Basic general education

EGB redirects here. For the book of Douglas Hofstadter, see Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal and Corey.

Educación General Básica (EGB) is the name given to the cycle of compulsory primary studies in several countries (Chile, Costa Rica and Ecuador). In some, such as Spain and Argentina, it is an old educational system that has already been replaced by others.


General Basic Education (EGB) corresponds to the initial cycle of school studies since 1965. The Chilean General Education Law (Law No. 20,370 or LGE) is the one that has established the regulatory framework for general basic education and a half of the country. In 1920 Chilean legislation had established the obligation to attend 4 years of minimum schooling, being increased to 6 years in 1929. Finally, in 1965 the obligation of the basic level was established, whose current duration is 8 years divided into 2 cycles and 8 grades (6 to 14 years old ideal)

  • Cycle I: 1.o, 2.o, 3.o and 4.o year or degree of schooling.
  • Cycle II: 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th year or grade of schooling.

After completing the studies at the EGB, the student can enter secondary education (whose total duration is 4 years, with 2 cycles of 2 years each), opting for one of the two modalities: Technical-Professional (EMTP) and Scientific-Humanist (EMHC). Both modalities qualify for admission to higher education (prior approval of university selection processes).

Costa Rica

Educación General Básica (EGB) is the compulsory 9-year study cycle divided into 3 cycles:

  • EGB I: 1.o, 2.o and 3.o year of schooling.
  • EGB II: 4th, 5th and 6th year of schooling.
  • EGB III: 7th, 8th and 9th year of schooling.

In UNESCO's classification of education systems, the first and second cycles correspond to primary level (ISCED 1), the third cycle to lower secondary (ISCED 2). All three cycles are compulsory.

After the EGB, Diversified Education continues, which can be Academic (two years long) or Technical (three years long).


It is made up of ten years of compulsory care in which the skills and competencies acquired in the previous stage are to be reinforced, broadened and deepened, and the basic disciplines are introduced.

The Basic General Education level is divided into 4 sublevels:

  • Preparatory, which corresponds to 1st grade of GBS and is preferably offered to 5-year-old students.
  • Basic Elementary, which corresponds to 2.o, 4 to 5 years and 4.o degrees of GBS and is preferably offered to students 6 to 8 years of age.
  • Basic Media, which corresponds to 5.o, 6.o and 7.o degrees of GBS and is preferably offered to students from 9 to 11 years of age.
  • Higher Basic, which corresponds to 8.o,9o and 10.o degrees of EGB and preferably is offered to students 12 to 14 years of age.


According to the General Education Law of 1970, Basic General Education consisted of 8 compulsory schooling courses divided into two stages:

  • First stage: 1.o, 2.o, 3.o, 4.o and 5.o of GBS.
  • Second stage: 6.o, 7.o and 8.o of GBS.

The partial curricular reform of 1980-1982 divided the first stage into two differentiated cycles, so that the EGB was divided into three cycles:

  • Initial cycle: 1.o and 2.o of GBS.
  • Average cycle: 3.o, 4.o and 5.o of GBS.
  • Upper cycle: 6.o, 7.o and 8.o of GBS.

The subjects of the third cycle of EGB, which began at the age of 12 and ended at the age of 14, were divided into the following areas: Language Area, which was subdivided into Spanish Language and Foreign Language (generally French or English); Area of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social Area, Aesthetic Education and Pre-technology, Religious or Ethical Education, and Physical Education and Sports. Once basic education was finished, there were two paths: Vocational Training and Polyvalent Unified Baccalaureate. Those who did not manage to pass all the subjects, obtaining the school graduate (heir to the old certificate of primary studies —although the latter did not in principle authorize them to attend the Baccalaureate, whose entrance exam was taken at age 10—) received the certificate of schooling, which allowed them to continue studies in Vocational Training (FP).

The Polyvalent Unified Baccalaureate (BUP), lasting three years, were the secondary studies after the EGB. Subsequently, the University Orientation Course (COU) was carried out as the last step before beginning university studies.

