Camana Province

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The province of Camaná is one of the eight that make up the department of Arequipa in southern Peru. It borders to the north with the provinces of Condesuyos and Castilla, to the east with the provinces of Arequipa and the province of Islay, to the south with the Pacific Ocean and to the west with the province of Caravelí.

Ancient Camana

Camaná was inhabited by different ethnic groups among which stand out: The monkeys, aimaras and small Inca towns. The changos were an indigenous group that lived on the coasts of Camaná, Moquegua, Tacna and Arica. Their main food resources were fish and shellfish, among others. To fish they used sea lion rafts and put a wooden cover. The town was subdued by the Inca empire by order of the Inca Pachacutec. The Incas knew how to take advantage of the fertility of the Camanejo land where they harvested on the banks of the Camaná River.

The Foundation

Camaná was founded in 1539 in the town of Huacapuy. This city, due to health reasons, was abandoned towards the end of 1539, with which Arequipa was founded. Another person of importance comes from Medellín (Spain), Province of Badajoz, Extremadura and is Mr. Alonso Martínez de Rivera, born in Medellín, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain, Conqueror of Peru. Corregidor of Arequipa in 1556 and, later by mandate of the III Viceroy of Peru, D. Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza, carried out the Second Foundation of the current city of Camaná, it was called Villa de San Miguel de Ribera in honor of his last name. He died in Chile in August 1600. In Arequipa he married Isabel de Contreras in 1587. His daughter Da. Catalina Martínez de Rivera y de Contreras marries D. Hernando de la Torre y Padilla, son of the famous Conquistador D. Juan de la Torre y Díaz Chacón, one of the Thirteen of Fame or of the Isla del Gallo, who accompanied the Conqueror D. Francisco Pizarro.

Camaná in the Colony

Camaná began to be inhabited by the Spanish towards the end of 1600 and then they proceeded to build a port in Quilca that was used to transport livestock and agricultural products to different parts of the Viceroyalty of Peru. The port of Quilca was one of the most important in the Colony and it was also where great Spanish traffic was concentrated and also a place that was assaulted many times by pirates and corsairs. Camaná was within the Indian Corregimientos of Arequipa subordinated by the Chileans and then the Spanish.


The province of Camaná is located in the central and western part of the Arequipa region, its capital is the city of Camaná. limited by:

  • North: Condesuyos, Castilla y Arequipa.
  • Northeast: Caravelí
  • Southwest: Pacific Ocean
  • East: Islay

The province of Camaná is located in the Central Western part of the Arequipa Region, 172 km from the Capital of the Department of Arequipa, and has around 56,000 inhabitants. It is the first city that the conquistador Francisco Pizarro ordered to be founded. Agriculture predominates as an economic activity, having the privilege of being the city where one of the first churches in Peru was built in the year 1580. It limits to the north with the province of Condesuyos (district of Río Grande, Andaray and Chuquibamba) province of Castilla (district of Uraca) province of Arequipa (district of Santa Isabel de Siguas and San Juan de Siguas) to the north-west with the province of Caravelí and Atico, to the south with the Pacific Ocean, to the east with the province of Islay (Islay district and the province of Arequipa and district of La Joya). To the west of the provincial capital, there is an extinct volcanic cone. It is called San Cristóbal; Its coordinates are: -16.582819° -72.756604°.

Administrative division

Districts of Camaná

The province covers an area of 4,558.48 square kilometers and is divided into eight districts.

  • Camaná
  • José María Quimper
  • Mariano Nicolás Valcarcel
  • Mariscal Cáceres
  • Nicolas de Piérola
  • Ocoña
  • Quilca
  • Samuel Pastor

Tourist places

Tourism in Camaná is very crowded in summer since its beautiful and clean beaches make it a perfect place to rest. Camaná has different types of tourism, such as archeology, which can be seen on the Mil Hojas hill, gastronomy, such as the typical Chupe de Camarones of the city and its extensive and beautiful beaches that adorn the city. Camaná has numerous hotels and inns to welcome tourists. The city is two and a half hours from Arequipa by road.

Plaza de la Villa Hermosa de Camaná

Caleta de Quilca

The Quilca cove is one of the oldest in Peru made in colonial times. It was a place where pirates attacked, it was one of the most important ports in Peru but when the Chileans found out that Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario; hero of the War of the Pacific, stayed there after the battle of Iquique; The enraged Chileans destroyed the port that left the Quilca cove in ruins but later, after a lot of work, it could be rebuilt. It is the third port in importance of Arequipa. The route to get there is through the Pan-American highway through the province of Camaná or also through the populated center of Matarani (Islay).

