Belize Politics


Belize has a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy. The monarch of Belize serves as the head of state represented by a governor general, while the prime minister is the head of government.

Executive branch

Members of the Government of Belize
Prime Minister Johnny Briceño
Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber
Minister of Finance, Public Service, Energy and Public Uses Dean Barrow
Minister of State for the Ministry of Finance, Public Service, Energy and Public Uses (with emphasis on Public Service, Energy and Public Uses) Frank Mena
Minister of State for the Ministry of Finance Carla Barnett
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment and Sustainable Development Gasper Vega
Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment and Sustainable Development (with emphasis on Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change) Omar Figueroa
Minister for Economic Development, Oil, Investment, Industry and Trade Erwin Contreras
Minister of State for the Ministry of Economic Development, Oil, Investment, Industry and Trade (with emphasis on Investment, Industry and Trade) Tracy Panton
Minister of Housing and Urban Development Michael Finnegan
Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Culture, Youth and Sports Patrick Faber
Minister of State for the Ministry of Education (Cience and Technology), Culture, Youth and Sports (with emphasis on Culture, Youth and Sports) Elodio Aragón Jr.
Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation José Manuel Heredia Jr.
Minister for Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation Anthony Martínez
Minister of Defence John Saldivar
Minister of Police Godwin Hulse
Minister of Works, Transport and NEMO René Montero
Minister of State for the Ministry of Works, Transport and NEMO (with emphasis on Transport and NEMO) Edmond Castro
Minister for Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington
Minister of Health Paul Marin
Minister of State for the Ministry of Health (with emphasis on Primary Health Care) Angel Campos
Minister of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development Hugo Patt
Minister of Natural Resources and Immigration Vanessa Retreage
Minister of State for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Immigration (with emphasis on Immigration) Beverly Williams

Legislative branch

The legislative power is bicameral and is exercised in the National Assembly of Belize.


12 members appointed by the Governor General for a 5-year term:

  • 6 on proposal the Prime Minister (Chief of Government).
  • 3 on the proposal of the opposition leader.
  • 1 on the proposal of each of the following institutions:
  • Religious: "Belize Council of Churches" and "Evangelical Association of Churches".
  • Economics: "Chamber of Commerce and Industry" and "Belize Better Business Bureau".
  • Social: "National Trade Union Congress" and "Civil Society Steering Committee".

House of Representatives

31 seats elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term.

Party Vows (%) Scalls
UDP56.61 25
PUP40,72 6
OTHER2.67 0
NOTE: The disproportion between the percentage of votes and seats is due to the fact that the elections are carried out by electoral division, the candidate who gets the most votes is elected by each division.

Judicial branch

Supreme Court: president appointed by the Governor-General on the proposal of the prime minister.

Political parties

  • PUP: United People’s Party, (People's United Party).
  • UDP: United Democratic Party, (United Democratic Party).
  • BPF: Popular Front of Belize, (Belize People's Front)
  • BPP: Belize Progressive Party, (Belize Progressive Party)
  • NRP: National Reform Party
  • VIP: Vision Inspired by the People, extinct
  • National Belizean Alliance (includes People's National Party), extinct
  • National Reality Truth Creation Party, extinct


Heads of state

  • S.M. Jorge II (Real House of Hanover, 1727-1760)
  • S.M. Jorge III (Real House of Hanover, 1760-1820)
  • S.M. Jorge IV (Real House of Hanonver, 1820-1830)
  • S.M. Guillermo IV (Real House of Hanover, 1830-1837)
  • S.M. Victoria I (Real House of Hanover, 1837-1901)
  • S.M. Eduardo VII (Real House of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, 1901-1910)
  • S.M. Jorge V (Real Windsor House, 1910-1936)
  • S.M. Eduardo VIII (Real Windsor House, 1936)
  • S.M. George VI (Real Windsor House, 1936-1952)
  • S.M. Isabel II (Real Windsor House, 1952-2022)
  • S.M. Carlos III (Real Windsor House, 2022-Update)