In the first year of BUP the following subjects were studied: Spanish Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History, Foreign Language, Music and Artistic-Cultural Activities, Drawing, Religious or Ethical Education, and Physical and Sports Education.

In the second year of BUP the subjects were: Literature, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Geography, Latin, Foreign Language, Religious or Ethical Training, Physical Education and Education and Technological and Professional Activities (EATP), at the choice of a specific subject among those offered by each center; some of the specific subjects offered were Electricity, Design, Theatre, Computer Science, a second Foreign Language, Housework, Photography, etc.).

In third year of BUP, students had to take a series of subjects: History, Philosophy, Foreign Language, Religious or Ethical Education, Physical Education and Physical Education and Education and Technological and Professional Activities (EATP). In addition, students had to choose between taking the Science option (discarding one of the following four subjects: Physics and Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Literature) or taking the Letters option (discarding one of the following four subjects: Literature, Latin, Greek and Mathematics).

Already in the University Orientation Course (COU) the student could choose between two branches of Sciences (Biosanitary and Technical) and two of Letters (Social Sciences and Humanities).

In all the courses, both in the EGB and in the BUP, in the autonomous communities with more than one official language, Vernacular Language was studied as a compulsory subject (and, in another separate subject to choose between those of Letters in the third year of BUP, Vernacular Literature).

This educational system was repealed and progressively replaced by that of the LOGSE of 1990. The first six courses of EGB correspond to Primary Education and the last two of EGB and the first two of BUP correspond to Compulsory Secondary Education. The main difference is that with the current system, students from public schools go to the Secondary School the year they turn 12, with two years less than in the previous system, or they remain in the same center until they are 14 or 16 years, when the Compulsory Secondary Education or its first two courses are also taught in many rural centers, leaving the Baccalaureate for the institute.

Spanish educational system

The system (LOMLOE) is as follows:

  • Child Education:
    • First cycle: 0-3 years
    • Second cycle: 3-6 years.1.o, 2.o, and 3.o children.
  • Primary Education: it is no longer divided into cycles.
    • First cycle: 1.o and 2.o Primary
    • Second cycle: 3.o and 4.o Primary
    • Third cycle: 5th and 6th of Primary.
  • Obligatory Secondary Education (ESO):
    • 1.o, 2.o, 3.o and 4.o ESO
  • Baccalaureate:
    • 1.o y 2.o de Bachillerato.
  • Vocational training:
    • 1.o y 2.o de FP Basic
    • Medium Grade FP
    • FP Senior Degree
    • FP Dual


In Mexico, compulsory basic education is currently made up of the following levels: Basic Education (Preschool, Primary), Secondary Education (Secondary), Upper Secondary Education (Preparatory), Higher Education (University).

  • Preschool education: It caters to children aged 4 to 6 years, grades 2.o and 3.o are part of the compulsory scheme; the term of preschool education is at age 6. The national education system has yet to determine the obligation for 1.. or grade. This level of education has several forms of care, which corresponds to the regular children ' s population, which is offered to migrant indigenous children (city) and indigenous communities throughout the country, and that is provided to the child population with special educational needs (also defined as learning barriers), with special care in an inclusive and respectful approach to diversity.

With the compulsory nature of Preschool Education, the Curricular and Pedagogical Reform of the level was established, which is currently in a consolidation process.

Likewise, with the obligatory nature, the legislative adaptations were made to the General Law of Education and to Article 3 of the Constitution. Another of the substantive changes was that all the personnel who are in charge of the groups must have the title corresponding to the Bachelor of Preschool Education.

  • Primary education: consisting of six school grades, integrated into three cycles:
    • First cycle: 1.o and 2.o degrees
    • Second cycle: 3.o and 4.o degrees
    • Third cycle: 5.o and 6.o degrees

Like the previous level, also in communities of difficult access or of indigenous ethnic groups, there is the modality of indigenous primary education, in which sometimes depending on the student population, there are one, two or three teachers; that is, they are schools called multigrade.

