Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde in one of their personal photos of 1933.

Bonnie Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were two fugitives, thieves and criminals from the United States of America. They were characterized by having a great love for each other, and remained united until the moment of their death. Bonnie and Clyde caught the attention of the American press and were considered "public enemies" between 1931 and 1934. Although the gang they formed was known for bank robberies, Clyde Barrow preferred robbery in small businesses and gas stations.

Bonnie Parker in front of a Ford B (Bonie's body posture exposes the limp of his left leg)

Although the public believed that Clyde was the leader of the band, the role of Bonnie Parker remains a matter of study and controversy. Gang members such as W. D. Jones and Ralph Fults testified that they never saw Bonnie pick up a gun and that her role was limited to logistical issues. Jones' testimony was: "Bonnie never picked up a gun; she was absent from the big shootings ». Phillip Steele notes in The Family Story of Bonnie and Clyde, an interview with Marie Barrow, Clyde's younger sister, that "Bonnie never fired a shot, she just followed my brother no matter where." In this interview with Playboy, W.D. Jones said of Bonnie: "As far as I know, Bonnie never pointed a gun. Maybe she needed to take it in the car, but during the big shootings, I never saw her with a gun."

In his article Bonnie and Clyde: Romeo and Juliet in a Getaway Car, writer Joseph Geringer explains that Bonnie and Clyde enjoyed the sympathy of American society, and qualified them as modern "Robin Hood", and that their tragic death made them legend.

Early Years

Bonnie was born on October 1, 1910 in Rowena, Texas, the second of three children born to Emma and Charles Parker. In high school she met Roy Thornton and married him at just sixteen years old. But her young husband turned out to be a precocious abuser and delinquent and the marriage failed. In 1929 Thornton was sentenced for robbery to five years in prison. Bonnie returned to her grandparents' house and they never saw each other again.

Working as a waitress, she met Clyde in January 1930 through a mutual friend. He was an insecure twenty-year-old, the fifth of seven children in another humble Texan family, and an ex-con who had sworn he would never go back to jail, but a few weeks later he was back in prison for auto theft. Sentenced to fourteen years in prison, he was transferred to Eastham State Farm, one of the most notorious prisons in the country, where he was sexually harassed by another inmate, who was later found dead. he secretly passed a gun to Clyde during a visit, and with it, he and some companions fled on March 11, 1930, only to be recaptured a week later.

In February 1932, he was paroled through his mother's efforts, but Clyde, ignoring this and to avoid hard labor, had just cut off his big toe; he ever since he limped and had to drive in socks. He continued to steal, and Bonnie joined him. She was caught in a botched robbery and taken to prison, where she spent her time writing poetry. She was released in June 1932, after claiming to have been kidnapped by Barrow's gang and forced to commit a crime.

Between 1932 and 1934, the Barrow gang went on a few misdeeds, kidnapping lawmen or holding up establishments, usually far from home, to get the money that would get them home. Stories of those encounters have contributed to the legend of Bonnie and Clyde, a couple hated and in turn admired by people. Normally, the Barrow gang wouldn't shoot anyone, as long as they had an escape route. In any case, ten victims are counted, all of them in charge of Clyde.

Once acquainted, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were joined by Raymond Hamilton (1913-1935), a personal friend and partner in crime of Clyde's. Hamilton was arrested in Michigan shortly thereafter. Bonnie would soon be incarcerated again, this time in Kaufman, Texas. During her time in prison, Clyde, along with a boy named William Daniel Jones, robbed a store and murdered the owner. The victim's widow recognized Clyde as one of the gunmen. On August 5, 1932, while Bonnie was visiting her mother, Clyde and two associates drank alcohol (an act then prohibited) at a Stringtown, Oklahoma venue, only to be detained on their return by Sheriff C.G. Maxwell, against whom Clyde opened fire, thus killing him.

On March 22, 1933, Clyde's brother Buck was released from prison. In April, Buck and his wife, Blanche, along with W.D. Jones, Clyde and Bonnie, lived in hiding in Joplin, Missouri, organizing future hits, and taking famous photos of themselves, posing with guns drawn.

But the tranquility of the gang soon ended when a citizen ended up denouncing this strange group of tenants at the Missouri police station. At 4 p.m. on April 13, 1933, Sergeant G. B. Kahler of the Mississippi police led a raid on the gang. Police cars blocked the exits of the outlaws' cars. Although caught by surprise, the gang responded quickly, managing to kill two policemen before they could flee. Despite this, W.D. Jones was injured and most of his possessions were left in the apartment where they took shelter, including the camera with which they had taken the photos that would become legend. These photos were broadcast throughout the state, and from then on Bonnie and Clyde had to wear hats and coats to hide their identities.

