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Chewbacca is a character from the fictional Star Wars universe. He is a Wookiee, a tall, hairy, and stocky bipedal, sentient species from the planet Kashyyyk. Chewbacca is Han Solo's loyal friend and partner, serving as co-pilot on Solo's spaceship, the Millennium Falcon. He was played by actor Peter Mayhew. The character has also appeared on television, in books, comics, and video games.


Chewbacca's story is taken from the elements that are currently valid in the Star Wars Expanded Universe and the version that has been modified to create the new Star Wars canon based on Disney's rights to the characters, and new stories that emerged from Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm. The rest of this story comes from the Universe "Legends" (formerly Expanded Universe), which is no longer part of the Star Wars Universe canon.

Originally from the planet Kashyyyk, he was the son of Itchy (Attichitcuk), a faithful warrior and colonizer, who in his time led the Wookiees to victory after victory. Chewbacca's wife was Malla (Mallatobuck), a beautiful homely Wookiee who cared carefully for their son, Lumpawarrump, Lumpy. Chewbacca carried with him the name of the ancient Wookiee hero, the great Bacca, the first of the great chieftains of Kashyyyk, and the creator of a sword that indicated leadership among the Wookiees. With this name Chewbacca made known that he belonged to a noble lineage, which was corroborated by his role on Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars and during the Galactic Civil War.

Chewbacca was born on Kashyyyk in 200 BBY, the son of Attichitcuk. During his early years Chewbacca lived on Kashyyyk, but unlike many other Wookiees who rarely left the planet's lush forests, Chewbacca was consumed by an overwhelming sense of adventure and exploration. Chewie's first travels were to the remote and dangerous lower levels of the vast forests of Kashyyyk and the Shadowlands. It didn't take long for his travels to take him far from the confines of his verdant homeworld. However, his heart remained on Kashyyyk, and Chewie always tried to get home for the festivities.[citation needed ]

When Chewie was still young, before he was 100 years old, he was known for his ability to navigate the tall Wroshyr trees and for his prowess with a hydrospanner. Chewbacca spent some time repairing vehicles with his friends, including the Wookiee Dryanta. Chewbacca met his future wife Mallatobuck as a young man, though he did not know how she felt about him. Malla was shy and hid her feelings from her, even not thanking Chewbacca when he saved her from Trandoshan enslavers. However, Chewbacca's cousin Jowdrrl was a friend of Malla's and helped slowly create a relationship between the two. Unfortunately, their blossoming relationship hit a snag when the Wookiee Tojjevvuk began fighting over Malla's affections. Chewbacca was eventually forced into an honor duel with Tojjevuk by Malla's hand, but Tojjevvuk dishonored the duel by using his claws, something forbidden for a Wookiee. However, Chewie's prowess in navigating the Wroshyr trees was Tojjevuk's undoing, and a timely block from Chewbacca sent Tojjevvuk into the Shadowlands, where he was slain by the dangerous creatures of Kashyyyk.

Chewbacca was a wise and sophisticated being of great strength and loyalty. He was also a skilled mechanic. Like many Wookiees, he could understand Basic, but he couldn't speak it due to the vocal structure of his species. Instead he spoke Shyriiwook, the main Wookiee language, made up mostly of grunts, to his non-Wookiee companions, who usually spoke Basic.

Clone Wars

He lived with his family in Rwookrrorro. Chewie and his father were responsible for the creation of many villages on Kashyyyk in the decades before the Battle of Naboo, and both participated in the colonization of Alaris Prime, where they fought the Trade Federation for control of the moon.. Notably, it was during this time that Chewbacca had his first encounter with the Jedi, as Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi had been assigned by the Galactic Republic to end the conflict on Alaris Prime. Under Jinn's tutelage, Chewbacca was able to successfully run the colony in its military and economic aspects. However, for all of Chewie's successes, rivalries between the different Wookiee families continued to plague Kashyyyk. Tvrrdko Tojjevvuk's father continued to seek revenge for the death of his son, but waited for the right moment. Tvrrdko's fury had caused Chewbacca to stay away from his planet, but the CSI invasion forced him to return. The clones and their Jedi Generals recruited many of the Wookiees, and Chewbacca became an important member of the Wookiee resistance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He was a major participant in the Battle of Kashyyyk, overseeing the confrontation between the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic and the invading droid forces along with Tarfful and Jedi General Yoda, aided by both Yoda escapes when the clones attempt to deploy Order 66. During this battle, many Wookiee soldiers perished. At this time Chewbacca was barely 180 years old. It was Chewbacca, along with Tarfful, who accompanied Jedi General Quinlan Vos in his charge against the enemy. When the battle concluded, Chewbacca was attacked by Hronk, a relative of Tojjevvuk who was out for revenge. The arrival of the stormtroopers interrupted the fight, so that the conflict could be resolved another time.