Camaná Spas

Bulevar de Camaná

Its extensive, beautiful and clean beaches are very popular in summer due to the hundreds of tourists who arrive. Its beaches are the most visited by the people of Arequipa. The favorite spas for tourists are El Chorro, El Titanic, La Punta and La Bomba.

La Chira Point

Playa Chira

Punta La Chira located in the province of Camaná, district of Ocoña, a beautiful beach where its calm waters are perfect to enjoy, it is one of the cleanest beaches in Peru. It adjoins the Guaneras Islands and according to tradition, there is a treasure hidden by colonial pirates who constantly assaulted the Spanish.

Thousand Leaves Hill

Cerro mil hojas is in Camaná, it was given that name because the sand pigmented by erosion makes this phenomenon possible. Going through the hill you can see a native cemetery from the pre-Inca era; It is believed that it belonged to the Tiahunacos or Changos since it can be seen in its remains, the clothing used by the settlers and corn left as an offering. It is also the perfect place to see the beautiful valleys of Camaná.

Petroglyphs of Quilca

The Quilca petroglyphs are drawings engraved on rocks and large stones where you can see drawings of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic animals such as fish, whales, llama, etc. It is believed that it was made by ancient fishermen from the Pre-Inca era.

Inca Viewpoint

You can appreciate the beautiful and beautiful view of the Camanejo coastline.


Pucchun is a populated center of Mariscal Cáceres. For many years, the famous Pucchun lagoon has existed, which is the largest in the region and where a great variety of wild birds abound and also serves as refuges for birds that constantly migrated; It is said that the first inhabitants of Camaná used typical dishes based on chocas, a wild bird that feeds on rice, the multicolored plumage of these birds to make their valuable and beautiful cloaks whose testimonies have been found in the different archaeological cemeteries of our zone. Pucchun has beautiful and extensive beaches where you can see the bivalve called Macha that still lives on the beaches of Pucchun as the bomb, a beach highly appreciated by tourists.

The Chiflon

The mouth of the river is known as "Chiflón", which is little known and very few also know how to appreciate the natural phenomenon that occurs when the mighty Camaná river enters the bowels of the sea, producing a mouth in estuary in the presence of the Pacific Ocean; In this somewhat unknown area, small lagoons and ponds are formed that are used for shrimp reproduction. Our river is born in the heights of Sabancaya and along its route it irrigates lands in the provinces of Caylloma, Castilla and Camaná, traveling thousands of kilometers, for which it takes the name of Colca, where the famous Colca Canyon is located, then majes al go through the well-known valley and later Camaná upon reaching these lands.

The Hills

The hills are a great tourist resource because in the rainy season in the months of August to October the hills turn green with lots of fauna and flora where a beautiful flower can be seen and that before in the hills of Camaná They found animals such as deer that became extinct due to excessive hunting of this animal and also due to the lack of rain.


The capital of the province is the city of Camaná, which is located under the Camanejo coast.


In Camaná most of the city is commercial, in the city you can see different large shopping centers, minimarkets, banks, luxury hotels, shops, markets, printing houses, most of the city is urban. Mariano Nicolás Varcárcel, Ocoña and Quilca are the only rural districts in the province.


The province of Camaná has 58,952 inhabitants

By districts

  • Camaná District: 16,891 inhabitants
  • District of José María Quimper: 4,231 inhabitants
  • Mariano Nicolás Valcárcel: 2,625 inhabitants
  • Mariscal Cáceres: 5,381 inhabitants
  • District of Nicolás de Piérola: 6,508 inhabitants
  • District of Ocoña: 4.564 inhabitants
  • Quilca District: 698 inhabitants
  • Samuel Pastor District: 13,120 inhabitants

Regarding the distribution of the population by districts of the Province of Camaná, Cercado is the most populated district with 16,891 inhabitants and the least populated is Quilca with 698 inhabitants.

