Autonomous University of Baja California


The Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) Benemérita Institución is a public higher education institution located in the state of Baja California, in Mexico. Currently, it ranks first among the best universities in the Northwest of the country, 12 in Mexico in general and 1563 worldwide.

UABC exerts its academic influence throughout the state through its four main university campuses in the municipalities of Mexicali, Tijuana and Ensenada. From 2007 to 2009 the Ministry of Public Education, in its category of Higher Education Institutions, UABC was placed in first place among the best state public universities in Mexico; in 2010 it dropped to third place, just below the University of Guadalajara and the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. In 2013, the governor of Baja California, José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, affirmed that the UABC regained first place in the ranking of public state universities in Mexico.

In each of these campuses in the state there are various Units established in Ciudad Morelos, Guadalupe Victoria, Rosarito, Tecate, San Felipe, San Quintín and in the towns of Valle De Las Palmas in Tijuana and Valle Dorado in the center from Ensenada. The UABC is one of the 43 state public universities of the Mexican Republic.

The Autonomous University of Baja California was founded in 1957, after several years of struggle to promote higher education in the state. The city of Mexicali is the headquarters of the UABC where its administrative offices, the Rectory, and the main university campus, Campus Mexicali, are located, together with a school, two institutes and six faculties physically separated from the main campus, (the Faculty of Arts, the Veterinary Sciences Research Institute and the Cultural Research Center; the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Nursing), located in various parts of the city. The Mexicali Campus also has three Basic Training Units formally called Centro Universitarios Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Morelos and San Felipe.

The Ensenada Campus has the San Quintín Unit and the Valle Dorado Unit, while the Tijuana Campus has the Rosarito Unit, the Valle De Las Palmas Unit and the Tecate Unit. Altogether, the UABC has eight schools, 27 faculties, seven research institutes and five study centers with which it offers 119 individual academic programs divided into 63 bachelor's degrees, 14 specialties, 28 master's degrees, and 14 doctorates. The three campuses have a total of 220 educational offers. For the 2013-1 school year (February - June), UABC reported 57,755 students enrolled with 22,222 in Mexicali, 20,278 in Tijuana, 10,914 in Ensenada, and 4,341 in the Valle de las Palmas Unit. For the 2013-1 school year, UABC received 7,819 new students, being the university institution with the highest reception of new students in said period.

Under the Undersecretary of Higher Education (SES), the UABC is a member of the General Directorate of Higher University Education (DGESU), as part of the higher education system in the country, together with the General Coordination of Technological Universities (CGUT), the General Directorate of Higher Technological Education (DGEST), the General Directorate of Higher Education for Education Professionals (DGESPE), the General Directorate of Professions (DGP), the National Institute of Authors (INDAUTOR), the National Pedagogical University (UPN) and the Coordination of Polytechnic Universities (CUP).

Mission and vision

The mission of the UABC is to fully train professional citizens, competent at the local, national, cross-border and international levels, free, critical, creative, supportive, entrepreneurial, with a global vision, aware of their participation in global sustainable development and capable of transforming their environment with responsibility and ethical commitment; as well as promote, generate, apply, disseminate and transfer knowledge to contribute to sustainable development, the advancement of science, technology, humanities, art and innovation, and the increase in the level of human development of Baja Californian society and from the country.

UABC's vision is to be widely recognized by 2025 as a socially responsible institution that contributes, with opportunity, relevance and the best quality standards, to increase the level of human development of Baja Californian society and the country, as well as as well as for being one of the five best institutions of higher education in Mexico in university education, the generation, innovative application and transfer of knowledge, and in the promotion of science, culture and art.


Building of the Cuauhtémoc School built in 1915, a place that sheltered the UABC during its beginnings in Mexicali.
Alvaro Obregón School Building in the 1930s, a place that sheltered the UABC during its beginnings in Tijuana.

The Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) was founded on February 28, 1957 when the first governor of the state, Braulio Maldonado Sandez, promulgated the UABC Organic Law, establishing it as an institution of higher education for public service, free from state control and with full legal power.

