
United States Aviator using a nuclear, biological and chemical mask M-17

Bioterrorism is the term used to define the criminal use of pathogenic microorganisms, toxins or harmful substances against the population for the purpose of generating disease, death, panic and terror.

This term is also used to refer to the introduction of biological material with phytopathogenic agents, four-year-old diseases, chemical inputs or any other type of material into a country, with the intention of endangering the life and health of people. To see the use of this method in warfare, check out biological warfare.


According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a "bioterrorism" It is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, toxins, or other harmful agents used to cause disease or death in humans, animals, and/or plants. These agents are normally found in nature, but it is possible that they could be mutated or altered to increase their ability to cause disease, making them resistant to drugs, or increasing their ability to spread in the environment. Biological agents can be spread through air, water, food, etc.

The use of biological agents by terrorists has occurred mainly because they are difficult to detect and take several hours or days to take effect on their disease. Some bioterrorism agents, such as the smallpox virus, can be released from person to person, and some others, such as anthrax, are transmitted as spores in the environment. Bioterrorism is an attractive weapon because biological agents are relatively cheap and easy to get, they can be easily disseminated and cause widespread fear and panic beyond physical damage. However, military leaders have learned that bioterrorism has strong limitations; it is difficult to use a biological weapon in a way that only affects the enemy and not friendly forces.

Technologists such as Bill Joy have warned of the potential power that genetic engineering can bring to the future of bioterrorism. The use of biological agents that do not cause harm to humans but can disrupt the order of the economy has been discussed. A highly relevant pathogen in this context is human foot-and-mouth disease caused by a virus that can cause economic damage and public concern, as witnessed in the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the United Kingdom.


20th century

By the time World War I began, attempts were made to use anthrax (malignant anthrax) on animal populations, which proved ineffective. Shortly after World War I, Germany launched a campaign of biological sabotage against the United States, Russia, Romania, and France. At the time, Anton Dilger was living in Germany, but in 1915 he was sent to the United States carrying glanders cultures, a virulent disease for horses and mules. Dilger established a laboratory in his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland. He used stevedores working on the Baltimore docks to infect horses with glanders while they waited to be shipped to Britain. Dilger was under suspicion as a German agent, but he was never arrested. He eventually went to Madrid, Spain, where he died during the 1918 Flu Pandemic. In 1916, the Russians arrested German agents with similar intent. Germany and its allies infected horses and many mules from Russia on the eastern border. These actions hampered artillery and troop movements, as well as supply shipments.

In 1927, police in Chicago arrested two students, Allen Schwander and Stephen Pera, who planned to poison the city's water with typhoid and other bacteria. Schwander founded a terrorist group, & # 34; R.I.S.E. & # 34;, while Pera collected and tended cultures from the hospital where he worked. The two men flew to Cuba after being released from jail. Schwander died of natural causes in 1974, while Pera returned to the United States in 1975 and was placed on probation.

The 1984 Osho Bioterror Attack: In the state of Oregon, followers of the Osho Movement attempted to control a local election by incapacitating the local population. This was caused by infecting salads in eleven restaurants, produce in grocery stores, and other public establishments with the Salmonella typhimurium bacterium in the city of The Dalles. The attack infected 721 people with severe poisoning. There were no fatal cases. This incident was the first and only bioterrorist attack in the United States.

The case of Aum Shinrikyō releasing anthrax in Kameido: In June 1993, Aum Shinrikyō's supporter group released anthrax in Tokyo. Witnesses reported a foul odor; the attack was a total failure, since it did not affect anyone because the vaccine strain of this bacterium was used. Spores recovered from the attack show that they were identical to the animal vaccine strain, both of which are missing in the genes that cause a symptomatic response.

21st century

2001 Anthrax Attacks: In September and October 2001, several cases of anthrax attacks were public eyeballs in the United States, apparently caused on purpose. Letters containing infectious anthrax were sent to media offices and to the United States Congress, along with attacks on Chile. The letters sent killed five people.CNN

In 2001, the United States Postal Service was hit by a bioterrorist attack involving Bacillus anthracis spores, infecting 22 people with anthrax >) and 7 survivors were confirmed to have cutaneous anthrax disease. This is what has been used in countries like Russia, Libya, the US, China, Egypt and Korea.

