

Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known under the pseudonym Quino (Mendoza, July 17, 1932- Mendoza, September 30, 2020) was a Argentine graphic humorist and cartoonist nationalized Spanish. His best-known work was the comic strip Mafalda , published between 1964 and 1973.


His parents were Spaniards from the town of Fuengirola (Málaga) who emigrated to Argentina. They called him "Quino" from a young age to distinguish him from his uncle, the illustrator Joaquín, who was the one who awakened his vocation as a cartoonist at a young age. too early. In 1945, after the death of his mother, he began to study at the Mendoza School of Fine Arts. His father died soon after, when Quino was seventeen. Later he dropped out of school, intending to become a comic book author and soon sold his first work. He tried to find work in different Buenos Aires publishing houses, but was unsuccessful. After doing compulsory military service, in 1954 he settled in Buenos Aires.

He published his first humor page in the weekly Esto Es, from then on he began to publish in many other media: Leoplán, TV Guía, Look and Read, Ladies and Little Maids, You, Panorama, Adam, Atlántida, Che, the newspaper Democracia, among others.

Since 1954 he published regularly in Rico Tipo and later in Tía Vicenta and Dr. Meringue. Shortly after he began to make advertising drawings. He published his first compilation book, Mundo Quino, in 1963, after which he was commissioned a few pages for a covert publicity campaign for the Mansfield appliance company, for which he created the character of Mafalda. The campaign was never carried out, so the first Mafalda story was published in Leoplán, after which it began to be published regularly in the weekly Primera Plana since the director of the weekly was a friend of Quino's. Between 1965 and 1967 she was published in the newspaper El Mundo ; he soon published the first compilation book and it began to be published in other countries, including Italy, Spain (where censorship forced it to be labeled as for adults) and Portugal.

After abandoning the Mafalda strip on June 25, 1973, according to himself because he ran out of ideas, Quino later went into exile in Milan, from where he continued making humorous pages.

In 2008, curated by Mercedes Casanegra and as part of the New Murals Program, the Subterráneos de Buenos Aires company commissioned a tile mural with the characters from Mafalda in the corridor that joins the stations Peru and Cathedral.

In 2009 he participated with an original of Mafalda made for El Mundo in Bicentennial: 200 years of Graphic Humor, an exhibition organized by the Museum of Drawing and Illustration that made at the Eduardo Sívori Museum in Buenos Aires.

On May 21, 2014, he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, an award that was presented to him on the following October 25.


He died on September 30, 2020, after being hospitalized for a stroke at the age of eighty-eight, one day after the fifty-sixth anniversary of the first publication of his most emblematic strip, Mafalda.


Quino at the opening of the 40th International Book Fair in Buenos Aires in 2014.

The protagonists of his comic strips are usually ordinary people, although Quino does not renounce surreal or allegorical scenes (such as policemen throwing valium into the open mouths of protesters) and cartoonish reactions.

The contents of Mafalda tend to be closer and at the same time more adult than in other similar strips. Mafalda worries about world politics and Manolito is obsessed with money. Despite this, these characters can be seen as real children with real parents and not as "adults in children's bodies".

Quino's humor is typically acid and even cynical, frequently delving into the misery and absurdity of the human condition. Thus, it makes the reader face bureaucracy, the errors of authority, useless institutions or narrow-mindedness. Another typical resource is the reduction to the absurd of known situations.

This pessimistic approach to reality does not prevent their stories from being full of tenderness and showing sympathy for the victims of life (employees, children, housewives, pensioners, obscure artists, etc.), without hiding their failures and limitations. But even in their caricatures of oppressive bosses and heartless bureaucrats there is a certain sympathy, for they themselves are victims of their own stupidity.

