

Dillo is a small cross-platform web browser, released as free software under the GPLv3 license. Its first version dates from December 1999; It is developed using the C programming language and the FLTK-2 routines. Dillo's rendering engine is based on version 0.2.2 of Gzilla.

Dillo is characterized by its speed and small size (it occupies approximately 350 KB), which makes it especially useful on computers with low resources. Added to this, Dillo can be considered a safe browser — cookie support is disabled by default.

As of version 2.1.1 dated July 3, 2009, Dillo still lacks full support for CSS, Java, JavaScript, and animated GIFs. Support for frames is very limited: Dillo displays a hyperlink to each frame, and then displays the content of the NOFRAMES element (section targeted for applications that cannot display frames). It has support for tabbed browsing and non-Latin-1 character encoding. In recent versions it included antialiasing and started to support CSS.

After a time in which efforts were not put into adding new features to the browser but rather abandoning GTK+ in favor of FLTK, to allow, among other things, support for UTF-8, antialiasing and ease of portability, in addition to the support for plugins in a similar way to Mozilla Firefox and during which the project stopped development due to lack of funds, in 2006, it has returned to normal in 2008, as shown by the new versions 2.

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