Despite the glamorous image that has been associated with the band, they were desperate and a bad mood prevailed. A recent manuscript by Blanche Barrow describes the troubled relationship between the members of the group as they fled. Luckily for them, Clyde was very adept at the wheel, being able to drive on dangerous remote roads and thus sleep and search for food without being discovered.. While they were doing this, one of them was assigned to watch. Despite having thousands of dollars of loot, the gang could not sleep peacefully or in luxurious bedrooms.

Platte City

Bonnie joking at Clyde with a shotgun.

In June 1933, while W.D. Jones and Bonnie, Clyde lost control of the car and fell down a ravine. The car's overturning caused it to catch fire and Bonnie suffered third-degree burns to her left leg. During the weeks that followed the accident, Clyde insisted that Bonnie rest, but she was still lame for the rest of her days, during which time the gang robberies continued. In one of them, perpetrated by Buck Barrow and W.D. Jones to a bank, they murdered a local policeman. On July 18, 1933, they arrived at the Red Crown Cabin Camp in Platte City, Missouri, and rented a cabin flanked by two garages. Bonnie, Clyde, and Jones took one room, and Buck and Blanche the other. The gang made the facility's owner, Neal Houser, suspicious by paying rent on the cabins with silver dollars.

When Blanche went into town to buy bandages, crackers, cheese, and atropine to treat Bonnie's leg, the pharmacist contacted Sheriff Holt Coffey, who put the two cabins under surveillance. In turn, he alerted Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas, to prevent a possible escape to another state, and Captain Baxter to call for reinforcements from Kansas City, including an armored vehicle. At midnight that night, Sheriff Coffey led an armed group into the cabins. But the gang was on notice, as young Jones overheard someone comment that there were too many police in the area. So by the time the police got to the cabin, the Barrows were all in Buck's room, armed to the teeth and waiting. The police came to the door and knocked, identifying themselves. Bonnie said through the door that the men weren't there and that she would open right away, but that she was naked. Shortly thereafter, shooting began from the Barrows' M1918 BAR (Clyde's favorite weapon), which they had recently robbed from an armory. Although the gang escaped again, Buck Barrow was struck by a bullet in the side of the head while that Blanche was nearly blinded by shards of glass hitting her in the eye; In any case, they had managed to flee from police harassment.

On July 24, 1933, the Barrow gang arrived at Dexfield Park, an abandoned amusement park near Dexter, Iowa. A day later, a farmer found an unlit bonfire and some bloody bandages. This news reached the local sheriff, who called other sheriffs and the Iowa National Guard. That same night a small army of police officers and volunteers surrounded the Barrows, who were caught up in another shootout. Clyde, Bonnie and W. D. Jones managed to escape while Buck, badly wounded, was hit in the back and his wife was once again hit with glass in the face. Buck would die five days later at Kings Daughters Hospital in Iowa, due to pneumonia.

Bonnie and Clyde regrouped and on November 22, 1933, they escaped for the last time from an attempted capture. But the young Jones escaped from the company of Bonnie and Clyde, being arrested in Houston. He made a full confession and requested to be sentenced to life in prison.

The Escape

In January 1934, Clyde needed a move to get the band back together. So Bonnie and Clyde spied on the release of forced prisoners from an establishment where Clyde had been interned, the Eastham Unit, to try to free Raymond Hamilton, the couple's first partner, who was then sentenced to 263 years in prison. jail. They attacked the guards and caused the escape of five prisoners, including Hamilton. They had two cars hidden nearby, so the other four prisoners took one and the Barrows and Hamilton fled in the other. Shortly thereafter they picked up another felon, Henry Methvin, who would then join the group. The Texas Federal Bureau of Corrections grudgingly received the negative publicity about the escape, and Clyde felt this wrongdoing was payback for all the years. that he had been interned in that prison.

Vengeance was expensive, for all that it entailed, as Joe Palmer's murder of a guard gave absolute power to the state of Texas and the federal government to carry out the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde, which culminated in the death of both. As guard Major Crowson lay dead, Lee Simmons of the Texas Department of Corrections promised him that every person involved in the escape would be hunted down and killed. He was as good as his word, except for Henry Methvin, whose life was spared in exchange. of betraying Bonnie and Clyde. The Texas Department of Corrections then contacted a well-known retired lawman, Captain Frank Hamer of the Texas Rangers, whom they convinced to accept an assignment to hunt down the Barrow gang. Although technically retired, Hamer was the only retired Ranger in history allowed to maintain an active Ranger mission, as shown in the state archives in Austin, Texas. He accepted the assignment immediately and without hesitation as Police Officer Texas Traffic, dealing with the prison system as a special investigator, specifically tasked with hunting down Bonnie and Clyde and the Barrow gang.