Types of Agents

Under current US law, biological agents that have been declared by the US Department of Health and Human Services or the US Department of Agriculture to have the "potential to be a severe threat to public health and safety", are officially defined as "Select Agents".

These agents are classified as A, B, or C and administer the Select Agent Program, which regulates laboratories that may possess, use, or transfer select agents within the United States. Just as the United States categorizes harmful drugs, virus designs are not yet categorized, and avian H5N1 has been shown to achieve high mortality and human communication in a laboratory.

Category A

These high-priority agents have such a risk that they would alarm national security, are easily transmitted and disseminated, have a greater potential to impact public health, may cause panic, or require special actions for public health preparedness.

Tularemia or "Word of Rabbits"
It has a low death rate, however, can cause severe incapacities. This disease is caused by bacteria "Francisella tularensis", and can be contracted by contact with the fur, inhalation, ingestion of contaminated water or by bite of insects. "Francisella tularensis" is a very infectious bacteria. A small number (10-50 or more organisms) can cause the disease. If "Francisella tularensis" was used as a weapon, the bacteria would be released in the air by exposure to inhalation. People who inhale an infectious spray usually experience severe respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, systematic infections, or other diseases that threaten death, if not treated. The bacteria that cause tularemia exist in nature and can be isolated and cultivated in a laboratory.
Anthrax is an uncommunicable disease caused by a thorn that forms the "Bacillus anthracis" bacteria. There are anthrax vaccines but it requires many injections of stable use. When anthrax is diagnosed at an early stage, it can be cured with antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin. Their first incidence in a biological war was when Scandinavian "freedom fighters" supplied by the German General Staff used anthrax with unknown results against the Russian Imperial Army in Finland in 1916. In 1993, the Aum Shinrikyō group used anthrax in a failed attempt in Tokyo without fatalities. Anthrax was used in 2001 in several attacks in the United States, sent by mail Anthrax is one of the few biological agents by which federal employees have been vaccinated. The strain used in 2001 was identical to the strain used by Fort Detrick.
The smallpox is a highly contagious virus. It is easily transmitted through the atmosphere and has a high mortality rate (20-40%). The smallpox was eradicated from the world in the 1970s, thanks to a global vaccination program. However, some examples of viruses are still available in laboratories in Russia and the United States. Some believe that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, smallpox crops have become available in other countries. Even though people born before 1970 have been vaccinated from smallpox, the effectiveness of the vaccine is limited to a 3 to 5 year immunity level. The protection of getting vaccinated lasts longer. As a biological weapon, smallpox is dangerous because of its highly contagious nature. Also, the fact that there is an infrequency with vaccines administered among the general population since the outbreak of the disease would leave most of the population unprotected in the event of a outbreak. The smallpox happens only in humans, and has no vectors or possible outdoor guests.
Toxin botulinum
Neurotoxin Botulinum toxin is one of the most deadly toxins known, and is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It causes death by respiratory insufficiency and paralysis. Also being a toxin available worldwide for its cosmetic applications in injections.
Pulmonary tract
This plague is a disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. Rodents are usually the guests of this plague and the disease is transmitted to human by flea bites and occasionally by Bioaerosol in the form of pneumonic Pest. The suffering has history as the use of weapon in biological wars, dating centuries ago, and being considered a threat for its ease of cultivation and ability to remain in circulation through local rodents for a long period of time. The threat comes mainly in the form of pneumonic plague (inhalation infection) It was the suffering caused by Black Death in Medieval Europe.
Viral hemorrhagic fever
This includes hemorrhagic fever caused by members of the Filoviridae family (Marburgvirus and Ebola), and by the Arenaviridae family (e.g. Lassa Virus and Machupo Virus (Bolivian hemorrhagic fever)). Ebola virus disease, in particular, has caused high death rates, from 25% to 90% with an average of 50%. There is still no cure, even though vaccines are developing. The Soviet Union investigated the use of phylovirus for biological wars, and the follower group of Aum Shinrikyō tried to obtain Ebola crops without success. The death caused by the Ebola virus is due to the failure in multiple internal organs and by Hipovolemia. Marbugvirus was first discovered in Germany. There is no cure currently apart from support care. Arenavirus has some small case of fatality compared to diseases caused by filovirus, but they are more widely distributed, both in Africa and South America.