Quino's optics is probably a product of the vicissitudes of Argentina in the last forty years; his mixture of pessimism and humanism is possibly one of the main reasons for his great success throughout Latin America and much of the world outside of Latin America, which explains why his comic strips of the Argentine topic of the 1960s and 1970s have been edited and translated into many different languages apart from the original Rio de la Plata Spanish.[citation required]

Creative style

Quino's dream is synthetic, with few pictures, simple images and brief dialogues, makes us reflect. He's talking about a black and white Mafalda. Color and voices, decorative and utilitarian objects will come later, dreamed by others who will animate their comics and multiply their appearances in everyday life. It is said that there are different kinds of dreams, some based on contact with the world of forms of thought. They relate to the effort we make to understand or interpret life and its meaning, its meaning. They deal with the ideals and ideas that have controlled human life, and which form the basis of history. Oh, yes, Quino dreamed not only of the family, but also of life and its ideals: with justice, freedom, democracy, finance, ethics. Other dreams of Quino are geometric in their nature, and in them people become aware of the basic patterns, shapes and symbols that determine archetypes and evolutionary processes, which represent the development of consciousness. (...) Dreaming, visualizing, the mental experience in which an artist brings his imagination to the real speaks of a creative maturity. Dream, creativity and creation are related experiences, which allow the expression of ideals that build human consciousness.
Ra'al Ki Victorieux.