Clyde and Henry Methvin killed two young traffic policemen near Grapevine, Texas, on April 1, 1934, and an eyewitness testified that Methvin fired the bullets that caused both deaths. John Treherne thoroughly investigated this shooting, discovering that Methvin fired the first bullet after assuming that Clyde wanted them dead (although Treherne discovered, and Methvin later admitted, that Clyde had not meant to kill them, but had planned to capture them and take them on one of his famous walks, and that Bonnie went up to the dying officers to try to help them). Seeing that they had little chance once Methvin had started shooting, Clyde shot the second officer, but Methvin is considered to be the primary killer of both. Ted Hinton's son testified that Bonnie was actually asleep in the back seat when Methvin started the shooting and that she did not participate in it. It is notable that, accepting a pardon for those murders, Methvin admitted to both. Despite Methvin's confession, which was accepted by the courts, and investigations by most Bonnie and Clyde historians, which found that she was not involved in the deaths, one website insists that Bonnie was. took part. However, this statement is in direct conflict with the fact that Methvin confessed in court that he was the sole murderer in both massacres. These especially senseless killings shocked and outraged the public, which until then had tended to romanticize Bonnie and Clyde. Another police officer, William Campbell, was murdered five days later near Commerce, Oklahoma, further souring public sentiment.


The Ford Deluxe V-8 after the ambush with the bodies of Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker in the front seats.

Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed and gunned down on May 23, 1934, on a back road near Bienville Parish, Louisiana. They were killed in an ambush by four police officers from Texas and two from Louisiana. The police group was led by Frank Hamer, who began tracking the murderous pair on February 10, 1934. Hamer, who had never seen Bonnie and Clyde, arranged a meeting with Methvin's parents in hopes of getting their help. aid. Aside from Hamer, the group included County Sheriffs Bob Alcorn and Ted Hinton, Texas Ranger B.M. Manny Gault, Bienville Parish Sheriff Henderson Jordan, and his deputy Prentiss Oakley.

Hamer studied Bonnie and Clyde's movements and discovered that they traveled between five states and operated near borders to escape from one state to another. Bonnie and Clyde were the masters of cross-state flight before the creation of the FBI. Unfortunately for them, Hamer's experience as a retired Ranger allowed him to figure out what they were going to do.

On May 21, 1934, the four justices were in Shreveport when they learned that Bonnie and Clyde were with Methvin that afternoon. Clyde had studied Methvin's parents' home in Bienville Parish as a place of surrender in the event of the band's separation. At one point in the meeting, Methvin broke away from the gang in Shreveport and rejoined the hunting squad. They met at 9 p.m. at a point on Highway 154, between Gibsland and Sailes. They decided to wait to hunt down the criminals the next day, since they had not heard from Bonnie and Clyde.

Bonny Car and Clydes (Ford V-8 1932), ascribed with bullet holes after the ambush. Photograph taken by FBI investigators on May 23, 1934.

Until about 9am on May 23rd, the hunters hid in the bushes and prepared to shoot when they heard the arrival of Clyde's stolen Ford B V8. The police report recounts that Clyde stopped to talk to Henry Methvin's father—who intentionally parked his truck that morning to distract Clyde and force him closer to the ambushing officers—and the lawmen opened fire, killing Bonnie and Clyde. According to the removal of the bodies, the car had a total of 167 bullet holes. The crew, under Hamer's orders, did not give the signal to stop or surrender. Clyde died instantly from a bullet to the head, fired by Oakley. Bonnie, on the other hand, did not die as quickly as Clyde; her hand was still holding the sandwich she was eating for breakfast.The officers had specific orders to empty the magazines of their rifles and pistols. According to statements by Ted Hinton and Bob Alcorn in the Dallas Dispatch on May 24, 1934, “each of us had a shotgun, an automatic rifle, and pistols. We open fire with automatics. [their magazines] emptied before the car got to us. So we use the shotguns. There was smoke in the car, and it looked like it was going to catch fire. Having emptied the shotguns, we emptied the pistols at the car, which passed us and rolled fifty yards down the road. We continued shooting even after the car stopped. We had no other choice." After the shooting, officers inspected the vehicle and discovered a small cache of stolen automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, assorted pistols, and several thousand cartridges, along with fifteen license plates from various states.

Part of the controversy surrounding the death of Bonnie and Clyde centers on the fact that today, in the United States, police give detainees the chance to surrender peacefully before shooting, even in extremely dangerous situations, unless there is an immediate death threat. In this regard, the Supreme Court commented in the case of Tennessee v. Garner in 1985 that:

The fourth article prohibits the use of force to prevent the escape of a suspect, unless such flight, in the opinion of the officer, poses a danger of death or injury to the officer or his.