In recent years the population growth rate of Camaná has been increasing in some districts and decreasing in others, especially those that are surrounded by rural or agricultural areas where there have been no areas of urban expansion as they are surrounded by areas agricultural, others have grown in population because their political demarcation and vacant land have allowed it, a settled population with a low economic level, located north of the city of Camaná and whose activity is directed to the agricultural field to construction and commerce Other sector of the population where its economic situation is regular has been located within the capital district, which has allowed disorderly urban growth without horizons, creating chaos in terms of land use These facts show that the capital of the province of Camaná it has had a centralist policy for certain socio-economic levels.

And with a population concentration in certain rural districts that have generated the lack of more elementary urban infrastructure services. Parallel to these sociodemographic processes, there is a high spatial mobility of the population, there is a large number of emigrants from the departments of Arequipa, Puno, Cuzco, and Ica. The available information allows us to estimate the following migration percentages.

Source: Residents in Camaná The growth rate for the province of Camaná is 1.94% (year 2007).



  • Regional adviser
    • 2019 - 2022: Crhiss Lisbeth Díaz Montoya (Arequipa Renace)


  • 2019 - 2022
    • Mayor: Marcelo Alejandro Valdivia Bravo, Alliance for Progress.
    • Regivers:
    1. Gaston Adam Martín Castillo Justo (Alianza para el Progreso)
    2. Juan Carlos Díaz Tanco (Alianza para el Progreso)
    3. Karyn Merlyn Corzo Valdiviezo (Alliance for Progress)
    4. Lelis Enrique Neyra Castro (Alliance for Progress)
    5. Diana Marilia Miranda Monroy (Alliance for Progress)
    6. Elías Alberto Arenas Montoya (Alianza para el Progreso)
    7. Agustín Edmundo Salazar Zamudio (Arequipa Renace)
    8. José Carlos Jesús Huapaya Condori (Arequipa Renace)
    9. Yimer Isauro Apaza Sierra (Fuerza Arequipeña)

Notable personalities

  • Lorenzo de las Llamosas - He was probably born in the year of 1665 in Lima or in Arequipa (Camaná) he left the prison of Valladolid in approximately 1705 and from the date of his last known book, the Small Panegyric made in Paris, 1705, he lost all traces of his. his biography is very poor since little of it was known the largest source is Peruvian researcher Guillermo Lohmann Villena. In his work we know only seven books; 3 of the theatre in verse, 3 of prose and a pan-egy in verse- in 3 t. the year 1701. Thus, that his literary works cover the 16 years that go from 1689 to 1705, and that are presumably the final years of his life amen of a letter and a real octaves consecrated to the posthumous tribute that was given to Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, in a publication made in Madrid. In the city of Lima, Llamosas wrote according to his own saying and at the age of 20 years, in 1685, a panegy to Carlos II at the request of his protector the virrey Duque de la Palata, a text that has been lost. Likewise in this capital he wrote the zarzuela Also the gods avenge, while the rest of his work was written in Spain. Llamosas traveled with the sequito of silver with direction to Madrid, where only the author arrived, as the viceroy died in Panama. Once in the metropolis, he joined the court, wrote books, dedicated himself to the exercise of arms participating in the disastrous campaign against the French in Catalonia. He traveled for up to two times, and in both extensively through Europe, dedicated to gunmen and language learning. During the time of Llamosas they were succeeded in the government of Spain: Felipe IV (1621-1665), Carlosa II (1665-1700) and Felipe V (1700-1756), while at the head of the Virreinate of Peru were Don Melchor of Navarra and Rocafull, Duke of Palata (1681-1689) and Don Melchor Portocarrero Lasso de la Vega, Count of the Monclova (1689-1). Felipe IV left the government of his Kingdom in the hands of Gaspar de Guzmán, the Count-Duque de Olivares, during which Spain lost the war of the Thirty years and also gave up importance at the European concert; his son, Carlos II, was the last of the dynasty of the Austrias, and he gave proven signs of inability to govern, losing the Kingdom of Portugal, which became independent. In the absence of royal descent, the Spanish crown passed to the dynasty of the Bourbons, the first of which was the Duke of Anjou, in Spain: Felipe V.
  • José María Quimper - He was born in Camaná on September 9, 1828. At the age of 19 he obtained the academic degree of doctor in jurisprudence, letters, political sciences and theology. He was part of the famous ministerial cabinet of the great Celendine Don José Gálvez Egúsquiza, organized by the presidential government of Mariano Ignacio Prado, to defend Peru in the Battle of El Callao, there he played the Ministry of Government with singular brilliance.
  • Mariano Nicolás Valcarcel - Born in 1852, he studied in Arequipa at the Independence College and at the University of San Agustín. In 1882 the presidential government of Admiral Lizardo Montero Flores installed in Arequipa appointed him as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Nicolás Fernández de Piérola y Flores - Born on October 11, 1788, he was eminent and remarkable doctor, scientist, researcher, sage and naturist. Its full name was Nicolás Fernández de Piérola Flores del Campo. Dr. Nicolás Fernández de Piérola Flores was also Minister of Finance during the presidential government of José Rufino Echenique. He was the father of the illustrious Dr. Nicolas de Piérola Villena.
  • Samuel Pastor Knight - He was born in Camaná on February 14, 1829, he obtained his title as a lawyer at the National University of San Agustín on August 2, 1850. He graduated from PhD in Philosophy, Letters and Jurisprudence. He made the population of Camaná move to La Pampa, beginning a new urban layout of Camaná, for this he obtained the materials and what was a desert, flourished a orange garden with its corresponding square and infallible source.
  • Luis Briceño Arata - Luis Fernando Briceño Arata was born in Camaná on April 11, 1926, initiating his primary studies in Camaná, then completing his secondary education at the American Independence College of Arequipa. In 1945, he joined the then School of Engineers, today National University of Engineering (Peru) (UNI), to study the specialty of Mines, where he quickly highlighted for his active participation in the struggles for academic reforms in that higher education center, which earned him a delegate to the College Council for five consecutive years. Among the minemen of Peru, who have shone in their way through public and private activity. Notable recognized as the promoter of the feasibility studies of the most important deposits in the country and promoter of the construction of the main refineries that give value added to the minerals of the Peruvian Andes.
  • Alejandro Medina Alatrista - Born at the Huarangal hacienda, Camaná on May 3, 1933. Son of the lieutenant of the Peruvian Army Fermín Medina Rodríguez and Doña Rosa Alatrista Rodríguez (both were natural of the Province of Condesuyos – arequipa. His father died on 18 December 1938; when little Alexander was only 5 years old. His first studies were at the National College of American Independence. In order to achieve a better future, he moved first to Callao (to his mother's uncle's house - the captain of the corvette of the Marina don Santiago David Alatrista Rodríguez (one of the heroes of the war with Colombia)); he applied to the Chorrillos Military School, then followed higher studies of marketing. It relates to the main commercial consortiums of Jewish, Arab and Spanish origins – based throughout Peru. In these companies and industries, the Alejandro Medina Alatrista graduate, is gradually rising. He is also one of the historical founders of the Engineering Urbanization in the District of San Martín de Porres.

