
Maybe he's looking for: Caña (poácea leñosa)

Bambuseae is a tribe made up of genera of plants native to Asia, America, Africa and Oceania; They can adapt to many climates (tropical, subtropical and to a lesser extent to temperate climates).

In Europe there are fossils but no endemic species, dating the first plantations from 1855 in England and Anduze (France). The name bamboo is an onomatopoeia from Malaysia, which was introduced to Europe by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

They are very old plants (Miocene), rustic and, above all, very atypical. Bamboo has inspired mythologies and symbologies. It is extraordinarily useful, having described more than 1,500 uses and utilities, very valid in the past and with many possibilities in the future. Due to its high resistance and flexibility it is called "vegetable steel". The bamboo stem, unlike that of other plants, remains the same thickness throughout its length, instead of being wider the closer to the ground.

Since its genetic structure corresponds to that of a grass or grass, it can grow up to 12 meters in 4 years and (depending on the species and stage) up to almost 1 meter a day. This capacity for growth and renewal allows bamboo to be a very important "sustainable" forest resource in low-resource areas; It does not have heartwood, which limits its use. However, a raw material cannot have that quality per se; it is the manufacturing process that makes it sustainable and, although important advances have been made so far, there has also been excessive felling of coniferous forests to plant bamboo, which has become a problem (especially in South America).


