between a player of one team and the other, the winner will be the one who possesses the hand of the saline, that is, whoever has been the outgoing; in the case that it has not been the outgoing then is the one closest to him to his right hand; the hand in the tram is not correct.

Ponce Dominoes

This modality of the game owes its name to the fact that it was created among university students in the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico. This mode makes games faster and more offensive.

  • Players: Two teams of two players each.
  • Objective: Accumulate 20 points
  • Departure: Starting the game, the player who has double six will come out. The game rotates to the right (against the watch handles). In the other games of the game, the player will be released from the right of the player who came out in the previous hand (game) no matter who won that previous hand. From that second hand onwards, you can go out with any chip (it doesn't have to be double). In the end, the person who came out/ opened his hand, touched him fry (return or move the chips) for the next hand.
  • Score: The first pass (when a player can't put a chip on the board) of the whole game is worth 2 points. The other passes are worth 1 point. If the move makes your own partner pass, your partner’s pass is ‘free’, that is no point for the opponents. If the chip makes a triple pass, that is, it corresponds the turn to the same player again, it will be 2 points, corresponding to the two opponents that made pass.
    • Example: If the A1 player of Team A, passes the opponent of your right, Player B1, that move gives a point to Team A. If in the same game, player A2, partner of A1, also happens, that pass NOT counts as point for team B.
    • Example: If the A1 player of the A team, in a move, passes the opponent of his right (player B1), his partner (player A2), and his left player (player B2), that move gives 2 points to team A. That is, 1 point by pass to player B1, NO points by passing your own partner A2, and 1 point by passing player B2. Total 2 points.
  • Tranque or closure: The Tranque (close the game in such a way that the four players are left in possession, but none can pull), is worth 2 points for the team of the person I'm up to. That's right, even if you don't win the Tranque. The Tranque is individual: In front of a tranque, each player will count their points. A player's points will NOT be added to your partner's points. The player who has less points in hand is the winner of the tranche. The points for the winning team will be the sum of the points of the four players. In case of a tie, no one would take points (the player's team that caused the Tranque are the only points in the play, then). No additional points for Capicú (fining the hand with the [sell] tab that opens both ends).
  • Account: The count of stitches after one hand is rounded to the decimal (e.g.: 5=0 stitches, 6 = 1 stitch, 15 = 1 stitch, 16 = 2 stitches, 25 = 2 stitches, 26 = 3 stitches, etc.). The team that will accumulate 20 sticks or points, at any stage of the game, will be the winner of the match. This can still happen without having finished a hand.

Dominican Dominoes

In the Dominican Republic two modalities are played, they are called De Regla General and De Regla de Patio (or informal). The domino of general rule is rather the Latin modality.

  • Court game: The courtyard game is characterized by the use of only one table even if there are three or more pairs. The idea is that to continue playing you have to win the games or if not, give the turn to the next couple, so set rules and penalties that speed up the game time...
  • Players: Two teams of 1 or 2 players each.
  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds 100 or 200 points.
  • Departure: At the Dominó Dominicano the player who owns the double six makes the exit of the first game. The other games are initiated by those who have won the previous game. The next chip is placed by the player on the right of this. It is said that he has dominated to those who no longer have chips to place. A losing team player touches you by sweeping the chips.
  • Score: In the General rule mode the winning couple will account for the sum of the points in the chips remaining for playing by the losing couple. In the playgrounds (informal) the points of all the remaining tiles are added.
  • Tranque: In the general rule modality in case of tranque or closure, the couple having the least number of points will be the winning couple. In case they add the same amount of points in the tranche, the couple who came out in that hand will be the winner and will be the one who will come out the next hand. The courtyard modality varies in that who made the tram compares only his chips to the opponent of the right.
  • Band game: is the one in which the tranque is bound no matter where the remaining chips are placed (this is because the missing players are obliged to give the chips that generate the tranque).
  • Corridod step: In the playground game, if at one time a player takes a run (since none of the other players have the chips to play), the player who gave that run pass will add 25 or 30 points depending on the rules.
  • Output points: In the courtyard (informal) mode, if at the time of placing the first tab, the immediate opponent cannot play, the player who left is added 25 or 30 points depending on the rules, if the couple can't play then the exit points are cancelled.
  • Capicúa: In the informal mode, if a player places his last chip, and this can be placed on both ends, it is said to be a hoodie, and the player who made the hoodie is added 25 or 30 points depending on the rules. If the chip is a double then there is no hoodie.
  • Pila: In the mode of 1 player per team, the players take 7 chips each, with the remaining chips on one side in the stack, the player whose chips cannot be placed must “load” stack chips, one by one until they find the one that can be placed. There is a variant in which both players take ten chips and it is not allowed to “load” the stack.
  • Enter the tab: If a player passes (does not play) having one or more chips that can be placed, the points of all the chips after that pass are counted to the opponents. If the player who sang a pass reacts before the next player places his or her chip, he or she will only receive a penalty of 25 or 30 points depending on the rules.
  • Domino Pintin: Pintin is a variety in which all are played against all. The number of players can be 2,3 or 4 in which each takes 6 or 7 chips as agreed. the purpose is to win or remain with the least number of possible points. It has as a difference of the conventional domino the fact that it is a betting game and as each game is independent there is no score of points. [chuckles]required]

