December 31


December 31 is the 365th (three hundred and sixty-fifth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 366th (three hundred and sixty-sixth) day in leap years. It is the last day of the year, so due to this special peculiarity the night of this day is commonly known as New Year's Eve.


  • 406: Vandals, Suevos and Alanos cross the Rhine, which was frozen, beginning the invasion of Galia.
  • 1147: in Tortosa, Ramon Berenguer IV reconquers the city.
  • 1229: the city of Palma de Mallorca — in the hands of the Muslims, is conquered by Jaime I the Conqueror.
  • 1431: In Granada, Yusuf IV is proclaimed Sultan after a popular revolt that destroys Muhammad IX.
  • 1556: In Spain, the humanist and poet of Ethiopian origin Juan Latino, receives at the University of Granada the Chair of grammar and Latin language, becoming the first person of black race to receive European university studies.
  • 1584: In Spain, Felipe II signed with the Catholic League, led by Enrique de Guisa, the Treaty of Joinville, for which they committed to expelling Protestants.
  • 1704: On the island of Tenerife (Islas Canarias), the Teide volcano erupted.
  • 1730: An earthquake in Japan is recorded, leaving a balance of 200,000 dead. Three months ago, there was an earthquake with 137,000 victims. (See Earthquakes prior to the 20th century).
  • 1784: In Spain, Carlos III establishes the penalty of galera to strengthen the fight against pirates.
  • 1812: In the framework of the War of Independence Argentina, the Battle of Cerrito happens.
  • 1813: In Geneva, after the Napoleonic troops were expelled from Switzerland, a provisional government is established, an ephemeris that is celebrated every year.
  • 1832: In Spain, King Fernando VII publicly states that the decree by which he had repealed the Pragmatic Sanction was worthless.
  • 1844: A Royal Order for the creation of railways is approved in Spain.
  • 1844: The Philippines adapts to the Gregorian calendar, so this day did not exist: on Tuesday, December 30 (which in the Philippines was Monday) was followed by Wednesday, January 1, 1845.
  • 1851: The first submarine cable between Dover (England) and Calais (France) is opened on the La Mancha channel.
  • 1852: Luis Napoleón Bonaparte, president of the French Republic, issued a decree re-establishing the French eagle of the Legion of Honour.
  • 1857: In Canada, the city of Ottawa becomes the capital.
  • 1874: In Spain an interim government is constituted under the direction of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo after the coup of the military Arsenio Martínez Campos and the restoration of the monarchy is decreed, following the accession of the general captain of Castilla la Nueva, Primo de Rivera.
  • 1912: The Institute of Legal Medicine is established in Spain.
  • 1913: In Spain, the Ministry of the Interior establishes censorship over film material.
  • 1916: Charles I is crowned emperor of Austria-Hungary.
  • 1924: In São Paulo, Brazil, the San Silvestre Race is inaugurated, which is held annually to date.
  • 1929: In India, the National Congress, inspired by Gandhi, declares itself in favour of the complete independence of India.
  • 1929: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Raquel Líberman (1900-1935), a Russian woman who is the victim of trafficking, denounces the Jewish-Polish organization Tsvi Migdal and manages to disarm her.
  • 1939: In Vienna, an extraordinary concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, led by the Austrian Clemens Krauss, would mark the creation of the Vienna New Year Concert from 1941.
  • 1944: As part of the Second World War, Hungary declared war on Germany.
  • 1958: the International Geophysical Year ends.
  • 1958: in Havana, Cuba, the dictator Fulgencio Batista left for exile. The revolutionary government of Fidel Castro begins.
  • 1961: in the Cuban village of Palmarito (province of Camagüey), the counter-revolutionary Revolutionary Recovery Movement (MRR)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kills the militiaman Elías Saavedra Flores.
  • 1970: The commission of the Cartagena Agreement established a common policy towards Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), expressed in decision No. 24
  • 1972: a Douglas DC-7 plane, with the help of Nicaragua, falls to the sea after taking off San Juan (Puerto Rico). All passengers die, including Puerto Rican baseball player Roberto Clemente.
  • 1973: In Spain, Francisco Franco appoints Carlos Arias Navarro as president of the Spanish government, after the murder eleven days before Admiral Carrero Blanco.
  • 1978: In Colombia, the 19th April Movement subtracts more than 5000 weapons from a military garrison known as Canton Norte.
  • 1982: In the Basque Country, the Euskal Telebista signal, in the Basque language, begins with the message of the Basque lehendakari Carlos Garaikoetxea. Years later, he would be renamed, Euskal Telebista Bat.
  • 1986: At the Dupont Plaza hotel in San Juan (Puerto Rico), a deliberate fire kills 97 people.
  • 1993: In New Orleans (United States) the disappearance of Ylenia Carrisi (23), the eldest daughter of the Italian singer Al Bano and the American actress Romina Power are known. You'll never know about her again. Fifteen days earlier, the guardian of the municipal aquarium saw a woman with the same characteristics as Ylenia rushing to the Mississippi River.
  • 1997: In Los Angeles (United States), Indian computer Sabir Bhatia (29) sells its Hotmail website to Microsoft for $400 million.
  • 1998: The Euro was implemented as a European currency.
  • 1999: The United States delivers the Panama Canal administration to the Republic of Panama.
  • 1999: The first high-definition television superproduction entitled " The Millennium Day ".
  • 2000: the twentieth century and the second millennium are concluded.
  • 2001: in the first 12 countries of the Eurozone the old national currencies come out of circulation.
  • 2001: Microsoft finishes technical support all Windows before Windows 98. I mean, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, Windows 2.0, Windows 1.0, Windows NT 3.5,3.51, and Windows NT 3.1
  • 2001: the government of José María Aznar eliminates compulsory military service.
  • 2008: at EITB headquarters in Bilbao, Spain, the ETA terrorist gang places a bomb.
  • 2009: partial lunar eclipse and blue moon at the same time, visible in Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania.
  • 2015: there is a large fire in The Address, a large skyscraper of the city of Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and close to the Burj Khalifa. The fire was declared at 21:30 local time (UTC +4). Despite the great magnitude of the fire, the New Year celebration in the city (with fireworks) was not interrupted. Fourteen wounded were reported.
  • 2017: in Guanacaste (Costa Rica) a plane crashes with 12 passengers –10 Americans and 2 Costa Ricans – due to the strong winds.
  • 2018: in Magnitogorsk (Russia), a gas explosion collapses a building causing between 7 and 22 deaths.
  • 2019: In Zacatecas, Mexico, there is a pineapple at the Cereso de Cieneguillas that leaves a balance of 16 dead and 5 wounded.
  • 2019: WHO was informed that 27 people suffered from an unknown type of pneumonia. Most of them were workers at the Wuhan Seafood Market. Seven were in critical condition. As a result, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan intensified border monitoring efforts. Days later, he would be called COVID-19. Coronavirus disease 2019or simply, coronavirus.
  • 2020: Closure of Adobe Flash Player.
    • The total cessation of emissions by analogue signal is expected in Colombia, giving way to terrestrial digital television.


