December 10
Contenido December 10 is the 344th (three hundred forty-fourth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 345th (three hundred forty-fifth) day of the year in leap years. There are 21 days left to end the year.
- 1041: Michael V is crowned emperor in Byzantium.
- 1348: the king of Aragon, Peter IV, overcomes by arms the Union of Valencia.
- 1508: Louis XII of France, Pope Julius II, Emperor Maximilian I of Austria and Fernando the Catholic formed the League of Cambrai to face the Venice Republic in the Italian Wars.
- 1520: Martin Luther burns in Wittenberg (Germany) the ex-communion Buddha Exsurge Domine, decreed against him by Pope Leo X.
- 1531: The third appearance of the virgin of Guadalupe in the hill of Tepeyac
- 1606: the construction of Seville Cathedral in Spain is completed, after 203 years of works.
- 1640: the Battle of the Balaguer hill is delivered in the framework of the War of the Segators.
- 1710: In the Spanish War of Succession, the troops of Felipe V defeat the allies in the battles of Brihuega and Villaviciosa.
- 1718: is hanged in Charleston the famous pirate Stede Bonnet.
- 1809: in the framework of the War of Independence, the city of Gerona (Spain) capitulates after seven months of French siege despite the help of the troops of Juan Clarós.
- 1817: In the United States, the state of Mississippi is integrated into the Union.
- 1830: Simon Bolivar in Santa Marta announces his last proclamation.
- 1833: In Nicaragua, a decree was signed on the construction of an interocean canal (which would begin only in 2015).
- 1834: the villa of Puente Genil (provincia de Córdoba) is founded in Spain by Royal Decree signed by the regent María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias.
- 1844: The dentist Horace Wells discovers in Hartford (Connecticut) the anesthetic effects of nitrogen protoxide.
- 1848: In France, Luis Napoleón—the future Napoleon III—is elected President of the French Republic.
- 1859: the Battle of Santa Inés is delivered in Santa Inés (Venezuela) – in the framework of the Federal War – in which the federalists are in charge of General Ezequiel Zamora.
- 1860: The vote is granted to women in the state of Wyoming, for the first time in the history of the United States.
- 1861: the state of Kentucky (United States) is integrated into the Confederation.
- 1879: Astronomer Johann Palisa discovers the asteroid Isolda (211) in the observatory of Pula (Croatia).
- 1898: the Treaty of Paris, which ends the Spanish-American war, is signed, for which Spain loses the dominion over Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, the last remnants of its empire.
- 1901: in Stockholm and Oslo the first official award of the Nobel Prizes is held.
- 1919: the Kaith and Ross Smith brothers make the first flight between Britain and Australia.
- 1932: a new constitution and the government are adopted in Thailand, and a constitutional monarchy is established after the coup d’état.
- 1936: Edward VIII abdicates to the throne in London (United Kingdom) and announces his intention to marry the plebeya Wallis Simpson.
- 1941: the Japanese navy plunges the British battleship Prince of Wales and the battle cruise Repulse.
- 1945: Juan Domingo Perón and Evita marry in the Church of San Francisco de Assisis de La Plata
- 1945: Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral receives the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- 1947: Burma is independent of the United Kingdom.
- 1947: Panama signed the Philosopher-Hines Convention, which agreed on the transfer to the United States of several territories for military bases; this agreement provoked popular demonstrations in Panama.
- 1948: The UN approves in Paris the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- 1950: The United Nations General Assembly invites all member States and interested organizations to observe this day as "Human Rights Day", according to resolution 423(V), to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly in 1948.
- 1955: Spain is part of the United Nations Organization.
- 1961: in the Vatican City, Pope John XXIII launches a call to Christian unity in the encyclical Aeterna Dei Sapientia.
- 1961: United States detonates its Gnome atomic bomb in a well at 361 m under the Nevada atomic test site. This was the nuclear test n° 204 of 1131 carried out by that country between 1945 and 1992.
- 1967: United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 531: Gasbuggy, 29 kiloton in a well 1290 meters underground, about 33 km southwest of the population of Dulce (state of New Mexico), at 12:30 (local time). It was detonated to investigate whether it was possible to extract gas from the subsoil. However, all the gas extracted was too radioactive.
