

Corvus is a genus of large passerine birds in the family Corvidae, to which ravens belong. As a group they demonstrate admirable examples of intelligenceand one of their species, the New Caledonian crow, has recently been intensively studied[when?] for its ability to make and use their own tools to obtain their food. Ravens are now considered to be among the most intelligent animals in the world, with an encephalization ratio equal to that of many non-human primates.

All temperate continents (except, strangely, South America) and many oceanic islands (including Hawaii) have representatives of the more than forty members of their genus.

Crows appear to have evolved in central Asia and then extended their range to North America (including Mexico), Africa, Europe, and Australia.

They range in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized crow (Eurasian) to the common raven of the Palaearctic region and the thick-billed raven of the Ethiopian highlands.

Species and subspecies of the genus Corvus

Corvus splendens.
Corvus frugilegus.
Corvus brachyrhynchos.
Corvus caurinus.
Corvus cornix.
Corvus mellori.
Corvus albus.
Corvus corax.
Detail of the Pen of a large crow (Corvus corax).
  • Corvus splendens - Indian crow
    • Corvus splendens zugmayeri
    • Corvus splendens splendens
    • Corvus splendens protegatus
    • Corvus splendens maldevicius
    • Corvus splendens insolens
  • Corvus moneduloides - Raven of New Caledonia
  • Corvus unicolor - Crow of the Banggai
  • Corvus enca - picofin curve.
    • Corvus enca sierramadrensis
    • Corvus enca samarensis
    • Corvus enca pusillus
    • Corvus enca compilator
    • Corvus enca
    • Corvus enca celebensis
    • Corvus enca mangoli
    • Corvus enca violaceus
  • Corvus typicus - Célebes crow
  • Corvus florensis - Flores crow
  • Corvus kubaryi - Marian crow
  • Corvus validus - Moluqueño crow
  • Corvus woodfordi - Piquiblanco crow.
    • Corvus woodfordi woodfordi
    • Corvus woodfordi vegetus
  • Corvus meeki - Crow of the Bougainville
  • Corvus fuscicapillus - Cabecipardo crow
    • Corvus fuscicapillus megarhynchus
    • Corvus fuscicapillus fuscicapillus
  • Corvus tristis - grey crow
  • Corvus capensis - Corporal crow
    • Corvus capensis capensis
    • Corvus capensis kordofanensis
  • Corvus frugilegus - greasy.
    • Corvus frugilegus frugilegus
    • Corvus frugilegus pastinator
  • Corvus brachyrhynchos - American crow
    • Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis
    • Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos
    • Corvus brachyrhynchos paulus
    • Corvus brachyrhynchos pascuus
  • Corvus caurinus - Alaskan raven
  • Corvus imparatus - tamaulipeco crow
  • Corvus sinaloae - Sinalogue crow.
  • Corvus ossifragus - fish crow
  • Corvus palmarum - crowded palm.
  • Corvus minutus - Piper box.
  • Corvus jamaicensis - Jamaican crow
  • Corvus nasicus - Cuban crow
  • Corvus leucognaphalus - Spanish crow or white neck crow
  • Corvus hawaiiensis - Hawaiian crow
  • Corvus corone - Black neck.
    • Corvus corone corone
    • Corvus corone orientalis
  • Corvus cornix - Cinderella beef
    • Corvus cornix cornix
    • Corvus cornix sharpii
    • Corvus cornix pallescens
    • Corvus cornix capellanus
  • Corvus torquatus - necklace crow
  • Corvus macrorhynchos - Puppy crow
    • Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis
    • Corvus macrorhynchos connectens
    • Corvus macrorhynchos osai
    • Corvus macrorhynchos mandschuricus
    • Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum
    • Corvus macrorhynchos hainanus
    • Corvus macrorhynchos mengtszensis
    • Corvus macrorhynchos tibetosinensis
    • Corvus macrorhynchos intermedius
    • Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos
    • Corvus macrorhynchos philippinus
  • Corvus levaillantii - Levaillant crow
  • Corvus culminatus - Indian stew.
  • Corvus orru - Torres crow.
    • Corvus orru orru
    • Corvus orru latirostris
    • Corvus orru ceciliae
  • Corvus insularis - Bismarck crow
  • Corvus benetti - Bennet crow
  • Corvus tasmanicus - Tasmanian crow
    • Corvus tasmanicus boreus
    • Corvus tasmanicus tasmanicus
  • Corvus mellori - Mellor's crow
  • Corvus coronoids - Australian crow
    • Corvus coronoid coronoids
    • Corvus coronoids perplexus
  • Corvus albus - I'm a pious crow
  • Corvus ruficollis - defective crow
  • Corvus edithae - Ethiopian crow
  • Corvus corax - large crow or common crow
    • Corvus corax varius
    • Corvus corax corax
    • Corvus corax subcorax
    • Corvus corax tingitanus
    • Corvus corax tibetanus
    • Corvus corax kamtschaticus
  • Corvus cryptoleucus - llanero raven
  • Corvus rhipidurus - colocorto crow
  • Corvus albicollis - Cuervo cuelliblanco
  • Corvus crassirostris - beaky crow

Extinct species and subspecies

  • Corvus moriorum - Chatham crow.
  • Corvus antipodum - New Zealand crow
    • Corvus antipodum antipodum
    • Corvus antipodum pycrafti

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