Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon


The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) is a public institution of secondary-higher education and higher education, with its main headquarters in Ciudad Universitaria, located in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza, within the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

The roots of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León go back to the classrooms of the Real and Tridentino Colegio Seminario de Monterrey from the 18th century, the higher education centers of the XIX century, the School of Medicine founded by the illustrious doctor José Eleuterio González “Gonzalitos ”, the School of Jurisprudence and the Civil College officially in 1933.

The motto of the academy since its foundation is: "Alere Flammam Veritatis" (Fanning the flame of truth). It has several campuses in several municipalities in the state of Nuevo León. Currently the University has around 215,035 students, who are attended by approximately 7,000 teachers. Among its headquarters are the University City, the Health Campus, the Agricultural Campus, the Mederos Campus and the facilities in the municipalities of Marín, Sabinas Hidalgo and Linares.

UANL is the third largest university in Mexico, and the most important public higher education institution with the largest academic offer in the north of the country. It has 47 research centers where hundreds of researchers work, of which 1,014 are members of the National System of Researchers (SNI), in addition to having 114 libraries (4,238,000 consultation volumes).


Lechuza at the Faculty of Law, campus of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL).

Although already in the year 1703 the Catholic Church formally taught a chair of Philosophy and Grammar in Nuevo León, it has been documented that, in the Conciliar Seminary of Monterrey, the first chair of Civil Law was taught in 1824 in the state, chair that was in charge of Don José Alejandro de Treviño y Gutiérrez, a fact that would be the watershed for the beginning of the School of Jurisprudence, today the Faculty of Law and Criminology, founding school of the University of Nuevo León.

The immediate antecedents of the public university only go back to the year 1857, when the governor Santiago Vidaurri began in that year the foundation of the Civil College. This practically began its work until November 1859 and its study plan and structure is, in fact, that of a University.

This institution ended up being materialized by the substitute governor José Silvestre Aramberri in the year 1859 in support of the Pharmaceutical and Medicine courses that Dr. José Eleuterio González had offered at the Hospital del Rosario for several decades. The academic offer was made up of courses in Law, Medicine and a preparatory school.

Its first Director was José de Jesús Dávila y Prieto. The institution started with 40 students, adopting a 5-year curriculum in high school; classes began on December 5, 1859.

Over time, the number of courses and careers increased and the institution gave way to a set of specialized faculties in charge of teaching and supervising them. These institutions would be formally organized into a university until 1933, when the University of Nuevo León formally began.

In its first year it had 218 professors who taught classes to 1,864 students. It was made up of the faculties of Medicine, Law, Engineering, and Chemistry, the Normal School, the Bachelors School, the Nursing and Midwifery School, and the Álvaro Obregón and Pablo Livas industrial schools. i>.

Monterrey Metropolitan Area: Monument Alere flammam veritatis (Food the Flame of Truth), on the campus of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León

The number of faculties and personnel grew and, thanks to the rectorate of Raúl Rangel Frías, a fruitful university period was experienced. It was thus that the current building of the Faculty of Medicine was built, to which the Civil Hospital was integrated in 1952. Additionally, the faculties of Philosophy and Letters (1950), Commerce and Administration (1952), Physical-Mathematical Sciences (1953), Biological Sciences (1952) and Agronomy (1954) were born, the latter thanks to the efforts of Dr. Eduardo Aguirre Pequeño. From all of the above, the necessary construction in 1958 of the Ciudad Universitaria arose, the name given to the complex of academic buildings located in the municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza, in the suburbs of the state capital..

In the 1960s, various problems of the institution such as the lack of places in high school, economic deficiencies and the lack of regulations for university students to elect their authorities, together with labor requests from union workers of 1964, as well as the student and teacher movement, were the cluster of key events in the life of the University of Nuevo León, culminating in university autonomy and the current name of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, thanks to the promulgation of the fourth Organic Law of the University published on June 6, 1971.

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León lived between 1973 and 1979 a period of strengthening in the area of teaching and research, as well as the diversification of careers, the implementation of equipment, laboratories and new technologies for the benefit of the teaching and science. It was a period of efforts to achieve great scientific and academic advances. In addition, the link between university knowledge and the Monterrey industrial and business sector was achieved.

Rectors of the U.A.N.L.