- 1969: United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs n.o 656 and 657: Culantro-1 and Culantro-2 (both less than 20 kilotons each) in two separate wells (about 155 meters from each other) at 134 meters deep, in the U3hia and U3hib areas of the Nevada atomic test site (about 110 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:00 pm). Half an hour later – at 7:30 (local time) – the Tun-1, Tun-2, Tun-3 and Tun-4 atomic bombs (from 2.5, 2, 2 and 3 kilotons, respectively) are simultaneously detonated in four separate wells (190 meters from each other) to 194 and 256 meters deep, in the U10am area. It is the bombs No. 658-661 of the 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1971: Chilean poet Pablo Neruda receives the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- 1977: the dictatorship of Videla kidnapped Azucena Villaflor (53) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of the founders of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. That afternoon, Villaflor had published in the newspapers the list of several young disappeared. On December 20, after ten days of torture, it will be dropped alive from an airplane to the Rio de la Plata (Vuelos de la Muerte).
- 1981: the first day of the Massacre of El Mozote in El Salvador, in the framework of the "Operation Rescue" against the FMLN: the Armed Forces tortures and executes 900 civilian peasants (men, women and children) unarmed. It is considered the worst massacre in the Western Hemisphere, in modern times. His political leader, dictator José Napoleón Duarte (1925-1990), was never judged.
- 1982: The United States detonates its atomic bomb, of 20 kilotons in a well at 413 meters underground, in the U4al area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 7:20 (local time). It is the 987 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1983: Constitutional government of Raúl Alfonsín assumed political power by completing the National Reorganization Process initiated in the coup d'état in Argentina in 1976. Argentina recovered the rule of law.
- 1986: The first demolitions begin in Riaño, which will be interrupted by a judicial interdict.
- 1988: United States detonates its atomic bomb Misty Echo, of 25 kilotons in a well 400 meters underground, in the U12n.23 area of the Nevada atomic test site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:30 (local time). It is the 1089 bomb of 1131 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1990: Octavio Paz receives the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- 1991: The Roman Bridge of Merida, Spain, considered the longest of antiquity, becomes exclusively pedestrian.
- 1993: in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), the Unesco declares the Spanish "Camino de Santiago" World Heritage Site.
- 1999: in Buenos Aires, Fernando de la Rúa assumes the presidency of the Argentine Nation, happening in the post Carlos Saul Menem.
- 2000: Ethiopian paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged (1969-) discovers in the depression of Afar of the Great Rift Valley (Ethiopia) the fossil remains of Selam, a 3-year-old girl of the species Australopithecus afarensis3.3 million years.
- 2003: U.S. company IBM concludes negotiations with the Chinese group Lenovo, selling to it its division of personal computers. Along with PC division, Lenovo gets around 10,000 IBM employees and the right to use IBM and Thinkpad brands for five years.
- 2007: Cristina Fernández assumes the presidency of Argentina. This is the first woman elected president, in this nation, by popular vote. (In 1974, María Estela Martínez de Perón was elected vice president and became president after the death of Juan Domingo Perón, her husband and president of Argentina).
- 2007: The Led Zeppelin group meets in London in tribute to Ahmet Ertegün.
- 2008: In Greece, a general strike called by trade unions is held to protest the high number of unemployed in the midst of the international crisis.
- 2010: in Liúbertsi, 20 km from Moscow (Russia), the amateur astronomer Leonid Yelenin (1981-) discovers comet C/2010 X1, which will be called comet Elenín.
- 2011: in Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner takes over the presidency of Argentina.
- 2014: The River Plate football club is dedicated champion of the South American Cup after defeating in the final Atlético Nacional de Medellín for 2 to 0.
- 2015: Mauricio Macri assumes the presidency of Argentina after having defeated Daniel Scioli with 51 % of the votes in the first balotaje of Argentine history.
- 2019: Alberto Fernández assumes the presidency of the Argentine Republic.
- 2022: As part of the 2022 World Football Cup, the Moroccan Football Team becomes the first selected African and Arabic to access semifinals from a football world..
- 1452: Johannes Stöffler, a German mathematician and astronomer (f. 1531).
- 1538: Giovanni Battista Guarini, Italian poet (f. 1612).
- 1610: Adriaen van Ostade, a Dutch painter (f. 1685).
