August 4th


August 4th is the 216th (two hundred and sixteenth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 217th in leap years. There are 149 days left to end the year.


  • 886: At the death of Muhammad I, his son Al-Mundir is appointed in Cordoba sixth emir Omeya.
  • 1135: On the Italian peninsula, the Pysana troops attack the city of Amalfi.
  • 1435: In Ponza, the fleet of Alfonso V of Aragon is defeated by the genoves.
  • 1484: King Ferdinand the Catholic recriminates to the Council of Hundreds of Barcelona his opposition to the judgments of the Inquisition.
  • 1496: On the island of La Española the Spanish Bartolomé Colón, brother of Christopher Columbus, founded the city of Santo Domingo, the first permanent European city in America and today is the capital of the Dominican Republic.
  • 1526: four days after the death of his companion on the expedition to the Molucas Islands, Jofre García de Loaysa, died on the ship Victoria Juan Sebastián Elcano, the Spanish navigator who in 1522 had completed the first round of the world.
  • 1540: In Peru the city of Yungay is founded.
Battle of Alcazarquivir.
  • 1578: Battle of Alcazarquivir, between Portuguese and Moroccan troops, in which King Sebastian I of Portugal perished.
  • 1693: In the region of Champagne (France), the friar Dom Perignon invented champagne.
  • 1704: In Gibraltar, after two days of Anglo-Dutch siege, he capitulates the Spanish garrison of Gibraltar and Admiral George Rooke takes over the square in the name of England.
  • 1782: in Vienna (Austria) composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart marries his cousin Constanze Weber
  • 1789: In France, the National Assembly of the French Revolution advocates the privileges of the aristocracy and the feudal regime.
  • 1800: In Colombia the city of Sonson is founded.
  • 1818: In Chile the Academy of Young Guardiamarinas is created, currently known as Arturo Prat Naval School.
  • 1846: The State of Iowa is admitted to the U.S. Union.
  • 1851: In Nicaragua, a military coup led by conservative general Trinidad Muñoz defeats President Laureano Pineda (1802-1853).
  • 1859: In Costa Rica, a group of soldiers abducted President Juan Rafael Mora Porras and moved him by sea to Guatemala.
  • 1880: In the Vatican, Pope Leo XIII declared Saint Thomas of Aquinas "father" of all Catholic educational centers of the world.
  • 1881: in Seville (Spain) the highest temperature record in Europe is recorded: 50.0 °C.
  • 1886: In Colombia, Rafael Núñez betrays the oath of defending the Constitution of Río Negro (1863) and promulgates the Constitution of the Republic of Colombia, which ends with federalism and takes place at 44 years of conservative hegemony. They ended the arrival of the president of the boyacense Enrique Olaya Herrera.
  • 1897: In the archaeological site of La Alcudia, in Elche, Spain, the Lady of Elche is discovered.
  • 1901: the deterioration of relations between Venezuela and Colombia poses a danger of imminent war.
  • 1903: In the Vatican, after five days of deliberations, the conclave of cardinals elects Pope to Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto, who takes the name of Pius X.
  • 1905: Argentina: a group of young people founded the Club Atletico Students, then known as La Plata Students.
  • 1906: near Cabo de Palos (Spain) the Sirio shipwreck. More than two hundred people die drowned.
  • 1907: In Morocco, the city of Casablanca is bombarded by the French ship Galilee.
  • 1907: in La Coruña, Spain, the first edition of the magazine A Nosa Terra is published.
  • 1909: In Spain it is agreed to suppress the redemption of military service for money.
  • 1909: In Sweden, a general strike of 300,000 workers paralyses the country.
  • 1909: thousands of Albanians manifest themselves against the situation in Crete.
  • 1914: In the Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires) the opera is premiered The dream of the soulby Argentine composer Carlos López Buchardo.
  • 1914: In Belgium—in the framework of World War I—the German army invades the country.