Category B

Category B agents are moderately easy to disseminate and have low mortality rates.

  • Brucelosis (Brucella species)
  • Toxin Epsilon Clostridium perfringens
  • Threats to food security (e.g., Salmonella, E coli O157:H7, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus).
  • Die (Burkholderia mallei).
  • Melioidosis (Melioidosis)Burkholderia pseudomallei)
  • Psitacosis (Psitacosis)Chlamydia psittaci).
  • Fever Q (Coxiella burnetii)
  • Toxin ricin Ricinus communis
  • Toxin Abrine Abrus precatorius
  • Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
  • Tifus (Rickettsia prowazekii).
  • Encephalitis (alphavirus)
  • Threats to water supply (e.g., Vibrio cholerae, Cryptosporidium parvum).

Category C

Category C agents with emerging pathogens that can be managed (Genetic Engineering) for mass dissemination because of their availability, ease of production and dissemination, high mortality rate, or ability to cause greater health impact.

  • Nipah virus
  • Hantavirus
  • H1N1 an influenza strain
  • Ebola
  • COVID-19

Planning and Response

Planning may involve the development of biological identification systems. Until recently in the United States, most biological defense strategies focused on protecting soldiers on the battlefield, rather than focusing on ordinary people in cities. Financial cuts have limited investigation of disease outbreaks. Some outbreaks, such as food poisoning by E. coli or Salmonella', could be of natural or intentional origin.


Biological agents are relatively easy for terrorists to obtain, and they are becoming a greater threat to the United States and the world. Laboratories are working on advanced detection systems to provide alerts, identify contaminated areas and populations at risk, and thus facilitate threats. Methods for predicting the use of biological agents are also being established in large cities. However, forensic technologies are working on the identification of biological agents, their geographic origins and their initial source. Efforts include technologies to decontaminate without causing additional damage to the environment.

Early detection and immediate response to bioterrorism depends on the close cooperation of public health authorities and judicial reinforcements; in any case, such cooperation is still scarce. National screening assets and vaccines are useless if state and local officials do not have access to them.

Aspects of protection against terrorism in the United States include:

  • Detection and resistance strategies in the fight against terrorism. This occurs mainly through the efforts of the Office of Health Affairs, part of the Department of National Security, whose role is to prepare for an emerging situation of impact on the health of the American population. Detection has primarily two technological factors. First there is the "BioWatch" program where collection devices are disseminated to thirty high-risk areas in the country to detect the presence of biological agents in aerosol before symptoms occur in patients. This is especially important because it allows a more proactive response to a disease outbreak, rather than the most passive treatment in the past.
  • Implementation of Generation-3 detection systems. This advance is significant simply because it allows the actions to be taken within four to six hours, thanks to its automatic response system, where the previous system requires that its spray detectors be transported to laboratories manually. One way this can be secured is through the establishment of a preparation: programs such as the Agtrax Response Exercise Series exist to ensure this, regardless of the incident, all emergency staff will be aware of the role they should cover. In addition, providing information and education to public leaders and emergency medical services, it is suggested that the impact of bioterrorism attacks can be significantly reduced.
  • Improved technological capabilities of the first responders. This is accomplished through numerous strategies. The first of these strategies was developed by "Science and Technology Directorate" (Science and Technology Directorate) to ensure that the danger of suspicious dusts can be properly addressed (so many dangerous biological agents such as anthrax exist in white dust). Making precision tests and the specificity of commercially available systems used by first responders, the hope is that all harmful dusts can become ineffective.
  • Improved equipment for first responders. A recent development is the marketing of a new form of TyvexTM armour that protects the first responders and patients from chemical and biological pollutants. A new generation of self-breathing devices have also been presented, which have become stronger against bioterrorism agents. All these combined technologies form what appears to be a relatively strong front against bioterrorism. Anyway, New York has a number of organizations and strategies that effectively serve to stop and respond to bioterrorism attacks. From here comes the logical progress of the realm of specific New York strategies to prevent terrorist attacks.
  • BioShield Project. The accumulated vaccines and treatments for potential biological threats, also known as countermeasures, have been an important aspect in preparing for potential bioterrorism attacks; this took the form of a program that began in 2004, called The BioShield Project (Project Bioshield Act). The importance of this program should not be seen with the perception of wanting to deceive the population by making it believe that there are enough vaccines for smallpox to inoculate all American citizens. The defence department also has a variety of laboratories currently working on increasing the quality and effectiveness of countermeasures comprising national reserves. Efforts have also been made to ensure that these medical countermeasures are able to effectively disseminate in the event of a bioterrorist attack. The National Pharmacy Chain Association clarified this cause by supporting private sector participation, improving the distribution of such countermeasures if required.