The creation of the first university in Baja California was the result of several years of efforts to promote higher education in the region.

Although the creation of the UABC was carefully formulated through its Organic Law- which establishes its fundamental bodies, the beginning of its physical establishment occurred almost improvisedly since when it was founded it did not have the infrastructure- as much as in personnel, as well as in territory- to carry out their training. Thus, during its first years, the UABC made use of the existing building of the then Cuauhtémoc School in Mexicali as a building to carry out its first academic pillars.

The last two years of the decade of the 50s, the UABC would occupy them in establishing and designating its administrative structure and pioneering academic apparatuses; beginning with the Comité Estatal Pro Universidad , which was formed six months after the institution was born and later, during this period, the Governing Board was formed. The following year, May 1958, the Mexicali High School was incorporated and in September of the same year, the Ensenada High School, thus forming the first academic wings of the UABC, and these would give rise to the first school year of the university, the 1958-59 cycle. By November 1958, the University Board of Trustees was installed and in May 1959 the first rector of the university, Dr. Santos Silva Cota.

Part of Dr. Silva Cota's mission was to increase the academic field to a professional level. Thus, the incorporation of the School of Nursing was seen, admitting only students with completed high school. During this period, the Ensenada High School was formed as part of the UABC and by then, the university had official recognition from the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES).


On September 20, 1960, the School of Pedagogy was formed in Mexicali with the intention of preparing future educators in various disciplines, and on December 15 of the same year, the Higher School of Marine Sciences (ESCM) was established in Ensenada. In May 1961, Mr. Luis Echeverría Álvarez made his first visit to the new university campus. By then, the Tecate High School was incorporated into the UABC and the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences was formed in Tijuana. For the 1961-62 school year, the UABC would have the function of the high schools of Ensenada, Mexicali, Tijuana and Tecate and the schools of Marine Sciences (Ensenada), Economics and Administrative Sciences (Tijuana), Nursing and Pedagogy (Mexicali).

In February 1962, the University Council was installed and in March, the University Magazine made its first publication. In August 1962, the construction of the first buildings originally planned for the UABC would begin and later, in September 1963, they would be inaugurated under the presence of Lic. Luis Echeverría Álvarez and the state governor, Eligio Esquivel Méndez.

The year 1964 would see the creation of the School of Social and Political Sciences (September 17) in Mexicali and the adoption of the university motto For the Full Realization of Man (May 16) by Miguel Garate Velarde. In 1966 the official university coat of arms (February 15) of the painter José Reyes Meza was adopted and the Cultural Research Center (CIC Museum) was founded in Mexicali. In 1967 the School of Engineering was formed in Mexicali and in 1968 the bighorn sheep was used as a sports mascot by the physical education teacher, Victorino Vara. In March 1969 the construction of the first buildings of what would be the Ensenada Campus began and meanwhile the School of Tourism (Tijuana) and the School of Architecture (Mexicali) were formed.


From 1970, the UABC would continue to grow, this being the decade in which the Center for Linguistic Studies would be formed (September 1970) and the land in Mesa de Otay would be granted for the construction of the Tijuana Campus (April 1971) and the construction of the first buildings of the Mexicali Campus (1972). Starting in 1972, the School of Medicine in Mexicali, the School of Medicine in Tijuana (June 1973), the School of Law in Mexicali (1973), the School of Dentistry (January 1974) and the School of Chemical Sciences (February 1973). 1974) in Tijuana, the Language Center of the Tecate University Extension (February 1974), the School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in Mexicali (October 1974). In 1975, the School of Law and the Historical Research Center were created in Tijuana and the Language Center at the Ensenada University Extension. In 1976 Radio Universidad began (April) and the Mexicali School of Dentistry (November) and the Higher School of Biological Sciences in Ensenada (September) were created. In September 1977, the Rectory would move to its current facilities, occupying the building that had been the Government Palace since 1922.

Despite the extensive growth of the UABC in the 1970s, this was not without challenges, as it was also a decade that tested the democratic and political structure of the highest university in the state after strikes, demonstrations, protests, riots and a period of co-government, where the autonomy of the UABC was affected.


