A shrub is a perennial woody plant of a certain size when, unlike trees, it does not stand on a single trunk or stem, but branches from the very base. Shrubs can be several meters tall. The biome or ecosystem with a predominance of shrubs is called scrub.
They differ from trees because of their multiple stems and shorter height, less than 6-10 meters.
Not all woody plants branching from the base should be called shrubs; For example, thyme (Thymus) or lavender (Lavandula) are woody shrubs or, as they say, subshrubs. Terms like tree, shrub or bush describe biotypes in common language and are more or less equivalent to other technical ones; the botanical equivalents for this concept extend between the words: camephyte, nanophanerophyte and microphanerophyte.
It is common for species that normally occur as shrubs to grow as trees, or where ecological circumstances are different, as occurs with the kermes oak (Quercus coccifera) in North Africa, or for a deliberate effort in cultivation, as sometimes seen with oleander (Nerium oleander).
Shrubs or suffrutices develop secondary tissues, but only in the region close to the base, always keeping the upper part of the plant with young tissues.
Half of Europe's shrub species are threatened with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Shrub List
Those marked with an asterisk may develop into a tree shape.
- A
- Abelia (Abelia)
- Acer (Arce)
- Actinidia (Actinidia)
- Aloe (Aloe)
- Aralia (An Angelica Tree) *
- Arctostaphylos (Manzanita)
- Aronia (Aronia)
- Artemisia (Artemisia)
- Aucuba (Aucuba)
- B
- Berberis (Calafate, Michay)
- Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea)
- Brugmansia (Angel trumpet)
- Buddleja (Budleja)
- Buxus (Boj) *
- C
- Calia (Mescalbean)
- Callicarpa (Beautyberry) *
- Callistemon (Bottlebrush)
- Calluna (Heather)
- Calycanthus (Sweetshrub)
- Camellia (Camellia, Tea)
- Caragana (Pea-tree)
- Carpenter (Carpenter)
- Caryopteris (Blue Spiraea)
- Cassiope (Moss-heather)
- Ceanothus (Ceanothus) *
- Celastrus (Staff I came)
- Ceratostigma (Hardy Plumbago)
- Cercocarpus (Mountain-mahogany) *
- Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince)
- Chamaebati (Fernbush)
- Chamaedaphne (Leatherleaf)
- Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
- Chionanthus (Fringe-tree)
- Choisya (Mexican-orange Blossom)
- Cistus (Rockrose)
- Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum)
- Clethra (Summersweet, Pepperbush)
- Clianthus (Glory Pea)
- Colletia (Colletia)
- Colutea (Bladder Senna)
- Comptonia (Sweetfern)
- Cornus (Dogwood)
- Corylopsis (Winter-hazel) *
- Cotinus (Smoketree)
- Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)
- Cowania (Cliffrose)
- Crataegus (Hawthorn) *
- Crinodendron (Crinodendron)
- Cytisus and allied generates (Broom) *
- D
- Daboecia (Heath)
- Danae (Alexandrian laurel)
- Daphne (Daphne)
- Decaynea (Decaisnea)
- Dasiphora (Shrubby Cinquefoil)
- Dendromecon (Tree poppy)
- Desfontainea (Desfontainea)
- Deutzia (Deutzia)
- Diervilla (Bush honeysuckle)
- Dipelta (Announcer)
- Dirca (Leatherwood)
- Dracaena (Dragon tree)
- Drimys (Winter's Bark) *
- Dryas (Mountain Avens)
- E
- Edgeworthia (Paper Bush)
- Elaeagnus (Elaeagnus)
- Embothrium (Chilean Firebush) *
- Empetrum (Crowberry)
- Enkianthus (Pagoda Bush)
- Ephedra (Ephedra)
- Epigaea (Trailing Arbutus)
- Erica (Heath)
- Eriobotrya (Loquat)
- Scallonia (Scallonia)
- Eucryphia (Eucryphia)
- Euonymus (Spindle) *
- Exochorda (Pearl Bush)
- F
- Fabiana (Fabian)
- Fallugia (Papache Plume)