  • 1935: Quino discovers what the passion of his life will be when his uncle Joaquín (an advertising artist) entertains them one night with his drawings.
  • 1950: Draw your first comic for advertising.
  • 1951: He suffers his first setback by going to Buenos Aires and not selling his jokes in magazines and newspapers.
  • 1954: He finally accepts his first page of speechless jokes in the weekly This is it..
  • 1955-1959: Collaborates with humor pages in numerous publications.
  • 1960: Having already a good professional placement as a collaborator of several publications, he married Alicia Colombo.
  • 1962: He makes his first exhibition in a bookstore in Buenos Aires.
  • 1963: Publish your first book of compilation of graphic jokes, Fifth Worldand create the comic Mafalda for an advertising agency, which does not use it.
  • 1964: On September 29, Mafalda sees the light in the weekly First Plana.
  • 1965: The Daily The World starts publishing the strip Mafalda.
  • 1966: First collection of strips Mafalda in a book. The edition runs out in two days.
  • 1967: At the end of the year, the strip of Mafaldafor the disappearance of The World. Quino, for his part, keeps doing the graphic jokes page.
  • 1968: Publication resumed in the weekly Seven Days. Mafalda, after being published in some other countries of Ibero-America, appears for the first time in Europe in a compilation of texts and graphic humor in Italy.
  • 1969: Publication Mafalda the respondent, first European book dedicated to Mafalda. This book, published in Italy, has a presentation of Umberto Eco.
  • 1970: Editorial Lumen starts editing books Mafalda.
  • 1971: The weekly Triomphefrom Madrid, he starts publishing his graphic jokes. Mafalda it spreads all over Europe.
  • 1972: After having signed marketing contracts to avoid speculation with the character, Quino signs a contract for an animated series of Mafalda led by Catu. In addition, public Don't yell at me..
  • 1973: The cartoons begin to spread Mafalda. On July 25, Quino delivers the last four strips and makes Mafalda and his friends say goodbye. His third book is published, I want you to..., in the publishing house Siglo XXI Argentina.
  • 1974: Publication Ten years with Mafalda. From 1974 to 1976, the Spanish humor weekly Brother Lobo publishes his vineyards.
  • 1977: Illustrate, at the request of the Unicef, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
  • 1979: With the authorization of Quino, Glenat starts editing the strips Colored Mafalda. Publication People on your site.
  • 1981: In Buenos Aires, a feature film is released Mafaldawith a set of short films made for television.
  • 1982: The International Wetness Hall of Montreal is named Cartoonist of the Year. Publication No art, no part.
  • 1983: Draw drawings Mafalda for a campaign of Argentine dentists on oral hygiene. Publication Let me invent.
  • 1985: Quino draws for propaganda of some programs of nutrition, health and culture of the Argentine government. Publication Quinotherapy. First short films produced and performed in Cuba on Quino's humor pages: Quinoscope.
  • 1987: Publication Yeah, honey....
  • 1988: His hometown, Mendoza, distinguishes him with the title of Ilustre Citizen as Master of the Humor, Sensibility and Justice of National and International Projection. Draw a poster for the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the commemoration of human rights and the five years of democracy in Argentina.
  • 1989: 25th anniversary Mafalda public Unpublished mafalda. Publication Powerful, powerless and powerless.
  • 1991: Publication Human is born.
  • 1992: Exhibition organized in Madrid The World of Mafalda. Publication All Mafalda.
  • 1993: 1.a edition All Mafalda, Editorial de la Flor D.G. Productions, S.A. In collaboration with TVE, it produces 104 episodes of comic Mafaldamade by Juan Padrón at the ICAIC, short films that have not been marketed on Argentine television. Publication I wasn't!from Ediciones de la Flor.
  • 1994: Thirty years of celebration in Milan Mafalda with a meeting at the Circolo della Stampa, with the presence of Umberto Eco, Marcello Bernardi, Fulvia Serra (director of the magazine Linus) and Román Gubern (president of the Cervantes Institute of Rome).
  • 1995: The publication of Quino’s humor pages began The Weekly CountrySunday of the newspaper El PaísMadrid.
  • 1996: Published in Argentina Tales and other alterationsby Jorge Timossi, with illustrations by Felipe made by Quino. Publication How bad are people!.
  • 1997: Receives a curious Placa de Plata award, awarded by the Asociación Madrileña de Empresarios de Restaurantes y Cafeterías, for having contributed with its graphic manifestations to the prestige and gastronomic diffusion. He is also awarded the prize of the Professional Association of Illustrators of Madrid.
  • 1998: Ediciones de la Flor reedita el primer libro de Quino, Fifth Worldwith the author's prologue. He is distinguished by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires as Master of Art, in recognition of his work. Publish your website.
  • 1999: In April, Reedit Flower Editions Don't yell at me.. La Librería Internacional invites Quino to San José, Costa Rica, with the sponsorship of the newspaper La Nación.
  • 2000: The Cuban Institute of Book exposes the sample The World of Quino at the Wilfredo Lam Center, subsede of the ninth International Book Fair of Havana. Litexa Boliviana, S.A., invites Quino to La Paz, Bolivia, on the occasion of the Book Fair, with the sponsorship of Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano and the Mayor of La Paz. At this time, the relationship established with the public leads him to commit himself to attending the Book Fair.
  • 2001: During July and August, he performs an itinerant show of humor in Bolivia. In turn, in Greece, on the occasion of the 5th International Humor Festival, Quino exhibits a sample of his drawings and some strips of Mafaldawith the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Greece and the Unesco. In October, he is invited to the Gijón International Comic Show. On the occasion of the Ibero-American Sample of Graph Humor, the University of Alcalá de Henares appoints him as the Honorary Professor of Humor. In November, Ediciones Glénat and Hachette Canada invite Quino to the 23rd Salon du Livre of Montreal.
  • 2002: In September, he is invited to exhibit his work of graphic humor and Mafalda in the «21ème Salon Internacional de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d'Humour», de Saint Just le Mars. In November, the IILA (Instituto Ítalo-Latino Americano) and the Embassy of the Argentine Republic organize in Rome the exhibition of Quino "Il Padre di Mafalda ha altri figli" in the Scuderie of the Palazzo Santacroce.
  • 2003: Performs an exhibition of his works and a talk in the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Opens the International Book Fair of Guayaquil, Ecuador. In September, he exhibited his work in Biarritz, France, on the occasion of the 2003 CITA festival. The University of Guadalajara, Mexico, grants you the "La Catrina" home tax and an exhibition of your work is made.
  • 2004: Inaugurates the exhibition in Milan Travel with Mafaldato commemorate the 40 years of the first publication of the character in Argentina. In July, Ediciones de la Flor publishes his new book, What an unpresentable present!. In August, the exhibition opens in Buenos Aires Quino, 50 years, which celebrates the 50 years of the publication of his first humorous drawing in the magazine This is it.. The exhibition then moves to Cordoba and Mar del Plata. In November, Éditions Glénat (France) organizes in Paris a tribute to Quino, accompanied by a drawing exhibition by his French colleagues, who wear on Mafaldaand throw the book Unpresentable present.
  • 2005: The exhibition Travel with Mafalda is presented in Rome, Naples, Zagarolo (Rome), Voghera (Pavia), Jesolo (Venice), Bologna and Barcelona. The exhibition Fifth 50 years continues its itinerance through Argentina, and is presented in Rosario, Casilda, Mendoza and San Rafael.
  • 2007: He retires from drawing, although his strips are still being published.
  • 2008: In the mural of a subway of Buenos Aires, Mafalda.
  • 2009: Stop publishing strips in the Viva MagazineAfter writing a letter in which he announces his retirement.
  • 2009: Participate with an original Mafalda, made for the newspaper The World, in the sample Bicentennial: 200 years of graphic humor, which the Museum of Drawing and Illustration performs at the Eduardo Sívori Museum in Buenos Aires, as a tribute to the most important creators of graphic humor in Argentina through its history.
  • December 2012: La tira Mafalda arrives in eBook format at the Kindle Store of the United States in Spanish. His 12 books are officially published.
  • December 2012: Mafalda makes her official arrival on social media, with Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest accounts. For the first time in his story, Quino's characters come to social networks, with the name MafaldaDigital.
  • December 2012: The official page of MafaldaOn Quino's official website.
  • February 2013: Quino and Panarea Digital launch the first official application of the comic strip Mafalda. Launching Mafalda for iPad.