Jedi Rebellion

Two months after the Battle of Kashyyyk Chewbacca was approached by a former Wookiee trader and representative, Cudgel, to help a band of renegade Jedi led by Olee Starstone in their search for other survivors of Order 66. However, the rescue operation was unsuccessful, as the Empire tracked the Jedi to Kashyyyk and began an assault to capture them. The Wookiees, still remembering the horror of the battle with the Separatists just a month before, continued to fight to defend their homes from the Imperial onslaught. The tide turned in the Empire's favor with the unexpected arrival of Darth Vader, who wasted no time slaughtering anything in his path towards the Jedi.

Vader ordered one of the Star Destroyers to bombard Kashyyyk with repeated turbolaser fire, severely damaging the surrounding cities while he searched for the remaining fugitives. In an attempt to help his comrades escape, Roan Shryne, one of the remaining Jedi who had earlier encountered Vader during the execution of Order 66, confronted Vader alone as the others tried to flee. Chewbacca helped Olee, a small group of smugglers, and several wounded in battle escape. After the fall and enslavement of Kashyyyk by the Galactic Empire, Chewie decided to become a crewman on the Drunk Dancer along with Ole, and helped his new friends sabotage the Empire's efforts whenever they could, saying that it would "help Kashyyyk the most." as a fugitive, not a captive."

Now wanted by the authorities, Chewbacca wandered the Galaxy, evading slave traders. One day Chewbacca came across an injured elf named Mala Mala and took her to the medical wing of a ship, where she received life-saving medical attention from a droid. After seeing that she was fine, they both said goodbye, but they met again years later. During his voyages, Chewie made many friends and even had a ship of his own.


Years later, when Kashyyyk was occupied and its inhabitants enslaved by the Galactic Empire, a ship carrying slaves was boarded by Lieutenant Han Solo to discover that his load of Wookiee children had escaped and that a badly wounded Wookiee was on board. pilot seat. Commander Nyklas ordered Han to skin the defenseless Chewbacca, but Han refused and Nyklas vowed to punish the Corellians. Soon after, Han and Chewbacca went to work building a new wing of the Imperial Hall of Heroes on Coruscant made by Wookiee slaves. An enraged Chewbacca turned on Nyklas, who pointed his blaster at the Wookiee. He only refused to let Chewbacca die; something that surprised his commanding officer and helped Chewbacca escape with the help of the Rebel Alliance. After court-martial and dishonorable discharge, Solo returned to smuggling with Chewbacca (who had sworn a lifetime of service to the Corellian due to the traditions of his people) at his side. Initially, Han wasn't happy to have the big Wookiee around him. Han spent much of his time drinking and gambling sabacc, until he was accused of cheating by an irate Barabel named Shallamar. He probably would have been badly hurt if Chewbacca hadn't gotten in the way. After that, Han and Chewbacca grew closer. Solo's friend Mako Spince, who had been expelled from the Academy two years before graduation, helped Solo and Chewbacca get started as smugglers. Using Nar Shaddaa as their base of operations, the three enjoyed considerable success. Solo and Chewbacca also often worked for the Hutt Lords Jiliac and Jabba. Short on cash, Han gambled away the last treasure stolen from him and entered the Sabacc Tournament in Cloud City. Against all odds he reached the finals of the tournament, and defeated his friend Lando, winning the Millennium Falcon with his hand.

Some time later Han Solo and Chewbacca worked in the Corporate Sector, the Cion hegemon, and other distant but potentially lucrative sectors of the galaxy. On a job for Jabba the Hutt as a smuggler, transporting glitterstim, they were accosted by an Imperial patrol and having to expel the spice with no chance to recover it. As a consolation prize, Han and Chewbacca made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs after trying to recover the spice that had gone bad. As a warning, Jabba hired Greedo, a bounty hunter apprentice to make Solo understand that he expected him to pay him back. In truth, the Hutt mobster was not noted for his patience and none of Solo's friends offered to help him. In an attempt to find funds to pay off Jabba, Han and Chewbacca accepted the task of transporting crime lord Tyber Zann off the prison world of Kessel. Although the deal did not go as planned, to Solo's discomfort they had to bring Zann and his partner Urai Fen in exchange for a higher price.

