Concepcion (Chile)

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Concepción is a city in Chile, the geographic and demographic center of the metropolitan area of Greater Concepción, and capital of the province of the same name and of the Biobío Region. The urban center of Concepción exerts a significant impact on national trade as it is part of one of the most industrialized regions in the country, and is one of the three most populous Chilean cities, along with Valparaíso, after Santiago. At the communal level, it limits to the north with Hualpén, Talcahuano and Penco; to the south with Chiguayante and Hualqui; to the east with the commune of Florida and to the west with the Biobío river and the commune of San Pedro de la Paz.

The city was located, in the first instance, in the Bay of Concepción, in the territory that later became the commune of Penco, currently part of the conurbation of Concepción. The name of the city, "penquista", alludes to the place of its original foundation. The center and historic center of the city is located in Valle de la Mocha, where it moved after being destroyed by an earthquake.

The origin of Concepción dates back to 1550, when it was founded by Pedro de Valdivia under the name of Concepción de María Purísima del Nuevo Extremo, under the name of Concepción de María Purísima del Nuevo Extremo, and was the capital of Kingdom of Chile between 1565 and 1573, later remaining the military and political center of the kingdom for the rest of the Chilean colonial period. Subsequently, it was part of Chile's first attempt at independence in 1810, at the hands of the lawyer Juan Martínez de Rozas. It has been the center of the most populated conurbation in the south of the country since the beginning of the XX century, and has as a cultural symbol the Plaza de la Independencia, place where the solemn declaration on the Chilean liberation from Spanish realism was carried out.

Concepción concentrates its activity in the service area and functions as the financial center of the entire metropolis. It is known for being a university city, since it has numerous educational institutions, among which the University of Concepción, the Universidad del Bío-Bío, and the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. the Theater University of Concepción. Within its tourist offer, it also highlights the variety of bars and entertainment venues that provide an active nightlife to the city.


Its name is due to its founder, the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, who entrusted himself to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in order to win the Arauco War and conquer Chile.

When, on October 5, 1550, Pedro de Valdivia founded the city, he would have decided, as a way of homage to the Virgin, to baptize it as "La Concepción de María Purísima del Nuevo Extremo", remaining under her Catholic patronage.



Pedro de Valdivia, founder of several cities in central Chile.

Concepción has had two locations. The area was discovered by Captain Juan Bautista Pastene aboard his ship "San Pedro" on September 27, 1544. The first sighting of him was the mouth of the Biobío river, a site that symbolically takes the name "the province of Concepcion. The inauguration was by ship, since a storm prevented the landing.

The first location of the city was due to the conquest campaigns in 1546 by Pedro de Valdivia. His first interaction with the region occurred when he reached the banks of the Bíobío River next to the bay that he would later call Bahía de Concepción. Upon his immediate arrival, he confronted the Mapuche people who lived in the area, leading to the Battle of Quilacura. In notes by Góngora Marmolejo, more than 80,000 people participated in the battle. This is the first of many battles that would be fought in the sector as part of the so-called Arauco War.

The Araucanian attack having been repelled, but his troops defeated by the natives, Valdivia returned to Santiago de Nueva Extremadura, but four years later he made a new expedition, going as far as Andalién with a retinue made up of around two hundred soldiers and a group of natives. On February 22 of that year, in the Battle of Andalién, the Mapuches attacked the host in an attempt to repel the conquest. According to Daniel de la Vega, chronicler of the time:

The troop of Don Pedro de Valdivia camped on this earth one morning and in this same place they crashed arches and spears.

Three days later, Valdivia moves his camp to the shores of the sea waiting for reinforcement ships from Valparaíso. The camp site was called by the natives as "Penguco" or "Penco", which gave rise to the adjective, "penquista".

On March 3, 1550, the plan of the city was drawn up, the lots were distributed and the first constructions began. On October 5, 1550, the founding of the city of Concepción del Nuevo Extremo was officially decreed and its respective council was formed.

Two years later, in 1552, the settlement was recognized as a city through a royal decree that granted it a coat of arms that is still in force.

The city in the colonial period

Penquista dresses during the Spanish virreinal period.

During the colonial period of Chile, the Arauco War took place in La Concepción, in which it became the military core of this confrontation as it was located on the Spanish-Mapuche border. The city was constantly depopulated and repopulated, and suffered sieges and military attacks. In its first 10 years of life it was destroyed three times by the Araucanian people.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, it was attacked by English and Dutch pirates and corsairs such as Oliver Van Noort and Francis Drake and also by Araucanians such as Caupolicán, Lautaro in the XVI. In 1554 Francisco de Villagra took command after the battle of Tucapel in an attempt to stop the attacks of the natives but did not achieve good results. His successor, García Hurtado de Mendoza, managed to repopulate Concepción in 1558 and obtained military successes for Spain in Araucanía. Spain did not achieve a greater advantage until the Sitio de Concepción where the cacique Caupolicán died. During this period Concepción became more of a military industry.

The following year, 1565, Concepción became the seat of the Royal Audience, the main court of justice for the Spanish Crown in the Kingdom of Chile.

In 1589, Alonso de Ercilla settled in the region to write part of La Araucana, an epic poem that tells the story of the Arauco War and the contemporary era of Concepción.

With the establishment of an economic subsidy to cover the expenses of the Arauco War, the Real situated, in 1604 the first professional army in Chile, the Arauco Army, was then created to defend the city, thus achieving better results.

Plan of 1744 showing the Bay of Conception before the earthquake of 1751.
Juan Martínez de Rozas (1759-1813), promoter of the Independence of Chile and the creation of the Province of Concepción.

In order to provide a better defense for the city, the Fort of Penco was built in successive years. The Cathedral of Concepción was also built in 1730.

City Transfer

The 1751 earthquake, measuring 8.5 degrees Richter, and its respective tsunami marked the new foundation of Concepción on its current site, in the Valley of Mocha, leaving behind its remains in the now commune of Penco. The transfer was postponed for 14 years, due to the opposition of an influential group of neighbors, headed by Bishop José de Toro y Zambrano Romo. The death of the bishop, and the fact that his replacement agreed with the transfer, facilitated its realization, carried out between January and March 1765.

19th century conception

House of a Mapuche cacique in Concepción in 1846.

While Concepción moved to its current location, the territorial occupation of Penco was prohibited, by a provision of the colonial administration.

On February 20, 1835, at 11:30 a.m., there was an earthquake of 8.5 MS that severely affected the city. The subsequent tsunami devastated the area located between the Cachapoal and Valdivia rivers. It totally destroyed the city of Concepción. The quake and its effects were described by Charles Darwin, who happened to be in the area.

