Chloris (plant)


Chloris is a genus of flowering plants in the Poaceae family. It is native to temperate and tropical regions of the globe.


They are annual or perennial plants, cespitose or stoloniferous; stems stout, glabrous; hermaphrodite plants. keeled pods; ligule a generally ciliolate membrane; linear, flattened or folded sheets. Inflorescence of one or more whorls of unilateral spikes, rarely one spike, the spikelets sessile, appressed or pectinate in two rows on the lower sides of the rachis; spikelets laterally compressed, usually with a bisexual floret and one or two sterile or rarely staminate florets; disarticulation above glumes; glumes subequal or the lower one shorter than the upper one, shorter than the fertile floret, membranaceous, 1-veined, carinate, acute or pointed; lemma fertile membranaceous or cartilaginous, carinate, 3-veined, emarginate or forked, usually ridged from apex or just below apex, marginal veins usually hairy, keel hairy or glabrous; hairy callus; rachilla prolonged above the fertile floret and with rudimentary florets; lodicules, adnate to palea; stamens; styles. Fruit a caryopsis; embryo 1/3–2/3 the length of the caryopsis; dotted thread.


The genus was described by Peter Olof Swartz and published in Nova Genera et Species Plantarum seu Prodromus 1, 25. 1788. The type species is: Chloris cruciata (L.) sw.


The generic name derives from the Greek chloros (green), referring to the leaves; Alternatively, named after Chloris (The Green One), in Greek mythology she is the goddess of flowers.


The basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 10, with somatic chromosome numbers of 2n = 14, 20, 26, 30, 36, 40, 72, 80 and 100, since there are diploid species and a polyploid series. Relatively "small" chromosomes.


  1. Chloris affinis
  2. Chloris amethystea
  3. Chloris andropogonoids
  4. Chloris anomala
  5. Chloris arenaria
  6. Chloris barbata
  7. Chloris berazainiae
  8. Chloris berroi
  9. Chloris boivinii
  10. Chloris boliviensis
  11. Chloris bournei
  12. Chloris × brevispica
  13. Chloris burmensis
  14. Chloris quarry
  15. Chloris castleniana
  16. Chloris ciliata
  17. Chloris clementis
  18. Chloris cruciata
  19. Chloris cubensis
  20. Chloris cucullata
  21. Chloris diluta
  22. Chloris divaricata
  23. Chloris ekmanii
  24. Chloris elata
  25. Chloris exilis
  26. Chloris filiformis
  27. Chloris flabella
  28. Chloris formosana
  29. Gay Chloris
  30. Chloris halophila
  31. Chloris humbertiana
  32. Chloris jubaensis
  33. Chloris lamproparia
  34. Chloris lobata
  35. Chloris mearnsii
  36. Chloris mensensis
  37. Chloris montana
  38. Chloris mossambicensis
  39. Chloris orthonoton
  40. Chloris paniculata
  41. Chloris parvispicula
  42. Chloris pectinata
  43. Chloris pilosa
  44. Chloris polydactyla
  45. Chloris pumilio
  46. Chloris pycnothrix
  47. Chloris quinquesetica
  48. Chloris radiata
  49. Chloris robust
  50. Chloris roxburghiana
  51. Chloris ruahensis
  52. Chloris rufescens
  53. Chloris sagraeana
  54. Chloris sesquiflora
  55. Chloris subdolichostachya
  56. Chloris submutica
  57. Chloris suringarii
  58. Chloris texensis
  59. Chloris truncata
  60. Ventrical Chloris
  61. Chloris verticillata
  62. Chloris virgata
  63. Chloris wightiana
  64. Chloris woodii

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