Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism
The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism or PromPerú is an entity under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru. It is headquartered in the city of Lima. It is the entity that integrates the former Commission for the Promotion of Exports (PROMPEX) and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru (PROMPERÚ) - previously in charge of promoting tourism - according to D.S. No. 003-2007-MINCETUR.
He gained notoriety for building pavilions such as the 2005 Aichi World Expo.
Its mission consists of developing strategies to establish an integrated and attractive image of Peru, in which it promotes internal tourism, as well as promoting it worldwide as a center of "receptive tourism". It also takes the function of investing and promoting exports in national territory.
He gained notoriety for building pavilions such as the 2005 Aichi World Expo.
- Design, coordinate, conclude and implement policies and actions aimed at disseminating Peru's image abroad and promoting its export products.
- Manage and channel international technical and financial cooperation for the performance of its functions.
- Participate in the strategic planning of export promotion, in accordance with D.L. No. 805.
- Participate in the design, coordination and implementation of strategic investment promotion planning, in coordination with relevant entities.
- Design, coordinate, conclude and execute actions aimed at promoting receptive tourism towards Peru and internal tourism in Peru.
- Manage and channel international technical and financial cooperation for the promotion of tourism in Peru.
- Board of Directors
- Executive Presidency
- General management
- Export Promotion Authority
- Tourism Promotion Authority
- Business Investment Promotion Authority
- Regional Offices Directorate
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of PromPerú is chaired by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism and has 19 more members: 2 vice-ministers (of Foreign Trade and Tourism), 6 representatives of Ministries (Foreign Relations, Economy and Finance, Agriculture and Irrigation, Culture, Environment and Production), a representative of the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment; the Presidents or representatives of the Association of Exporters, the Association of Agro-export Producers Guilds, the National Society of Industries, the Chamber of Commerce of Lima and the National Chamber of Tourism; a representative of the Micro and Small Business Associations and the trade union representatives of the North Amazon Tourist Zone, the Central Tourist Zone and the South Tourist Zone.
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