1Dr. Pedro de Alba5 September 193320 December 1933Acting Secretary-General as Rector.
2Lic. Héctor González González21 December 193315 August 1934First elected rector.
3Dr. Ángel Martínez Villarreal16 August 19344 October 1935
4Prof. and Gral. Gregorio Morales Sánchez4 November 193530 April 1936President of the Council of Higher Culture as Rector.
5Dr. Enrique C. Livas9 May 19363 December 1948Acting Secretary-General of the President of the Council of Higher Culture (1936-1939)
President of the Council of Higher Culture (1939-1943)
Rector of the University (1943-1948)
6Profr. Antonio Moreno Garza19391948General Secretary of the University as Rector in the absences of Dr. Livas
7Lic. Octavio Treviño4 December 19484 May 1949
8Lic. Raúl Rangel Frías4 May 194931 March 1955He resigned from the postulate as a candidate for the New Lion governorate.
9Ing. Roberto Treviño González5 April 195514 June 1958
10Lic. Roque González Salazar16 June 195829 September 1958Acting Rector
11Arq. Joaquín A. Mora29 September 19584 October 1961
12Dr. José Alvarado Santos4 October 19618 February 1963
13Lic. Alfonso Rangel Guerra8 February 19638 October 1964
14Lic. Eduardo L. Suárez8 October 196412 May 1965
15Lic. Eduardo A. Elizondo Lozano12 May 196522 February 1967He resigned from the postulate as a candidate for the New Lion governorate.
16Ing. Nicolas Treviño Navarro22 February 19674 October 1967Acting Rector.
17Dr. Héctor Fernández González4 October 196726 November 1969.
18Lic. Enrique Martínez Torres26 November 196910 December 1969Temporary Rector.
19Dr. Oliverio Tijerina Torres10 December 196914 January 1971First rector elected by the University Council.
20Lic. Manir González Martos14 January 197120 February 1971Temporary Rector.
21Ing. Héctor Ulises Leal Flores20 February 197112 April 1971Last rector of the University of Nuevo León, before the Organic Law was decreed that granted the University the autonomous character. Protagonist with the university community, of the Movement to achieve university autonomy, period known as Uliss. Unknown as rector for this fact, by Governor Elizondo, who appoints parallel rectors as the movement for University Autonomy continues.
22Dr. Arnulfo Treviño Garza12 April 19714 June 1971
23Lic. Alfonso Rangel Guerra7 June 197131 July 1971Rector for the second time.
24Ing. Héctor Ulises Leal Flores31 July 197112 December 1972First Rector of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, once the movement has triumphed and achieved the University Autonomy.
25Dr. Lorenzo de Anda y Anda18 December 197215 August 1973
26Lic. Genaro Salinas Quiroga15 August 197317 October 1973
27Dr. Luis Eugenio Todd Pérez17 October 197310 August 1979
28Dr. Amador Flores Aréchiga10 August 197912 September 1979Acting Rector.
29Dr. Alfredo Piñeyro López12 September 197912 September 1985
30Ing. Gregorio Farías Longoria12 September 198512 September 1991
31Lic. Manuel Silos Martínez13 September 19911 February 1996
32Dr. Reyes Tamez Guerra1 February 199630 November 2000
33Dr. Luis J. Galán Wong30 November 200019 December 2003
34Ing. José Antonio González Treviño20 December 20033 October 2009
35Dr. Jesús Ancer Rodríguez28 October 200927 October 2015
36Ing. Rogelio Garza Rivera28 October 201526 October 2021
37Dr. Santos Guzmán López27 October 2021NewsActing Rector.
Rector UANL


University City Campus

Ciudad Universitaria, the main campus, is located in San Nicolás de los Garza, within the metropolitan area of the city of Monterrey and houses the Rectory Tower, which was inaugurated on September 4, 1954.

Located in San Nicolás de los Garza, Ciudad Universitaria is the nerve center of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, as it is the headquarters of the administrative offices and the Rector's office; Its campus houses 11 Faculties, Research Centers and Institutes, the two most important libraries in the system, the central bookstore, a Computer Center, as well as auditoriums. It also has a University Stadium, cafeterias and a sports complex with first-class facilities (such as the University Olympic Aquatic Center), in a large area surrounded by gardens.

Additionally, it concentrates some Faculties, such as:

  • Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences
  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Law and Criminology
  • Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • Faculty of Public Accounting and Administration
  • Faculty of Sports Organization
  • Faculty of Social Work and Human Development
Facade of the University Library Raúl Rangel Frías, located in the park Kids Heroes, in San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León.

Panoramic University City

Health Sciences Campus

In the city of Monterrey, 20 minutes from Ciudad Universitaria, the Medical Campus is located, made up of the faculties of:

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Nursing
  • Faculty of Psychology
  • Faculty of Public Health and Nutrition
  • Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias de la Salud (CIDICS)

As well as the Dr. José Eleuterio González University Hospital.