- 1751: George Shaw, British botanist and zoologist (f. 1813).
- 1763: Agathe de Rambaud, nanny of the Dolphins of France (f. 1853).
- 1783: María Bibiana Benítez, a Puerto Rican poet (f. 1873).
- 1787: Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, American educator (f. 1851).
- 1804: Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi, German mathematician (f. 1851).
- 1805: Josef Škoda, Czech physicist (f. 1881).
- 1815: Ada Lovelace, British mathematics (f. 1852).
- 1821: Nikolái Nekrásov, Russian poet (f. 1877).
- 1822: César Franck, Belgian composer (f. 1890).
- 1824: George MacDonald, British writer and priest (f. 1905).
- 1830: Emily Dickinson, American poet (f. 1886).
- 1851: Melvil Dewey, American librarian and bibliotecologist (f. 1931).
- 1853: Loreto Capella Olasagasti, gastronome and Spanish cook (f. 1929).
- 1855: August Spies, German-American anarchist (f. 1887).
- 1861: Daisy Greville, English aristocrat, lover of King Edward VII (f. 1938).
- 1867: Carmen de Burgos, journalist, writer and Spanish feminist (f. 1932)
- 1870: Adolf Loos, Austrian architect (f. 1933).
- 1870: Pierre Louÿs, French writer (f. 1925).
- 1878: Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, a politician and an Indian lawyer (f. 1972).
- 1880: Charles King, American athlete (f. 1958).
- 1882: Otto Neurath, a German sociologist and philosopher (f. 1945).
- 1882: Shigenori Tōgō, a Japanese politician (f. 1950).
- 1882: Louis Wilkins, American athlete (f. 1950).
- 1884: Zinaida Serebriakova, Russian-French painter (f. 1967).
- 1886: Harold Alexander, British military (f. 1969).
- 1886: Victor McLaglen, British actor (f. 1959).
- 1891: Nelly Sachs, German-Successian poet and playwright (f. 1970).
- 1902: Dulce María Loynaz, Cuban poet (f. 1997).
- 1903: A Merkel, American actress (f. 1986).
- 1903: Miguel Odriozola, Spanish geneticist and trade unionist (f. 1974).
- 1903: Mary Norton, British Child Literature Writer (f. 1992)
- 1904: Juan José Arévalo Bermejo, president of Guatemala (f. 1990).
- 1907: Rumer Godden, British writer (f. 1998).
- 1907: Lucien Laurent, French footballer (f. 2005).
- 1908: Mario Evaristo, Argentine footballer (f. 1993).
- 1908: Olivier Messiaen, French composer (f. 1992).
- 1909: Georg Ludwig Jochum, director of German orchestra and musician (f. 1970).
- 1913: Morton Gould, American composer (f. 1996).
- 1914: Dorothy Lamour, American actress (f. 1996).
- 1915: Monroe Beardsley, American philosopher (f. 1985).
- 1916: Alfredo Ripstein, producer of Mexican cinema (f. 2007).
- 1917: Eladio Dieste, Uruguayan engineer (f. 2000).
- 1917: Pedro Elías Zadunaisky, astronomer and Argentine mathematician (f. 2009).
- 1918: Anne Gwynne, American actress (f. 2003).
- 1919: Sesto Bruscantini, bass and baritone Italian (f. 2003).
- 1919: Alexander Courage, American composer (f. 2008).
- 1919: Esther Forero, Colombian singer (f. 2011).
- 1919: Vicentico Valdés, Cuban singer (f. 1995).
- 1920: Clarice Lispector, Brazilian writer (f. 1977).
- 1923: Lucia Hiriart, Chile's first lady between 1974 and 1990 (f. 2021).
- 1923: Harold Gould, an American actor (f. 2010).
- 1923: Jorge Semprún, politician and Spanish writer (f. 2011).
- 1923: Clorindo Testa, architect and Argentine painter (f. 2013).
- 1924: Michael Manley, Jamaican politician, 4th Prime Minister (f. 1997).
- 1926: Harry Fowler, British actor (f. 2012).
- 1927: Agnes Nixon, American actress and filmmaker (f. 2016).
- 1928: Dan Blocker, American actor (f. 1972).
- 1931: Gonzalo Anes, economist and Spanish historian (f. 2014).