  • 1914: In Germany, the Reichstag unanimously approves the provisions of war.
  • 1915: In the Vistula, the Austro-Hungarian troops occupy the city of Ivangorod.
  • 1917: the French inventor Lucien Lévy presents the patent referred to by a heterodin receptor.
  • 1919: Romanian forces enter Budapest and the Soviet leaders leave the country, in which the world defeat of communism is considered to be the first. The Republic of the Councils of Hungary thus disappears after 133 days of existence.
  • 1921: the general of division Juan Picasso González is appointed as an investigating judge to clarify the facts of the Annual Disaster.
  • 1922: published Trilcepoetic work by the Peruvian writer César Vallejo (1892-1938).
  • 1925: In Czechoslovakia, the floods of the rivers during the summer cause severe flooding.
  • 1927: In Spain, the Government prohibits women from working from 21.00 to 5.00.
  • 1933: In India, the British Government imprisons Indian leader Mojandas Gandhi for his call for civil disobedience.
  • 1934: Bulgaria and the Soviet Union establish diplomatic relations.
  • 1934: In the UK, the Britannia wins in the test for large yachts of the Cowes race.
  • 1936: In Greece, in the face of the political and social situation, King George II gives full powers to Metaxas, who begins to rule dictatorially.
  • 1937: In Venezuela the National Guard was founded following the model of the Spanish Civil Guard.
  • 1937: In Spain, the Government of Burgos (sweet zone during the Civil War) establishes by decree the Statutes of Faith of the JONS.
  • 1943: In Daugavpils (Latvia), the highest temperature is recorded in the history of that country: 36.4 °C.
  • 1944: On the western side of the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands)—in the framework of the Jewish Holocaust—an informant who was never identified delates to agents of the Nazi Grüne Polizei the hiding place (the Achterhuis) where Anne Frank was hiding (13 years) with her family from the German occupation, from 9 July 1942 to that date. Anne Frank is known for the diary he wrote during the time he spent hiding in the Achterhuis.
  • 1946: in Chile, Gabriel González Videla is elected president.
  • 1946: In the Soviet Union, the Stalin leader censored the disclosure of the film The conjure of the Boyardos, part two Ivan, the TerribleS.M. Eisenstein.
  • 1950: in Venezuela, two strong earthquakes shake the west of the country: the city of El Tocuyo is completely destroyed.
  • 1950: Vichinsky, representative of the Soviet Union to the UN, called for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea.
  • 1950: in the street of Malasaña (Madrid, Spain), 27 people are poisoned by the chlorine gas leak from a bleach factory.
  • 1952: in Honolulu (Hawái), the Pacific Council (formed by the United States, New Zealand and Australia) celebrates its first meeting and decides to create a permanent council.
  • 1955: in Bogotá, Colombia, the newspaper Time is closed by the military dictatorship of General Rojas Pinilla.
  • 1955: Belgian athlete Roger Moens bats the world record of 800 meters, with a mark of 1 m, 45 s, 7/10. The previous surplus was in the possession of the German Harbig since 1939.
  • 1956: the municipal party with which the so-called "campaign of silence" is published in Madrid.
  • 1957: Juan Manuel Fangio wins the Grand Prix of Germany and is the world champion of Formula 1 for the fifth time.
  • 1958: Spain entered the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
  • 1958: cyclists Raúl Motos and Joaquín Polo die for insolation in the Vuelta to Portugal.
  • 1960: The Third Congress of Spanish-language academies, held in Bogota, rejects the Latin American expression as being incorrect.
  • 1960: the X-15 rocket plane reaches a speed of 3440 km/h, a new record speed for manned aircraft.
  • 1961: In the United Kingdom, the British Parliament approves the accession to the EEC proposed by the Government.
  • 1964: in Barcelona (Spain) the film is released SpontaneousGeorge Grau.
  • 1964: in North Vietnam, U.S. aviation begins to bomb civilian-inhabited areas.
