Chilean presidential election of 1952

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Presidential Election of Chile of 1952
President for the period 1952-1958
DateThursday, 4 September 1952
TypePresidential, national level
Period3 November 1952 to 3 November 1958

Electoral demography
Population5 932 995 (c. 1952)
Registered1 105 029
Voters957 102
86.61 %Green Arrow Up.svg10.7 %
Valid votes954 131

Carlos Ibanez del Campo.jpg
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo- Ind.
Popular Socialist Party
Agrarian Labour Party
Ibañista National Movement
Radical Doctrinary Party
National Christian Party
Female Progressive Party
People’s Democratic Party
Votes 446 439
Votes in Plenary Congress 132
46.79 %
Arturo Matte Larraín- PL
Liberal Party
Traditional Conservative Party
Magellan Regionalist Party
Agrarian National Party
Progressive Liberal Party
Votes 265 357
Votes in Plenary Congress 12
27.81 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso Barrios- PR
Radical Party
Christian Social Conservative Party
Falange Nacional
Democratic Party of Chile
Votes 190,360Red Arrow Down.svg%
19.95 %
Salvador Allende 1952.JPG
Salvador Allende Gossens- PS
National People ' s Front
Labour Party
Communist Party of Chile
Votes 51,975Green Arrow Up.svg329 %
5.45 %

Map of results by provinces
Elección presidencial de Chile de 1952

Coat of arms of Chile.svg
President of Chile
Gabriel González Videla
Radical Party
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo

The Chilean presidential election of 1952 was held on September 4, 1952, and Carlos Ibáñez del Campo won by relative majority, with 46.79% of the votes. This was the first Chilean election for president in which women's suffrage was incorporated. As a result of this, the electoral roll doubled with respect to the previous election.


Pedro Enrique Alfonso

Pedro Enrique Alfonso was the candidate of the Radical Party, also supported by the Social Christian spectrum of politics. His supporters expected it to be the fourth radical government followed, since Pedro Aguirre Cerda entered La Moneda.

Prior to the elections, the Radicals governed in coalition with the Christian Social Conservative Party, the National Falange and the Democratic Party in the so-called Social Sensitivity cabinet. On October 12, 1951, the Falangists proclaimed Senator Eduardo Frei Montalva as their presidential candidate in an act held in the city of Talca. For their part, the Social Christian conservatives raised the candidacy of also Senator Manuel Muñoz Cornejo.

The government parties held a convention in January 1952 to choose the candidate, without reaching an agreement. Finally, on May 3 it was decided that the ruling party's candidate would be Pedro Enrique Alfonso.

Salvador Allende

Candidate of the Socialist Party, Senator Salvador Allende was running for the presidency of the republic for the first time. Although he would be supported by the outlawed communism, many of the socialist votes would be diverted to Ibáñez.

Carlos Ibáñez del Campo

Former president, Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, tried on several previous occasions to win the presidential seat through elections. To date he was an independent senator for Santiago, he only had the support of small parties, the main ones being the Popular Socialist Party and the Agrarian Labor Party, among others.

Arturo Matte

A senator from the Liberal Party, supported by his party and the Traditionalist Conservative, Arturo Matte had previously been Finance Minister under Juan Antonio Ríos, and had a certain influence in sectors of the center.

To define the opposition candidate, a national convention was held on July 14 and 15, 1951, attended by 500 representatives of the Liberal Party, 500 of the Traditionalist Conservative Party, and 240 of the National Agrarian Party led by Jaime Larraín García -Moreno, 100 from the National Democratic Party, 50 from the Progressive Liberal Party, 30 from the Magallanes Regionalist Party and 200 independents. Finally, 1,550 attended the convention held in the Hall of Honor of the National Congress.