- 1933: Mako Iwamatsu, Japanese actor (f. 2006).
- 1933: Eduardo Pavlovsky, doctor, actor, director and Argentine playwright (f. 2015).
- 1934: Howard Martin Temin, American biologist, nobel medical prize in 1975 (f. 1994).
- 1938: Yuri Temirkánov, director of Russian orchestra and musician.
- 1939: Dick Bavetta, American basketball referee.
- 1941: Fionnula Flanagan, Irish actress.
- 1941: Kyu Sakamoto, Japanese singer and actor.
- 1944: Augustine Mantilla, economist, sociologist and Peruvian politician (f. 2015).
- 1945: Luisina Brando, an Argentine actress.
- 1946: Flores Chaviano, composer, director and Spanish-Cuban guitarist.
- 1948: Muhammad Zaidan, Syrian terrorist (f. 2004).
- 1951: Ellen Nikolaysen, Norwegian actor and singer.
- 1955: Ana Gabriel, Mexican singer.
- 1956: Rod Blagojevich, American politician.
- 1956: Roberto Cassinelli, Italian politician.
- 1957: Michael Clarke Duncan, American actor (f. 2012).
- 1957: Prem Rawat (Marashi Guru), leader of Indian sect and entrepreneur.
- 1958: Cornelia Funke, German writer.
- 1958: William Méndez, Venezuelan footballer and politician.
- 1959: Mark Aguirre, American basketball player.
- 1960: Kenneth Branagh, filmmaker, screenwriter and British actor.
- 1964: Edith González, Mexican actress (f. 2019).
- 1964: George Newbern, American actor.
- 1966: Mel Rojas, Dominican baseball player.
- 1969: Ergün Demir, Turkish actor.
- 1970: Bryant Stith, American basketball player.
- 1970: Alexandra Restrepo, humorist and Colombian actress.
- 1972: Marcos Di Palma, Argentine motorist.
- 1972: Brian Molko, American singer and guitarist, from the Placebo band.
- 1973: Gabriela Spanic, Venezuelan actress.
- 1974: Meg White, American drummer, The White Stripes band.
- 1975: Iñaki Urlezaga, Argentine dancer.
- 1975: Josip Skoko, Australian footballer.
- 1976: Kuniva, American rapper.
- 1977: Mr. Eagle, Mexican fighter.
- 1977: Emmanuelle Chriqui, Canadian actress.
- 1978: Jose Mari, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Michael Shane, American fighter.
- 1979: Aleksandr Guerunov, Russian karate.
- 1979: Stjepan Jukić, Croatian footballer.
- 1980: Sarah Chang, Korean-American violinist.
- 1980: Massari, Lebanese singer.
- 1980: Billy Méndez, Mexican musician, from the Motel band.
- 1980: Jaime Jiménez Merlo, Spanish footballer.
- 1981: Fábio Rochemback, Brazilian footballer.
- 1981: Raquel Antúnez Cazorla, Spanish writer.
- 1982: Aitziber Garmendia, Spanish actress.
- 1983: Patrick Flueger, American actor.
- 1983: Zé Kalanga, Angolan footballer.
- 1983: Xavier Samuel, Australian actor.
- 1983: Katrin Siska, Estonian musician, Vanilla Ninja band.
- 1984: Jayson Paul, American professional fighter.
- 1984: Gregorio Petit, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1985: Charlie Adam, British footballer.
- 1985: Trésor Mputu, Congolese footballer.
- 1985: Raven-Symoné, American actress and singer.
- 1986: Natti Natasha, Dominican singer.
- 1987: Alejandra Isaza, Colombian model and presenter.
- 1987: Sergio Luis Henao, a Colombian cyclist who was a professional between 2007 and 2021.
- 1987: Gonzalo Higuaín, Argentine footballer.
- 1988: Wilfried Bony, Ivory footballer.
- 1989: Zach Porter, American singer, of the Allstar Weekend band.
- 1989: Marion Maréchal, French politics.
- 1990: Ánhuar Escalante, Mexican actor and singer.
- 1990: Shoya Tomizawa, Japanese motorcyclist (f. 2010).
- 1993: Mattia Bani, Italian footballer.
- 1993: Andrea Belmonte, Mexican Educator.
- 1994: Matti Klinga, Finnish footballer.