The disagreements at the UABC continued until the early 1980s, culminating in a three-month strike, from October 1980 to January 1981. From 1981, the UABC would continue its academic expansion and it would be the period to see the formation of its first Faculties. During the 1980s, the Institute for Social Research and Engineering Institute in Mexicali (1981), the Faculty of Engineering of the Ensenada Campus (November 1982), the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Mexicali (1983); the Faculty of Chemical Sciences (1984), the Faculty of Dentistry (1985), the School of Humanities, the Faculty of Medicine (1986), the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, and the Faculty of Economics (May 1987) in Tijuana; the Faculty of Marine Sciences in Ensenada (November 1987), the Language Center in Tijuana (February 1988), the University Extension (April 1988) and the School of Engineering (August 1989) in Tecate, and the Faculty of Ensenada Sciences (November 1989).

Recent Times (1990-present)

Language School, Mexicali Campus.

In 1991 the Faculty of Dentistry and School of Languages in Mexicali, the Institute for Historical Research in Tijuana and the Institute for Research in Veterinary Sciences (IICV) in Mexicali were formed. In 1993 the Faculty of Humanities of Tijuana was formed and in 1993 the Institute for Educational Research and Development (IIDE) of the Ensenada Campus was born. In 1994 the Faculty of Medicine was born and in 1998 the University Extension Center in San Quintín.

In 2003 the School of Arts, the Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences in Ensenada and the Faculty of Tourism in Tijuana were born. In August 2004, the Ciudad Morelos Unit opens, in November 2004 the San Felipe Unit and the Faculty of Languages open in Tijuana. In February 2005, the Valle Dorado Unit in Ensenada was inaugurated and in August 2005 the Guadalupue Victoria Unit began to operate. In October 2005, the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Nursing of Mexicali began. In February 2006, the creation of the School of Engineering and Business at the San Quintín University Center and the School of Oenology and Gastronomy in Ensenada were formalized. In November 2006 the Rosarito Unit opens, in April 2007 the Tecate School of Engineering and Business begins; In November of the same year, the new facilities of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration were inaugurated in the Río Nuevo area of Mexicali, changing its name to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, being up to now the largest faculty of the entire university at the state level. In 2009, the last campus of the university was inaugurated in the first self-sustaining satellite city in the country: Valle San Pedro, south of Tijuana, the inauguration was chaired by President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. In the vicinity of the Nuevo Mexicali area, in a joint plan between the UABC and the Government of the State of Baja California, construction began in 2012 of the new Health Sciences Unit (merger of the Faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry), which was completed in August 2014 in its first stage; in conjunction with the great project ¨Ciudad Salud¨.

2012: Meritorious Institution

On February 8, 2012, in a unanimous decision, the XX Legislature of Congress of Baja California recognized the university Benemérita Institución, due to the great contributions that the institution has offered in various investigations economic, social, educational, political and environmental, as well as the educational quality of its almost 90,000 graduates of the highest house of studies and pride of Baja California.


Vice-rectory Campus Mexicali.

Although the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) is a public institution of higher education, it is not under the control of the state administration and has full legal authority to carry out its central functions: research, cultural dissemination and community service. As defined by the organic law of the university, the UABC is a public service institution, decentralized from the state administration and with full legal capacity.


The administration of the UABC is carried out using a shared government model whereby the institution, as a single entity, is directed by a Governing Board, as established by the fundamental law of the institution. A University Council acts as the collegiate authority responsible for enforcing all the rules and regulations established to allow the organized function of all administrative, academic and student personnel. A University Board of Trustees acts as the entity's chief accountant and auditor and supervises and accounts for expenses, budget, inventory, and accountability of all resources within the institution. A University Court deals with student affairs and oversees all issues affecting students, including decisions and actions taken by the university governing body. The Rectory acts as the executive head, leader, and legal representative of the institution. The Vice-rectories are the executive authority of each university campus.