Football dominoes[citation needed]

Each player takes 12 tiles leaving 4 out of the game.

The game is won by the player who runs out of chips, or in the case of Tranque, the one with the fewest points. If the loser scores 10 or more points, they are awarded to the winner. But if the sum is less than 10, these do not count, and it is said that they scored a 'Goal' To the winner. Noting this against him.

The 4 excluded tiles are returned to the game so that the loser can shuffle the tiles. The winner being the one who opens.

As in the previous modality, the one who reaches 100 points wins, but the one who manages to score 10 goals against the opponent can also win.

Cuban Dominoes

Western part of the country

It consists of 55 tiles, from 0 to 9, but they only play 40 tiles (10 for each player) and the remaining 15 sleep, which gives more room for chance and imagination, since you never know for sure the chips that are in play, and it is difficult, although it seems simple, therefore, the superficiality of the game is only apparent. The players can generally be 2 or 4 and the first to announce "I hit" or "I won" and reach 100 points wins.

Rules of the game: The chips are mixed face down and 10 are dealt to each player, leaving 40 on the table (if 4 players participate). It is played against clockwise. Each player tries to match the number of one of the ends of one of his tiles with the number of a free end of any tile that is on the table face up. If a player cannot do it, he loses the turn and the player to his right continues. Each player can play only one tile per turn.

The first player to get rid of all the tiles announces: “I won” or “I hit it” and wins the game. If neither can play, the game is locked. When this happens, all players turn over their tiles and add up the points for each tile. The player with the lowest score wins the game and gets the points of all their opponents' tiles. The player who first reaches 100 points wins the game.

When there is a closing, the points of each pair are added and the one with the lowest score wins.

Eastern part of the country

Very popular in the eastern region of the country in two modalities called: dominoes and palindrome, it consists of 28 tiles, from 0 to 6. 7 tiles are distributed per player.

  • Players: Two teams of two players each generally.
  • Objective: The game consists of several hands and ends when one of the pairs reaches or exceeds 20 points.
  • Departure: At the beginning of the game, the player with double six will be released. The game rotates to the right (against the watch handles). In the other dates or hands (game games) any of the players of the previous winning couple will come out regardless of whether they are out with double or not. In the mode called dominoes at the beginning of the game will be the player who has double six. The game rotates to the right (against the watch handles). In the other data or hands (game games) the player will come out at the right of the one that initially went out and so on until the end of the game.
  • Score: The first pass (when a player can't put a chip on the board) of the whole game is worth 2 points. In case the couple who provide the pass does not have points it is said that they remain "low", in order to be able to take them by any of the pairs they must be caught in a date or hand 3 or more points. The points are given in the sum of all the chips both of the couple and those of the opposite scored as follows: from 3 to 20, 2 points; from 21 to 30, 3 points; from 31 to 40, 4 points and so on. winning the couple reaching first the 20 points.
  • Tranque: In case of tranque or closure, the points are counted individually and the one that possesses the least amount of points gives victory to the couple. In case they add the same amount of points in the tranque a member of a couple with one of the opposing couple, the couple that came out on that date will be the winner and therefore has the right to leave on the next date.
  • Capicúa: It is used in the hood modality. If a player places his last chip, and this can be placed on both ends, it is said that he is a hoodie, and the couple who made the hoodie are added twice the points obtained in that data. If the chip is a double then there is no hoodie. It is worth clarifying that in the domino mode the hoodie is not used.
  • Zapato a zapatero: It is called "zapatero" when the winning couple reaches 20 points while the opposite does not reach any.
  • Worm: It is called "cute" when it is lost for more than 20 points to 0 and it is managed to go back and win the game.