In 1842 the area of Penco was populated again, and in that same year the State repealed the ban on its settlement, naming it Villa Penco, dependent on the municipality of Concepción. In 1898 Penco was declared an autonomous city.

Since its foundation, Concepción has been one of the largest cities in Chile, playing an important role in the country's economic, administrative, and military development. The ports of Talcahuano, Tomé, San Vicente, and Lirquén, which are nearby They made the city an export center and, in the past, a place of arrival for numerous immigrants when the Chilean coasts were an obligatory route for ships coming from Europe.

In the 19th century, Concepción promoted various political and social revolts in Chile. Juan Martínez de Rozas led the exalted, took control of the First National Board of Government and created the national congress. He also promoted his position and formed the first three provinces of Chile.

He formed the youth of Ramón Freire and promoted the social revolts that prevented the monopoly of the city of Santiago during the Patria Vieja, the Patria Nueva and the time of constitutional trials. General Manuel Bulnes was also born at this time.

20th century

Old Cathedral of Concepción. After the Chillán Earthquake of 1939, it was demolished for serious structural damage.
Portrait of President Juan Antonio Rios (1888-1946), the only President of Chile who does not have his Master Alma in the capital.

In the 20th century, Concepción became a cradle of political and cultural ideals, carried out thanks to the large capital derived from the gold rush, the activation of saltpeter and the extraction of coal in Lota. The Enrique Molina High School is built and, in 1919, the University of Concepción is founded.

In April 1987, Pope John Paul II, as part of his visit to Chile, was in Concepción for two days. Fidel Castro also visited the city at the time. President Pedro Aguirre Cerda manages to gain fame and political support from Concepción. With Juan Antonio Ríos the situation was similar. The death of Sebastián Acevedo also happened for burning himself in search of justice for the kidnapping of his children by the Pinochet dictatorship

In 1996, the commune of Concepción was administratively divided, creating the communes of Chiguayante and San Pedro de la Paz, which became communes of Concepción, and were later conurbated with it.

Concepción's growth has been especially rapid since the second half of the XX century, eventually merging with other towns in the area such as the city of Talcahuano, and the communes of San Pedro de la Paz, Chiguayante and Hualpén, the latter separated from Talcahuano in 2004.

Most of Concepción's urban landmarks occur at this time: the Plaza de la Independencia, the Cathedral of the Santísima Concepción, the city's Central Market, the Natural History Museum, the History Gallery, the Regional Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente, Casa del Arte and its mural, all were developed in the last century.

21st century

Recent changes have been added to the urban structure with the incorporation of several projects, such as Biovías and the Bicentennial Project. Currently, the city and conurbation is experiencing a demographic, cultural and real estate explosion that has experienced, and that maintains it as one of the most important cities in Chile.

On February 27, 2010, there was an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale, with an epicenter 90 kilometers northwest of the city, causing extensive material damage and a total of 524 deaths. However, the social consequences of the earthquake were almost as devastating as the natural event itself, in what is known as the "social earthquake." This, because in the hours and days after the great earthquake, numerous lootings and robberies were recorded at supermarkets, large stores, private homes and all kinds of warehouses, where food thefts were recorded.


Plaza de la Independencia, where the Chilean Independence Act was solemnly declared in 1818.

The city of Concepción has undergone significant economic and demographic development, having had great historical, social, and cultural relevance in the country since its foundation. It has come to be considered one of the most relevant urban, demographic, administrative, financial and commercial centers of Chile, together with Santiago and Valparaíso.

Although the city no longer has the importance it once had as the headquarters of the Army of the Kingdom of Chile and the Royal Court at the beginning of the Arauco War, today it is the nucleus of one of the largest conurbations in the country, and the most populated in southern Chile, reaching a population of around a million inhabitants.

Culturally, Concepción has been, in certain periods, an important pole of development, particularly since the founding of the University of Concepción in 1919. Under the wing of the latter, such important institutions as the Teatro de the University of Concepción (TUC), a school and theater company that operated between 1945 and 1973, and which came to be considered one of the best in the country; the Atenea Magazine, which since 1924 has aimed to disseminate the research and critical reflection in the Chilean and Latin American cultural sphere, especially related to literature, sociology, plastic arts, history or philosophy, among other disciplines; and the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Concepción, founded in 1952 under the direction of Wilfried Junge and integrated into the university in 1958.

Politicalally, the University of Concepción was the cradle of the Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), an extreme left group that had its heyday during the 1960s and the military dictatorship.


The city is located in the Southern Hemisphere in South America, at 36º 46' 22" S latitude and 73º 03' 47" O in longitude, with an average elevation of 12 m s. no. m., in the Valley of the Mocha between the coastal plains and the Cordillera de la Costa. It is located in the Central Zone of Chile, in the geographic center of the country. Concepción limits to the north with Hualpén, Talcahuano and Penco, to the south with Chiguayante and Hualqui, to the east with Florida and to the west with the Biobío River and San Pedro de la Paz. The city is geographically marked as it is located at the foot of the mountain range of the coast.

Phytogeographically, it is found in a landscape typical of fluviomarine basins, with secondary sclerophyllous forests.


The climate is temperate oceanic due to being located between the coastal plains and the Coastal Range (Chile), according to the Köppen climate classification it is a "Csb". Its average annual temperature is 12.7 °C, while the average in summer is 17 °C and in winter 8 °C. The average maximum in summer ranges between 22 °C and 26 °C sometimes exceeding 28 °C on the hottest days rarely exceeding 32 °C. The historical maximum in the city is 34.1 °C on January 26, 2017, registering more than 40 °C in the interior of the province.

Thermal oscillations are moderate if we consider its latitude, due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean. Summers are temperate and winters mild. The precipitations are concentrated in the coldest months, being the period from May to August the one that concentrates most of the rain. On the contrary, summer is dry. During the year they fall 1110 mm average.

Precipitaciones en Concepción (Biobio) There is a clear decline in the intensity of rainfall, as well as the respective variations in the phenomena of the Child and the Girl. Chilean Meteorological Directorate;
Gnome-weather-few-clouds.svgAverage Concepción climate parametersWPTC Meteo task force.svg
Month Ene.Feb.Mar.Open up.May.Jun.Jul.Ago.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Annual
Temp. max. abs. (°C) 34.1 33.2 30.9 27.2 20.8 18.0 17.7 21.0 28.8 27.6 32.5 31.7 34.1
Average temperature (°C) 22.8 22.5 21 18.3 12.2 8.8 8.1 9.0 11.9 17.2 19.3 21.4 16.7
Average temperature (°C) 16.5 15.9 14.5 12.3 8.5 5.6 4.0 5.6 8.5 11.9 13.8 15.6 11.1
Temp. medium (°C) 10.9 10.6 9.8 8.1 5.5 2.5 0 2.2 6.1 7.4 8.7 10.1 6.1
Temp. min. abs. (°C) 0.9 3.6 1.6 -2.1 -6.1 -14.1 -10.1 -8.2 -2 -0.8 1.0 3.4 -14.1
Total precipitation (mm) 15.6 15.4 25.4 172.4 282.6 330.7 198.4 153.6 84.1 57.2 33.4 21.3 1390.3
Days of rain (≥ 1 mm) 2.6 2.6 3.7 7.6 14.5 20.1 15.3 13.5 10.2 7.6 4.8 3.5 112
Hours of sun 334 271 248 183 136 108 133 155 192 239 282 332 2616
Relative humidity (%) 75 77 80 83 87 88 86 85 82 81 78 76 82
Source No. 1: World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Averages 1981-2010 (middle minimum temperatures, maximum averages, and precipitation). 2015
Source No. 2: Climate Statistics II.
Conception Climogram.