Rebel Alliance

Debts to Jabba, the Hutt who controlled Tatooine, in the Mos Eisley cantina they met Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. They asked them to take them to Alderaan to find Princess Leia Organa. They accepted because they needed the money to pay off Jabba the Hutt and thus escape persecution by his mercenaries and smugglers. Chewbacca became a strong ally for Luke Skywalker. After meeting Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, both joined the Rebel Alliance after a short life as smugglers. Thus Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon became one of the flagships of the Rebellion. Although he was with the Rebel Alliance on the ice planet of Hoth, Chewbacca remained busy repairing the Falcon. Meanwhile, Solo sets up a rescue operation to recover the young rebel, Luke Skywalker, who went missing during a scouting mission. Hours had passed and neither of them returned. Han returned safely with Luke to the Rebel base. Unfortunately, Chewbacca was unable to finish his work, due to the Imperial invasion of Echo Base so the Falcon was forced to take off with Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and C-3PO in disrepair and was therefore a target. easy for the Imperial Fleet, the Falcon settled in an asteroid cavern for repairs.

When the cave was discovered to be the mouth of a giant slug, the Falcon made his escape to Bespin there, the group meeting with Lando Calrissian. When C-3PO was dynamited and disappeared, Chewbacca gave himself the task of finding the missing pieces of the protocol droid. Chewbacca eventually found them in a garbage pile and after a confrontation with some Ugnaught workers, led him back to Princess Leia and Han Solo. However, Chewbacca did not have time to repair it because all of them were captured by Darth Vader. During the period of his stay, Chewbacca was placed in confinement in a room with high-inclination alarms that ran amok until he turned them off. When they brought him the pieces of C-3PO he began to put it together but it was upside down. Chewie, Leia, and Han were taken to the carbonite-freezing room with C-3PO hanging like a bundle on Chewbacca's back. Han Solo was frozen, as a test before Luke Skywalker was frozen to test the machine. As they were sent back to their cells watching Han Solo walk past frozen and transported like a package. Chewie and Leia helped by Lando tried to rescue him. After rescuing Luke, the Falcon left the planet behind. While attempting to escape the Executor orbiting Bespin, they thought the hyperdrive was fixed but it was sabotaged again. But, as R2-D2 activated it at the last minute, the Falcon escaped to the new Rebellion base. Chewbacca and Lando were able to begin their search for Boba Fett and Han Solo.

Following the confrontation with Vader, Princess Leia went on a mission to investigate Imperial activity in the Shiva system. Again walking away from the search for Solo, Chewie, Lando, and Luke set out on a search to locate the princess. The trio arrived just in time, helping Leia fight the Imperial forces led by General Sk'ar while Calrissian participated in the aerial assault. The battle marked a triumph for rebellion and the death of Sk'ar by Chewbacca.

Just after the Battle of Hoth, Chewbacca, Lando, and Luke Skywalker went to Bazarre to negotiate the sale of four disabled Imperial TIE bombers to an arms dealer named Orion Ferret. Ferret gave them the coordinates of where the ships were but he deceived them. Lando, never having trusted Orion, left the planet, while Chewbacca remained on Bazarre to capture him. As soon as the rebels divided, Orion began to plot their deaths. He believed that if he managed to get rid of Luke and Lando in space, he would be able to get the money, the ships, and the Millennium Falcon. However, he had to come up with a plan to get Chewbacca out of the way. With the help of his assistant P'Lor, he managed to imprison the Wookiee. Unfortunately for Ferret, the solution wasn't good enough to contain Chewbacca and he soon broke free. Chewbacca chased Orion through all the places in the Bazarre market. Ferret attempted to escape in his personal shuttle, but due to fire from Chewbacca's Wookiee crossbow the transport was disabled. Lando Calrissian arrived in time to help Chewie bring the con man to justice.

On another occasion, Chewbacca accompanied Luke on his quest to find information on Shira Brie, Luke's former partner. During a heated space battle with Imperial forces Luke's computer crashed causing the boy to rely on the force to pick his next target, thus taking down Brie. To clear her name the two began their search in Shalyvane, where Shira had once told Luke that the Em'liy marauders murdered her people in this world. Luke and Chewie found some G'hinji elders inside a cave near the capital of Chinshassa. The G'hinji told him that there was never any human presence on Shalyvane and that everything Shira Brie told him was a lie. The Em'liy were the only native species on the planet, and it was once a thriving community until the Emperor sent a squadron of TIE bombers and destroyed the capital. The G'hinji escorted Luke to a sacred site known as the Circle of Kavaan. There, Luke discovered a holographic recording of Darth Vader, revealing the true story of Shira Brie. Traveling to Krake's Planet to find more additional information on Shira Brie, the two infiltrated the Krake Data Vault - a facility built from the mass of a gigantic mind spider. Once they recorded the information, Chewie used the Falcon's deflector screens to destroy the military outpost.