  • 1378: Calixto III, Catholic Pope (f. 1458).
  • 1491: Jacques Cartier, French explorer (f. 1557).
  • 1514: Andreas Vesalio, anatomist and Belgian physiologist (f. 1564).
  • 1571: Go-Yōzei, Japanese emperor (f. 1617).
  • 1658: Juan de Cabrera, Jesuit theologian, Spanish philosopher and writer (f. 1730).
  • 1668: Hermann Boerhaave, a Dutch doctor (f. 1738).
  • 1720: Carlos Eduardo Estuardo, an Italian character pretending to the throne (f. 1788).
  • 1729: Johann Gottlieb Georgi, chemist, geographer and German naturalist (f. 1802).
  • 1741: Isabel de Borbón-Parma, aristocrat española (f. 1763).
  • 1763: Pierre Charles Silvestre de Villeneuve, French military (f. 1806).
  • 1738: Charles Cornwallis, military and British colonial governor (f. 1805).
  • 1771: Juan Manuel Rodríguez, Salvadoran politician (f. 1847).
  • 1803: Johann Carl Fuhlrott, German researcher (f. 1877).
  • 1815: George G. Meade, American General (f. 1872).
  • 1842: Ernesto Tornquist, an Argentine businessman (f. 1908).
  • 1846: Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, a Dutch anarchist socialist (f. 1919).
  • 1848: Aureliano Blanquet, Mexican general and political (f. 1919).
  • 1851: Ernst Betche, botanist and German explorer (f. 1913).
  • 1855: Giovanni Pascoli, Italian poet (f. 1912).
  • 1858: Vincas Kudirka, Lithuanian poet (f. 1899).
  • 1860: Ovid Rebaudi, writer, chemist, researcher and Paraguayan scientist (f. 1931).
  • 1869: Henri Matisse, French painter (f. 1954).
  • 1870: Sodimejo, the longest person ever recorded (f. 2017).
  • 1878: Elizabeth Arden, Canadian entrepreneur (f. 1966).
  • 1878: Horacio Quiroga, cuentist, playwright and Uruguayan poet (f. 1937).
  • 1880: George C. Marshall, American military (f. 1959).
  • 1881: Max Pechstein, German painter (f. 1955).
  • 1889: José Miguel de Barandiarán, Spanish ethnologist (f. 1991).
  • 1893: Nazario S. Ortiz Garza, Mexican politician (f. 1991).
  • 1899: Silvestre Revols, Mexican musician (f. 1940).
  • 1900: Selma Burke, American sculptor and educator (f. 1995).
  • 1901: Silvestre Vargas, Mexican musician and violinist (f. 1985).
  • 1903: Nathan Milstein, American violinist (f. 1992).
  • 1905: Guy Mollet, French politician (f. 1975).
  • 1907: Ramón de la Fuente Leal, Spanish footballer (f. 1973).
  • 1908: Simon Wiesenthal, head of the Jewish Documentation Centre in Vienna, a former prisoner in a concentration camp (f. 2005).
  • 1910: Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, a British soldier and aristocrat (f. 1948).
  • 1911: Amanda Ledesma, an Argentine actress (f. 2000).
  • 1912: John Dutton Frost, British military (f. 1993).
  • 1913: Enrique Serrano Viale Rigo, Chilean politician (f. 1985).
  • 1913: Nina Raspopova, Soviet military aircraft, Heroin of the Soviet Union (f. 2009)
  • 1914: José Manuel Lara, Spanish editor (f. 2003).
  • 1916: Ítalo Luder, an Argentine politician (f. 2008).
  • 1917: José María Gironella, Spanish novelist (f. 2003).
  • 1920: Jorge Lardé and Larín, Salvadoran historian (f. 2001).
  • 1921: Lynn Compton, a U.S. military and judge (f. 2012).
  • 1925: Candy Jones, American pin-up model (f. 1990).
  • 1929: Agustín Acosta Lagunes, Mexican politician (f. 2011).
  • 1929: Enrique Sobisch, Argentine painter and painter (f. 1989).