View of the mouth of the Biobío River in the Pacific Ocean.

The city is geographically bordered by two important rivers: the Biobío to the west and the Andalién to the north. These geographically demarcate the city. It is also crossed by the Nonguén Estuary, which is born in the valley.

In Concepción, there are also five urban lagoons: Lo Méndez (5.2 hectares), Lo Custodio, Lo Galindo, Las Tres Pascualas (5.9 hectares) and Laguna Redonda (4.1 hectares). To them is added in the rural sector the Laguna Pineda.

Additionally, the city is home to the Paicaví wetland, which is one of the largest in Greater Concepción, sheltering a large number of species, including more than 70 species of birds. In December In 2017, residents and the Paicaví Wetland Protection Committee protested before the municipality for works by the real estate company Madesal that would fill the left sack of the wetland, damaging the channel channel, without municipal permission. The wetland also fulfills an evacuation function of rainwater.


Concepción is located in the Valle de la Mocha, which sits on rocky soil. On these there is clayey soil.

Because the Biobío River has undergone changes in the direction of its flow for thousands of years, there are sectors of Concepción through which branches of the river once passed. These sectors are generally the most affected by floods.

The geomorphology of the city is irregular due to its proximity to the Coastal Range. Therefore, Concepción is marked by many geographical landmarks such as hills, hills and depressions.

The commune of Concepción is located in an area of high seismic risk. According to studies carried out in 1967 by Carlos Galli, the city has several considerable faults: Caracol, Chepe, Chacabuco and La Pólvora. Its location is not clearly defined nor is there knowledge of its depth and scope. The 2005 Communal Regulatory Plan states that "this ignorance requires prudence and ruling out the construction of large structures in its vicinity, and road works that intercept it". [citation required]

Concepción has suffered throughout its history at least five major earthquakes: in 1751, 1835, 1939 (with an epicenter in Chillán), 1960 and 2010 (with an epicenter 90 kilometers from the city).

Towns and sectors

Concepción concentrates a mostly urban population, but there are also rural towns mainly located on the outskirts of the city, towards the commune of Florida, such as Chaimávida, Villa San Jorge, Agua de la Gloria and Los Puentes.

On the other hand, the city has several sectors, towns and populations. The urban population is concentrated in its North from the highways (road to Penco - Carriel Sur Airport), as well as in the West from the communal limits with Talcahuano and Hualpén (Avenida Jorge Alessandri), in the East from the Palomares - Nonguén sector, from the Southeast by Camino a Chiguayante - Pedro de Valdivia and from the South by the same Biobío River (border with San Pedro de la Paz).

  • From the North: Vilumanque, Villa Concepción, Villa Universitaria, Villa San Francisco, El Manzano, Isla Andalién, Chillancito, Baquedano, John Kennedy, Lieutenant Merino, Villa Universidad de Concepción, Lomas de Bellavista, Lomas de San Sebastián, Barrio Norte, Villa Cap, Santa Sabina, Lomas de San Andrés.
  • From the east: Palomares, Villa Nonguén, Puchacay, Los Lirios, Collao.
  • From the southeast: Pedro de Valdivia, Pedro de Valdivia Bajo, Agüita de la Perdiz, Cerro la Virgen (Altos de Concepción).
  • From the west: Juan Pablo II, Lorenzo Arenas, Laguna Redonda, Pedro del Río Zañartu, Plaza Cruz, Tucapel Bajo, Cementerio, Barrio Estación (in the center)
  • Central: Centro de Concepción, Barrio Universitario, La Pólvora, Las Tres Pascualas, Plaza Perú, Plaza de Armas.


2012229 665
2006225 147
2002216 061
1992206 839
1982267 891
1970161 006

According to the data collected in 2002 in the census of the National Institute of Statistics, the commune has an area of 221.6 km² and a population of 216,061 inhabitants, of whom 103,860 are men and 112,201 are women.

Concepción is home to 11.61% of the total population of the region. 1.88% (4,058 people) correspond to the rural population and 98.12% (212,003) to the urban population.

Between 1970 and 1982 there is a large increase in the population. One of the causes is the inclusion of San Pedro, segregated from the Coronel commune. Concepción strongly decreased its population because in 1996 it was divided, creating Chiguayante and San Pedro de la Paz. In these communes the population has grown rapidly since they have been transformed into "dormitory communes" of Concepción, that is, more residential sectors, which do not have a center with a lot of commerce, like Concepción.

According to the 2017 census, the population of the commune is 223,574 inhabitants.


Being the provincial and regional capital, it is the headquarters of the Regional Delegation and the Regional Government.


Palace of the Tribunals.
Ilustre Municipality of Concepción.

The administration of Concepción corresponds to the Municipality of Concepción, an autonomous corporation under public law, with legal personality and its own assets. The authority of said municipality is the mayor Álvaro Ortiz Vera (PDC). This is advised by the Municipal Council, made up of the following councillors:

Chile Worthy

  • Olimpia Riveros Ravelo (PC)

Chile Come on

  • Daniel Pacheco Ponce (RN)
  • Valentina Van Rysselbergue (UDI)
  • Emilio Armstrong Delpin (UDI)

Wide Front

  • Eric Riquelme Sanhueza (RD)

Democratic Socialism

  • Andrea de la Barra Manríquez (PL)


  • Claudia Arriagada Parra (PI)
  • Nadia Garrido Pérez (Ind./PEV)
  • Boris Negrete Canals (PDC)
  • Jaime Monjes Farías (PDC)

Administrative history

Concepción, in the course of its history, has been administered in different ways, being the seat of several institutions, whose authorities, administrative and judicial, have been local, regional and national. These institutions have been changing from La Colonia to the present day.

