Barbara Ehrenreich

Barbara Ehrenreich (Butte, Montana, August 26, 1941-Alexandria, Virginia, September 1, 2022) was an American essayist and social activist. Ehrenreich studied at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, earning a doctorate in biology from Rockefeller University in New York. After her doctorate, she decided not to become a scientific researcher and began to get involved in politics, being an activist for social change. She belonged to the leadership of the Democratic Socialists of America Party.
Professional career
From 1991 to 1997 he had been a regular columnist for Time magazine and had written for publications such as The New York Times, Mother Jones, The Atlantic Monthly, Ms, The New Republic, Z Magazine, In These Times and In August 2005 she wrote for The Progressive newspaper.
His book, Nickel and Dimed (2002), published in Spanish with the title Por cuatro duros, became a bestseller in the United States. In it she collected her experiences in low-paid jobs, as part of a research project on the working conditions of the poor classes in the United States.
In 2009 he published the book Smile or die: the trap of positive thinking where he denounced the origin and dangers of positive thinking, a current of puritan origin that forces us to accept with a goofy smile and spirit of overcoming life's most terrible misfortunes.
In 2018 he published Natural causes: how we kill ourselves to live longer in which he narrated the ridiculous attempts to overcome death.
In 2018 she was awarded the Erasmus Prize.
Work translated into Spanish
Books by Barbara Ehrenreich
- 1984 - Witches, midwives and nurses: history of the healers (with Deirdre English), Barcelona, Lasal, ISBN: 848562709102123371
- 1990 - For its own good: 150 years of expert advice to women (with Deirdre English), Madrid Taurus, D.L. 1990, ISBN: 84-306-0149-X
- 2000 - Blood rites: origins and history of the passions of war, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2000, ISBN: 84-239-9758-8
- 2003 - For four hard. How (no) to beat them in the United States (RBA, 2003)
- 2008 - A story of joy: the collective ecstasy of antiquity to our days, Barcelona, Paidós Ibérica, D.L., ISBN: 978-84-493-2114-6.
- 2010 - For its own good: 150 years of expert advice to women, Captain Swing, Madrid, Captain Swing, ISBN: 978-84-937709-2-1
- 2011 - Smile or die: the trap of positive thinking, Editorial Turner, ISBN: 978-84-7506-938-8
- 2018 - Natural causes: how we kill ourselves for living more Editorial Turner, ISBN: 8417141677 ISBN-13: 9788417141677.
Articles by Barbara Ehreinreich
In the magazine Sin Permiso you can consult numerous articles by Barbara Ehrenreich, among others:
- 2012 - How to pay their poverty to the poor.
- 2010 - Smile or die. Interview.
- 2009 - The propaganda of the massive routine mammography.
- 2009 - Have women ruined their lives because of feminism?
- 2008 - The last taboo of the USA. U.S. There is this powerful myth that the United States has no classes. Interview.
Work in English - essays
- The Uptake, Storage, and Intracellular Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates by Macrophages (with Zanvil A. Cohn) (1969)
- Long March, Short Spring: The Student Uprising at Home and Abroad (with John Ehrenreich) (1969)
- The American Health Empire: Power, Profits, and Politics (with John Ehrenreich and Health PAC) (1971)
- Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers (with Deirdre Español) (1972)
- Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness (with Deirdre Español) (1973)
- For Her Own Good: Two Centuries of the Experts Advice to Women (with Deirdre Español) (1978)
- Women in the Global Factory (1983)
- The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment (1983)
- Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex (with Elizabeth Hess and Gloria Jacobs) (1986)
- The Mean Season (with Fred L. Block, Richard A. Cloward, and Frances Fox Piven) (1987)
- Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class (1989)
- The Worst Years of Our Lives: Irreverent Notes from a Decade of Greed (1990)
- The Snarling Citizen: Essays (1995)
- Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War (1997)
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America (2001)
- Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy (ed., with Arlie Hochschild) (2003)
- Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream (2005)
- Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy (2007)
- This Land Is Their Land: Reports From a Divided Nation (2008)
- Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America (2009). United Kingdom: Smile Or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World
- Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything (2014)
- Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer (2018)
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