In a 2011 CNN broadcast, medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta delved into America's capabilities to deal with a terrorist attack. He explains how even though this country is better prepared to deal with a terrorist attack now than it was ten years ago, the money available to deal with a terrorist attack has decreased in the last three years. Noting the detailed report of budget declines in all fifty-one US states, Dr. Gupta says that cities won't be able to distribute vaccines and they won't be able to keep track of viruses either. He brought to light the possibility of a pandemic similar to those that occur in catastrophic movies. Another MSNBC broadcast in 2010 also emphasized how poorly prepared the United States is in the event of a terrorist attack. The broadcast stated that a bipartisan report gave the Obama administration a low level of response capability against a bioterrorist attack. The network invited former New York Commissioner Howard Safir to explain how the government would fail to combat a bioterrorist attack. He says: "Biological and chemical weapons are likely and relatively easy to disperse." Safir says that efficiency in preparing against a bioterrorist attack is not necessarily a matter of money, rather it is dependent on putting resources in the right places. The broadcast suggests that the country is not ready for something serious.


In 1999, the Center for Biomedical Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh developed the first automated bioterrorism detection system, called RODS for "Real-Time Outbreak Disease Surveillance" (Biomonitoring of disease outbreaks in real time). RODS is designed to collect information from a large number of sources and use it to perform signal detection, to find possible cases of bioterrorism as soon as possible. RODS and other similar systems collect information from clinical data, laboratory data, and drug and drug sales data. In 2000, Michael Wagner, the RODS laboratory coordinator, and Ron Arye, a subcontractor, devised the idea of getting live data from "non-traditional" sources; (Sources that are not related to health). The early efforts of the RODS labs eventually led to the establishment of the National Tracking Data Monitor, a system that collects data from 20,000 locations across the United States.

On February 5, 2002, George W. Bush visited RODS Labs and used their work as a model for a $300 million proposal to equip all fifty states with biomonitoring systems.

The principles and practices of biomonitoring, a new interdisciplinary science, were defined and described in the "Biomonitoring Manual" (originally in English: "Handbook of Biosurveillance"), edited by Michael Wagner, Andrew Moore and Ron Aryel. It was published in 2006. Biomonitoring is the science of detecting disease outbreaks in real time. It is applicable for natural and man-made epidemics.

Data that can potentially help in early detection of a bioterrorism case include many categories. Health-related information such as that from hospital computer systems, clinical laboratories, electronic health record systems, forensic medical record systems, 911 calls, and veterinary medical record systems can be helpful; researchers are also considering using data generated by ranching and feedlot operations, food processors, water systems, school attendance records, and physiological monitors, among others. Intuitively, one would assume that systems that collect more than one type of data are more useful than those systems with fewer sources, while the chances of triggering a false alarm are less.

In Europe, disease biomonitoring is beginning to be organized across the continent for tracking biological emergencies. The system not only data infected people, but also tries to trace the origin of the outbreaks.

Researchers are experimenting with devices to detect the existence of a threat:

  • Small Integrated Circuits containing live neurons to prevent the presence of bacterial toxins.
  • Fiber optic tubes aligned with Antibodies attached to light emitting molecules.

Recent research reveals that ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes offer the high gains, reliability, and robustness needed to detect anthrax and other agents used in bioterrorism in air. Fabrication methods and device features were described at the 50th Electronic Materials Conference in Santa Barbara on June 25, 2008. Details of the photodiodes were also published on February 14, 2008 by "Electronics Letters" magazine. #34;, and in November 2007 by "Photonics Technology Letters" magazine.