Geology and seismology

2001 earthquake

2001 2001 southern Peru earthquake intesity map.jpg
The earthquake in southern Peru in 2001 or earthquake in Arequipa in 2001 was an earthquake of magnitude 8.4 in the scale of the moment at 15:33:14, local time (20:33:14 UTC), on Saturday, 23 June 2001 with epicentre at 82 km from the town of Ocoña in the province of Camaná, latitude: 16.26° S, longitude: 73.64° O. It affected the Peruvian departments of Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna; the Chilean regions of Arica and Parinacota, and Tarapacá, and the Bolivian departments of La Paz and Oruro, covering an area of 40 000 km2. This was the most devastating earthquake in Peru since the 1970 catastrophe in Áncash[chuckles]required] and the biggest earthquake in the world since the Rata Islands earthquake.

On the afternoon of June 23, 2001, an 8.4 earthquake off the coast of Ocoña affected the Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna regions, as well as two Ayacucho provinces, and the city of Arica (Chile)., the earthquake caused panic in southern Peru, in La Paz (Bolivia) and in Iquique (Chile), the number of deaths was not exact, in Camaná after the earthquake, a moderate tsunami swept part of the city and a large part of the Arequipa coastline. In Camaná both phenomena caused 32 deaths and 65 missing, dozens of houses that resisted the earthquake were destroyed by the inclement of the sea, 82% of the city was damaged.