Note: Only works originally published in Argentina are detailed here, since editions from other countries are usually similar.


Plaza Mafalda, in the district of Colegiales.

The best-known of his works, Mafalda, was originally an advertisement for washing machines. Quino tried to leave her but the comic had already taken hold.

Other publications

Book This is not all. for sale in a street market of a square in Havana Vieja, Cuba.
  • Fifth World (1963) (reissued in 1998)
  • Don't yell at me. (1972) (reissued in 1999)
  • I want you to... (1973)
  • Well, thank you, and you? (1976)
  • Men in pocket (1977)
  • People on your site (1978)
  • To the good table (1980)
  • Neither art nor part (1981)
  • Let me invent (1983)
  • Quinotherapy (1985)
  • Yeah, honey. (1987)
  • Powerful, powerless and powerless (1989)
  • Human is born (1991)
  • I didn't. (1994)
  • Tales and other alterations (1995) (only the illustrations; texts by Jorge Timossi)
  • How bad are people! (1996)
  • How kind! (1999)
  • This is not all. (recollection) (2002)
  • What an unpresentable present! (2005)
  • The adventure of eating (2007)
  • All Mafalda (2007)
  • Who's there? (2012)
  • Just Quino (2016)


  • In Argentina:
    • Mafalda (1965).
    • Mafalda (1982).
  • In Cuba, carried out by Juan Padrón:
    • Quinoscope (1986-1988), based on his ideas and drawings.
    • Mafalda (1991), series of 104 chapters of 1 minute duration.

Awards and distinctions

  • Palma de Oro in the International Salon of Humorism of Bordighera of 1978.
  • Drawing of the year in 1982, granted by his colleagues.
  • Platinum Konex of visual arts - graphic humor of 1982 and 1992.
  • Ilustre citizen and key to the city of Mendoza in 1988.
  • Max und Moritz Award for Best International comic strip Mafaldagranted by 3. Erlangen International Comic Hall in 1988.
  • Placa de Plata of the Asociación Madrileña de Empresarios de Restaurantes y Cafeterías de 1997, for contributing to the prestige and gastronomic diffusion.
  • Master of Art by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in 1998.
  • B'nai B'rith Human Rights in 1998, for the defense of human rights.
  • Haxtur Awards to the Author We Love, 2000 at the International Comic Hall of the Principality of Asturias.
  • Honorary Professor of Humor at the University of Alcalá de Henares in 2000.
  • Ibero-American Prize for Graphic Humor Quevedos 2000.
  • La Catrina Caricature Award, awarded by the Guadalajara International Book Fair in 2003.
  • Ciudadano Ilustre de la ciudad de Buenos Aires in 2004.
  • Knight of the Order of Isabel the Catholic in 2005.
  • Ciudadano Ilustre de Guaymallén in 2005.
  • Prince Claus Foundation for Culture and Development in The Hague in 2005.
  • Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in 2006.
  • Extremadura Award for Creation to the Best Artistic Trayectoria of Ibero-American Author in 2007.
  • Konex Prize - Mention to Trajectory in 2012.
  • Knight of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic 2014.
  • Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2014.
  • May 2014: Honorary mention «Senador Domingo Faustino Sarmiento», awarded by the Congress of the Argentine Nation.
  • Honor Prize «John Buscema: Love the comic» (2014).
  • Order to the Artistic and Cultural Merit Pablo Neruda of Chile, ceremony led by President Michelle Bachelet in January 2015.
  • Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of Cuyo in 2019.
  • Konex Award of Honor - Failed Personality of the Decade in Visual Arts 2022.
  • The main belt asteroid (27178) Quino is dedicated to it.

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