  • 1930: Odetta, Afro-American folk singer (f. 2008).
  • 1933: Edward Bunker, American writer and actor (f. 2005).
  • 1933: Ovidio Hernández, Mexican musician, of the trio Los Panchos (f. 1976).
  • 1935: Billy Apple, New Zealander (f. 2021).
  • 1935: Carlos Ballesteros, theatrical director and Spanish actor (f. 2011).
  • 1935: Salman bin Abdulaziz, Saudi king.
  • 1935: Fernando Corredor, Colombian actor (f. 2016).
  • 1937: Anthony Hopkins, British actor.
  • 1937: Avram Hershko, Israeli biologist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004.
  • 1937: Francisco Gabica, Spanish cyclist (f. 2014).
  • 1938: Marien Ngouabi, Congolese politician, President of the Congo between 1969 and 1977 (f. 1977).
  • 1940: Luis Giampietri, Peruvian military and political.
  • 1941: Hugo Berly, a Chilean footballer and coach (f. 2009).
  • 1941: Alex Ferguson, British football coach.
  • 1942: Andy Summers, British musician, The Police.
  • 1943: John Denver, American singer (f. 1997).
  • 1943: Ben Kingsley, British actor.
  • 1943: Pete Quaife, British bassist, of the band The Kinks (f. 2010).
  • 1943: Yawovi Agboyibo, a Togolese politician (f. 2020).
  • 1944: Taylor Hackford, American filmmaker.
  • 1945: Concha Márquez Piquer, Spanish singer (f. 2021).
  • 1945: Barbara Carrera, Nicaraguan actress.
  • 1947: Joaquín Araújo, Spanish writer and ecologist.
  • 1947: Rita Lee, Brazilian singer, of the band Os Mutantes.
  • 1947: Tim Matheson, American actor.
  • 1948: Donna Summer, American singer (f. 2012).
  • 1949: Rainer Fetting, German sculptor.
  • 1951: Tom Hamilton, American musician, of the Aerosmith band.
  • 1951: Fernando Jaramillo Paredes, Colombian musician, director of the Los Tupamaros orchestra (f. 2014).
  • 1953: Richard Páez, traumatologist, ex-futbolist and Venezuelan coach.
  • 1953: Jane Badler, American actress.
  • 1953: James Remar, American actor.
  • 1954: Alex Salmond, British politician.
  • 1954: Pedro Zarraluki, Spanish narrator.
  • 1955: Luis Ángel Márquez, Argentine singer.
  • 1956: Delano Rigters, Surinamese footballer.
  • 1958: Mario Mazzone, an Argentine journalist and editor (f. 2007).
  • 1959: Val Kilmer, American actor.
  • 1959: Paul Westerberg, American musician, of the band The Replacements.
  • 1962: Juan Marín, entrepreneur and Spanish politician.
  • 1963: Scott Ian, American guitarist, of the band Anthrax.
  • 1965: Gong Li, Chinese actress.
  • 1965: Nicholas Sparks, American writer.
  • 1966: Ricky Espinosa, guitarist punk and Argentine singer, from the band Flema (f. 2002).
  • 1969: Luis Dámaso, Spanish tenor.
  • 1969: Thom Russo, American record producer.
  • 1970: Bryon Russell, American basketball player.
  • 1971: Brent Barry, American basketball player.
  • 1971: Claudio Bermúdez, Mexican singer.
  • 1972: Joey McIntyre, American singer, from the New Kids band on the Block.
  • 1972: Grégory Coupet, French footballer.
  • 1973: Shandon Anderson, American basketball player.
  • 1974: Tony Kanaan, Brazilian motor racing driver.
  • 1974: Joe Abercrombie, British writer.
  • 1974: Cândido Barbosa, Portuguese cyclist.
  • 1975: Mikko Sirén, Finnish drummer, of the Apocalyptic band.
  • 1975: Sendoa Agirre, Spanish footballer.