Representatives of the head of state


  • Sir Robert Hodgson (1749-1758)
  • Joseph Otway (1760-1767)
  • Robert Hodgson Jr. (1767-1775)
  • John Ferguson (1776)
  • James Lawrie (1776-1787)
  • Edward Marcus Despard (1787-1790)
  • Peter Hunter (1790-1791)
  • Accephalus (1791-1797)
  • Thomas Barrow (1797-1800)
  • Richard Bassetv (1800-1802)
  • Thomas Barrow (1803-1805)
  • Gabriel Gordon (1805-1806)
  • Alexander Mark Kerr Hamilton (1806-1809)
  • John Nugent Smyth (1809-1814)
  • George Arthur (1814-1822)
  • A.H. Pye (1822-1823)
  • Edward Codd (1823-1829)
  • Archibald MacDonald (1829-1830)
  • Francis Cockburn (1830-1837)
  • Archibald MacDonald (1837-1843)
  • Charles St. John Fancourt (1843-1851)
  • Philip Edmond Wodehouse (1851-1854)
  • William Stevenson (1854-1857)
  • Frederick Seymour (1857-1862)

Lieutenant Governors

  • Frederick Seymour (1862-1864)
  • John Gardiner Austin (1864-1867)
  • James Robert Longden (1867-1870)
  • William Wellington Cairns (1870-1874)
  • Robert Miller Mundy (1874-1877)
  • Frederick Palgrave Barlee (1877-1883)
  • Robert William Harley (1883-1884)

Governors (in the colonial period)

  • Sir Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy (1884-1891)
  • Sir Cornelius Alfred Moloney (1891-1897)
  • David Wilson (1897-1904)
  • Sir Ernest Bickham Sweet-Escott (1904-1906)
  • Sir Eric John Eagles Swayne (1906-1913)
  • Wilfred Collet (1913-1918)
  • William Hart Bennett (1918-1919)
  • Sir Eyre Hutson (1919-1925)
  • Sir John Alder Burdon (1925-1932)
  • Sir Harol Baxter Kittermaster (1932-1934)
  • Sir Alan Cuthbert Maxwell Burns (1934-1939)
  • Sir John Adams Hunter (1939-1946)
  • Arthur Norman Wolffsohn (1946-1947)
  • Sir Edward Gerald Hawkesworth (1947-1948)
  • Ronald Herbert Garvey (1948-1952)
  • Patrick Muir Renison (1952-1955)
  • Colin Hardwick Thornley (1955-1961)
  • Sir Peter Hyla Gawne Stallard (1961-1966)
  • Sir John Warburton Paul (1966-1972)
  • Sir Richard Neil Posnett (1972-1976)
  • Sir Peter Donovan McEntee (1976-1980)
  • Sir James Patrick Ivan Hennessy (1980-1981)

Governors General (since 1981)

  • Elmira Minita Gordon (1981-1993)
  • Sir Colville Young (1993-2021)
  • Froyla Tzalam (since 2021)

Heads of Government (Prime Minister)

  • George Cadle Price (PUP, 1961-1984)
  • Manuel Esquivel (UDP, 1984-1989)
  • George Cadle Price (PUP, 1989-1993)
  • Manuel Esquivel (UDP, 1993-1998)
  • Said Wilbert Musa (PUP, 1998-2008)
  • Dean Oliver Barrow (UDP, 2008-2020)
  • Johnny Briceño (PUP, 2020 to date)

Participation in International Organizations

ACP | Commonwealth of Nations | caricom | CBD | ECLAC | FAO | G-77 | IADB | IBRD | IATA: MAD, ICAO | ICFTU | ICRM | GO | IFAD | IFC | IFRCS | ILO | IMF | IMO | Interpol | IOC | IOM | ITU | LAES | NAME | OAS | OPANAL | A | UNCTAD | Unesco | UNITED | UPU | WCL | WHO | WIPO | WMO | WtrO

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