All administrative departments and operations in the UABC offices are under the final authority of the Rector's Office and the operations of each university campus are under the final authority of its Vice Rector's Office, who report to the Rector's Office. The Governing Board is the highest authority for all functions within the university. Article 19 of the Organic Law of the UABC establishes the chain of command as follows:

I. Governing Board; II. University Council; III. Rectory (I) and Vice-rectories (II); IV. University Board; V. Directors of Faculties, Schools and Institutes; SAW. Technical and Research Councils; and VII. University Court.

Governing Board

The Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) is governed by a Governing Board made up of 11 members. The position on the Board is for an indefinite period and only ends through resignation, insaculation, death, disability or age limit. Vacancies can be filled under the advice and advice of the University Council. The Governing Board is directed by a president who can hold that position for one year and be reelected for one more year; and a secretary assigned by the president under the advice and advice of the rest of the Board, and can occupy the position for as long as allowed. The Governing Board is responsible for establishing the laws that govern all activities related to the operation of the university – both as a single entity and as individual campuses.

Members of the Governing Board

  • Gabriel Estrella Valenzuela, President
  • Benjamin Valdez Salas,
  • Lilia Martínez Lobatos, Secretary
  • Lucrecia Rebeca Arzamendi Cepeda,
  • Julia Dolores Estrada Guzmán,
  • Oscar Roberto López Bonilla,
  • Luis Fernando Angulo Quiñónez,
  • Felipe Cuamea Velázquez,
  • Juan Fernando Vizcarra Schumm,
  • Help Macías Ahumada,
  • Alejandro Cabello Pasini,

University Council

The University Council is made up of the Rector of the university who serves as President of the Council and the three Vice-rectories; the Directors of Faculties and the students of each department. The Council's responsibility is to prepare and review policies and procedures relevant to the University, its staff, faculty and students, to present them to the Governing Board. As indicated by the organic law of the university, the University Council is the collegiate body in charge of accelerating all the norms and general provisions aimed at a better organization and technical functionality of the faculty and the administration of personnel, knowing everything concerning the institution as prescribed by law; and of matters that are not directly under the disposal of an authority of the University.

University Board of Trustees

The University Board of Trustees has four members, elected for six-year terms by majority vote of the Governing Board. The candidates are presented by the governor of the state of Baja California through shortlists of citizens from the municipalities of Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate and Tijuana. Members of the Board of Trustees have the right to re-election and their service is without monetary compensation. The current members are occupying the period from 2008 to 2014. Members of the University Board of Trustees members function as administrators of the university's resources, its goods and services and are in charge of the proper use and distribution.

Members of the University Board of Trustees

  • 2021-2027 C.P.C. Adrián Olea Mendívil, Ensenada
  • 2021-2027 Ing. Alan Dennis Gracia, Mexicali
  • 2021-2027 Arq. Federico Esquer Millán, Tecate
  • 2021-2027 L.A.E. José Ramiro Cárdenas Tejeda, Tijuana
  • 2021-2027 Ing. William Hedrick Villalobos, San Quintin
  • 2021-2027 Ing. Marco Antonio Esponda Guerrero, Playas de Rosarito

University Court

The University Court is conceived as a jurisdictional body for the administration of university justice, as conferred by the organic law of the University, as well as its General Statute. This Tribunal is endowed with full autonomy to jurisdictionally resolve disputes submitted to its power, and to reconcile conflicting interests, where appropriate, with no other subjection than full respect for university law.

The University Court is made up of three regular judges elected by the student members of the University Council with the consent of the rest of the Council, and a substitute judge to serve during the absence of any of the judges. The judges choose a president among themselves, and this plenary session in turn assigns a secretary invested with public faith.