The US Department of Defense conducts global biomonitoring through various programs, including the "Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System" ("Global Biomonitoring System for Emerging Diseases and its Response System").

Another powerful tool developed in New York City to counter bioterrorism is the development of the "New York City Syndromic Biomonitoring System". This system is essentially a way to track the progress of disease in New York, and was developed by the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The system works by tracking symptoms of those who go to the ER—based on the location of the hospital being taken and their home address—and assessing any patterns in symptoms. These established norms can be observed by medical epidemiologists to determine if there are any outbreaks of diseases in particular locations; disease frequency maps can be easily created. This is a beneficial tool for fighting bioterrorism as it provides means by which these attacks can be discovered from their birth; Assuming attacks result in similar symptoms among people, this strategy allows New York to respond immediately to any bioterrorist threat.

Responding to bioterrorist attacks or threats

Government agencies that would respond to bioterrorism if necessary would include law enforcement, cleanup, and emergency medical units.

The US military has special units to act in the event of a bioterrorist attack; among them is the United States Marine Corps with its Biological Chemical Incidents Force and the United States Army Support Command 20, which can detect, identify and neutralize threats, as well as decontaminate victims exposed to the bioterrorism agents.

Historically, governments and authorities have relied on quarantines to protect their population. International bodies such as the World Health Organization have already invested some resources in monitoring epidemics and have collaborated in decontamination of epidemics in history.

The media has paid attention to the seriousness of the increase in biological attacks since 2013-2014. In July 2013, "Forbes" published an article with the English title "Bioterrorism: A Dirty Little Threat With Huge Potential Consequences" ("Bioterrorism: A Small Threat with Big Potential Consequences"). In November 2013, "Fox News" reported a new strain of botulism, saying the Centers for Diseases lists botulism as one of the two agents with the highest fatality rates, as well as having no antidote. "USA Today" reported that the US military in November was trying to develop a vaccine for troops against the bacterium that causes Q fever, which they once used as a bioweapon. President George W. Bush's biodefense policy called the risk of bioterrorism imminent and uncertain, and Congressman Bill Pascrell called increased federal action against bioterrorism a "matter of life and death." The newspaper "The New York Times" wrote a story saying that the United States would spend $40 million to help certain countries with low budgets to deal with the threats of bioterrorism and infectious diseases.

Bioterrorism in Spain

Following the terrorist attacks that occurred in the first decade of the s. XXI in Spain the Network of Biological Alert Laboratories "RE-LAB" is created, a scientific-technical infrastructure made up of different bodies, institutions and reference laboratories, in their different fields of action, of the national territory, whose purpose is to provide an answer response to emergency situations caused by incidents with biological agents (living biological agents and medium-spectrum agents – toxins and bioregulators).

The Network of Biological Alert Laboratories (RE-LAB) is regulated by Order PCI/1381/2018, of December 18.

RE-LAB performs its functions in the field of biological safety, especially in everything related to the detection and identification of biological agents in the areas of human health, environmental health, food safety, animal health and plant health. The management and technical scientific direction of the RE-LAB corresponds to the Carlos III Health Institute. It currently consists of 12 reference laboratories with high biological safety facilities and a collaborating laboratory:

  • CIBIR. Centro de Investigación Biomédica de La Rioja.
  • CISA INIA. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA) del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria INIA.
  • CNA AESAN. National Food Safety (CNA) Center of the Spanish Food Security Agency (AESAN)
  • CNM ISCIII. Centro Nacional de Microbiología (CNM) del Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
  • CNSA ISCIII. National Centre for Environmental Health
  • CReSA IRTA. Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) del Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària (IRTA),
  • IUETSPC ULL. Instituto Universitario de enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Pública de Canarias de la Universidad de La Laguna.
  • IVIA. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA).
  • LABIR UME. Rapid Identification Laboratory (LABIR) of the Military Emergency Unit (UME).
  • LCV MAPA. Central Veterinary Laboratory (LCV) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • NEIKER Tecnalia. NEIKER, Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development, belonging to the Tecnalia Corporation.
  • VISAVET UCM. Veterinary Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET) of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

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