During the colonial era, the institution in charge of local and citizen affairs was the Cabildo de La Concepción. Also from 1565 to 1575 was the Royal Audience of Chile, in this city. On the other hand, the Captaincy General of Chile was divided into provinces (called "corregimientos", since they were directed by a corregidor). Thus, there was the Province or Corregimiento of La Concepción, which was in charge of the territory under the jurisdiction of the city. This province, towards the s. XVIII, its size was decreasing as new populations (cities and towns) were founded, for a better occupation and management of the territory, and new provinces or corregimientos were created. In 1786, with the Bourbon reforms, the Province or Intendancy of Concepción was created, which was divided into parties (La Concepción, Cauquenes, Itata, Chillán, Puchacay, Rere), governed by a sub-delegate, who were the successors of the old provinces or corregimientos. The Governor - Mayor of Concepción, had his headquarters in the current Aníbal Pinto street between Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins avenue and Diego Barros Arana street, in front of the current Plaza de la Independencia. It is known that the northern limit of the Municipality of Concepción was the Maule River. Later other districts were created (Linares, Isla de La Laja, Osorno and Valdivia)

After the First National Junta, the First National Congress of Chile was established and the colonial territorial organization adopted in 1786 was preserved, with some modifications (creation of the Province or Intendancy of Coquimbo). During the course of the 1820s, new frameworks of political-administrative division were successively instituted. With the Constitution of 1822, the Intendencies are repealed, the departments are created (governed by a managerial delegate), and the districts and councils are preserved. Around 1823, new districts (Parral, San Carlos, Coelemu and Lautaro) were created, with which the District of La Concepción reduced its jurisdiction to the city of La Concepción and the port of Talcahuano.

With the Constitution of 1823, the delegations, sub-delegations and districts were established. The councils are transformed into Municipalities. The old parties are transformed into delegations. This is how the Delegation of Concepción arises. In 1826, with federal laws, Chile is divided into 8 provinces, establishing the Province of Concepción, in the central sector of the old colonial administration. To the north lies the province of Maule and to the south the province of Valdivia. The new province of Concepción is integrated by 7 delegations (Concepción, Chillán, Coelemu, Puchacay, Rere, Lautaro and La Laja). This division is later recognized by the Constitution of 1828. With the Constitution of 1833, Chile is divided into provinces, departments, sub-delegations and districts. Thus, the province of Concepción was divided into: Concepción, Chillán, Coelemu, Lautaro, La Laja, Rere and Puchacay). The Province and the Department of Concepción were governed by the Intendant of Concepción, who had his headquarters in the same place as the old Intendancy of Concepción.

Over time, from the subdivision of the primitive Province of Concepción, other provinces (Ñuble (1848), Arauco (1852)) and other departments (Arauco, Nacimiento, Talcahuano (1850)) were created.. At the departmental level, jurisdiction reaches the city, and Chiguayante (5th subdelegation). At the provincial level, the colonization and administration of the territories to the south of Biobío and to the north of the Province of Valdivia, become the responsibility of the new Mayor of Arauco, based in Los Angeles. As the occupation and colonization of the territory to the south of the Biobío River progresses, the territorial organization of this area is modified. Thus, the Province of Arauco originated the Province of Biobío, the new Province of Arauco and the Colonization Territory of Angol in 1875. In 1887, the Province of Malleco and Province of Cautín were created, from the subdivision and reorganization of the new Province of Arauco and the Colonization Territory of Angol.

During the XIX century, the Illustrious Municipality of Concepción was born, which continues with the work of the old town hall, in the local administration of the Department of Concepción. The municipality is directed by three mayors and several councilors. It is chaired by the Mayor of Concepción.

During the second half of the XIX century the city's strength was notorious, and in 1886 a local company was built of horse-drawn trams (carros de sangre). These were of American manufacture (John Stephenson Company of New York), but two-story like those built in England. Although short-lived, Penquista cars or trams were among the first in the country.

In 1876, the three mayors began to be elected. In 1891, with the Autonomous Commune Law, the municipalities began to have more attributions in the local order and greater autonomy. Due to this Law, the Decree of Creation of Municipalities is issued, which creates two new municipalities in the Department of Concepción: Penco (sub-delegations 8th Palomares and 9th Penco) and Hualqui (sub-delegations 5th Chiguayante, 6th Nonquén and 7th Hualqui). The Municipality of Concepción administers the subdelegations 1st San José, 2nd Santo Domingo, 3rd San Agustín and 4th La Merced.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the firm W.R. Grace & Company, a US steamship firm, acquires the franchise to build an electric streetcar in the city, which was the third largest in the country and the second most important port. The "Concepción Electric Company" contracted General Electric (G.E.) for the installation, and ordered electric trams from the Brill company of Philadelphia, opening an interurban line, 15 km long, between Concepción and Talcahuano in 1908. Local electric tram lines were inaugurated in both cities a year later, which were also installed by the G.E. firm, which used double-decker Brill cars, driven by female drivers.

In 1925, the commune of Chiguayante was created. In 1927, due to the Constitution of 1925, the Penquista municipality began to be directed by a mayor and various councilors, who were elected by popular vote.

In February 1928, DFL No. 8582 came into force, suppressing the Province of Arauco, the departments of Talcahuano, Puchacay, Coelemu, Rere, Lautaro, Lebu and Cañete; modifies the Department of Arauco and creates the departments of Tomé, Yumbel and Coronel. With DFL 8583, the Department of Concepción becomes integrated by the communes-subdelegations of Concepción, Talcahuano, Penco and Hualqui. Some time later, at the provincial level, the Province of Arauco was restored, and at the local level, the Department of Talcahuano with its homonymous commune-subdelegation.

Since October 1973, throughout the military dictatorship, the mayors of the Municipality of Concepción were appointed by the authority at the central level.

During the 1970s, a new model for Chilean territorial organization was established. The country would be subdivided into regions (led by mayors), divided into provinces (led by provincial governors). The provinces are made up of communes, administered by the municipalities, which are directed by a mayor.

Within the framework of this modification, the VIII Region of Biobío is created, divided into four provinces: Arauco, Biobío, Concepción and Ñuble. Concepción remains as the provincial and regional capital.

With the return to democracy in the 1990s, and together with the new Law on Municipalities, these (including the Penquista) began to be governed by a mayor, who presides over the Municipal Council (made up of councillors). These posts are again elected by popular vote in 1994. In 1995, the Municipalities of Chiguayante and San Pedro de la Paz are created, which administer the respective sectors.

