Authority abuse


The abuse of authority, also known as abuse of power or abuse of public functions, are practices of social exchange in which conduct is executed based on a relationship of power, hierarchical and unequal. In other words, it is a situation where the authority or individual who has power over others due to their social, hierarchical, knowledge or wealth position uses that power for their own benefit.

Abuse of authority in politics

The power that is given to the politicians and civil servants of a country is granted in order to be used to improve the country in all its aspects. Therefore, whoever has power must identify what is the common interest of citizens, work for the people and carry out works that help many and that do not affect anyone. "Always" it seeks that power be used for the total benefit of society. What is certain is that "power has been exercised unbalancedly and in favor of those who hold other powers in society." (Camacho, 2008) This problem is often caused by corruption, the biggest source of problems in politics and often responsible for the origin of abuse of authority. Corruption is one of the clearest manifestations of the abandonment by those who hold political power, of the search for the common good and their situation for the search of their own benefit. Corruption cases are good to demonstrate when power is used for the benefit of the country or when it is used for personal interest and profit.

A fact that became clear among presidents and public officials is that ethics cannot be separated from politics because when that happens "the duties of authority become infamy and arbitrariness." (Mora & Rodríguez, 2009) The problem that currently exists is that politics prevails over ethics, which creates that there is not some kind of balance. In recent years, resentment and disillusionment with politics has grown and can be seen in the increase in civil resistance and social mobilization in recent years. Many times by politicians we see “abusive maneuvers in terms of money or power. Political professionals are regular actors in political scandals.” (Mora & Rodríguez, 2009)

For the times in which we live, being a politician or being part of the public administration is synonymous with corruption and abuse of power. A general opinion has been created that politicians are aware of their own interests and profit from politics, having a source of income with which they can live without want. Although the abuse of power is not a characteristic of all politicians since there are others who seek the common good of the people. The entire political struggle is a confrontation for power and, therefore, for aspiring to control the legitimate monopoly of violence.

The power of the law belongs to those who have been the boss in their management, acts contrary to the duties imposed by the law, for which it afflicts the freedom of people, intimidates them or in any way causes mockery (Humiliation), moral or material grievances. In a strict sense, it is understood as the willful crime committed by the one who, acting as a public official, issues resolutions or orders contrary to the Constitutions or national or provincial laws or execute existing orders or resolutions of this class or does not execute the laws whose compliance it's up to you The passive subject of this crime is the public administration, and it is not necessary that material damage has been caused.

This crime has several subtypes, including:

  • Prevarication
  • Cohecho
  • Traffic in influences
  • Misappropriation of public funds
  • Political corruption

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