Dolores González Catarain


María Dolores González Catarain , aka yoyes (Villafranca de Ordizia, May 14, 1954- ib. , September 10, 1986, 1986) He was a member and leader of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), known for having been the first woman leader of the band and being killed by the same accused of betrayal.


Yoyes was born in 1954 in the Gipuzkoan town of Villafranca de Ordizia, being the second of nine children that the marriage formed by Angelita Catarain and Luis González had. His paternal grandfather, who was of Leonese origin, had opened a grocery store in the town and the family lived mainly from this business, which the mother run, while Luis, the father of the family, worked as a traveler. The González Catarain lived in a house located on the outskirts of the town, which had belonged to the maternal family. One of Yoyes's younger brothers is the well -known musician, sound technician and music producer Ángel Katarain.

Incorporation into ETA

In adolescence, Yoyes leaned for the ideology of the Abertzale left. It is believed that he entered ETA in 1971, when he was 17 years old. In his early years within the organization was a legal militant, who maintained his militancy clandestinely, while initiating teaching studies in San Sebastián. During this time he initiated a romantic relationship with José Echevarría, nicknamed as Beltza , a young man three years older than her who was from the neighboring town of Amézqueta and with whom he shared a gang of friends . Beltza, who was also a militant of ETA, died on November 28, 1973 in Guecho by accidentally exploiting the bomb he carried.

At the end of 1973, Yoyes was surprised by stealing a multicopist from a Zumárraga school. This fact and the arrest of his brother, also militant from ETA, exposed his political activity, which forced her to flee to the Basque Basque Country.

During his stage as an ETA militant in France, he had as a legal coverage a work as a secretary in the journal Abertzale Enbata , edited in Bayonne.

ETA leader

in France Yoyes became a trusted person of José Miguel Beñarán Ordeñana, Argala, who put her to work in the political office of ETA military; yoyes maintained a relationship of friendship and trust with the main military ETA ideologist. ETA military branch; When in December 1978 Argala he was killed at the hands of the Spanish Basque Battalion, Yoyes went on to occupy his position in front of the political leadership of ETA military, although he carried out these work for a short time.

At the end of January 1979 he is arrested by French agents and confined in a town in southeastern France for several months. At the end of said confinement period, yoyes chose not to accept the options that He gave him the French administration and reimbursed to clandestine life returning to the direction of ETA. However, their relations with the new Military ETA direction worsened. The ancient Bereziak from the political-military ETA and supporters of a harder and more violent action, became strong within the organization. The confrontation with Eugenio Etxebeste antxon was irreversible. Given the threats of some members of the organization, he decided to leave it and march to a country in Latin America in 1980. His abandonment of ETA did it, however, with maximum discretion, without openly criticizing the organization in public.

Exile in Mexico and abandonment of the organization

Yoyes was exiled in Mexico, where he studied sociology and philosophy, and came to work for the UN. In 1984 he traveled to Paris, where he obtained the Statute of Political Refugee.

In August 1985, since there is no open judicial case against her and according to the provisions of the Amnesty Law of 1977, thanks to the help of a friend in the Ministry of Economy, he came into contact with the socialist leader And director of the State Security Julián Sancristóbal, and decided to return to the Basque Country also agreed his return with the Etarra leader Txomin Iturbe with the condition that it would be discreetly made so that it could not be used for propaganda purposes. On October 17, October 17, 1985 The negotiations for their return ended, and finally, on November 11 she returned to the Basque Country with her husband and son, settling in San Sebastián.

However, the reintegration of which for years had been the most sought after militant could not cease to be used or have media impact: the Spanish government presented this fact as a reception to the reintegration measures that then existed and the Weekly Change 16 published a wide report with the title "The return of Etarra" and the photograph of yoyes on the cover, considered as a trigger for his death sentence.

[ required quotation

Many are guilty of this injustice, too many! There are others who are not but impotent before her. There is also a lot of complicit silence. A lot of fear in people first of all, in the face of their own freedom... how much shit! The myth of ETA, the bloody hydration that binds us: In this myth, the person of flesh and blood that is a substrate, exists only as such a substrate, is not human.

has not been clarified why Yoyes returned, conscious without a doubt the danger she ran, because she herself had stated:

I'm going to die and it's better a quick death, even if it's violent, but I can't die now.


The sculpture Eternal configuration one over two, by Jorge Oteiza, is located near where Yoyes was killed, in tribute to her, Nikolas Lekuona and José Sarriegi.

When she returned home, ETA carried out an urgent internal consultation to decide what to do with her. His contact in the gang, Txomin, the leader with whom Yoyes had contacted to make his return, had been deported by France to Algeria, unable to intercede for her, and the ETA leadership met again to take action against the former leader, annoyed by the harsh criticism that she continued to make of them.

Other precedents already existed, such as the murder in 1984 of Miguel Francisco Solaun, who in his day was considered the mastermind of the prisoner escape from the Basauri prison organization in 1968 and who later refused to carry out an attack against some Civil Guard houses.

Accused Yoyes of treason, Pakito, originally as Yoyes from the town of Ordizia, ordered her death: on September 10, 1986 she was shot dead by Antonio López Ruiz, Kubati, while walking during the festivities in his hometown with his 3-year-old son.

The municipal plenary session of the city decided to suspend the festivities as a sign of rejection of an attack perpetrated by "totalitarians and fascists". For their part, leaders close to ETA justified their murder. A month later they met thousands of people in Ordizia to pay homage to Yoyes.

Kubati was arrested in November 1987 when he was making a telephone call from a phone booth in Tolosa (Guipúzcoa), as part of an operation that the Civil Guard called by the name of the son of Yoyes .

Yo-yes today

Currently Yoyes continues to be a media icon, his death being considered a turning point in Basque society and in ETA, at a time when various sectors of said organization they were rethinking the future of their activity, managing ETA to end the trickle of reinsertions.

Yoyes has been defined as a "very admired" and "committed woman, with political vision" and also because of "her status as a woman" in an organization led mostly by men.

Chapter 319 (episode 9 of season 18) of the television series Cuéntame, broadcast on March 9, 2017, tells the story of a fictional former member of the terrorist group ETA, Koro Zabaleta, played by Itziar Ituño, who is murdered by her former companions considering her a traitor: the story bears certain parallels with that of Dolores González Catarain.


  • Documentary Yoyes of the program Documents TV TVE.
  • In the biographical film Yoyes directed by Navarra director Helena Taberna in 1999, Ana Torrent plays the role of Dolores González
  • Juana Acosta interprets Yoyes in the French film Sanctuaryled by director Olivier Masset-Depasse.
  • Yoyesen hilketa del programa Ur handitan: Ahaztu aurretik ETB1.

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