- 1996: Kang Daniel, South Korean singer.
- 1997: Jorge Sánchez Ramos, Mexican footballer.
- 2014: Jaime de Monaco, Monegasque aristocrat.
- 2014: Gabriela de Monaco, aristocrat monegasque.
- 925: Sancho Garcés I of Pamplona, king of Pamplona.
- 949: Herman I of Suabia, German aristocrat (n.?).
- 990: Folcmar, bishop of Utrecht.
- 1041: Michael IV, Byzantine emperor (n. 1010).
- 1081: Nikephoros III Botaneiates, deposed Byzantine emperor (n. c. 1002).
- 1113: Fakhr al-Mulk Radwan, governor of Aleppo.
- 1198: Averroes, a Spanish-Arab philosopher (n. 1126).
- 1310: Esteban I de Baviera, aristocrat German (n. 1271).
- 1454: Ignatius Behnam Hadloyo, Orthodox Syriac Patriarch of Antioch.
- 1475: Paolo Uccello, Italian painter (n. 1397).
- 1508: Rene II de Lorena, aristocrat french (n. 1451).
- 1541: Thomas Culpeper, English aristocrat (n. 1514)
- 1541: Francis Dereham, English aristocrat (n. c. 1513).
- 1561: Caspar Schwenckfeld, theologian and German writer
- 1603: William Gilbert, English doctor (n. 1544).
- 1618: Giulio Caccini, Italian composer and instrumentist (n. 1551).
- 1626: Edmund Gunter, British mathematician (n. 1581).
- 1736: António Manoel de Vilhena, Portuguese military (n. 1663).
- 1796: José Leonardo Chirino, revolutionary Venezuelan zambo (n. 1754).
- 1831: Thomas Johann Seebeck, German physicist (n. 1770).
- 1851: Karl Drais, inventor and German researcher (n. 1785).
- 1853: Manuel José Mosquera was a Colombian religious, humanist and philosopher. (f. 1800).
- 1865: Leopoldo I, Belgian king (n. 1790).
- 1882: Alexander Gardner, British photographer (n. 1821).
- 1884: Francisco Vargas Fontecilla, Chilean writer and politician (n. 1824).
- 1896: Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor (n. 1833).
- 1897: Benito Mercadé and Fábregas, a Spanish painter (n. 1821).
- 1909: Red Cloud (Red Cloud), head of the oglala jux (n. 1822).
- 1910: Manuel Sales and Ferré, archaeologist, philosopher and Spanish historian (n. 1843).
- 1911: Joseph Dalton Hooker, British botanist (n. 1817).
- 1911: Manuel Moncloa and Covarrubias, a Peruvian writer (n. 1859).
- 1917: Mackenzie Bowell, Canadian politician, 5th Prime Minister (n. 1823).
- 1926: Nikola Pašić, Yugoslav politician, 5th Prime Minister (n. 1845).
- 1928: Charles Rennie Mackintosh, British architect (n. 1868).
- 1932: Eugen Bamberger, German organic chemist (n. 1857).
- 1936: Luigi Pirandello, Italian writer, Nobel Literature Prize in 1934 (n. 1867).
- 1939: John Grieb, an American gymnast (n. 1879).
- 1945: Manuel de Argüelles, politician and Spanish banker (n. 1875).
- 1945: Theodor Dannecker, German captain of the SS (n. 1913).
- 1946: Walter Johnson, American baseball player (n. 1887).
- 1946: Damon Runyon, American journalist and writer (n. 1884).
- 1948: Na Hye-Sok, journalist, writer and South Korean painter (n. 1896).
- 1951: Algernon Blackwood, British writer of fantastic stories (n. 1869).
- 1953: Juan Carlos Cobián, tango Argentinean (n. 1896).
- 1958: Krishna Venta (Francis Pencovich), leader of American sect and religious (n. 1911).
- 1960: Mado Robin, French soprano (n. 1918).
- 1965: Henry Cowell, American composer (n. 1897).
- 1966: Gregorio López and Fuentes, Mexican writer (n. 1895).
- 1967: Otis Redding, American singer (n. 1941).
- 1968: Karl Barth, Swiss Protestant theologian (n. 1886).
- 1968: Thomas Merton, French writer and religious poet (n. 1915).