It is this prohibition on the use of violence that makes the deaths of Bonnie and Clyde controversial.

Some sources say that Bonnie and Clyde had been shot about fifty times, although others suggest that the bodies had about fifty bullet wounds each throughout the body. In any case, that was too many shots for someone to count. he would have the option of fleeing or injuring the agents.

Bonnie and Clyde wanted to be buried next to each other, but the Parker family wouldn't allow it. Bonnie's mother wanted to fulfill Bonnie's dying wish, which was to be taken back home, but the mobs of curious people surrounding the Parker house made this impossible. More than 20,000 people turned out for Bonnie's funeral, making it difficult for the Parkers to reach the grave. Clyde Barrow is buried in Western Heights Cemetery, and Bonnie Parker is buried in Crown Hill Memorial Park, both in Dallas, Texas. The following words, from a poem written by Bonnie, are inscribed on her tombstone:

As the flowers are all made sweeter

by the sunshine and the dew,

So this old world is made brighter

by the lives of folks like you
Just as the flowers are sweetened

for the sun and the dew,

This old world is brighter

for the lives of people like you.

Clyde's reads: "Gone but not forgotten".

Controversy after death

The controversy is based on certain aspects of the shooting and how Hamer directed it. Historians and writers like E.R. Milner, Phillips, and Treherne do not charge Bonnie with any murder. The FBI files contain only one case against her, allegedly committed by Clyde in a carjacking. one of the gang's crimes was thanks to a statement by Blanche Barrow, in an interview with a newspaper in Lucerne, Indiana, on May 13, 1933. But these statements do not seem to have consistency. In the event that Bonnie had fired, she would have used an M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (B.A.R.), the only automatic rifle the gang owned. This weapon, stolen by Clyde from a gun shop, weighed about 8.5 kg, and loaded could reach 11 kg, which was a third of the weight of Bonnie, who was barely 1.50 and petite. Shooting 550 rounds in a minute seems like a pretty difficult task, even for trained soldiers.

Historians and writers have questioned whether or not Hamer would have given the order to fire without warning and before the arrival of the car. Years later, Prentiss Oakley has noticed different contradictions in these actions. He is the only one involved who expressed regret for this act. The cops, including Frank Hamer, stole some of the guns from the car. Personal items, including Bonnie's clothes and Clyde's saxophone, were also taken. And when Parker's family claimed his belongings, Hamer refused to give them up. These objects were later sold as souvenirs.

After the death, the men who were chosen to guard the bodies (Gault, Oakley and Alcorn) allowed citizens to cut off pieces of Bonnie's hair and dress, which were later sold. Hinton found a man trying to cut off Clyde's finger. The medical examiner, upon arrival at the scene, noted what he saw: "Most everyone started picking up items from the crime scene, like broken glass. from the car, bullet casings or bloody pieces of clothing. One of the younger men opened his razor and tried to cut off one of Clyde's ears." The coroner called Hamer to help control the "circus show", and only then were people ordered to leave. the crime scene.

After Ted Hinton's death, his son published a completely different version of the one previously believed to be true. According to Hinton's son, “the patrol had tied Methvin's father to a tree the night before the trap, to prevent him from tipping off the gang. Methvin's father's cooperation with authorities was a lie Hamer used to avoid kidnapping charges against an innocent citizen." Hinton Jr. also says that Hamer offered Methvin that if he kept quiet about the setup, his son would get a pardon for the murder of the two cops, which he complied with. Then Hamer made the patrol swear not to say a word. In his father's biography, Hinton states: "Ivy Methvin was traveling down the road when he was stopped by the policemen, who took him into the woods and tied him up. To make believe that everything had been an accident, the patrol removed one of the wheels of the truck."

If this version is true, Frank Hamer's actions would have been clearly illegal, since, according to this theory, he kidnapped a man, tied him to a tree and bought his silence in exchange for pardon for his son, who killed two patrol cars and was released thanks to his father accepting and fulfilling the deal with Hamer.