Genres according to GRIN

  • Achroostachys Benth, orth. var. = Athroostachys Benth.
  • Actinocladum McClure ex Soderstr.
  • Alvimia C. E. Calderon ex Soderstr. " Londoño
  • Apocated McClure
  • Arthrostylidium Rupr.
  • Arundarbor Kuntze = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Athroostachys Benth.
  • Atractantha McClure
  • Aulonemia Goudot
  • Bambos Retz. = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Bambus J. F. Gmel. = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Bambusa Schreb.
  • Beesha Kunth, nom. inval. = Melocanna Trin.
  • Beesha Munro, nom. inval. = Ochlandra Thwaites
  • Bonia Balansa
  • Brasilocalamus Nakai = Merostachys Spreng.
  • Cathariostachys S. Dransf.
  • Cephalostachyum Munro ~ Schizostachyum Nees
  • Chloothamnus Büse = Nastus Juss.
  • Chusquea Kunth
  • Colanthelia McClure & E. W. Sm.
  • Coliquea Steud. ex Bibra, nom. inval. = Chusquea Kunth
  • Criciuma Soderstr. & Londoño
  • Cyrtochloa S. Dransf.
  • Davidsea Soderstr. " R. P. Ellis
  • Decaryochloa A. Camus
  • Dendragrostis Nees ex B. D. Jacks, nom. inval. = Chusquea Kunth
  • Dendrocalambusa ined. = Dendrocalamus × Bambusa
  • Dendrocalamopsis (L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung) Q. H. Dai & X. L. Tao = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Dendrocalamus Nees
  • Dendrochloa C. E. Parkinson = Schizostachyum Nees
  • Dinochloa Büse
  • Elytrostachys McClure
  • Eremocaulon Soderstr. & Londoño
  • Fimbribambusa Widjaja ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Gigantochloa Kurz ex Munro
  • Glaziophyton Franch.
  • Greslania Balansa
  • Guadua Kunth
  • Hickelia A. Camus
  • Hitchcockella A.
  • Holttumochloa K. M. Wong ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Houzeaubambus Mattei = Oxytenanthera Munro
  • Irulia Bedd, nom. inval. = Ochlandra Thwaites
  • Ischurochloa Büse = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Kinabaluchloa K. M. Wong ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Klemachloa R. Parker = Dendrocalamus Nees
  • Leleba Nakai = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Leptocanna L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung =~ Schizostachyum Nees
  • Lingnania McClure = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Maclurochloa K. M. Wong ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Matudacalamus F. Maek. = Aulonemia Goudot
  • Melocalamus Benth.
  • Melocanna Trin.
  • Merostachys Spreng.
  • Microcalamus Gamble = Racemobambos Holttum
  • Monocladus L. C. Chia et al. = Bonia Balansa
  • Mullerochloa K. M. Wong
  • Mustelia Steud. = Chusquea Kunth
  • Myriocladus Swallen
  • Nastus Juss.
  • Neohouzeaua A. Camus = Schizostachyum Nees
  • Neololeba Widjaja ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Neomicrocalamus Keng f. ~ Racemobambos Holttum
  • Neosinocalamus Keng f. = Dendrocalamus Nees
  • Neurolepis Meisn.
  • Ochlandra Thwaites
  • Olmeca Soderstr.
  • Oreiostachys Gamble = Nastus Juss.
  • Oreobambos K. Schum.
  • Otatea (McClure & E. W. Sm.) C. E. Calderón & Soderstr.
  • Oxytenanthera Munro
  • Perrierbambus A. Camus
  • Phuphanochloa Sungkaew & Teerawat.
  • Phyllosasa Demoly = Sasa × Phyllostachys
  • Planotia Munro = Neurolepis Meisn.
  • Platonia Kunth = Neurolepis Meisn.
  • Pseudobambusa T. Q. Nguyen
  • Pseudocoix A. Camus = Hickelia A. Camus
  • Pseudostachyum Munro ~ Schizostachyum Nees
  • Pseudoxytenanthera Soderstr. " R. P. Ellis
  • Racemobambos Holttum
  • Rettbergia Raddi = Chusquea Kunth
  • Rhipidocladum McClure
  • Sarocalamus Stapleton
  • Schirostachyum from Vriese, orth. var. = Schizostachyum Nees
  • Schizostachyum Nees
  • Scirpobambus Kuntze = Oxytenanthera Munro
  • Sinocalamus McClure = Dendrocalamus Nees
  • Soejatmia K. M. Wong ~ Bambusa Schreb.
  • Sphaerobambos S. Dransf.
  • Stapletonia P. Singh et al.
  • Stemmatospermum P. Beauv. = Nastus Juss.
  • Swallenochloa McClure = Chusquea Kunth
  • Teinostachyum Munro ~ Schizostachyum Nees
  • Temburongia S. Dransf. " K. M. Wong
  • Temochloa S. Dransf.
  • Tetragonocalamus Nakai = Bambusa Schreb.
  • Thyrsostachys Gamble
  • Valiha S. Dransf.
  • Vietnam T. Q. Nguyen ~ Racemobambos Holttum

Distribution and habitat

Distribution of Bambuseae.

The biogeographic range of Bambuseae is very vast. It occurs in most of the tropical and subtropical regions, in Africa, in Madagascar, in India and Sri Lanka, in Southeast Asia, in southern China and Japan, and in Oceania for the paleotropical bamboo clade, and in Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina and Chile, as well as in the Antilles, for Neotropical bamboos (subtribes of Arthrostylidiinae, Chusqueinae and Guaduinae).

Species of Bambuseae are found at all altitudes from sea level to 4,400 meters, most frequently in tropical or subtropical moist forests, where they sometimes form the dominant element of the vegetation.

Several species of Chusquea, a South American genus, can reach an altitude of 4000 meters or more: Chusquea acuminatissima, Chusquea aristata (4200 meters), Chusquea guirigayensis, Chusquea tesselata (4200 meters), Chusquea villosa (4250 to 4400 meters). Tall genera such as Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Eremocaulon, Guadua, Gigantochloa and Schizostachyum are found rather in the humid forests of the plains or low mountains, up to 1500 meters of altitude, both in the Old World and in the New World. However, bamboos are also found in the plain, especially in the genera Alvimia, Chusquea, Dinochloa, Hickelia, Neomicrocalamus and Racemobambos, which have a climbing habit, their stems smaller ones coil around trees and shrubs.

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