

Dichelachne is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Poaceae family. It is native to Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, East Timor, and the Pacific. It comprises 25 described species and of these, only 7 accepted.


The genus was described by Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher and published in Prodromus Florae Norfolkicae 20. 1833. The type species is: Dichelachne montana Endl.


Dichelachne; Generic name derived from the Greek dichelos (hoof), and achne (straw, scale), in reference to their two-lobed lemmas.


Base number of the chromosome, x = 7. 2n = 70. 10 ploid.

Accepted species

The following is a list of the species of the genus Dichelachne accepted up to July 2011, arranged alphabetically. For each one, the binomial name followed by the author is indicated, abbreviated according to conventions and uses.

  • Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
  • Dichelachne hirtella N.G.Walsh
  • Dichelachne inaequiglumis (Hack ex Cheeseman) Edgar & Connor
  • Dichelachne lautumia Edgar " Connor
  • Dichelachne micrantha (Cav.) Domin
  • Dichelachne parva B.K.Simon
  • Dichelachne weird (R.Br.) Vickery

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