Dominican Language Academy

Seal of the Dominican Academy of Language

The Dominican Language Academy is an organization composed of eminent intellectuals, Dominicans and foreigners, experts in the use of the Spanish language, it was established in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on October 12 from 1927.

The Dominican Language Academy belongs to the Association of Spanish Language Academies and permanently collaborates with the Royal Spanish Academy in revising the Spanish Language Dictionary (DRAE), the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts, the Spelling of the Spanish language, the Dictionary of Americanisms and the Grammar of the Spanish language. This collaborative work consists of reviewing the definition of terms and expressions, in the precision of grammatical, phonetic and lexicographical concepts, in the contribution of words and expressions of Dominican origin, in the collection of language data and phrases taken from works of Dominican authors.

The Dominican Academy of Language has contributed to raising awareness about the importance of the Spanish language, which is the language of Dominicans, fostering interest in linguistic studies, encouraging language awareness among the Dominican people.

Important Dominican figures have been part of the Dominican Academy of Language, such as Presidents of the Republic, Ministers of the Government and of the Catholic Church, linguists and professors, philologists and writers who, with their contribution through words, have promoted the Dominican linguistic and cultural tradition.



The Dominican Academy of Language was founded in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on October 12, 1927. Since its foundation it shares the mission that by royal mandate was consigned to the Royal Spanish Academy, of which it is a correspondent, and To this end, he collaborates in the tasks it carries out, focused on the study of the Spanish language and the cultivation of letters to care for its original essence, promote its development and encourage the creative path of the idiomatic genius, ensuring its cohesion and vigour.

Founders and Motto

Its founding members were the following: Adolfo Alejandro Nouel Bobadilla (1862—1937), Lic. Alejandro Woss y Gil (1856—1932), Lic. Federico Llaverías (1888—1960), Lic. Cayetano Armando Rodríguez (1865— 1953), Lic. Manuel A. Patín Maceo (1862—1959), Lic. Rafael Justino Castillo (1866—1945), Lic. Manuel de Jesús Troncoso de la Concha (1878—1955), Lic. Andrés Julio Montolío (1867— 1934), Lic. Félix María Nolasco (1867-1941), Dr. Alcides García Lluberes (1888-1968), Dr. Bienvenido García Gautier (1884-1947) and Arístides García Mella (1872-1929).

Its first Board of Directors was composed as follows: president, Bishop Dr. Adolfo A. Nouel; Vice President, Alejandro Woss y Gil, and Secretary, Federico Llaverías.

The motto of the Dominican Academy of Language is “The language is the homeland”.

Recognition by the Royal Spanish Academy

This institution was recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy on December 31, 1931 and its full members are recognized as corresponding members of the corporation of Madrid, Spain. Also, the ADL is part of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASALE), since July 28, 1960.

Number of academics in order of seniority

  • Mariano Lebron Saviñón
  • Federico Henríquez Gratereaux
  • Bruno Rosario Candelier
  • Rubén Suro García-Godoy
  • Lupo Hernández Rueda
  • Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez
  • Victor Villegas
  • Rafael González Tirado
  • Irene Pérez Guerra
  • Marcio Veloz Maggiolo
  • Diogenes Céspedes
  • Carlos Esteban Deive
  • Andrés L. Mateo
  • Manuel Núñez Asencio
  • Ricardo Miniño Gómez
  • Pedro L. Vergés
  • Ramón Emilio Reyes
  • Manuel Matos Moquete
  • Guillermo Piña-Fernández
  • Gregorio Rojas

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