Chewbacca took Han's order to care for Leia very seriously. Helping Lando in the search for Han, he served as Leia's bodyguard. When she attempted to negotiate with the criminal super-organization Black Sun to find out who had offered a bounty on Luke Skywalker, he accompanied her to Coruscant. To get past Imperial security, he disguised himself as the Wookiee bounty hunter Snoova, and Leia took on the identity of Boushh. From there the two became the guests of the leader of the Black Sun, the Fallen Prince Xizor. Chewbacca, already a suspect to the crime lord, was outraged when Xizor attempted to seduce Leia. Luckily, Chewbacca was able to get Leia away from Xizor's hold on her mind. Leia distracted Xizor long enough to allow Chewbacca to escape with the information that Xizor was the one who had offered the bounty on Skywalker. Chewbacca was able to meet up with Luke, and together they formed a rescue team, with Lando and Dash Rendar. They were able to infiltrate Xizor's palace through the sewers and free Leia, escaping in the "Millennium Falcon" and destroyed Xizor's palace in the process, maiming Black Sun.[7]

After Xizor's death, Chewie once again teamed up with Lando, Leia, Luke, and the two droids to help track down rogue undercover agent Tay Vanis.

Having discovered that Boba Fett had finally turned Han over to Jabba the Hutt, Luke hatched a plan that involved several members infiltrating Jabba's palace. Chewbacca was brought there by Leia, who was again posing as Boushh, telling Jabba that she had captured the Wookiee. After price negotiations assisted by a thermal detonator, Chewbacca was sold to Jabba and placed in a dungeon cell. When Leia failed to escape after freeing Han from the carbonite, Han was taken to the same cell as her. The two prisoners were soon taken from their cells - to be executed. Luke's slaughter of the rancor had infuriated Jabba so much that he ordered Luke, Han, and Chewbacca to be eaten by the sarlacc from the Great Pit of Carkoon. However, thanks to Luke's plan, he was able to retrieve the lightsaber from him, and together with Lando, who was disguised as one of Jabba's henchmen, they turned the execution into a battle. Chewbacca protected Han, who was still blind due to an effect of the hibernation he had been in while he was frozen in carbonite. When Lando was hit in the Great Pit, Chewbacca held Han down as he reached down and rescued the old friend from him.

After the battle was over and Jabba was killed, all the heroes except Luke returned with Sullust's rebel fleet. There the rebels planned a battle to destroy the Second Death Star over Endor. Only during the briefing did Chewbacca realize that Han, now a general, had volunteered to lead the ground assault on the shield generator protecting the Death Star. Chewbacca quickly volunteered to join his commando group. Approaching the shield generator, the Wookiee's lack of caution presented a problem for the group. Grabbing a piece of meat attached to a stick, he inadvertently activated a trap that resulted in him, Han, Luke, the droids being captured by Ewoks and taken to his village. There, the team was reunited with Leia, who had also been taken to the village after being separated from the others. As a consequence of the Ewoks' belief that C-3PO was a god, they were able to negotiate not only his freedom, but the Ewoks' aid in the upcoming battle against the Empire.

During the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca played an important role in it when he and two Ewoks captured an AT-s. and used it against the Empire, helping the Alliance achieve their victory over the moon of Endor. At the time of the Battle of Yavin IV, Chewbacca was 200 years old.


Chewbacca, in the Star Wars film saga, has been played by the English actor Peter Mayhew, who has participated in all the episodes of the saga in which the famous Wookiee appears, specifically in episodes III, IV, V, VI and finally in the recent Episodes VII, and VIII.

In addition to Mayhew, the role has been played by Finnish actor and basketball player Joonas Suotamo since 2015 due to the advanced age of the original actor and he will take over, officially replacing Mayhew, from the Han Solo movie to be released in 2018.

Lucas' intention

George Lucas wanted to create a character who was "a gentle, hairy, non-English speaking co-pilot", inspired by seeing his Alaskan Malamute dog sitting in the front seat of his car.

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