Parliamentary representation

The commune of Concepción is represented in the Senate of the Republic by senators Sebastián Keitel from Evolución Política, Gastón Saavedra from the PS and Enrique van Rysselberghe Herrera from the UDI. In turn, in the Chamber of Deputies since March 11, 2022, he is represented by the deputies:

  • Francesca Muñoz (RN)
  • Félix González (PEV)
  • Sergio Bobadilla (UDI)
  • Marlene Pérez (UDI)
  • Leonidas Romero (PRCh)
  • Eric Aedo (PDC)
  • Roberto Arroyo (PDG)
  • María Candelaria Acevedo (PCCh)


Historically, both the region and the city have been characterized by a strong presence of the manufacturing industry. This, together with being an important center of distribution and services, lays the foundations of the Penquista economy.

In 2018, the number of companies registered in Concepción was 13,128. The Economic Complexity Index (ECI) in the same year was 2.88, while the economic activities with the highest Revealed Comparative Advantage index (RCA) were Repair of Radio and TV Transmitters, Wire Telephone and Telegraphy Appliances (29.58), Hydroponic Crops and Vegetables in Greenhouses (29.45) and Poultry Raising for Egg Production (19.57).


The commercial hub of the city is concentrated in the center of the city, around the Plaza Independencia, the Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga Pedestrian Walk and in the vicinity of the most important avenues of the city.

Diego Barros Arana street is a clear example of this concentration. A large part of the commerce of the city and of Greater Concepción takes place here. In fact, until 1907 this road was called "calle Comercio".

On its layout, between Carlos Castellón and Aníbal Pinto streets, there is a section of the Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga Pedestrian Walkway built in 1981. A large number of commercial stores are concentrated on it. Another public space that is on that street is Diego Barros Arana Boulevard, using the space comprised of six blocks between Arturo Prat Avenue and Caupolicán Street. Within the framework of the projects for the Bicentennial of Chile, another commercial pole has been developed around the Barrio Estación and the new Civic Quarter of Concepción.

Interior of the Caracol Gallery

On the other hand, a significant percentage of Penquista's commerce takes place outside the city, in communes such as Hualpén, Talcahuano and San Pedro de la Paz, where there are shopping centers, such as Mall Plaza del Trébol, very crowded, and where a renewed commercial development is also underway.

Other commercial centers, related to food, are the Vega Monumental and the Central Market of Concepción, places where varied services and agricultural and livestock products are offered. The latter was affected by a fire on April 28, 2013, which affected a large part of its structure, forcing the owners of different stores to sell their products outside the ruins of the market. The new "Mercado del Gran Concepción", was inaugurated in July 2017, as a provisional measure pending the final relocation of the tenants.

One of the most important commercial landmarks in the city center corresponds to the commercial galleries since their commercial relevance is added to the fact that they have great importance from the urban and social point of view.


Concepción is a city with intense cultural activity, due to its wide student mobility, the presence of important museums and for being the place of origin of several nationally and internationally recognized artists.

Urban milestones

Among the most characteristic buildings of the city are:

Arc University of ConcepciónFormer Faculty of Medicine of the University of Concepción, and main entrance to thisUniversity City of ConcepciónArco Udec.jpg
Campanil de la Universidad de ConcepciónArchitectural Heritage of ConcepciónUniversity City of ConcepciónImagen campanil Udec.jpg
Palacio Tribunals de ConcepciónConcepción architectural heritagePlaza René SchneiderTribunales de Justicia Concepción 1.jpg
Cathedral of the Most Holy ConceptionHeadquarters of the Archdiocese of the Blessed Conception and one of the main temples of the Catholic Church in ChilePlaza de la IndependenciaImagen Catedral Concepcion.jpg
Hirmas PalaceNeoclassical style work currently used by JohnsonArana Barrels 691Imagen palacio Hirmas.jpg
Ex-Central Station of ConcepciónCurrent GoRe Biobío BuildingCivic District of ConcepciónImagen Gobierno Regional Biobio.jpg
Civic District of ConcepciónArea where regional public units are locatedFront of Plaza EspañaImagen Centro Cívico Concepción.jpg
Regional Theater of BiobíoRegional theatreCivic District of ConcepciónImagen teatro regional del biobio.jpg
Casa EsquerreBuilding art decoBarros Arana 171Imagen Casa Esquerre.jpg
Tribunals BuildingModern buildingTucapel 452Edificio Tucapel Concepcion.jpg
Concepción Central MarketOld Food and Restaurant Market (infected by fire and moved to Prat Street)Between Caupolican, Maipú, Rengo and FreireMercado de Concepción.jpg


The band Los Tres was born in the city of Concepción.

Concepción is considered, by the penquistas themselves, as «The cradle of Chilean rock», since numerous bands of this genre have been founded in this city, such as the internationally recognized bands: Los Tres, Los Bunkers, De Saloon; and also national bands, such as: Clandestine Emotions (the first group from the city to become known in Chile), Santos Dumont, Machuca, Niño Cohete, La Julia Smith, Cuti Aste, Julius Popper, Mantarraya, Cholomandinga. Also, renowned musicians have declared that their first massive performances have been given in this city, as is the case of Los Prisioneros.

Concepción has an important number of universities and other educational institutions that give it the quality of a university city, and that also represent an alternative for several regions of Chile. This is why in Concepción, there is an effect known as feedback (in English: feedback), since it is a city made up of many young people who come from other parts of Chile. This makes the city characterized by youth culture in areas such as music, art, social demands, etc.


Entrance Casa del Arte along with the mural Presence of Latin America.

The most important is the Casa del Arte, belonging to the University of Concepción, and which houses the most complete collection of Chilean painting, made up of works from different eras that today amount to more than 1800 works, in addition to the Presence of Latin America mural, National Historic Monument created by the Mexican Jorge González Camarena. The campus of the University on which it is located, known as Ciudad Universitaria de Concepción, is in turn one of the most important cultural centers in the Region del Biobío, where the greatest architectural heritage of the city is found.

At the community level, the History Gallery is also noteworthy, which tells, as its name suggests, the history of the city.

There is also the Natural History Museum of Concepción, which has one of the most important archaeological collections in Chile, and under the supervision of the University of Concepción, is the Casa del Arte, also known as Pinacoteca, a museum that houses the most valuable and important Chilean pictorial collection in the country.

Recently pottery remains have been found in the Los Batros wetland area, it is claimed that it would correspond to a culture existing 8 centuries ago.[citation required]

Festivities and cultural centers

Festival Rock in Conce2020.

In 2014, the Rock en Conce festival began to take shape, held outdoors in the city's Bicentennial Park and to which access would be free. The objective of the festival would be to vindicate the musical focus that the city represented and that earned it the reputation of being the cradle of Chilean rock and, incidentally, become a great tourist attraction for the city. Its first edition took place on Saturday, March 7, 2015, and since then it has been performed with great success every year at the end of the summer, staging emerging local bands together with important and established artists from the national and international scene.