  • 1975: Reagan Foxx, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • 1975: Toni Kuivasto, Finnish footballer.
  • 1976: Ibrahima Bakayoko, Ivorian footballer.
  • 1977: Donald Trump Jr., American businessman.
  • 1977: Marta Hazas, Spanish actress.
  • 1977: PSY, South Korean singer and humorist.
  • 1978: Gustavo Kuffner, Argentine sports journalist.
  • 1978: Johnny Sins, American pornographic actor.
  • 1978: Sugey Ábrego, Mexican actress and driver.
  • 1979: Bob Bryar, American drummer, of the My Chemical Romance band.
  • 1979: Guillermo Díaz Gastambide, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1979: José Juan Figueras, Spanish footballer.
  • 1980: Richie McCaw, New Zealander.
  • 1980: Rosanne Mulholland, Brazilian actress.
  • 1980: Jaime Mandros, Peruvian producer and presenter.
  • 1980: Olga Liubímova, Russian policy, since 2020 Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation
  • 1981: Francisco García, Dominican basketball.
  • 1981: Guilherme do Prado, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1981: Ricky Whittle, British actor.
  • 1981: Tobias Rau, German footballer.
  • 1982: Ronald Belisario, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1982: Craig Gordon, British footballer.
  • 1982: Ahmed Chawki, Moroccan singer.
  • 1982: Rafael Ledesma, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1982: Jesse Huerta, Mexican singer, of the duo Jesse & Joy.
  • 1984: Luis Fernández Estébanez, Spanish actor.
  • 1984: Demba Touré, Senegalese footballer.
  • 1984: Arturo Muñoz Gutiérrez, Mexican footballer.
  • 1984: Ederson Trinidad Lopes, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1984: Alejandra Lazcano, Mexican actress.
  • 1984: Calvin Zola, Congolese footballer.
  • 1984: Édgar Gerardo Lugo, Mexican footballer.
  • 1984: Thelma Madrigal, Mexican actress.
  • 1985: Shay Laren, American model.
  • 1987: Javaris Crittenton, American basketball player.
  • 1987: Seydou Doumbia, Ivorian footballer.
  • 1987: Fabricio August, Spanish footballer.
  • 1989: Mamadou Bagayoko, Ivorian footballer.
  • 1989: Mohammed Rabiu, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1990: Camilo Echevarría, pilot of Argentine motor racing.
  • 1991: Djené Dakonam Ortega, a Togolese footballer.
  • 1992: Jacob Akrong, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1992: George Odhiambo, Kenyan footballer.
  • 1993: Bradley Dack, English footballer.
  • 1993: Amato Ciciretti, Italian footballer.
  • 1993: So Joo-yeon, South Korean actress.
  • 1993: Sandra Itzel, Mexican singer and actress.
  • 1995: Gabby Douglas, American art gymnast.
  • 1997: Ludovic Blas, French footballer.
  • 1997: Admir dos Santos Ferreira, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1997: Moctar Sidi El Don, Mauritanian footballer.
  • 1998: Alina Sanko, Russian model.
  • 1999: Ellesse Andrews, New Zealand cyclist.
  • 1999: Kim So-hee, South Korean singer.
  • 1999: Polina Jan, Russian teekwondista.
  • 1999: Calvin Bassey, Nigerian footballer.
  • 1999: Leif Davis, English footballer.
  • 1999: Jason Daði Svanþórsson, Icelandic footballer.
  • 2000: Logan Sargeant, American motor racing pilot.
  • 2000: Sergio Barcia, Spanish footballer.
  • 2002: Mako Yamashita, artistic skater on Japanese ice.
  • 2003: Erika Fairweather, New Zealand swimmer.


