

A doctrine (from Latin doctrīna) is a global set of theoretical conceptions taught as true by a author or group of authors. It can have an ideological dimension that can be political, legal, economic, religious, philosophical, scientific, social, military, etc. Doctrines can sometimes be considered fallacious, sophistical or dogmatic due to their religious or mythological origin.


The word doctrine comes from the Latin doctrīna, its meaning is 'science', 'wisdom'. It is composed of the lexeme docere 'to teach'; the noun suffix ~tor and the suffix ~ina 'relation', 'belonging'.

The lexeme docere comes from the Indo-European root *dek~ which can mean 'thought' or 'acceptance'. It can be seen in dogma, orthodoxo, paradoja, decente, digno and derivatives; indagar, disciple and discipline, diplodoco, synecdoque, etc.

Etymologically speaking, doctrine is the teaching that is given for the instruction of someone. Science or wisdom. The opinion of one or more authors on any matter. The catechesis that is done to the people explaining the Christian doctrine. The contest of people who, with the preachers, go out in procession through the streets to the place where the talk is to be held. During the Spanish colony, the collative curacy served by regulars or the pueblo de indios again reduced to religion, when the parish or curacy had not yet been established in it.

Catholic doctrine or catechism, which every Christian should know by reason of his profession.

Doctrine in the Bible According to the root of what was written in the Greek, in the Bible, the word "doctrine" is pronounced as "didachē" and written as "did-akh-ay'", as a reference Strong's number G1322. A word that would be used with its familiarity that would refer to a way of thinking, a type of wisdom, a thought, an ordinance, an advice, a principle. When Jesus spoke, the Bible says that the people marveled at his doctrine; that He taught with a special kind of thinking and a special kind of depth. Jesus said "what I hear from my Father, that I say"; so that his doctrine came from God. This is how the Bible certifies

Common doctrine, the opinion commonly held by most authors who have written on a subject. (Politics-Argentina), made up of the 20 Peronist truths, the third position in international politics and the 3 Justicialist flags: Economic Independence, Political Sovereignty and Social Justice.

Scientific Doctrine: it is based on the Observation and analysis of a process to be improved. It is a mental process of observation. It is a Present Mind. It is based on the Observation of Mental and Physical Patterns. Understanding a pattern gives us clarity.

Doctrine and education

The term indoctrination has acquired negative connotations from the XX century, becoming Synonymous with re-education or brainwashing.

The difference between doctrine and education consists in the fact that education seeks to ensure that the student is the person to be educated; stay as superficial as possible to the accumulated knowledge and analyze it; while in indoctrination , the learner remains within the body of knowledge or beliefs and absorbs its teachings. For example, studying theology can be considered as a process of indoctrination, whose educational equivalent would be the comparative study of religions. The difference between the theoretical and the doctrinaire is that the former resorts to data and arguments while the latter does so to beliefs and premises of faith.

doctrinarism or doctrinaire liberalism is a doctrine and political practice of the so-called doctrinaires, a French political and ideological group of the XIX, which significantly influenced Spain (the Moderate Party and Donoso Cortés) and its colonies.

Legal doctrine

In the legal field, legal doctrine is the idea of law supported by jurists. They are directives that are not direct to resolve a legal dispute, they indicate to the judge how to proceed to discover a decisive directive or directives for the issue in the debate, and help in the creation of the legal system. The word doctrine is also used to refer to a legislative principle.

Strategic principles and action plans

In the military, political, diplomatic and management fields. In this case, the doctrine would be the principles on which a strategy and action plans would be based.


The term is also applicable to the concept of an established procedure for a complex operation in warfare. The archetypal example is "tactical doctrine" in which a pattern set of maneuvers, troop types, and weapons are used as the predetermined approach to a type of attack.

The term is also applicable to the concept of an established procedure for a complex operation in warfare. The archetypal example is "tactical doctrine" in which a pattern set of maneuvers, troop types, and weapons are used as the predetermined approach to a type of attack.

  • Race War or Assault Trade (Commerce raiding)
  • Tactics of hitting and running
  • Mahan Tactic at the end of the centuryXIX until mid- xx
  • Tactic man hunter
  • Doctrine Reagan of the Cold War
  • Suitable and turkey
  • In-depth operations Deep Soviet Battle of World War II
  • World War I trenches

Almost every military organization has its own doctrine, sometimes written down, sometimes not. Some military doctrines are passed on through training programs. More recently, in modern peacekeeping operations, involving both civilian and military operations, more comprehensive, not just military, doctrines are now emerging; such as the 2008 UN peacekeeping “Capstone Doctrine” which speaks of integrated civilian and military operations.


The following religious doctrines may be listed as examples:

  • In Christian theology: doctrines such as the most holy trinity, virgin birth and atonement
    • In Catholic theology: transubstantiation, Marian teachings, immaculate conception, etc.
    • The distinctive Calvinist doctrine of double predestination
  • Yuga in Hinduism
  • Postulation or syādvāda in jainism
  • The four noble truths in Buddhism
  • Tao in Taoism.

A department of the Roman curia is called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

La doctrina, rural parish of villages or Indian towns in Spanish America or the Spanish East Indies.

Sociology of religion

According to the American sociologist Mervin F. Verbit (1936), doctrine can be understood as one of the key components of religiosity. And the doctrine itself can be divided into four dimensions:

  • Contents
  • Frequency
  • Intensity
  • Centrality

The content of a doctrine can vary from one religion to another, as well as the degree to which it can occupy the person's mind (frequency), the intensity of the doctrine, and the centrality of the doctrine (in that religious tradition)..

In this sense, according to Charles Glock, a doctrine approaches the dimension of «belief» in religiosity.


  • The Secret Doctrine, Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy is one of Helena Blavatsky's main works. The book deals with the synthesis of scientific, philosophical and religious thought.
  • Spiritual doctrine; originated in France in the mid-centuryXIX, whose highest exponent was Allan Kardek (1804-1869)

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