Mederos Campus

The Mederos Campus is located 40 minutes from the university city to the south of the city of Monterrey; It is made up of the faculties of:

  • Faculty of Political Science and International Relations
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Music
  • School of performing arts
  • Faculty of Communication Sciences

In addition, it has facilities such as the Physical Conditioning Center, the Academic Support and Services Center and the Seminar Unit for the benefit and professionalization of academics, the University Library, as well as the Center for Foreign Language Studies and Certification, the Bilingual Education Research and Development Center High School (CIDEB) and the Audiovisual Communication and Production Center where Channel 53 and the 89.7 FM Radio UANL station are located, pioneer open-signal university communication media in the country.

Agricultural Sciences Campus

The Campus of Agricultural Sciences, is located north of the metropolitan area, in the municipality of General Escobedo, houses the faculties of:

  • Faculty of Agronomy
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnia

In addition to the Center for Research and Development in Food Industries, the Agribusiness Development Center, the Agricultural Exhibition Center, the Library of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, and the Greenhouses Project, it also has academic units and experimental fields in the municipalities from Marin, Aramberri, Los Ramones and Garcia.

Linares Campus

In Linares there are the following faculties:

  • School of Forest Sciences.
  • Faculty of Earth Sciences.
  • Faculty of Public Accounting and Administration. Extension.
  • Faculty of Law and Criminology. Extension.
  • School of Nursing. Extension.
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Extension.
  • Faculty of Sports Organization. Extension
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Extension

In addition, a Sports Center is under construction. Located on the corner of Pablo Salce and Benito Juárez.

Sabinas Hidalgo Campus

The following faculties are located in Sabinas Hidalgo:

  • Faculty of Law and Criminology. Extension.
  • Faculty of Public Accounts and Administration which has another headquarters in the municipality of Cadereyta Jiménez. Extension.
  • School of Nursing. Extension.
  • Faculty of Psychology. Extension.

In addition to an extension of the Center for the Study and Certification of Foreign Languages

Humanistic presence

UANL has a great humanistic tradition, which was reinforced in the rectory of Raúl Rangel Frías with the creation of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Among the centers for the development of the humanities that it has are:

  • Centro de Investigación en Historia Regional (Ex-Hacienda San Pedro, Zuazua).
  • University Studies Centre (in Magna Library).
  • Centre for Humanistic Studies
  • UANL Symphony Orchestra.
  • Camera orchestra.
  • El Tigre Regional Music Group.

The product of the humanistic research of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León UANL is published in the yearbook Humanitas.


During its more than 80 years of life, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) has been concerned with the growth of scientific work. Since the formation of the Institute for Scientific Research headed by Dr. Eduardo Aguirre Pequeño in 1943 until the creation of the General Directorate for Research in January 1997, important events have occurred that have allowed UANL to be one of the institutions recognized for quality. of his research and the relevance of some of his lines of research. Currently, it seeks to promote and encourage scientific and technological research linked to human resources and postgraduate programs to help make the University a pole of scientific and technological development.

According to 2017 data, the UANL had 990 researchers registered in the National System of Researchers (SNI), which represented 67% of active researchers in the State of Nuevo León.

As additional data you can refer, that the UNI brings together 54% of the members of the Northeast Region of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

Among the outstanding activities, to sow interest in research, since 1999 the summer of scientific research has been held, a modality that has benefited 17,000 students in the almost 20 editions held. Through this and for four weeks, selected students work with one of the university's researchers, in real projects, which increases interest in science and reinforces students' skills.


  • 26 Faculty
  • 25 Postgraduate Divisions
  • 1 Social Research Institute
  • 1 Bilingual Education Research and Development Centre
  • 37 Research Centres
  • 25 Preparatory Schools
  • 3 Technical Preparatory Schools
  • 37 Technical Baccalaureate Programmes
  • 31 Technical Careers Terminals
  • 2 Programs of Higher University Technician
  • 1 Associate Professional Programme
  • 91 Licensing
  • 47 Specializations
  • 117 Masters
  • 43 Doctors

Scientific publications

  • Context. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UANL
  • University Medicine
  • Revistas Humanísticas: Revista de Investigación Educativa, Deslinde y Cathedra, published by the Faculty of Philosophy of the UANL.
  • Science-UANL
  • Engineering
  • Isotimia: international journal of political and legal theory
  • Social Perspectives = Social Perspectives e-Dialnet
  • Realities: Revista de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Journal of Exercise Sciences - FOD
  • Trayectorias: Social Science Magazine of the National University of Nuevo León
  • Revista de literatura, arte y cultura: Navegantes

University Radio and Television

Given the need for praxis on the part of the students of Electronics and Communications Engineering, in 1990, the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (FIME) headed then by Eng. Guadalupe Cedillo, decided to create a television channel, which in its beginnings could only broadcast in a radius of 3 km around. This is the most distant antecedent of TV-UANL Channel 53, which to date broadcasts on DTT and through the IZZI - Cablevisión Monterrey system.

XHUNL 89.7 FM radio station is a university radio station, based in the Audiovisual Center of the Mederos Unit, south of the city of Monterrey.