In addition to Rock en Conce, the most important festivity held in the city is the traditional Concepción Day, which is celebrated on October 5 of each year, in commemoration of the founding of the city. Celebrations include civic acts, special presentations, and a carnival. More recently, the expression "Concepción day" has been extended to "Concepción month", since it is customary to carry out activities throughout October.

Celebrations for the arrival of 2007 in Concepción.

Another celebration that takes place is the Día de la Hispanidad, in which the large Spanish colony residing in Concepción is present. This festivity takes place every October 12.

During the National Holidays, the Fiesta de la Chilenidad penquista is celebrated, having as its core the Parque Ecuador and the Parque Bicentenario, where inns and fairs are set up.

One of the most important cultural centers of the city, and one that is nationally recognized, is the International Popular Art Fair. In this fair, artisans are exhibited not only from the area, but also from all over the world. It is the largest fair of its kind nationwide.

Places of interest

Sculpture Tribute to the spirit of the founders...
View of Parque Ecuador, on the foothills of Cerro Caracol.
Plaza Peru

Independence Square is located between O'Higgins, Caupolicán, Barros Arana and Aníbal Pinto streets. Next to the square are the Cathedral of the Holy Conception, the University of Concepción Theater, the Pedro de Valdivia Building and the Cathedral Underground Parking. In the Cathedral of the Santísima Concepción is the Museum of Sacred Art of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción.

Tiranosaurio Rex in the Jurassic Park of Acevedo Square.

There is also the Campus of the University of Concepción, where some of its buildings, such as the University of Concepción Arch (Faculty of Biological Sciences) and the Campanil, are Penquista icons and traditional postcards of the city. In the Casa del Arte of this house of studies, next to Plaza Perú, is the Presence of Latin America Mural, painted in 1964 by the Mexican artist Jorge González Camarena.

Laguna Lo Galindo

The set of urban lagoons in Concepción are a natural attraction of the city. The most important are the Redonda Lagoon, in the Lorenzo Arenas neighborhood, and the Las Tres Pascualas Lagoon, where the San Sebastián University is located, near Avenida Paicaví at the corner of Manuel Bulnes. Laguna Lo Méndez, Lo Custodio, Lo Galindo and Los Patos are the remaining lagoons.

Ecuador Park extends over 10 blocks, from Avenida Arturo Prat to Calle Tucapel and between Calle Víctor Lamas and Cerro Caracol, constituting the largest green lung in the city. The Museum of History Gallery is located in it.

Another important green area is the Parque Costanera on one side of the north bank of the Biobío River. Both green areas have a network of bike lanes.

Plaza Acevedo is a green area of the city, shaped like a triangle, located between Irarrázabal, Maipú and Collao streets. The Natural History Museum of Concepción is located within the square, created in 1902 by the British naturalist Edwin Reed Brookman and whose current building was inaugurated on May 24, 1980. Since November 2008 there has been a small theme park in it, called Jurassic Park, where games and attractions related to different dinosaurs of the world are exhibited.

On the other hand, at the center of the recovery zone sector of the North Bank of Biobío, is the Central Park which has been built in stages (the first in 2006). This park connects the Concepción Station with the North Bank of the Biobío, and in it a Memorial of the Disappeared Detainees of Concepción is under construction, not yet inaugurated.

Finally, the Concepción zoo, Zooconcepción, located at the end of Villa Nonguén, has 290 animals, including the Bengal tiger, bears, African lions, European wild boars, pumas and 87 other species. As for birds, Zooconcepción has developed an artificial lagoon where swans, ducks and flamingos live, among others.


Penquista's population popularly refers to their city as "The university city" due to the large number of universities and professional technical training centers that exist in it, exceeding the proportion of inhabitants of any other commune in the country, only after the commune of Santiago. In Concepción, universities of great importance at the national level have been formed.


University of Concepción Library View from Campanil
CenturyXXI University of Bío-Bío.
Catholic University of the Blessed Conception.
San Sebastián University, Headquarters Concepción, located in Laguna Las Tres Pascualas.
Universidad Santo Tomás, Concepción Headquarters, located at Arturo Prat Avenue.

Since colonial times, the inhabitants of Concepción were concerned with providing the city with houses of higher education. The first institution of its kind was the Pontificia Universidad Pencopolitana de La Concepción, officially authorized in 1730. It was established at the initiative of the Bishopric of Concepción, which handed it over to the administration of the Society of Jesus.

The earthquake and tsunami of 1751 severely affected it, losing infrastructure and its valuable library at the outlet of the sea. This natural disaster motivated the authorities of the time to rebuild the city away from the sea, in the Valle de la Mocha. At the same time that the university was established in its new location, the academic activity of the conventual universities decreased, as a result of the creation of the Royal University of San Felipe, in Santiago. The Pencopolitana University continued to grant degrees until the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767, which meant its closure.

With the beginning of the Republic, Concepción no longer had a university as such. However, in 1865 the University of Chile taught the Fiscal Law Course at the Liceo de Concepción, leading to the title of Lawyer. Among his students was Enrique Urrutia Manzano, who decades later held the Presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile.

On the initiative of a neighborhood committee, including Enrique Molina Garmendia and Virginio Gómez, the University of Concepción was founded in 1919. Today, this university is a member of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities. It is the third oldest in Chile, the first created in the center-south zone of the country, and the first to be established as a private law corporation. In the 2012 classification table of the QS World University Classification Table, the University was ranked number 9 in Latin America, obtaining third place among Chilean universities. It is also ranked third nationally in the AméricaEconomía classification table and the Ibero-American SIR 2012 classification table. According to this last classification, it is among the 30 best universities in Latin America.

In 1947, the Regional Headquarters of the State Technical University arrived. Due to the laws promulgated during the period of the military dictatorship, the regional UTE is transformed into the University of Bío-Bío. Likewise, the Talcahuano regional headquarters of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was transformed in 1991 into the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, at the initiative of the Archbishop of Concepción. The legal facilities for the creation of new private higher education centers led to the establishment of various universities and professional institutes during the 1990s and 2000s, with the Universidad del Desarrollo being one of the first in 1990.

Traditional universities

  • University of Concepción
  • University of Bío-Bío
  • Catholic University of the Blessed Conception
  • Federico Santa María Technical University "Rey Balduino de Belgium" Concepcíon Headquarters

Private universities

  • University of Development (founded in this city)
  • San Sebastian University (founded in this city)
  • Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP
  • Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Universidad Andrés Bello
  • University of the Americas
  • Bolivarian University
  • Universidad Pedro de Valdivia
  • University of the Republic

Professional institutes

  • DuocUC Professional Institute, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Instituto Profesional Virginio Gómez, University of Concepción
  • Instituto Profesional Santo Tomás, Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Instituto Profesional AIEP, Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Instituto Profesional INACAP, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
  • La Araucana Professional Institute
  • Professional Providence Institute
  • Instituto de Estudios Bancarios Guillermo Subercaseaux
  • Instituto Profesional Diego Portales
  • Instituto Profesional Valle Central
  • IPlacex Professional Institute
  • CEDUC UCN Headquarters Hualpen
  • IPG Professional Institute


The Universidad de Concepción Sports Club Corporation is the largest sports consortium in the city. This corporation houses a soccer club, which currently participates in the First Division, a basketball club, which participates in the National Basketball League, two gymnastics teams (one artistic and one rhythmic) and a rugby team.