  • 192: Comfort, Roman emperor between 180 and 192 (n. 161).
  • 335: Silvestre I, Roman religious, Pope between 314-335 (n. 270).
  • 406: Godegisilio, king Vandal (n. 359).
  • 1384: John Wycliffe, English philosopher and theologian (n. c. 1320).
  • 1510: White Mary Sforza, an Italian aristocrat (n. 1472).
  • 1588: Luis de Granada, a Spanish religious and writer (n. 1504).
  • 1679: Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, physician, mathematician and Neapolitan physicist (n. 1608).
  • 1691: Robert Boyle, an Anglo-Irish physicist and chemical (n. 1627).
  • 1719: John Flamsteed, British astronomer (n. 1646).
  • 1818: Jean-Pierre Duport, a cellist and a French composer (n. 1741).
  • 1865: Fredrika Bremer, Swedish writer and activist (n. 1801).
  • 1877: Gustave Courbet, French painter (n. 1819).
  • 1882: Léon Gambetta, a French politician (n. 1838).
  • 1886: Mariano Felipe Paz Soldán, historian and Peruvian geographer (n. 1821).
  • 1888: Samson Raphael Hirsch, German rabbi, founder of the new orthodoxy (n. 1808).
  • 1893: Ignacio Luis Vallarta, lawyer, politician, jurist and Mexican diplomat (n. 1830).
  • 1902: Cándido López, Argentine painter (n. 1840).
  • 1917: Federico Zandomeneghi, Italian painter (n. 1841).
  • 1925: J. Gordon Edwards, American director of silent cinema (n. 1867).
  • 1936: Miguel de Unamuno, a Spanish writer and philosopher (n. 1864).
  • 1951: Maksim Litvínov, a Soviet politician and diplomat (n. 1876).
  • 1953: Cristóbal de Castro, a Spanish writer (n. 1874).
  • 1957: Óscar Domínguez, a Spanish surrealist painter (n. 1906).
  • 1964: Ólafur Thors, Icelandic politician (n. 1892).
  • 1970: Javier Rojo Gómez, Mexican politician (n. 1896).
  • 1971: Pete Duel, American actor (n. 1940).
  • 1972: Roberto Clemente, Puerto Rican baseball player (n. 1934).
  • 1974: Thedy, Spanish clown (n. 1885).
  • 1976: Judith Westphalen, Peruvian painter (n. 1922).
  • 1980: Marshall McLuhan, Canadian essayist (n. 1911).
  • 1980: Raoul Walsh, American filmmaker (n. 1887).
  • 1985: Ricky Nelson, American singer and actor (n. 1940).
  • 1986: Carolina Álvarez Prado, an Argentine painter (n. 1902).
  • 1993: Zviad Gamsajurdia, Georgian politician, first president of his country (n. 1939).
  • 1994: Woody Strode, American actor (n. 1914).
  • 1997: Billie Dove, American actress in mute cinema (n. 1903).
  • 2000: José Greco, Italian dancer and choreographer (n. 1918).
  • 2000: Alfonso Corona del Rosal, attorney, military and Mexican politician (n. 1906).
  • 2001: Javier Benjumea, entrepreneur and Spanish politician (n. 1915).
  • 2003: Enrique Buenaventura, Colombian playwright (n. 1925).
  • 2004: Gerard Debreu, an American economist of French origin (n. 1921).
  • 2004: Raúl Matas, journalist and Chilean television driver (n. 1921).
  • 2005: Joaquín Vallejo was an engineer, economist, diplomat, minister, intellectual and Colombian writer. (n. 1912).
  • 2005: Lorenzo Gomis, Spanish poet and journalist (n. 1924).
  • 2005: Carlos Roffé, Argentine actor (n. 1943).
  • 2007: Piedad de la Cierva, a Spanish scientist (n. 1913).
  • 2007: Ettore Sottsass, Italian architect and designer (n. 1917).
  • 2008: Julio Nieto Bernal, journalist and Colombian radio announcer (n. 1935).
  • 2008: Donald Westlake, American writer (n. 1933).
  • 2010: Raymond Impanis, Belgian cyclist (n. 1925).
  • 2010: Per Oscar Heinrich Oscarsson, Swedish actor (n. 1927).
  • 2011: Penelope Jones Halsall, British writer (n. 1946).
  • 2012: Moses Broggi, a Spanish doctor and pacifist (n. 1908).
  • 2012: Sergio de Castro, plastic artist and Francoargentine musician (n. 1922).
  • 2012: Antonio Ugo, an Argentine actor in film, theatre and television (n. 1951).
  • 2013: James Avery, American actor (n. 1948).
  • 2014: Edward Herrmann, American actor (n. 1943).
  • 2015: Natalie Cole, American singer (n. 1950).
  • 2015: Wayne Rogers, American actor (n. 1933).
  • 2016: Demetrio Románovich Románov, prince, banker, philanthropist and Russian author (n. 1926).
  • 2020: Robert Hossein, actor, director and writer of French cinema (n. 1927).
  • 2021: Betty White, American actress and comedian (n. 1922).
  • 2022: Benedict XVI, priest, theologian and German philosopher, Pope of the Catholic Church between 2005 and 2013 (n. 1927).