- Fatsia (Fatsia)
- Forsythia (Forsythia)
- Fothergilla (Fothergilla)
- Franklinia (Franklinia) *
- Fremontodendron (Flannelbush)
- Fuchsia (Fuchsia)
- G
- Garrya (Silk-tassel)
- Gaultheria (Salal)
- Gaylussace (Huckleberry)
- Genist (Broom) *
- Gordonia (Loblolly-bay)
- Grevillea (Grevillea)
- Griselinia (Griselinia) *
- H
- Hakea (Hakea)
- Halesia (Silverbell) *
- Halimium (Rockrose)
- Hamamelis (Witch-hazel) *
- Hebe (Hebe)
- Hedera (Ivy)
- Helianthemum (Rockrose)
- Hibiscus (Hibiscus) *
- Hippophae (Sea-buckthorn)
- Hoheria (Lacebark) *
- Holodiscus (Creambush)
- Hudsonia (Hudsonia)
- Hydrangea (Hydrangea)
- Hypericum (Rose of Sharon)
- Hyssopus (Hyssop)
- I
- Ilex (Holly)
- Illicium (Star Anise)
- Indigofer (Indigo)
- Itea (Sweetspire)
- J
- Jamesia (Cliffbush)
- Jasminum (Jasmine)
- Juniperus (Juniper)
- K
- Kalmia (Mountain-laurel)
- Kerria (Kerria)
- Kolkwitzia (Beauty-bush)
- L
- Gerstroemia (Crape-myrtle)
- Lapageria (Copihue)
- Lantana (Lantana)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Washing machine (Tree Mallow)
- Ledum (Ledum)
- Leitneria (Corkwood)
- Lespedeza (Bush Clover)
- Leptospermum (Manuka) *
- Leucothoe (Doghobble)
- Laws (Leycesteria)
- Ligustrum (Privet)
- Lindera (Spicebush) *
- Linnaea (Twinflower)
- Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
- Lupinus (Tree Lupin)
- Lycium (Boxthorn)
- M
- Magnolia (Magnolia)
- Mahonia (Mahonia)
- Malpighia (Acerola)
- Menispermum (Moonseed)
- Menziesia (Menziesia)
- Mespilus (Medlar)
- Microcachrys (Microcachrys)
- Myrica (Bayberry)
- Myricaria (Myricaria)
- Myrtus and allied generates (Myrtle) *
- N
- Neillia (Neillia)
- Nerium (Oleander)
- O
- Olearia (Daisy bush) *
- Osmanthus (Osmanthus)
- P
- Pachysandra (Pachysandra)
- Paeonia (Tree-peony)
- Persoonia (Geebungs)
- Philadelphus (Mock orange) *
- Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
- Photinia (Photinia)
- Physocarpus (Ninebark) *
- Pieris (Pieris)
- Pistacia (Pistachio, Mastic)
- Pittosporum (Pittosporum) *
- Plumbago (Leadwort)
- Polygala (Milkwort)
- Poncirus ♪
- Prunus (Cherry)
- Purshia (Antelope Bush)
- Pyracantha (Firethorn)
- Q
- Quassia (Quassia)
- Quercus (Oak) *
- Quillaja (Quillay)
- Quintinia (Tawheowheo)
- R
- Rhamnus (Buckthorn) *
- Rhododendron (Rhododendron, Azalea)
- Rhus (Sumac) *
- Ribes (Currant, Gooseberry)
- Romneya (Tree poppy)
- Rosa (Rose)
- Rosmarinus (Rosemary)
- Rubus (Bramble, Raspberry, Salmonberry, Wineberry)
- Route (Rue)
- S
- Sabia ♪
- Salix (Willow) *
- Salvia (Sage)
- Salvia subg. Butvskia (Russian Sage)
- Sambucus (Elder)
- Santolina (Lavender Cotton)
- Sapindus (Soapberry)
- Seine (Sixty)
- Simmondsia (Jojoba)
- Skimmia (Skimmia)
- Smilax (Smilax)
- Sophora (Kowhai)
- Sorbaria (Sorbaria)
- Spartium (Spanish Broom)
- Spiraea (sighs)
- Staphylea (Bladdernut) *
- Stephanandra (Stephanandra)
- Styrax ♪
- Symphoricarpos (Snowberry)
- Syringa (Lilac)
- T
- Tamarix (Tamarix)
- Taxus (Yew)
- Telopea (Waratah) *
- Thuja cvs. (Arborvitae)
- Thymelaea
- Thymus (Thyme)
- Trochodendron ♪
- U
- Ulex (Gorse)
- Ulmus pumila celer (Turkestan elm – Wonder Hedge)
- Ungnadia (Mexican Buckeye)
- V
- Vaccinium (Bilberry, Blueberry, Cranberry)
- Verbesina centroboyacana
- Verbena (Vervain)
- Viburnum (Viburnum) *
- Vinca (Periwinkle)
- Viscum (Mistletoe)
- W
- Weigela (Weigela)
- X
- Xanthoceras
- Xanthorhiza (Yellowroot)
- Xylosma
- And
- Yucca (Yucca, Joshua tree)
- Z
- Zanthoxylum ♪
- Zauschneria
- Zenobia
- Ziziphus ♪
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