Court Authorities

  • Dr. Paola Lizett Flemate Díaz, President of the Plenary and Chief Justice, Ensenada Campus
  • Lic. José Manuel González Merino, Judge Titular, Campus Mexicali
  • Dr. Isaac de Paz González, Judge Titular, Tijuana Campus
  • Dr. Gabriel Alejandro Encinas Duarte, Secretary of the Plenary of the University Court


Rectors of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Name Home Fin
Santos Silva Cota 1959 1966
Pedro Mercado Sánchez 1966 1967
Rafael Soto Gil 1967 1971
Luis López Moctezuma 1971 1975
Rigoberto Cárdenas Valdez 1975 1979
Rubén Castro Bojórquez 1979 1983
Héctor Manuel Gallego García 1983 1987
Alfredo Buenrostro Ceballos 1987 1991
Luis Llórens Báez 1991 1994
Luis Javier Garavito Elías 1994 1998
Victor Everardo Beltrán Corona 1998 2002
Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda 2002 2006
Gabriel Estrella Valenzuela 2006 2010
Felipe Cuamea Velázquez 2011 2015
Juan Manuel Ocegueda Hernández 2015 2019
Daniel Octavio Valdez Delgadillo 2019 2023
Luis Enrique Palafox-Maestre 2023 2027

The Rector of the University, based in the city of Mexicali, is the chief executive, legal representative and President of the University Council. The Rector is responsible for carrying out the laws approved by the Governing Board, maintaining leadership in the institution and keeping the governing body informed of all the advances, challenges, services and issues of the university. A Rector must be a Mexican by birth, he or she is appointed by the Governing Board for a period of 4 years and is not eligible for re-election.

Current Rectorship

  • 01/2023–presente

Dr. Luis Enrique Palafox Master, Chancellor

Vice Chancellors

The Vice Chancellors, based in the cities of Ensenada, Mexicali and Tijuana, act as the institutional head of each university campus and report to the Chancellor. The Vice Chancellors are responsible for the daily operation of the administrative and academic program, as well as providing leadership and coordination of the corresponding campus.

Current Vice President's Office

  • Dr. Mónica Lacavex Berumen, Ensenada Vice-Rectory
  • Dr. Gisela Montero Alpírez, Vice-Rectory Mexicali
  • M.I. Edith Montiel Ayala, Vice-Rectory Tijuana

Mexicali Campus

Vice-rectory Campus Mexicali today.
Faculty of Administrative Sciences by Blvd Rio Nuevo, with a enrolment of 5,000 students, is the largest faculty of UABC
Mexicali Vice-Reclaimer main event affected by the 7.2° Richter earthquake of 4 April 2010

The Mexicali Campus is the main campus of the Autonomous University of Baja California. The Mexicali Unit is made up of the Central Mexicali Unit, the Health Sciences Unit, 3 foreign faculties and 3 in transition, around the city and 4 Units in the Valley of Mexicali.

The academic programs offered in the various Academic Units and Common Cores include bachelor's, postgraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees that cover disciplines in the areas of humanities, health, engineering, agriculture, veterinary medicine, administration, architecture, and sports, among others. others.

Mexicali Central Unit

The Central Unit concentrates the administrative and academic offices of the Campus:

  • Vice-rectory Campus Mexicali
  • University Court
  • University Theatre
  • Central Library

Faculty of Languages

  • Licensing in Language Teaching
  • Bachelor of Translation
  • Bachelor of English Teaching
  • Bachelor of English Translation

Faculty of Engineering

  • Licensed in Computational Systems
  • Civil Engineer
  • Topography and Geodesta
  • Computer Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Engineer in Mechatronics
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Bioengineering
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Renewable Energy Engineer

Faculty of Architecture and Design

  • Architect
  • Graphic Designer
  • Industrial and Urban Designer

Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Innovation

  • Bachelor of Mathematics Teaching
  • Degree in Language and Literature Teaching
  • Bachelor of Psychologistic Counseling

School of Law

  • Bachelor of Law

Sports Faculty

  • Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport

Institute of Engineering


Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

  • Bachelor of Public Administration
  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Bachelor of Economics

Health Sciences Unit

This unit began construction in 2012 in the Nuevo Mexicali Zone, within the González Ortega Delegation. This is located in a section called, Ciudad Salud, since it is planned to build and build most of the new public and private hospitals in the city. In 2013, the First Stage of the Unit began operations, where gradually, the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, will be transferred to this same unit.

