

Deschampsia is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Poaceae family. It comprises 179 described species and of these, only 41 accepted.


They are tussock perennials or annuals. Pods with free margins; ligule a membrane; blades linear, flattened to convoluted or setaceous.

Inflorescence a terminal panicle. Pedicelate spikelets, laterally compressed, usually with 2(3) bisexual florets; disarticulation above glumes and between florets; glumes subequal, 1-3-veined, carnate, longer or slightly shorter than florets; lemmas somewhat rounded on back, faintly 5-7-veined, ridged dorsally, ridge usually inserted near base or lower 1/2, apex erose or 4-dented to 2-lobed; palea almost as long as lemma, 2-carinated; hairy callus; rachilla extended by the base of the upper floret, generally hairy; lodicules 2; stamens (1-)3; styles 2; glabrous ovary.

Fruit a caryopsis, not attached to the palea; dotted thread; hard endosperm.

Distribution and habitat

They occur in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Oceania, North America, South America, and Antarctica.


The genus was described by Ambroise Marie François Joseph Palisot de Beauvois and published in Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 91, pl. 18, f. 3. 1812. The type species is: Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.


Deschampsia: A generic name given in honor of the French botanist Louis Auguste Deschamps.


  • Deschampsia airiformis (Steud.) Benth. Hook. f. ex B.D. Jacks.
  • Deschampsia angusta Stapf & C.E. Hubb.
  • Antarctic Schampsia E. Desv
  • Deschampsia argenta Lowe
  • Deschampsia atropurpurea (Wahlenb.) Scheele
  • Deschampsia berteroana (Kunth) F. Meigen
  • Deschampsia chapmanii Petrie
  • Deschampsia christophersenii C.E. Hubb.
  • Deschampsia cordilleranum Hauman
  • Deschampsia danthonioides (Trin.) Benth.
  • Deschampsia domingensis Hitchc. " Ekman
  • Deschampsia elongate (Hook.) Munro
  • Deschampsia folklore Hack.
  • Deschampsia gracillima Kirk
  • Deschampsia kingii (Hook. f.) E. Desv.
  • Deschampsia klossii Ridl.
  • Deschampsia koelerioides Regel
  • Deschampsia laxa Phil.
  • Deschampsia liebmanniana (E. Fourn.) Hitchc.
  • Deschampsia ligulata (Stapf) Henrard
  • Deschampsia looseriana Parodi
  • Deschampsia maderensis (Hack. & Bornm.) Buschm.
  • Deschampsia mejlandii C.E. Hubb.
  • Deschampsia mendocin Parodi
  • Deschampsia mildbraedii Pilg.
  • Deschampsia minor Clayton
  • Deschampsia nubigena Hillebr.
  • Deschampsia parvula (Hook. f.) E. Desv.
  • Deschampsia patula (Phil.) Skottsb.
  • Deschampsia pusilla Petrie
  • Deschampsia robust C.E. Hubb.
  • Deschampsia tenella Petrie
  • Deschampsia venustula Parodi
  • Deschampsia wacei C.E. Hubb.

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