

Diandrochloa is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family. It is native to America, Australia, Asia, and Africa.


The name of the genus derives from the Greek diandro (male) and chloé (grass), alluding to its florets.


Base number of chromosome, x = 10. "small" chromosomes.


  • Diandrochloa diarrhena (Schult. & Schult. f.) A.N. Henry.
  • Diandrochloa diplachnoides (Steud.) A.N. Henry.
  • Diandrochloa glomerata (Walter) Burkart
  • Diandrochloa japonica (Thunb.) A.N. Henry.
  • Diandrochloa namaquensis (Nees ex Schrad.) De Winter
  • Diandrochloa pusilla (Hack.) De Winter

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