Crespo (Argentina)


Crespo is a municipality in the Paraná department in the Entre Ríos province, Argentine Republic. The municipality includes the town of the same name and a rural area. It is located 42 km southeast of the city of Paraná.


The origin of the city is linked to the construction of the first-class railway station, which was the most important railway port in the area and allowed the installation of immigrants with visionary projects. Its name is related to that of the owner of the land where the first settlements that gave rise to the city were recorded: Governor Manuel Crespo.

In 1885 the Entre Ríos Central Railroad station was built, owned by the provincial State. As a consequence, the settlements of Creole, Spanish and Italian families began in what was called the Crespo station.

In 1887 the first 40 families of immigrants arrived from the Volga River region in Russia, but of German origin, mostly from the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. A year later they founded the village of San José, located about a thousand meters from the settlement of the station. The surveying, division and demarcation of the land surrounding the station (1 km away) destined for the town and colonia San José were completed on March 20, 1888 and approved by the provincial government on March 24, 1888. April 1888. On April 3, 1889, the first rural commissioner was appointed. In 1892 the station was renamed Gobernador Crespo station.

Since Crespo does not have a founding certificate, his birth is considered to be April 24, 1888, the date of approval of the official plan of the layout of the town and the Crespo neighborhood, with June 3, 1892 being designated his first mayor. Around 1900, the Jewish community arrived in the city. On December 9, 1922, the colony was elevated to the category of town, establishing the development board. By decree no. 5397/1957 of October 2, 1957, Crespo was elevated to a first-category municipality, since it had with more than 5,000 inhabitants, a number that was defined by the provincial law of municipalities to ascend from a development board to a municipality. The religious factor had an important influence on the development of the city, especially linked to the Volga Germans settled in the San José Village. In 1893 several families began the construction of the San José church. In 1908 the bells brought from Germany were added to it and in 1916, the clock on the dome.

In 1896, the company name that marks a large part of the city's history was established and was a pioneer in the agro-industrial activities that characterize Crespo's productive profile to this day. This is the company Sagemüller Hnos., founded by Otto Sagemüller, a German immigrant from Bremerhaven. In 1910 La Agrícola Regional Cooperativa Limitada was founded, another centennial institution of Crespo. Inspired by the principles of cooperatives, it arose to respond to the needs of the settlers, fundamentally linked to the purchase of basic inputs for agricultural activity; seeds, tools, lubricants, bags and threads. This was in order to avoid the intermediation of supplier businesses, which significantly increased the cost of inputs.

In 1904 the first public primary school was founded: No. 54 Tomás Guido, while in 1909 the Sacred Heart School began its activities, the first confessional school. In 1957 the Crespo Commercial Institute was founded, a fact that allowed many young people from Crespo to continue their education in the city. Other institutions that were founded and that give dynamism to the city are: Italian Society (1900), Nuestra Señora del Rosario Church (1916), Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of San Pablo and German Evangelical Congregation of the Río de la Plata Synod (1920), School no. Athletic Union (1950).

On December 9, 1922, the municipality of Crespo was created by establishing a development board and its ejido. The municipality became second category on July 1, 1935. and to the first category by decree no. º 5397/1957 of October 2, 1957. It incorporated the Azul or Casanave neighborhood by decree-law no. 3685/44 IF published on August 16, 1944. Its ejido was modified by ordinance no. approved by the Ministry of Government and Justice on August 7, 1970. By ordinance no. 43/13 of September 6, 2013, jurisdiction over the Santa Rosa Village was ceded.


In the democratic period that began in 1983, Crespo had the following mayors: Héctor Seri (1983-1987), Rolando Kaehler (1987-1991), Daniel Paifer (1991-1995), Eduardo Salcerini (1995-1999), Darío Schneider (1999-2003), Juan Carlos Brambilla (2003-2007) and again Juan Carlos Brambilla (2007-2011) becoming the first consecutively reelected Mayor of the city, Ariel Robles (2011-2015). The current municipal president is Darío Schneider.


Since the 1960s, it has been considered the National Poultry Capital because the main economic activity of the city is the raising of poultry for the production of meat (broiler chickens) and eggs (raised hens). high posture), which is done industrially. In rural areas there are large sheds called sheds, which are between 50 and 350 m long, where birds are raised and kept. In recent years, agricultural production (sowing and cattle production) has increased in the area, constituting the main sources of resources that maintain the micro-economies of this type of cities. Traditionally, the production of pigs and their derivatives is important.

The city has an industrial park that is among the ten most important in the province, with industries related to the processing of poultry, eggs, manufacturing of agricultural machines, secondary products, and food. A large part of the industries focus their production on European exports.

Since 1965, when it was designated as the National Capital of Poultry Farming, with Ignacio Göttig being mayor and president of the Arturo Illía Nation, the "National Poultry Farming Festival is celebrated in Crespo, later they were also developed in nearby towns, the Expo entrepreneurs and Expo Porcinos" and until 2001 the second largest Oktoberfest in Argentina.

Oktoberfest was a party organized by the Association of German Descendants. It was held until 2001 and the place where the party and exhibition was held has a large room called the Volga German Castle, and is located at the entrance to the city of Crespo.

In turn, the Provincial Beer Festival is organized annually in January by Club Atlético Unión and in 2012 it reached its 40th edition.

Public services


Crespo has an experience in democratic education called the Youth Deliberative Council. Each one of the secondary educational institutions, forms a block that meets for a month and proposes ordinance projects, which are treated and approved, all with the presidency of the president of the true Deliberative Council.


Parishes of the Catholic Church in Crespo

Catholic Church
ParishsSaint Joseph, Our Lady of the Rosary
Parroquia del Rosario Crespo.jpg

Crespo's personalities


The most popular sport in Crespo is soccer. The three clubs participating in the Paraná Campaña Soccer League are Club Atlético Sarmiento, Club Atlético Unión and the Sports and Cultural Association.

Unión has participated several times in the Federal C Tournament, the fifth division of Argentine soccer. Like the two remaining institutions.

There is also the Railway Recreational and Cultural Center, where the sport of bowls is practiced. And the Friends of Crespo Cycling Club.

Currently (2018), Club Atlético Unión plays in the Provincial Basketball League, the fourth division nationwide.

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