The penultimate round of voting at the convention yielded the following result:

Mattelarrain.JPGArturo Matte LarraínTorch.svgPL732
Juan Antonio Coloma Mellado 2.JPGJuan Antonio Coloma Mellado Cross Santiago.svgPCT 453
Gustavo Roberto Alejandro Rivera Baeza.jpgGustavo Rivera Baeza Torch.svgPL 174
11.22 %
Diego Francisco Bulnes Correa.jpgFrancisco Bulnes Correa Torch.svgPL 128
8.26 %
Jaime Larraín García Moreno.jpgJaime Larraín García-Moreno Emblema Partido Agrario Laborista.pngNAPA 39
2.51 %
White votes 24 1.55 %
Total votes cast 1550 100%

From this, the first 3 majorities faced each other in a final vote that gave Arturo Matte the winner.

Mattelarrain.JPGArturo Matte LarraínTorch.svgPL1110
72.74 %
Juan Antonio Coloma Mellado 2.JPGJuan Antonio Coloma Mellado Cross Santiago.svgPCT 402
26.34 %
Gustavo Roberto Alejandro Rivera Baeza.jpgGustavo Rivera Baeza Torch.svgPL 14
0.92 %
Total votes cast 1526 100%


Initially the campaign tended to be thought of as a confrontation between Alfonso and Matte, representatives of two of the strongest sectors of Chilean politics, radicalism and the right. Salvador Allende had against him the banning of the Communist Party and the dragging of popular votes from Ibáñez.

Carlos Ibáñez established his campaign against traditional politics, and managed to attract people with that speech. With the motto "Ibáñez to power and the broom to sweep" he was shown as a man who led Chile to a golden age during the presidency, and who would sweep away all the corruption of the traditional political parties.


People's Choice


Ibáñez's triumph was overwhelming. The structural crisis that the country was going through and the total discredit into which traditional politics had fallen due to its corruption and inefficiency served this purpose.[citation required] It should be noted that this was the first presidential election in which women had the right to vote.

Political support
Carlos Ibanez del Campo.jpgCarlos Ibáñez del CampoIndependiente fuera de pacto.pngIndPSP-PAL-MNI-PRDo-PNC-PPF-PDP446 439
46.79 %
Mattelarrain.JPGArturo Matte LarraínTorch.svgPLPL-PCT-PRM-PNA-PLP265 357
27.81 %
PedroAlfonsoBarrios.jpgPedro Enrique Alfonso BarriosPartido Radical de Chile.pngPRPR-PCSC-FN-ChPD190 360
19.95 %
Salvador Allende 1952.JPGSalvador Allende GossensEmblem of the Socialist Party of Chile.svgPSNational People ' s Front51 975
5.45 %
Total valid votes954 13199.69 %
White and null votes29710.31 %
Total votes cast957 102100%
Total registered1 105 029Abstaining: 13.39 %