Blanche Barrow's (1911-1988) injuries left her blind in her left eye. After the 1933 shootout she was captured with her husband, mortally wounded, and charged with assault with intent to murder. The photo of her capture is famous, struggling with the agents a few steps from her lying husband, dressed in pants (a very daring garment for a woman in the thirties) and scared because she mistook the camera for a weapon and believed that they were to be summarily executed. She was sentenced to ten years in prison, but was released in 1939 for good behavior. She returned to Dallas, leaving behind the life of a criminal, and lived with her invalid father as her guardian. She married Eddie Frasure in 1940, worked as a taxi dispatcher, and served the conditions of her parole a year later. She would live with her husband until 1969, when he died of cancer. Warren Beatty tried to get the rights to her to use her name in the film Bonnie and Clyde . Although she agreed with the original script, she was less so with the final script, when she commented that the performance of the actress who played her in the film (Estelle Parsons, who won the Oscar for best supporting actress for that role) it seemed "disgusting". Despite this, she maintained her friendship with Beatty until the day of her death. Barrow died on December 24, 1988 at the age of seventy-seven, being buried in Dallas' Grove Hill Memorial Park Cemetery under the name "Blanche B. Frasure."

The Bonnie and Clyde Festival

Each year, on the anniversary of the shooting, the Bonnie and Clyde Festival is held in Gibsland, Louisiana. The shooting site, located on Highway 154, south of Gibsland, is commemorated with a stone marker where memories are left.

Pop Culture

1910 Census with Clyde Barrow registered in Ellis County, Texas.

As it happened with Jack the Ripper, Bonnie and Clyde can be considered the first famous criminals of the modern era and whose legend will be enduring in time. No doubt Bonnie knew exactly how to manipulate the press and Parker's poem The Story of Bonnie and Clyde was published by all the newspapers. The poetic side of him, especially in Suicide Sal, shows up on the criminal side of him. According to Geringer, Bonnie represents all the unemployed workers and part of society disenchanted with the United States of the Great Depression, which saw in the couple a duo equal to Robin Hood, the ancient hero who confronts a corrupt government. In an A&E Network production starring two bandits, historian Jonathan Davis expressed a similar thought, writing: "Any character who robs banks or fights the law supplies a series of secret fantasies of much of the public." ».


The advertising industry took note of the attractiveness of the bandit couple. When a letter signed under the pseudonym "Clyde Champion Barrow" praising his new car was sent to the Ford Motor Company, they used it in advertisements. Although the authenticity of the letter's handwriting could never be confirmed, Ford also received a similar manuscript from someone claiming to be John Dillinger.


The movie industry has brought the life of Bonnie and Clyde to the big screen on several occasions.

  • 1937 - Just live once., the second film directed by Fritz Lang in the United States and starred at Henry Fonda and Sylvia Sidney.
  • 1950 - The Demon of Arms (Gun Crazy), led by Joseph H. Lewis and starred at Peggy Cummings and John Dall, is freely based on the history of Bonnie and Clyde, although with different names.
  • 1958 - The Bonnie Parker Storydirected by William Witney and starring Dorothy Provine.
  • 1967 - Bonnie and Clyde. Arthur Penn led the best gangster film, starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway. The film was a taquilla and public success, giving a touch of distinction to the couple of criminals.
  • 1968 - Due to the success of the 1967 film, the cartoonist of Looney Tunes, Robert McKimson, created a couple of gangster rabbits called Bunny and Claudewhich appeared in two shorts (the only difference is that Bunny and Claude steal shops, trains and carrot fields); these characters were always persecuted by a sheriff, but they always escaped.
  • 1988 - The Erotic Adventures of Bonnie and Clyde, directed by Max Schenk and starring Shanna McCullough, represents a pornographic version of the story.
  • 1992 - Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story; on this Tracey Needham tape played the role of Bonnie, while Clyde was played by Dana Ashbrook.
  • 1993 - Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde, juvenile version of the story, played by Scott Wolf and Maureen Flanigan.
  • 1994 - Mickey and Mallory's characters from Oliver Stone's movie Natural Born Killers They have many similarities with Bonnie and Clyde, particularly the echo of their crimes in the media.
  • 2003 - In the film Hit you, Walt's character produces a work called Bonnie and Clydestarring Meryl Streep in the role of Bonnie.
  • 2005 - A popular Hindu film was inspired by Bonnie and Clyde, Bunty Aur Bablistarring Abhishek Bachchan.
  • 2006 - In The Texas Massacre: The OriginEric's character tells Chrissie that his kids would be called Bonnie and Clyde.
  • 2008 - In the sixth season of the popular Spanish series The men of Paco, the couple formed by Sara and Lucas (interpreted by Michelle Jenner and Hugo Silva (actor) mention the story of Bonnie and Clyde as Lucas was persecuted by the CNI and Sara helped him to become part of the Spanish National Police and to be able to administer information to him in secret.
  • 2011 - En God Bless America, the character of Roxy buys hats similar to the characteristic of Bonnie and Clyde, making Frank mention the resemblance of them.
  • 2019 - ♪♪, a Netflix tape starring Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson, which follows agents Frank Hamer and Maney Gault, who try to track and capture Bonnie and Clyde in the 1930s.