Up to this point, the education of the students in each school grade is the responsibility of a teacher during an entire school year, the profile of the teachers must be graduates in Primary Education.

  • Secondary education: consisting of three grades of school, one, two and three degrees, already for this stage the education of the students is carried out by a school of teachers in charge each of a specific subject of the curriculum of this educational level, is at this level where the students began to work with some subjects directed towards this end, the consolidation of the basic competencies for life is now sought.

Now, if preschool and primary education have a modality of indigenous education, secondary education has a peculiar modality that attends communities that are very remote or difficult to access, this is that of telesecundarias schools, in which a group is attended by personnel trained in secondary education, and is one teacher per group or school cycle, sometimes and depending on the school population of one, two or three teachers per school.

Currently, basic education in Mexico is undergoing a restructuring process from preschool to secondary education, applying an educational model based on the development of competencies and this implies a change in the curriculum which began with the Education Program Preschool 2004, and the Secondary Education Reform was completed in 2006 and the primary education curriculum which ended in 2011.

That is in terms of compulsory education, along with this there are also educational levels with the same importance but that still do not enjoy the compulsory policy such as:

  • Initial education: educational level that caters to newborn children up to the age of 3 or 6 years, there are several institutions and modalities of this same level of education, from the non-schooled one that is in charge of the CONAFE, the CENDI's network (Centre for Child Development) that exists in the country and that carry an educational program, the nurseries that the administration (2006-2012) recognized as one of its main social and indigenous programs.
  • Higher secondary education: Also called Baccalaureate, which consists of 6 school semesters, and there are various institutions that offer them, one of the main is the so-called COBACH (Colegio de Bachilleres), the universities also have this service.
  • Adult Education: In Mexico, after a certain age, public institutions are no longer allowed to receive basic education, so that is why IEEA (State Institute for Adult Education) exists and is thus called for decentralization, despite being present throughout the country.


Education in Colombia is linked to the axes of socio-affective development and is divided into cycles, according to the Curricular Reorganization by Cycles (RCC). The system is as follows:

  • Cycle 0: stimulation and exploration (3-5 years). Courses: pregarden, garden and transicon. Ejes de desarrollo: Explore your own basic emotions; explore basic emotions in others; link expressive languages that link others; explore the problem from the emotions it generates.
  • Cycle 1: recognition and exploration (6-8 years). Courses: 1.o and 2.o. Axis of development: recognizing primary emotions; recognizing the other by paying attention to their interests and needs; expressing ideas and feelings by recognizing their own and other interests; recognizing the existence of a problem and the need to solve it.
  • Cycle 2: discovery and experience (8-10 years). Courses: 3.o and 4.o. Development areas: identifying primary and secondary emotions; learning to have friends and friends, identifying interests and needs; understanding verbal and non-verbal messages in communicative contexts; analyzing basic aspects of a problem and proposing possible solutions in accordance with their context.
  • Cycle 3: research and experimentation (10-12 years). Courses: 5.o, 6.o and 7.o. Developmental issues: managing basic emotions and emotional responses; belonging to a group, contributing to their interests and needs; creating assertive messages as a strategy to communicate in different contexts; learning to negotiate solutions in a problem and assume responsibilities, respecting agreements.
  • Cycle 4: vocation and professional exploration (12-15 years). Courses: 8.o and 9.o. Development areas: regulating emotions and emotional responses; learning to work as a team, assuming responsibilities; analyzing and linking messages, making inferential readings in communicative contexts; applying creative and ethical solutions to solve problems.
  • Cycle 5: research and development of culture for work (15-17 years). Courses: 10.o and 11.o. Developmental stages: internalizing the process of regulating emotions and emotional responses; learning to live together, helping to build community; structuring argued and proposive messages from reading reality in communicative contexts; developing ability to understand more complex issues and proposing solutions.

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