By province

Candidate Tarapacá Antofagasta Attack Coquimbo Aconcagua Valparaiso Santiago
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo700646.85 %13 51255.89 %521843.05 %742523.34 % 776533.96 % 43 25850.95 %176 32554.8 %
Arturo Matte323021.6% 270711.2% 177814.67 % 10 31432.42 % 872338.15 %20 41924.05 % 78 89024.52 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso 335622.44 % 546022.59 % 459337.9 % 12 16938.25 %570424.95 % 16 97199.9% 43 77613.61 %
Salvador Allende 13639.11 % 249510.32 % 5314.38 % 19055.99 % 6742.95 % 42505.01 % 22 7627.07 %
Total valid votes 14 95599.43 % 24 17499.7 % 1299.9 % 31 81399.65 % 22 86699.47 % 84 89899.83 % 321 75399.71 %
Null and blank votes 85.57 % 730.3 % 120.10 % 1110.35 % 1220.53 % 1410.17 % 9230.29 %
Total votes cast15 050100% 24 247100% 12 132100% 31 924100% 22 988100% 85 039100% 322 676100%
Candidate O'Higgins Colchagua Curicó Talca Maule Linares
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo15 01640.39 %587425.86 % 462433.19 % 12 07841.4 %440429.18 % 11 26542.2 %
Arturo Matte14 49839 % 12 06853.13 %558540,09 %10 43335.76 % 595639.47 %10 80740.48 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso 609516.39 % 418718.43 % 315322.63 % 558619.15 % 448329.71 % 411715.42 %
Salvador Allende 15674.22 % 5872.58 % 5704.09 % 10783.69 % 2471.64 % 5051.89 %
Total valid votes 37 17699.66 % 22 71699.5 % 13 93299.39 % 29 17599.58 % 15 09099.72 % 26 69499.65 %
Null and blank votes 1250.34 % 1150.5 % 860.61 % 1240.42 % 420.28 % 950.35 %
Total votes cast37 301100% 22 831100% 14 018100% 29 299100% 15 132100% 26 789100%
Candidate Ñuble Concepción Arauco Biobío Malleco Cautiny
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo13 10334.34 % 30 65048.97 %258426.26 % 738239.4 %954340.76 %23 65049.46 %
Arturo Matte13 48935.35 %13 32021.28 % 244224.81 % 625733.39 % 772833,01 % 14 00929.3 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso 10 65327.92 % 13 15521.02 % 331833.72 %436223,28 % 560823.96 % 895218.72 %
Salvador Allende 9092.38 % 54688.74 % 149715,21 % 7363.93 % 5312.27 % 12082.53%
Total valid votes 38 15499.87 % 62 59399.66 % 984199.90 % 18 73799.6 % 23 41099.78 % 47 81999.63 %
Null and blank votes 480.13 % 2160.34 % 100.10 % 750.40 % 520.22 % 1790.37 %
Total votes cast38 202100% 62 809100% 9851100% 18 812100% 23 462100% 47 998100%
Candidate Valdivia Osorno Llanquihue Chiloé Aisén Magellan
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo16 13350.97 %810148.97 %797743.29 %414432,62 % 184360.51 %755965.42 %
Arturo Matte772424.40 % 424822.53 % 547729.72 % 432934.08 %30710.08 % 6395.53 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso 654620.68 % 602531.96 % 450124.42 % 408132.12 % 75924.92 % 275023.80 %
Salvador Allende 12483.94 % 4772.53% 4742.57 % 1501.18 % 1374.50 % 6065.24 %
Total valid votes 31 65199.74 % 18 85199.76 % 18 42999.57 % 12 70499.69 % 304699.84 % 11 55499.46 %
Null and blank votes 830.26 % 460.24 % 800.43 % 400.31 % 50.16 % 630.54 %
Total votes cast31 734100% 18 897100% 18 509100% 12 744100% 3051100% 11 617100%
Source: Urzúa Valenzuela, 1992.

For tables of men and women

Candidate Votes
Carlos Ibáñez del Campo322 89248.41 %123 54743.02 %
Arturo Matte Larraín173 68026.04 %91 67731.93 %
Pedro Enrique Alfonso Barrios132 15919.81 %58 20120.27 %
Salvador Allende Gossens38 2405.73 %13 7354.78 %
Total valid votes666 97169.9 % 287 16030.1 %
Source: Urzúa Valenzuela, 1992.

Election of the Full Congress

Since none of the candidates had an absolute majority, according to the 1925 Constitution, it was up to the Plenary Congress to choose between those two candidates who had obtained the highest relative majorities. He chose Ibáñez, who had obtained the highest majority.

The vote of the Plenary Congress (deputies and senators) was as follows:

Political support
Carlos Ibanez del Campo.jpgCarlos Ibáñez del CampoIndependiente fuera de pacto.pngIndPSP-PAL-MNI-PRDo-PNC-PPF-PDP132
91.67 %
Mattelarrain.JPGArturo Matte LarraínTorch.svgPLPL-PCT-PRM-PNA-PLP12
8,33 %
Total valid votes14482.76 %
White votes3017.24 %
Total votes cast174100%
Congressmen who did not attend18Abstaining: 9.38 %

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