Cypress Moon Productions has announced the filming of a possible version of Bonnie and Clyde to mark the 40th anniversary of the Arthur Penn production.


  • The film made by Netflix ♪♪, based on real history where two Texas police officers and two Louisiana police officers assault Bonnie and Clyde in an ambush.


  • In Uruguay the year 2014 a group of Parodists named "Los Muchachos" performs the parody of Bonnie and Clyde starring Luis Alberto Carballo and Walter Cucuzú Brilca in the contest of the Uruguayan carnival achieving being nominated for better parody and obtaining the second place in the category based on the history of the couple and adapted for the most popular holiday of Uruguay held in the Teatro de Verano Ramón Col


  • The Chilean duo PUPILAS publishes its first single named Bonnie & Clyde, a song by the genre garage rock that tells the exciting story of the most sought-after and known couple in the 1930s. The theme was launched on May 23, 2022, a mysterious date for the band, as it coincides with the death of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow along with the day the artists met.
  • American singer Juice WRLD has a filtered song titled Bonnie and Clyde.
  • The official video of the song Robbers - 1975 refers to the history of Bonnie and Clyde
  • In 2019, the main theme of the anime BEASTARS called "Wild Side" played by the ALI Musical Group, makes reference to Clyde Barrow in the phrase "Sometimes Clyde Barrow style".
  • Australian singer Vance Joy has a theme called Bonnie And Clyde in his album Nation of Two.
  • The American Music Band WILD has a theme called Bonnie And Clyde.
  • Korean singer Dean has a song titled Bonnie & Clyde.
  • Alvaro Díaz in his theme "Miles de mujeres" begins by mentioning them, besides that the video makes total attribution to them.
  • Daddy Yankee and his “Infinite” theme of the fine neighborhood album, with his phrase “Like Bonnie and Clyde”, based on the faithful and mutual protection of the couple and the theme “Leave Caer” of the album King Daddy Edition.
  • The duo of the Destinee and Paris sisters refer to Bonnie and Clyde in their song True saying, 'I am your Bonnie and you are my Clyde.'
  • The Lonely Island group, together with Rihanna, launched a song called Shy Ronnie, which has two versions. The second is based on the couple.
  • The Travis Trit group has a country-style song entitled "Modern Day Bonnie & Clyde", inspired by the lives of these two famous criminals.
  • The third single by British singer Sophie Ellis Bextor, "Today The Sun's On Us", has a video that is inspired by the couple.
  • The song “Demolition lovers”, by My Chemical Romance, released on his album I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, is inspired by Bonnie and Clyde, as well as very successful rappers songs in the United States, including Jay-Z with Beyonce.
  • Eminem has a theme called “97 Bonnie and Clyde”, where the singer asks his little girl to help him hide the body of his partner and mother.
  • One of the most famous songs that also mention the couple is the song of "Kiss me thru the phone" by Soulja Boy.
  • Also the German group Die toten Hosen has a song inspired by them, called “Bonnie und Clyde”.
  • The rapper Jake Miller in his song Me and You says "you my partner in crime, like Bonnie & Clyde"
  • The Venezuelan band Randall's Project made a song in honor of Bonnie and Clyde called "Run" in which Clyde Barrow asks Bonnie Parker to do a last theft and then abandon that life of ruffians without knowing that what awaits them at the end of the road is their imminent death caused by the police. On the other hand, on this theme they also recite at the foot of the letter the most brilliant poem written by Bonnie, which even today appears on his tomb: "As the flowers are all made sweeter by the sunshine and the dew so this old world is made brighter by the lives of folks like you".
  • The bilbaíno group La Casa Usher recorded in its 1990 model and in its subsequent album of 2004 a theme inspired by the couple.
  • The French singer Serge Gainsbourg recorded in his album "avec Brigitte Bardot" a song called "Bonnie & Clyde". The Argentine band Little Orchestra Reincidentes recorded a Spanish cover of the theme, included in the album "Capricho".
  • The couple is also mentioned in songs like "Stop the World" by Demi Lovato, "Stuck in the Moment" by Justin Bieber, and "Without You" by Avicii.
  • The Paranoid Ratons, an Argentine rock group, mention the couple of ruffians in their song "The Devils", from the album "The Boys Want More", published in 2001.
  • In the song of the Marilyn Manson group "Putting Holes in Happiness" the couple is mentioned.