Faculty of Medicine

  • Bachelor of Medicine

School of Nursing

  • Bachelor of Nursing

School of Dentistry

  • Dentist surgeon

Foreign Faculties

Foreign faculties are distributed throughout the urban sprawl of Mexicali, regularly for strategic reasons or because their enrollment exceeded their former locations. Three faculties are in transition (Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing), so their locations are still in operation.

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Accounts
  • Bachelor of International Business
  • Bachelor of Marketing
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management
  • Bachelor of Computers

Faculty of Human Sciences

  • Bachelor of Education Sciences
  • Bachelor of Psychology
  • Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Communication Sciences
  • Bachelor of History

Faculty of Arts

  • Bachelor of Audiovisual Media
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Dance

Units in the Valley

These units are located in the Valley of Mexicali, as an expansion of the enrollment within the Valley of Mexicali.

Institute of Agricultural Sciences

  • Agricultural Engineer Zootechnist
  • Agricultural Engineer

Institute of Veterinary Sciences

  • Doctor Veterinary Zootechnist

Morelos City Unit

  • Common Administrative Sciences

School of Engineering and Business Guadalupe Victoria Unit

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Engineering
  • Bachelor of Psychology

Each Academic Unit manages its own electronic page where it has the information corresponding to its discipline.

Tijuana Campus

Tecate Unit - Tijuana Campus.
CITEC - Unidad Valle de las Palmas - Campus Tijuana
CISALUD - uNidad Valle de las Palmas - Campus Tijuana

The Tijuana campus is second in enrollment and size within the university. Located in Mesa de Otay next to the Airport, there are the following faculties:

Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering

  • Industrial chemical
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Chemical Pharmacobiologist
  • Computer Engineer
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer

Faculty of Accounting and Administration

  • Bachelor of Accounts
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Computers
  • Bachelor of International Business

School of Law

  • Bachelor of Law

Faculty of Economics and International Relations

  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Bachelor of Public Administration and Political Science

School of Sports

  • Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport

Faculty of Medicine and Psychology

  • Medical
  • Bachelor of Psychology
  • Degree in Nutrition

Faculty of Arts

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Theatre

Faculty of Dentistry

  • Dentist surgeon

Faculty of Tourism and Marketing

  • Bachelor of Tourism (up to 2009-1)
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management (since 2009-2)
  • Bachelor of Marketing

Faculty of Languages

  • Licensing in Language Teaching
  • Bachelor of Translation

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Bachelor of Spanish Language and Literature
  • Bachelor of History
  • Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Philosophy
  • Bachelor of Communication Sciences
  • Degree in Language and Literature Teaching
  • Bachelor of Psychologistic Counseling
  • Bachelor of Mathematics Teaching

Faculty of Architecture and Design

  • Architect
  • Graphic Designer
  • Industrial Designer

Valley of Las Palmas Unit

Valle de las Palmas (or Valle San Pedro) is the new Campus to which many degrees from the Tijuana - Otay campus are migrating. Currently, the first Self-Sustainable city in the country is being developed: Valle de San Pedro, which is already It has some inhabitants. It currently has 3,547 students (2012-2 cycle) distributed in the two faculties that are part of this campus, CITEC and CISALUD.

Center for Engineering and Technology (CITEC)


• Bioengineering

• Aerospace Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Electronic Engineering

• Renewable Energy Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Electrical Engineering

• Mechatronic Engineering

• Industrial Engineering

• Semiconductor and Microelectronics Engineering

• Topographic Engineering and Geodesia

Architecture and Design:

• Architecture

• Graphic Design

• Industrial Design

Health Sciences Center (CISALUD)

• Bachelor of Medicine

• Degree in Dentistry

• Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

• Bachelor of Nursing

Tecate Unit

Faculty of Engineering, Administrative and Social Sciences

• Law Degree

• Mechatronics Engineer

• Degree in Business Administration

• Industrial Engineer

• Degree in Accounting

• Degree in Business Intelligence

Faculty of Languages Tecate Unit

• Degree in language teaching

Rosarito Beaches Unit

• Degree in Business Administration

• Law Degree

• Degree in Educational Psychology

• Common Core Engineering Sciences

• Common Core Administrative Sciences

Ensenada Campus

Panoramic view of the Ensenada Campus on the Pacific Ocean side.

