Bora–Witoto languages
The bora-witoto languages (bora-witotoano or bora-huitoto) are a family of indigenous American languages made up of less than one ten languages. It has been estimated at 5,400 years of linguistic diversification, by glottochronological means.
Family languages
The Bora-Huitoto languages consist of the following languages:
- Bora family (bomber, boran, mirañano, miraña)
- Bora (bora-miraña) Peru; Igará Paraná River, Amazonas, Colombia; Amazonas, Brazil
- Muinane (bora-muinane) Cahuinarí, Amazonas, Colombia; Peru
- Miraña River Caquetá, Amazonas, Colombia.
- Wito family (huitoto, huitotoano, witotó, witótoan, huitoto-ocaine)
- Ocaina (okaina) Department of Loreto, Peru; Amazonas, Colombia
- Nipode (nüpode, nüpode huitoto) Peru
- Meneca (meneka, witoto muinane, minica huitoto, m)n)ca) Amazonas, Colombia; Peru
- Murui (huitoto, bue, murui huitoto) Peru; Amazonas, Colombia; Amazonas, Brazil
- Coeruna (koeruna) Amazonas, Brazil ? (†)
- Nonuya (nonuña, nyonuhu, nonota, achiote, achote) Loreto, Peru; Peña Roja, Colombia
- Coixoma (koihoma, koto, coto, orejón) Loreto, Peru ? (†)
(†) = dead language
Relationship with other languages
Andoque is a language normally classified as a language isolate. However, some authors have proposed that it is distantly related to Bora-Huitoto, which is why the hypothetical macrofamily lbora-witoto-andoque languages has been proposed, consisting of three branches:
- I. Bora family
- II. Wito family
- III. Andoque
Outside of this proposal, the ASJP systematic comparison project finds the closest lexical closeness of the Bora-Witoto to the Zápara languages, however, such similarity could be due to accidental reasons or lexical borrowing and is not firm proof of relationship.
Linguistic description
Aschmann (1993) provided a phonological and lexical reconstruction of Proto-Bora-Witoto. A good reference on the grammar of the Bora language is Thiesen (1996) and on Witoto a standard reference is Minor and Loos (1963), also Wise (1999).
Lexical comparison
The following list compares the numerals in four Bora-Witoto languages:
GLOSA | Bora-Muinane | Huitoto-Ocaina | PROTO- BORA- WITO | ||||||
Bora | Miraña | Muinane | PROTO- BORANO | Ocaina | Murui | Faai | PROTO- WITO | ||
1 | hane | hane | Sano | ♪ | tja- | dahe | dahé | *tja(he) | ♪ta- |
2 | minjéékh | Miñaékh | Minokk | *mina-k- | ha | Mena | mänahé | ♪ | ♪ |
3 | pháphiąhh | maakhíni | [2] + [1] | ♪ -a-mуna- | ha | dahe amani | dahé amani | *tja a-møni | ♪ta-menai |
4 | ph Åox hith | -hanéná. péβahkháhihi | [2] | ? | nah | naga amaga | nagamaga | ? | ? |
5 | ha hungoxhihith | -há-Åox-hi | sa-bouse | *-a- coinux-e | tja--íí-oro | dabecuìro | dabekuiro | *tja-be-kwHearing | *ta+(?) |
6 | ¢Ü ¢Ü ¢Ü | Gotzehihnwa | xúga-parkuse-t | *- | a | enefebe-ll da | Enéme dahé | *ane-be-tja | ? |
7 | ¢Ü ¢Ü ¢Ü | zohógatigá | xúga-parkuse-t | *- | [6] ha | enefebe-ll woman | motöi kaima dahé | ♪ | ? |
8 | ¢Ü ¢Ü ¢Ü | rowikaka | xúga-parkuse-t | *- | ajora bi | Higaikai dahé | ? | ? | |
9 | ¢Ü ¢Ü ¢Ü | zömöthohaa | xúga-parkuse-t Ignore me! | ? | nagaa- häbäkuiro | ? | ? | ||
10 | pha.oxhihikhi neβa | phá rateohhihíkhi | -a-warmedúsee-kk | *pha-fireux-e-ki | hanã. | aiyoäna | ? | ? |
Contenido relacionado
Vietnamese language
Declension (grammar)