  • On the record "Makaveli (Tupac Shakur) The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory", in the song 'Me and My Girlfriend', says: 'Lost in the Whirlwind, ninety-six Bonnie & clyde' (Lost in the storm, we are the 'bonnie and Clyde' of 1996).
  • The song 'Catch Me' by Animal Alpha says: 'Do you think I'm easy like Bonnie and Clyde?'(Do you think I'm as easy as Bonnie and Clyde?).
  • The music video of the song "Criminal" by Britney Spears, from his album Femme FataleHe has a plot similar to the history of these criminals, where he remembered the crimes of the couple.
  • The Garbage group also has a version of your video Bad boyfriend where a kind of short film comes from Bonnie and Clyde.
  • Love of Lesbian (Spanish indie group) created a song in which these two characters are quoted, the song is called "The Eternal Night" of the album The Eternal Night. Unlived days (2012).
  • The song "Reach For The Sky" by Social Distortion says "You can run you can hide, just like Bonnie and Clyde."
  • Bon Jovi mentions the couple in his song "Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen from Mars" from the Crush album.
  • Bridgit Mendler mentions the couple in the song "Love will tell us where to go" (I'm the Bonnie to your Clyde).
  • Lana Del Rey refers to the couple in a repetitive way in a filtered song in 2012 called "Live Or Die".
  • The Italian rock group Finley pays tribute to them on the theme "Bonnie e Clyde" (2012)
  • The Korean duo Trouble Maker in his video "Now" makes an interpretation of the couple of criminals.
  • The singer and rapper G-Dragon mentions the couple in the song "R.O.D."
  • Joaquín Sabina and Fito Páez mention the couple of criminals in the song "If the dragons return".
  • The female hip-hop group, WASSUP, from South Korea, names Bonnie and Clyde in their song "Galaxy"
  • The Japanese singer Utada Hikaru refers to the couple in her song B fakeC of the album First Love.
  • The Avicii Music Video of the song "Addicted to you" refers to the couple but in this video it is seen as a lesbian couple.
  • The English singer Cher Lloyd mentions his names in his song "Alone With Me".
  • In the song "Cloud Aura" by British singer Charli xcx and Brooke Candy mention Bonnie and Clyde in one of their first verses.
  • The rapper Ace Hood also refers to the couple "Bonnie and Clyde, She never side with the coppers" in the song "Rider" ft Chris Brown.
  • They are mentioned multiple times in the analogies of the singer Lana Del Rey but especially in "Live or Die"
  • Clyde is only mentioned in Selena Gomez's "Do It" song
  • The pop-punk/post-hardcore group Her Bright Skies has a song titled Bonnie & Clyde (The Revolution)
  • The singer Bebe Rexha refers to her song "Ride Till You Die"
  • Set it off (approximately 2014) refers to the song partners in crime where Cody Carson and Ashley Costelo represent characters inspired by Bonnie and Clyde
  • In Nicky Jam's song "Thinking You" also mentions these two characters with the phrase "We were Bonnie and Clyde modern."
  • The singer Ariana Grande mentions them in the song "Bad Decisions" of the album "Dangerous Woman" with the phrase "We got that Bonnie & Clyde love" translated: "We have that love of Bonnie and Clyde."
  • In 2012 the musical "Bonnie" Clyde was released on Broadway, with Jeremy Jordan as Clyde and Laura Osnes as Bonnie
  • The singer Beatriz Luengo mentions the couple "Bonnie & Clyde" in the Fables song of her album "Bela and her dead moskitas" with the phrase "We are the perfect union, like Bonnie and Clyde".
  • In the first LP of the Cleanhead band "Thus Step In Stockholm", "The Bonnie Parker Balada" is the title of the fourth album song.
  • The singer Camila Cabello and the rapper Machine Gun Kelly launched in early December 2016, a duet, Bad Things. The video of this song makes allusions to being a modernized Bonnie & Clyde story.
  • DJ Khaled, in his song "I'm the one" ft Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne mention the couple with the phrase "Cause I promise when we step out you'll be famous, modern day Bonnie and Clyde what they named us"
  • Alessia Cara in his song "Outlaws" from the 2015 Know-It-All album, mentions this couple in the phrase: "I'm Bonnie, you can be Clyde".
  • Taylor Swift in his sixth studio album, reputation, refers to Bonnie and Clyde in his song Getaway Car, "We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde.
  • In the song of Avicii ft. Sandro Cavazza "Without you" mentions: "I'm going Bonnie and Clyde without you."
  • G-Eazy in the duet song with Halsey "Him" I, are named as the 2017 Bonnie and Clyde, "They don't wanna see us make it, they just wanna divide, 2017 Bonnie and Clyde"
  • The South Korean group BLACKPINK in the simple "As if it's your last"(' successor Troy)) mentions the couple: "I be the Bonnie and you be my Clyde. We ride or die".