Both the channel and the station transmit over the Internet and are part of the Network of Educational and Cultural Radio Broadcasters and Television Companies of Mexico.

Sports and Extracurricular Activities

The official mascots of the representative teams are the Tigres for men and the Tigrillas for women, although for youth teams of the men's branch, they have also used the nickname of "Cubs"

The University has a long tradition in sports, notable for its results in the Universiade and Youth Olympics, as well as for its American Football program. In addition to the above, the University financed, through the University Board, a Professional Soccer franchise: the UANL Tigres, who were promoted to the first division against the Black Lions of the University of Guadalajara, and gave them the first official championship for the city of Monterrey, by winning the 1975 Mexico Cup Tournament against América.

Under the tutelage of the UANL, through the Civil Association "Club Deportivo Universitario", they would obtain the professional titles of the League, in 1977-78 and 1981-82, under the direction of Carlos Miloc, and the 1995 Cup, under the technical direction of Víctor Manuel Vucetich. After that, the team was relegated to the lower division, and not wanting to divert university resources to soccer, the institution, through Rector Reyes Tamez, made the decision to lease the professional soccer team to the company Sinergia Deportiva.

As far as the American Football program is concerned, it originates in 1944, in the field of Bachilleres, playing for three years under the nickname of "Cubs". Some time later, when playing a highly contested game against the Gatos Negros, a journalist from El Norte, named Tony Corona, reported that they had behaved like "true Bengal Tigers, like Tigers hungry for triumph", that is where the nickname of "Tigres" was born. Ing. Cayetano Garza, who was Director of Sports at the University, founder of the Faculty of Sports Organization and Head Coach of the American Football Tigers, gave his team the nickname "Authentic Tigers", since he considered that his players, being students of the university, were more "authentic", than the players of the professional Soccer team.

  • UANL Tigers
  • Authentic Tigers
  • Art Exhibitions
  • Art courses (extracurricular)
  • Folkloric Dance Company of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León
  • Guided tours
  • Inter-school sports
  • Gymnastics and swimming
  • Athletic fields
  • Music (Rondallas, Tunas)
  • Theatre
  • Musical groups
  • Radio
  • Social service groups
  • Student Leadership Groups


Approved on December 3, 1948 by the University Council, the coat of arms of the highest university in the State of Nuevo León is the work of architect Joaquín Antonio Mora Alvarado (1906-1966) and doctor Enrique Carlos Livas Villareal (1908 -1984), who presented their work under the pseudonym Castor and Pollux.

It is a composite shield, integrated on the outside by a lady-type shield, made up of twelve silver components, allocating the upper one to the name of the institution, and the eleven lower ones to the ten values of the UANL (attitude of service, ethics, honesty, integrity, justice, respect, responsibility, solidarity, teamwork and truth), dedicating the hexagonal-shaped central bottom to harmony in nature. On a field of flesh, a Portuguese shield with a border of blood enamel, evokes the blood of those who gave their lives for knowledge, and with an azure field symbolizing the immensity of space and universal knowledge, the figure of a torch is located that has:

• a divine dimension with eternal fire in gold and dawn, symbol of truth and freedom of thought, of the fight for the progress of good against the evils of society, and light against the darkness of ignorance at the expense of the sacrifice (like the titan Prometheus), and the exile (like Moses after his flight from Egypt) of the academics, to vivify and give purity to humanity;

• An earthly dimension with a bronze base, as an action of man and his material means, the origin of all society, and the commitment to the Olympic values that must prevail in all educational institutions linked to the sports field, transcending any cultural origin of those who participate in the university community. Around the base, three brackets representing public and private institutions and civil society; at the top three stripes, symbolizing the Governing Board, and the positions of rector and directors of the Faculty; in the lower part, two allegorical stripes to the administrative and service personnel, all supported by a spherical knob as an allusion to perfection and university excellence. Finally, three grooves that signify the past, present and future of the institution.

Superimposed on the cauldron are four trajectory lines similar to the representations of atoms (the minimum unit of matter and allegory of science), which embody students, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctorates, being the core the flame of knowledge. The coat of arms is crowned by a portico that evokes the universality of ancient Greece, parents of European philosophy, whose splendor has never been equalled, formed by the west pediment of the Parthenon (temple dedicated to Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom), illustrating the fight held between the gods Athena and Poseidon for the protection of the ancient Greek city; the pediment being supported by two Doric columns that symbolize the perennial and resistant of classical knowledge, between which is located the motto of the institution in Latin "alere flamman veritatis", or "Nourish the flame of truth".

Alternate Sites

  • UANL Institutional Repository
  • Digital Collection UANL
  • Cultural Shadow Drawing
  • Tiger UANL

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