- 1976: Emma Gamboa Alvarado, Costa Rican educator (n. 1901).
- 1977: Adolph Rupp, basketball player and American coach (n. 1901).
- 1978: Emilio Portes Gil, Mexican president (n. 1890).
- 1978: Edward D. Wood Jr., American filmmaker (n. 1924).
- 1979: Ann Dvorak, American actress (n. 1912).
- 1987: Jascha Heifetz, Soviet violinist (n. 1901).
- 1988: Richard S. Castellano, American actor (n. 1933).
- 1992: Celia Gámez, Argentinean singer and actress (n. 1901).
- 1995: Darren Robinson, American rapper, of the band The Fat Boys (n. 1967).
- 1996: Faron Young, American singer and guitarist (n. 1932).
- 1998: Berta Singerman, an Argentine actress (n. 1901).
- 1999: Rick Danko, bassist and Canadian singer, from the band The Band (n. 1942).
- 1999: Franjo Tudjman, first Croatian president between 1990 and 1999 (n. 1922).
- 2000: Marie Windsor, American actress (n. 1919).
- 2004: Adolfo Schlosser, Austrian sculptor (n. 1939).
- 2004: Nito Veiga, footballer and Argentine coach (n. 1928).
- 2004: Gary Webb, American journalist (n. 1955).
- 2005: Richard Pryor, American actor (n. 1940).
- 2006: Augusto Pinochet, Chilean military, dictator between 1973 and 1990 (n. 1915).
- 2007: Ashleigh Aston Moore, American actress (n. 1981).
- 2007: Jesus Tenreiro Degwitz, Venezuelan architect (n. 1936).
- 2008: Didith Reyes, Filipino singer and actress (n. 1948).
- 2010: Marcel Domingo Algarra, footballer and French coach (n. 1924).
- 2010: John B. Fenn, American chemist and professor, nobel chemistry award in 2002 (n. 1917).
- 2011: Miguel Díaz Negrete, Spanish architect (n. 1920).
- 2012: Iajuddin Ahmed, Bangladeshi politician (n. 1931).
- 2012: Rosa Cerna Guardia, Peruvian child literature writer (n. 1926).
- 2012: Antonio Cubillo, lawyer and canary politician, pro-independent activist from the Canary Islands (n. 1930).
- 2012: Lisa Della Casa, Swiss soprano (n. 1919).
- 2013: Jim Hall, American guitarist (n. 1930).
- 2015: Arnold Peralta, Honduran footballer (n. 1989).
- 2016: Rafael Tovar and Teresa, Secretary of Culture of Mexico (n. 1954).
- 2016: Rolando Washington Goyaud, scientific researcher, journalist and Argentine writer, specialized in history and museumology (n. 1932).
- 2018: Guido Eytel, a Chilean writer (n. 1945).
- 2019: Gershon Kingsley, American composer of German origin (n. 1922).
- 2021: Michael Nesmith, American musician and actor (n. 1942).
- International Human Rights Day.
- International Day of Animal Rights.
- Day of Social Worker
- Every 4 years, the President-elect assumes.
- Restoration of Democracy (1983)
- Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata (Argentine football club).
- Spain
Spain: Spanish Air Army Patron Day
- Mexico
- Physical Day.
- Payaso Day.
- Sweden
Sweden: Nobel laureate or Alfred Nobel Day.
Thailand: Constitutional Day.
- Northern Hemisphere: Approximate Day (about 11 days before the solstice) in which the Sun gets closer.
- World Day of Retrete
Catholic saints list
- Saint Eulalia of Merida, virgin and martyr (304).
- Saint Mauro of Rome, martyr (c. s. IV).
- St Gemelo of Ancira, martyr (c. s. IV).
- Saint Gregory III, Pope (741).
- Saint Luke of Insula, Bishop (1114)
- saints Edmundo Gennings and Suintino Wells, martyrs (1591).
- Saints Poliodoro Plasden and Eustacio White, priests, and Blessed Brian Lacy, Juan Mason and Sidney Hogdson, martyrs (1591).
- St John Roberts and Blessed Thomas Somers, priests and martyrs (1610).
- Beato Gonzalo Viñes Masip, priest and martyr (1936).
- Blessed Antonio Martín Hernández and Agustín García Calvo, religious and martyrs (1936).
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