  • The South Korean group BLACKPINK in its first mini album square upen the song forever young is said “Forever young boy so we ride or die” which refers to Bonnie and Clyde.
  • The South Korean group 24K released a mini album in 2018 entitled Bonnie and Clyde. In their main song they refer to the couple and the love they had.
  • The Dj Avicii on August 10, 2017 published a song entitled "Without You" (Without You) where in the choir they mention the love of Bonnie and Clyde.
  • The Panamanian singer Akim in his song “Locos in Love” mentions the couple comparing them with their relationship “Our love is just like that of Bonnie with Clyde.”
  • The English singer and composer PJ Harvey mentions the couple in the song Good Fortune from his album Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea.
  • Argentinian singer Jairo mentions the couple in the song "Our love will be an hymn": "Our love will be like those loves of those who all speak, as intense and fatal as that of Romeo and Juliet, adventurer and mad, like that of Bonnie and Clyde."
  • La youtuber singer Aki Chan mentions this couple in their cover of the song Chiru Chiru published on February 10, 2017, with the phrase "A game like Bonnie and Clyde is so dangerous".
  • The singer Cosculluela & Natti Natasha, released his song about Bonnie & Clyde. Posted on November 10, 2018, WMG / Rottweilas, Inc.
  • South Korean singer Dean included his song entitled Bonnie " Clyde in his album 1300 mood: TRBL.
  • MØ mentions the couple Bonnie & Clyde in her theme "Beautiful Wreck" from her album Forever Neverland.
  • The South Korean group Monsta X mentions Bonnie & Clyde in his song Monsta Truck from his album Follow: Find You. “Hey baby ◾ Bonnie & Clyde” (Blessed we are Bonnie & Clyde).
  • The rapper Miyagi refers to the couple Bonnie & Clyde in his song Bonie(Bonnie) of 2018
  • South Korean group SF9 mentions Bonnie & Clyde in his song K.O from his album Feeling Sensation. “END) ⋅ Bonnie and Clyde” (Maybe we are Bonnie & Clyde)
  • South Korean artist Baekhyun mentions Bonnie and Clyde in his song "Stay up" "Meant to be Bonnie and Clyde" ("Destined to be Bonnie and Clyde")
  • Taylor Swift, in his sixth album, winner of numerous awards, Reputation, mentions the couple in the song Getaway Car, one of the best songs of his discography, great to sing full lung (we were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde).
  • Lola Índigo, in her song "Lola Bunny" sung with Don Patricio, refers to the famous couple with the phrase "Tu Clyde y yo Bonnie".
  • In the song Nio Garcia's Jeepeta x Brray x Juanka, Bonnie and Clyde are mentioned.
  • In the song Superstar (Copa América 2016), sung by Pitbull and Becky G, the phrase "We're like Bonnie, and Clyde, we reach for the stars" is mentioned.
  • In 2012 Great Northern (indie band) made a simple call Bonnie & Clide for the soundtrack of episode 10 of the sixth season of the Gossip Girl series, the song is heard at the beginning while Chuck and Blair flee from the place
  • In 2021, the Chinese singer Yuqi of the group (G)I-DLE) mentioned Bonnie & Clyde in the song of the same name in her solo debut: A Page. "We're like modern version of Bonnie & Clyde" ("We're like the modern version of Bonnie and Clyde")
  • The song "One night of those" of 1988 by the Argentine rock band Alcohol Ethyl, mentions: "Today it will be a night of those, when we go out to steal. Lulu was very happy, like Bonnie and Clyde."
  • The Rapero Brock Ansiolitiko mentions Bonnie and Clyde in his song I draw with the phrase: "You were always my Bonnie and I was your Clyde."
  • The band headed by Brendon Urie, Panic! At The Disco names the couple in their song “Middle Of A Breakup” from the album Viva Las Vengeance of 2022: “You and me ain’t no Bonnie and Clyde although we tried and tried we gave ourselves away”.
  • The Australian band San Cisco the music video of his new song "Lost whitout you" pretends to be a movie about the Bonnie and Clyde, played by the members of the band Scarlett Stevens like Bonnie and Jordi Davieson as Clyde.

Video Games

  • In the video game Fallout: New Vegas reference is made to Bonnie and Clyde in the Primm settlement, changing them by Vikki and Vance assailants, about which they are said to have nothing to do with Bonnie and Clyde. Vikki and Vance have a museum where the Ford is located where they were also shot.
  • The Advertising Image of the Video Games DLC Grand Theft Auto Online " Valentine's Day" refers to Bonnie and Clyde and his vehicle.
  • In the As Dusk Falls video game, the player can win an achievement called "Bonnie & Clyde" by getting Jay to escape with Vanessa.
  • In the Brawl Stars video game, they refer to this couple; Bonnie, Janet's younger sister, who is always accompanied by her faithful canyon called Clyde.

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