Horse riding

Penquista horse riding takes place around the Club Hípico de Concepción, located in the neighboring commune of Hualpén. It receives hundreds of bets daily and organizes, in addition to races, championships and competitions.


The Sports House at the University of Concepción, headquarters of the Sports Club University of Basketball Conception.

This sport is one of the most emblematic of the city since it has obtained many achievements representing Concepción.

The best-known professional basketball team is the Club Deportivo Universidad de Concepción, which participates in the National Basketball League. Previously, he competed in the national Dimayor, where he won three championships.

It also has a nationally recognized amateur team, Deportivo Alemán.


Photograph by the Sports Club Arturo Fernández Vial in the 1920s, team founded in 1903.

Concepción has three soccer teams within the Chilean league. Club Deportivo Universidad de Concepción and Fernández Vial act as representatives in the First B of Chile, while in the Second Professional Division of Chile. He is a member of the Concepción Social and Sports Club, which rose to that category, after being disaffiliated from Primera B (ANFP) in 2017 due to financial problems. Previously, Universidad San Sebastián played in the Third Division (ANFA) between 1995 and 1998.

American Football

Since 2009, the city of Concepción has the first American football team in southern Chile called Club Deportivo Treiles del Bio Bío, which belongs to the National Sports Federation of American Football of Chile (FEDACH) and therefore Therefore it is a member of the National League of American football. Its name "Los Treiles" is due to the particular bird Vanellus chilensis that lives mainly in humid areas of South America.[citation required]


In Concepción there are two rugby teams that participate in the discipline's first division tournament: Old John's, founded in 1991; and Los Troncos, founded in 1978. The Los Troncos team has won the national tournament in Chile and has participated in international championships. Currently both clubs are part of the Chilean Rugby League, which brings together teams from outside the capital.

The main venue for the practice of this sport is the headquarters of Los Troncos, Tineo Park Stadium, located in the Penco commune, on the border with the Concepción commune.


The practice of tennis takes place in the city around the Sports House of the University of Concepción, with a hard surface (cement) court, and the Concepción Tennis Club, with its headquarters on the slopes of the Cerro Caracol, in Parque Ecuador, with several clay courts. Several outstanding tennis players at the national level have started there, such as Adrián García. As of 2021, the city will host an ATP Challenger Tour tournament, the second category of men's tennis.

Table tennis

The branch's national champion, Paulina Vega, was born in Concepción. She has won multiple national championships to her credit and represented Chile at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, competing alongside the national tennis player Berta Rodríguez in the discipline of double.

Equipment Sport Competition Stadium Creation
University of Concepción Football pictogram.svg Football First B Municipal Stadium of Concepción 1994
Sports Conception Football pictogram.svg Football Second Division Municipal Stadium of Concepción 1966
Arturo Fernández Vial Football pictogram.svg Football First B Municipal Stadium of Concepción 1903
Lord Cochrane Football pictogram.svg Football ANFA Bio-Bio Region Municipal Stadium of Concepción 1916
University of Concepción Basketball pictogram.svg Basketball National Basketball League Sports House 1991
Club Deportivo Virginio Gómez Basketball pictogram.svg Basketball Dimayor Sports House 2011
Treiles of Bio Bío American football pictogram.svg American Football National League of American Football Stadium The Golondrinas of Hualpen 2009
The Troncos Rugby union pictogram.svg Rugby Rugby League of Chile Tineo Park 1978
Old John's Rugby union pictogram.svg Rugby Rugby League of Chile The Deer 1991

Transportation and communications

Link Paicaví - Alonso de Ribera: Autopista Concepción-Talcahuano.

Internal transportation

Concepción is part of the integrated urban transport system of Greater Concepción, Biovías, which began operating in 2005 and includes the Biobús bus system, which works as a support for the Biotrén suburban train system and a cycle path system.

Conception view from O'Higgins Avenue with Caupolican.

On the other hand, the tendered bus system crosses the main axes of the city, within which are the segregated bus corridor of Avenida Paicaví and the road pair Avenida Arturo Prat - Avenida Padre Alberto Hurtado, also with segregated lanes, exclusive for buses.

The most important urban transport from outside Concepción comes from areas surrounding the commune, belonging to the metropolis, such as Lirquén, Penco, Talcahuano, Hualpén, San Pedro de la Paz, Chiguayante, Coronel and Hualqui.

Intercity transport


The city has three main bus terminals:

  • The Rodoviario Collao, where almost all the bus companies operate, with main destinations to Santiago, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Rancagua, Curicó, Talca, Chillán, Yumbel, Los Angeles, Angol, Temuco, Valdivia, Puerto Montt and Chiloé Island.
  • The Camilo Henríquez Terminal, owned by Tur Bus, where this company and all its subsidiaries of buses operate.
  • The Bus Terminal Bío Bío - Jota Ewert, owned by Buses Bío Bío.

There are also some rural bus services through which you can travel to nearby towns in the province of Concepción or other nearby places in the region.


Concepción is part of the urban nucleus of Greater Concepción, since it is located between the communes of Talcahuano, Hualpén, Chiguayante, Hualqui, Coronel and San Pedro de la Paz. All these communes are interconnected through the Biotrén railway system, inaugurated on December 1, 1999.

As for the interprovincial railway, it only has the Talcahuano-Renaico Regional service, known as Corto Laja, with routes to the communes of Laja, San Rosendo and the rural towns of the commune of Hualqui (Gomero, Talcamávida, Unihue and Quilacoya). Until 2003 there was also a route to Renaico. At present, the train has resumed optionally between Concepción and Santiago on a night route only on summer weekends and long weekend periods leaving Santiago on Fridays arriving in Concepción on Saturday morning, with I return Sunday night from Concepción arriving in Santiago on Monday.

There is also a project to build a tramway in Concepción.

Air and sea transport

Although the commune of Concepción itself does not have an airport, in another commune of Greater Concepción, Talcahuano, the nucleus of air traffic in the south-central zone of Chile is located, through the Carriel Sur International Airport, which receives domestic flights from all over the country, as well as sporadic international flights when planes cannot land in Santiago for weather reasons. Since 2019, this airport also has international routes, with Lima being the first international destination available.