Descriptions about Camaná

  • Gentile: shingle
  • It is known as "La Villa Hermosa de Camaná"
  • Famous for its exquisite shrimp, its machas and the charm of its inhabitants that always offer its traditional bowls, alfajores and oquendos.
  • Festival de Camarón
  • It is the first producer in the world of rice per hectare, for large quantities, among so much production is the tacuarí rice, which comes to be the best and richest rice.
  • In addition to producing the best rice, it also has the richest strawberry in the country, an exquisite palate of the diners.
  • Its beaches are the second most extensive after Islay. Here are some known names: El Chorrito, La Punta, Cerrillos, Las Cuevas, Panamito, Marisol and many more. Next to the Quilca Caleta, they are true charms of nature.
  • Quilca is one of its most beautiful and virgin districts. It was the first port built by the Spaniards that served to embark on the wealth they brought from Cusco and where the last Virrey was boarded when it was banished to Spain.
  • Since the first inhabitants of the Camaná valley were hunters, collectors and fishermen, Camaná has great tourist attractions, like: The citadel of Pillistay, The Bodeguillas of Huacapuy and Pucchun, The Petroglyphs of Pacaycitos, The remains of a citadel just named by the great scholar of the past of Camaná Prof. Augusto Mogrovejo.


  • Holy Week
  • Lord of the Miracles.


Typical dishes

It has been said many times that Arequipeña cuisine is the cuisine of Bandera, the most representative in the south, and with good reason the Province of Camaná and its Districts, like few Arequipeñas districts, has been offering a rich and varied genre since long ago. difficult to overcome and that as a whole make up an irreplaceable pantry to be able to build a great kitchen and first class gastronomy.

There is a singularity of inputs at the level of the Province of Camaná and of course its Districts: Ocoña, Quilca, Mariano Nicolás Valcárcel Valle Bendecido of products that have names and surnames. In the Farms, Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Beans (Beans) or simply Fréjol Canario 2000 are famous because the seed is produced in Ocoña and sown in Camaná, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, lima beans, wheat, apples, the dwarf banana or simply Camanejo banana, soursops, figs, figs, peach, guavas, olive trees among others that only enrich our gastronomy.

In the Quebradas or upstream of its three Basins (Quilca, Camaná, Ocoña) the Valley continues to offer a paradise for birds and farmyard animals, as the grandparents would say, the flavor of Chacra, while the river continues to rule for centuries Shrimp Product of the Flag since it is well known that the best shrimp in Peru lie in the Ocoña Basin, at the head of whose catches stand out the Artisanal fishermen and very unlike most of Peru where it was considered a luxury in the past It is shameful and synonymous with poverty to eat it and it is an insult to offer it to visitors, but nowadays few are happy to try it in different stews and their condition does not matter: they are caught and consumed as in Pre-Inca times and happy are the individuals who eat them..

And by far Peru as the Various Provinces that are Located on the Coast and it would not be the exception our beloved District of Ocoña en la mar presents us with those fish, shellfish, algae, molluscs among others, which are the base of the best dishes cuisine such as: Sudados, parihuelas, ceviches among other delicacies that delight the palate of locals and strangers that enrich our regional and national gastronomy.

And from the countryside also come pork rinds, pork cheeses, stuffed meats, tamales, sweet and salty humitas and of course our Catiches that together with our desserts such as fig mazamorra, our bean delicacy, achira bread enrich our already varied confectionery and it is necessary to know that we Ocoñejos are lovers of good desserts, olive oil which we have already stopped producing but we must remember that in the old town there was a mill where one of the best olive oils in the south was made, Or the wines of the ravine.

Of course, as well as cooking the Ocoñeja product. From the combination of these products and the hands of the Ocoñejas, because in Ocoña what is traditional is the kitchen of mothers and grandmothers, housewives, whose allies have been the Stove since long ago, an inevitable Batan accompanied by much tenderness and love, and it is that In my Ocoña, land of Good Eating, Great Taste, where the Best Shrimp is eaten, a Great Mixture of Flavors was given, thus giving rise to the tastiest and roundest dishes, which have formed a rich Ocoñejo Gastronomic Catalog: from the Spicy and its numerous variants, The Beans Smoothies with market, Pepean de Cuy, Shrimp Ceviche, stuffed, Chupes (Shrimp, Cheese, Chicken etc.) the inevitable Broths (Pava, Pata, Chicken, Fricase Camanejo etc.) Rice (Shrimp, Atamalado, Seafood, Cheese, Pato Camanejo etc.), among many other natives, along with a rich variety of pastries among which stand out. Buns, Maicillos, Mestizos, Cookies, Nougats, Picarones, Sweet Plum Mazamorra, Bean Majar, Sweet Potato Gayoria. The mere list of original dishes would exhaust our space, so this brief review should suffice.

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