The Ensenada Unit is characterized by offering studies related to the sea, with the presence of the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the Institute of Oceanological Research, the most traditional in this city. These two institutions offer studies in oceanology at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. World-class research is also done in physical, biological, chemical, and geological oceanography. The Oceanic Research Institute publishes its own international scientific journal called Ciencias Marinas. In the same way, the Ensenada Unit has the Faculty of Sciences, the Institute for Educational Research and Development, which has an electronic magazine called REDIE; the School of Oenology and Gastronomy; and the Ensenada Faculty of Engineering, which houses the Faculty of Architecture and Design in its facilities. The administrative offices of the Ensenada Campus Vice-Rectory are also located here.

Golden Valley Unit

UABC also has the Valle Dorado University Unit of the Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences of the Ensenada Campus. It is attended by university students from the Administrative and Social areas, as well as students from the School of Sports, Faculty of Languages, School of Health Sciences and School of Arts.

Its creation benefits those who study the Bachelor's programs in Accounting, International Business, Business Administration, Computer Science, Law, Education, Psychology and Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences, as well as students of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports from the Ensenada Campus Sports School.

San Quintin Unit

UABC also has the San Quintín University Unit, where the only Faculty of Engineering and Business is located that promotes careers in Computer Engineering, Administrative Sciences and Agricultural Sciences in the San Quintín delegation.

Some University students of the Faculty have carried out international and national exchanges, such as Spain, Monterrey and Mexico City in prestigious Universities.

Fiftieth Anniversary

Logo 50th Anniversary UABC.

UABC celebrated fifty years since its foundation in 2007. Because of this, the members of the Baja California State Congress declared 2007 as the Fiftieth Anniversary Year of the Autonomous University of Baja California, a legend that appeared in all the official documents of the State Government agencies and City Halls.

In the same way, a logo was created that was used in all official events of the UABC. The design evokes the official logo of the University, framed with 50 years, in green and gold.


UABC has received recognition throughout its history, specifically in Health Sciences, Engineering and Finance. The Secretary of Public Education has recognized the educational quality of its enrollment. In 2012, the latter recognized the university for maintaining an accredited and certified enrollment at 89%. In that year, the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the Ensenada Campus won the National Oceanography Award, officiated in the city of Campeche. In 2014, the Mexican Higher Education System made its second ranking of ¨Best Universities in Mexico¨, which gave an unfavorable result to UABC, placing it in 24th place in said ranking.

The motto of the UABC

" For the Full Realization of Being"

It is a motto that expresses the Mission of this house of higher studies.

In 1963, the Autonomous University of Baja California (Rector's Office as well as the Department of Cultural Diffusion) launched a call with the purpose of synthesizing the ideals of the institution in a motto. The winning motto was: For the full realization of man, created by the student Miguel Garate Velarde.

Bighorn Sheep: Official Mascot of the UABC

History of the Bighorn Sheep as a Pet

Cimarron Symbol of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC).

It is said that on Saturday, October 9, 1968, during an ex-professional meeting, the physical education professor of the Tijuana Campus, Victorino Vara Hernández, proposed the cimarrón as the mascot of the university's sports teams. In 1973, the Mexicali athletics club created the first Cimarrón design and began to use it as a sports symbol.

It wasn't until 1996 that the official design of the Maroon was patented. The original work is by graphic designer Armando Tapia Landeros. On December 6 of the same year, the University Council unanimously declared the Bighorn Sheep as the official mascot of the Autonomous University of Baja California.

Meaning of the Maroon at the University

For many years, the cimarrón has been the mascot symbol of the UABC. Native to the mountainous regions, the cimarrón seeks the height of the steep mountains, in the same way, the UABC has made an effort to reach higher levels of academic quality within a climate of freedom. The high physical resistance of the cimarrón allows him to endure arduous fights against his opponents, whom he fights with the strength of his head, just as the university student convinces by the power of reason and intellect. Despite his great strength, the cimarrón is threatened by man.

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