International Dominoes

In many English-speaking countries and generally internationally, two main modes of the game are known:

  • Robar (Draw). This is the most popular mode, also played mostly in Hispanic-speaking dominos. When the player doesn't have chips he must steal from the pile to keep in the game.
  • Without Robar (Block). In this way no additional chips are stolen. The game ends when a player wins by playing his last chip, or when the game is blocked because none of the players can play.

Tapadito Dominoes

It's similar to classic dominoes with the difference that you can't see the tiles to play. You can play between 2 and 4 people and double target (•) is worth 15 points.

The corresponding number of tiles are dealt without seeing them, each player can flip 1 single tile, the player who has a double piece (6:6 or 5:5, etc) can start.

You cannot flip a tile if you can place previously flipped tiles, the round ends when one person manages to run out of tiles.

To win the game you need to score or exceed 200 points.

Astrological Dominoes

The basic Astrodomino to play with aspect tiles, consists of 43 tiles in total: 30 sign tiles and 13 aspect tiles. [citation required]

  • Players: 2 to 4 players.
  • Objective of the Game: Astrodominous can be played by aspects, values or points.
  • Aspects: It is played by rounds trying to complete each aspect, wins the player who completes the 13 Aspects Values: It is played by rounds until the player reaches the 36 points of Values or other set limit. Points: It is played by rounds until a player reaches 234 Points or another set limit.
  • Start of the game: Before you start, all tiles are placed face down on the table and mixed. Players collect, at random, 7 Signs tabs and 2 Opposition Aspect chips each and 1 of Trigone Aspect. There are 1 Cuadraturas tab for the first 3 Players and 2 Oposition chips for the last Player. The remaining chips are left on the table face down. The first player will place a Signs tab to choose from it at the table and continue the player on the right.
  • Development of the game: In their turn each Player will place one of their Signs tabs, matching one of their sides with one of the free sides of a table tab. When a player in his/her turn has no Signs tab that he/she can play, he/she must play one of his/her Aspects chips, if he/she cannot draw a Signs tab face down from the table. If there are no chips face down at the table, you should give the previous Player a tab of Aspects to choose from. If you can't lose your next shift.

Aspect Tiles On their turn, each Player can play an Aspect tile instead of a Sign tile by matching one of its sides with one of the free sides of a tile on the table. You may also play other Sign tokens that match the Aspect token along with it. The player who places the last token to close an Aspect is the player who completes the Aspect and earns Value Points or the normal Aspect points, depending on the objective of the game. If a player runs out of tiles to play or none of the Players can play a tile, the round is over and a new one begins.

  • Victoria:
    • Aspects: Win the player who during the successive rounds has completed each of the Aspects, i.e. placing the last chip to close the Look.
    • Values: The player accumulates value points for each aspect closed by him. Each aspect has a score on its sides. Options 2 Value Points, 3 Value Points and Quadrature 4 Value Points. Points: The player accumulates points for each aspect closed by him. Each aspect has a score for the signs that compose it.
  • Sheets: The first group of 15 chips corresponds to the combination of the first 6 signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo): Aries with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Taurus with Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Gemini with Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Cancer with Leo and Virgo. I read with Virgo. The second group of 15 chips corresponds to the combination of the last 6 signs of the Zodiac (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces): Work with Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Scorpio with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Sagittarius with Capricorn, Aquarium and Pisces. Capricorn with Aquarius and Pisces. Aquarium with Pisces.
  • Aspects: The aspect sheets are 13 in total. 6 Rectangular tabs of the Oppositions. 4 Triangular sheets of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. 3 Square cards of the Cardinal, Fijo and Mutable Modalities.

Dominoes online

With the development of the Internet, the game of dominoes began to become popular online. To play it, a player connects via the Internet to a web page or game server where he will find other players to play with.

Among the benefits that the online game of dominoes offers is the ease of participation (it is not necessary to physically move), the coverage of players (you can face players located in other parts of the world), and the reduction in possible errors (for example, you can not put a wrong card).

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