Regarding maritime transport, the commune of Concepción does not have one either, because the role of port of Greater Concepción is played by the communes of Penco and mainly Talcahuano, through their ports of Lirquén and San Vicente respectively.


The media in the city of Concepción began to spread during the 19th century, having some of the oldest newspapers in the country, among them El Sur, founded in 1882 and the only one that still active today. In 2006, Diario El Sur S.A. was bought by the company El Mercurio S.A.P., thus also acquiring ownership of the newspaper La Estrella de Concepción (founded in 1995 and called Crónica until 2009). The University of Concepción, in partnership with Copesa, has been publishing the Diario Concepción since 2007.

Regarding the radio media, some of the most important national radio stations have appeared from the city. This is the case of Radio Bío-Bío.

Regarding the television media, these are much more recent. They left Concepción for the entire region at the end of the XX century. There are three that currently operate in the city: Channel 9 Bío-Bío Televisión, TV8 and TVU; In addition, two local channels that are subsidiaries of national channels are added: TVN Red Biobío (subsidiary of Televisión Nacional de Chile) that broadcasts for the entire region, and previously, Channel 13 Concepción (subsidiary of Channel 13) that broadcast signals only to Gran Concepción. With regard to open type signals and payment by cable operator; Canal 9 Bío-Bío Televisión, TVU and TVN Red Biobío are broadcast in both types, while TV8 is It broadcasts only on cable TV through VTR, as this company is the owner of that channel.

Regarding the open digital signal (TVD), TVU transmitted for a while in the experimental phase, but currently no local signal transmits in this mode. However, there are national signals that are broadcast on TVD, which are Mega (HD / mobile signal), Channel 13 (HD / mobile signal), Chilevisión (HD / SD-Simulcast / mobile signal), Canal Nuevo Tiempo (Two signals HD / Radio / Mobile). According to what was reported by the Undersecretariat of Communications in the Official Gazette on July 27, 2016, a large part of the TVD signals are transmitted and will be transmitted from the antennas of Cerro Centinela (community of Talcahuano).

Radio stations

  • 88.1 MHz Radio Agriculture
  • 88.5 MHz Radio Doña Inés
  • 89.5 MHz Tele13 Radio
  • 90.1 MHz Duna FM
  • 90.9 MHz Radio Punto 7
  • 91.7 MHz Radio Carolina
  • 92.5 MHz The 40s.
  • 93.1 MHz Rock & Pop
  • 93.7 MHz Oceania FM
  • 94.1 MHz Radio El Carbón de Lota
  • 94.5 MHz Radio Nuevo Tiempo
  • 95.1 MHz Radio Universidad de Concepción
  • 95.7 MHz Radio
  • 96.1 MHz Heart FM
  • 96.7 MHz Radio Femenina
  • 97.3 MHz Radio Disney
  • 98.1 MHz Radio Bío-Bío
  • 98.9 MHz The FM Conqueror
  • 99.9 MHz Radio Pudahuel
  • 100.5 MHz Radio Aguamarina (Tomé)
  • 101.1 MHz FM Two
  • 101.7 MHz FM Style
  • 102.3 MHz Radio Armonía
  • 102.9 MHz Romantic FM
  • 104.1 MHz Radio DNA
  • 104.5 MHz Radio Sugar
  • 104.9 MHz Radio Infinita
  • 105.5 MHz Digital FM
  • 106.5 MHz Future Radio
  • 106.9 MHz Radio Andalién
  • 107.1 MHz Radio Lorenzo Arenas
  • 107.3 MHz FM spaces
  • 107.7 MHz Radio Voz de la Mujer
  • 107.9 MHz Dimension Spring
  • 550 kHz Radio Corporación
  • 590 kHz New Radio Caracol
  • 620 kHz Radio Bío-Bío
  • 680 kHz Cooperative Radio
  • 720 kHz Inter-American Radio
  • 820 kHz Radio Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
  • 860 kHz Radio Inés de Suárez
  • 890 kHz Radio Nuevo Mundo
  • 1030 kHz Chilean Radio de Concepción
  • 1360 kHz Radio University of Bío-Bío
  • 1460 kHz Radio Colo Colo
  • 1480 kHz Radio Amistad de Tomé
  • 1530 kHz Radio Patagual


  • 2 - Mega
  • 3 - Conce 3 (Community, North Quarter sector)
  • 4 - TVN (possess TVN Red Biobío)
  • 5 - Channel 13
  • 7 - Chilevision
  • 9 - Canal 9 Bío-Bío Televisión
  • 11 - TVU
  • 13 - The Network
  • 23 - New Time
  • 2.1 (39) - Mega HD
  • 2.2 (39) - Mega 2
  • 3.1 (32) - TV+ HD
  • 3.2 (32) - TV MORE 2
  • 3.3 (32- UCV TV
  • 4.1 (33) - TVN HD
  • 4.2 (33) - NTV
  • 5.1 (24Channel 13 HD
  • 7.1 (30) - Chilevision HD
  • 7.2 (30- UChile TV
  • 9.1 (26Canal 9 Bío-Bío TV HD
  • 14.1 (36- TVR
  • 14.2 (36) - TVU HD
  • 14.3 (36) - UNIFE TV
  • 14.4 (36- Tevex
  • 16.1 (45) - Nativa TV HD
  • 21.1 (21- New HD Time
  • 21.2 (21- New Time SD
  • 21.3 (21) - Radio Nuevo Tiempo
  • TV channels in digital open signal (TVD) with definitive dial, even without transmissions in the commune of Concepción:
    • (28) The Network

Popular Concepción Podcasts

  • Eighth Area
  • The podcast mattress

Sister cities

  • Bandera de Argentina La Plata, Argentina (1993)
  • Bandera de México Monterrey, Mexico (1997)
  • Bandera de Nueva Zelanda Auckland, New Zealand (2004)
  • Bandera de Ecuador Guayaquil, Ecuador (2006)
  • Bandera de Palestina Bethlehem, Palestine (2006)
  • Bandera de Brasil Cascavel, Brazil (2006)
  • Bandera de Ecuador Cuenca, Ecuador.[chuckles]required]
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Minnesota, United States (2009)
  • Bandera de Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia[chuckles]required]
  • Bandera de la República Popular China Wuhan, China (2014)

In popular culture

  • The Chilean rock band Los Prisioneros dedicated a song to this city for the 2003 homonym album, being one of the most important songs of that release.
  • The Chilean singer Jorge González in his solo album My destination names several areas of the Great Conception in the song The old man who danced the new dance style, in the company of the singer-songwriter and leader of the band Los Tres, Alvaro Henríquez.
  • The Cueca brava group The Choapa Provinces have a song called Conception and Talcahuano.

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