Barrios Unidos (Bogotá)


Barrios Unidos is town number 12 in the Capital District of Bogotá. It is located in the north of the city.

Physical geography


Northwest: Suba location
(UPZ La Floresta
Avenue 68)
North: Suba location
(UPZ The Alhambra
Calle 100)
Northeast: Locality of Usaquén
(UPZ Santa Barbara
intersection Autopista Norte Calle 100)
West: Locality of Engativá
(UPZ The Fairs and Botanic Gardens
Avenue 68)
This: Locality of Chapinero
(UPZ Chicó Lago)
Autopista Norte, Avenida Caracas)
Southwest: Location of Teusaquillo
(UPZ Simón Bolívar Park
Avenue Calle 63)
South: Location of Teusaquillo
(UPZ Galleries)
Avenue Calle 63)
Sureste: Locality of Chapinero
(UPZ homonym, Avenida Caracas)


  • Media: 2564 m.s.n.m


Carrera 16 with 64th Street, in the La Esperanza neighborhood.

The Barrios Unidos del Norte were originally an invasion that over time acquired the dimension of community organization, taking the Siete de Agosto, Benjamín Herrera and Colombia neighborhoods as its core. The area was the seat of large estates, including that of former president Miguel Abadía, the San León estate, owned by the Christian brothers, where the Alcázares and Quinta Mutis are today, belonging to the religious community of the Dominicans, to which which belonged to Don José Celestino Mutis, and the El Salitre hacienda owned by José Joaquín Vargas; that gave rise to the great popular expansion towards the north and northwest of the capital.

In 1972, through Agreement 26, sixteen Minor Mayor's Offices of the Special District of Bogotá were created. In this way, the Minor Mayor's Office of Barrios Unidos was created, corresponding to the nomenclature number 12, ratified by Agreement 8 of 1977.

The 1991 Constitution gives Bogotá the status of Capital District; In 1992, Law 1a regulated the functions of the Local Administrative Board, the Local Development Funds and the local mayors, and determined the budget allocation. Through agreements 2 and 6 of 1992, the District defined the number, jurisdiction and powers of the JAL.

Human geography

Parish Saint Francisca Romana.

Barrios Unidos is located between the towns of Chapinero, Teusaquillo, Engativa and Suba. Geographically, socially and economically, it is a strategic point within the city due to its proximity to places of interest within the city of Bogotá.

Territorial organization

UPZ Barrios Limits Extension


Postal Code

The Andes

Villa Calasanz, Entre Ríos, La Castellana, La Patria, Los Andes, Rionegro, Urbanización San Martín, Vizcaya

Total: 25

North: Av. Spain (AC 100)

East: Autopista Norte (AK 45) - Av. City of Quito (AK 30)

South: Autopista Medellín (AC 80)

West: Av. Eucharistic Congress (AK 68)

2.23 111211

Twelve October

Twelve October, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, José Joaquín Vargas, La Libertad, Rincón Del Salitre, El Labrador, Metrópolis, Modelo Norte, San Fernando, San Miguel, Simón Bolívar

Total: 29

North: Autopista Medellín (AC 80)

East: Av. City of Quito (AK 30)

South: Av. Salitre (AC 64)

West: Av. Eucharistic Congress (AK 68)

3.14 111211 (Art of AC 72)


(South AC 72)


The Alcazars

November 11, Alcázares Norte, Baquero, Benjamin Herrera, Chapinero Noroccidental, Colombia, Concepción Norte, Juan XXIII Norte, La Aurora, La Esperanza, La Merced Norte, La Paz, Los Alcázares, Muequetá, Polo Club, Quinta Mutis, Rafael Uribe Uribe, San Felipe, Santa Sofia, August 7

Total: 43

North: Av. Alejandro Obregón (AC 92)

East: Av. Paseo de los Libertadores (AK 20) - Av. Caracas (AK 20/AK 14)

South: Av. José Celestino Mutis (AC 63)

West: Av. City of Quito (AK 30)

4,16 111211 (Art of AC 72)


(South AC 72)


Parque Salitre

The Rosary

Total: 1

North: Av. Salitre (AC 64)

East: Av. City of Quito (AK 30)

South: Av. José Celestino Mutis (AC 63)

West: Av. Eucharistic Congress (AK 68)

0.12 111221
Barrios Unidos 98 neighbourhoods 9,666 1112xx

Likewise, the Military Cadet School and the Popular and District Parks of Salitre are constituted as non-neighborhood areas.


This town located in the northeast is one of the most centralized towns with easy access to the center of the capital. In addition to the avenues that limit the town, the main roads that serve it are Avenida Medellín, Avenida Calle 68, Avenida 68 and Calle 100, Avenida La Esmeralda, Avenida Quito, Carrera 50 and Carrera 24.

Main roads

  • Avenida Carrera 68
  • Avenida Gabriel Andrade (Calle 68)
  • Avenida Calle 72
  • Avenida Colombia (Carrera 24)
  • NQS Avenue
  • Avenida la Esmeralda (Carrera 60)
  • Avenida España (Calle 100)
  • Avenida Batallón Caldas (Carrera 50)
  • Avenida José Celestino Mutis (Calle 63)
  • Suba Avenue
  • Mariscal Sucre Avenue (Carrera 17)
  • Caracas
  • Avenida Paseo de los Libertadores
  • Calle 80

Public transportation


The TransMilenio system supplies several sectors and avenues of Barrios Unidos.

  • The 80th Street is run by line D and has the Polo stations, Military School, Carrera 47, and Carrera 53.
  • The NQS Avenue is run by the E line and features the La Castellana, Calle 75 - Zona M, Avenida Chile and August 7.
  • The North Highway is routed by line B and features Calle 100, Virrey, Calle 85 and Heroes - Gel'hada stations.
  • A stretch of Caracas Avenue is run by line A and has the Calle 76 - San Felipe, Calle 72 and Flores stations.
  • A stretch of the Suba Avenue is run by the C line and has the San Martín, Rionegro and Suba Calle 95 stations.


Small and medium-scale industrial activity stands out in various areas such as furniture manufacturing, lithographs and footwear manufacturing. Commerce is a very important activity, with many stores specializing in the purchase and sale of automobile parts, graphic arts workshops and factory-style shoe stores.

Among its residents, the middle class predominates, the socioeconomic stratum 3 and 4. It is a completely urban town and is characterized by being an area of small industry as well as an important center of commerce and services. Its urban development occurred in the 20th century, during the demographic explosion of the 1950s.

  • Metropolis Shopping Center.
  • Iserra Shopping Center 100.
  • Centro Comercial Floresta (formerly CAFAM de la Floresta)

Public services


79 Schools

Public Library of Citizen Participation BibloRed

Higher education

  • Corporación Universitaria UNITEC
  • Fundación Universitaria Colombo Germana
  • Fundación Universitaria del Zona Andina
  • Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores
  • Fundación Universitaria Monserrate
  • Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Facultad de Medicina.


Public IPS
  • Chapinero Clinic


  • Parish Our Lady's Assumption.
  • Plaza de los Artesanos.
  • Teatro de la Castellana.
  • San Felipe Creative District (between 72nd Street and 80th Street between the cra. 24 and Caracas)
Barrio Polo Club.


In this town the most important places for recreation and sports are located, such as Salitre Mágico, IDRD, Parque Simón Bolívar. It has 120 parks and sports facilities and 2 synthetic fields.

  • Simón Bolívar Aquatic Complex
  • High Performance Center.
  • Boyfriend Park.
  • Salitre Magic Park.
  • Cici Aquapark

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