Catholic Church

With the liturgy of the day, the solemn celebration of the Te Deum is planned. The pope usually celebrates it on the afternoon of December 31. It is the Seventh day of the Octave of Christmas.

New Year's Eve

  • In Spain and some other Latin American countries the year is laid off with the habit of eating twelve or fifteen grapes accompanying the twelve bells of midnight on December 31. It should be noted that, as a curiosity, the Millennium Festival was held at the end of 1999.
  • In Italy they have to eat lentils in order to have a prosperous year.
  • In Japan the end-of-year parties last 15 days, take a traditional soup of noodles, visit the Buddhist temple and drink sake.
  • In the Netherlands they eat sweets called kerstkransjes.
  • In Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and other countries it is customary to manufacture giant monigotes and rag dolls, wood and/or cardboard, representing any fashionable character (actors, musicians, politicians, TV characters, etc.) that are called "Old Year" and that are burned at midnight of the 31st, and thus receive the new year between good and good. Then the celebration continues with great dances and traditional food in their homes.

Catholic saints list

  • San Silvestre IPope (335).
  • Saints Donata, Paulina, Rogata, Dominanda, Serotina, Saturnina and Hilaria of Rome, martyrs.
  • Saint Columba de Sens, virgin and martyr (s. IV).
  • St.Zotic of Constantinople, priest (s. IV).
  • Saints Melania the Young and Valerian Piniano (439).
  • San Barbaciano de Ravena, priest (s. V).
  • St. Mario de Lausanne, bishop (594).
  • San Juan Francisco Regis, priest (1640).
  • Blessed Alano de Solminihac, Bishop of Cahors (1659).
  • Saint Catherine Labouré, virgin (1876).

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