  • 1965: In the United States, President Lyndon Johnson requests Congress to approve $1700 million for the reinforcement of the U.S. military presence in Vietnam.
  • 1968: Israeli aviation attacks Palestinian command camps.
  • 1968: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the football team San Lorenzo de Almagro is dedicated as the first undefeated football champion of that country.
  • 1969: in Spain, a Spanish tennis player wins the Galea Tenis Cup.
  • 1970: in Granada, Spain, the collective agreement of the construction sector is approved, affecting 600 companies and 12 000 workers.
  • 1972: In Italy, the September Negro organization sabotages a pipeline and causes 17 wounded.
  • 1974: an attack on the expression Roma-Múnich, claimed by the Neofascists of Black Order, causes 12 deaths and 48 wounded, all of them Italians.
  • 1975: In Peru, the Government deports several Peruvian politicians and journalists, including APRA national leaders and magazine writers Marka.
  • 1976: In Spain, a Royal Decree granting amnesty for political crimes during the Franco dictatorship is published.
  • 1980: In the Caribbean islands, Hurricane Allen causes 70 deaths.
  • 1983: In Italy, Bettino Craxi is the first socialist to preside over a government in that country.
  • 1984: in Africa, the Republic of Alto Volta changes its name and is renamed Burkina Faso.
  • 1986: in Melbourne, Australia, the Picasso painting is stolen from the National Museum The woman cryingthat would be returned days later.
  • 1986: The Soviet Union confirms the resumption of its consular relations with Israel.
  • 1988: King Hussein of Jordan ceases to 21 000 officials after his resignation from the control of the West Bank.
  • 1989: the Nicaraguan government and opposition are making a pact to hold free elections in February and to demobilize the "against".
  • 1992: the general strike organized by Nelson Mandela against the racist South African government triumphs.
  • 1993: Tanzania: signing of a peace agreement ending three years of civil war.
  • 1994: Balkan War: Belgrade breaks down with the Bosnian Serbs by rejecting the peace plan.
  • 1994: Cuba: the mass exodus of Cuban wastes begins.
  • 1994: Sudan: Sudan delivers to France Superterrorist Carlos.
  • 1994: the illegal traffic of plutonium is discovered.
  • 1996: In the city of Atlanta, the 1996 Olympic Games are finished.
  • 1997: In Arlés, France dies Jeanne Calment, the longest person in the world that has been registered. I was 122 and 164 days old.
  • 1998: in Ecuador, a devastating earthquake of 7.2 degrees on the Richter scale destroys the city of Bahía de Caráquez, leaving only one fatal victim.
  • 1999: Scottish George Robertson becomes the new secretary-general of NATO to replace Spanish Javier Solana.
  • 1999: Dow Chemical and Union Carbide announce their merger and create the second global chemical group, behind DuPont, also American.
  • 2002: Spain: Nina Zhivanevskaia achieves the gold medal in the 50 meters back of the European Swimming Championships, played in Berlin.
  • 2002: a chain of attacks, claimed by Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, claimed the lives of fifteen people in Israel and the West Bank.
  • 2003: in the Spanish provinces of Salamanca and Ávila (Spain) a fire is craving 8000 hectares.
  • 2003: Brazilian writer Rubem Fonseca receives the Juan Rulfo award for the whole of his work.
  • 2004: Paraguay: Five persons charged with murder are in prison for the fire in a commercial centre in Asunción, where about 500 people died.
  • 2004: A Russian rocket launches the Amazon satellite, the largest of the Hispasat telecommunications company.
  • 2004: Nigerian police discover more than 50 bodies in the south of the country, in areas where black magic is usual.
  • 2007: the Phoenix space probe is launched for the planet Mars.
  • 2008: for the first time in its nearly 33 years of history, there is a collision of trains in the Santiago Metro. 7 people are injured.
  • 2011: In Chile, in the framework of the student mobilizations, there is a great protest in defense of public education by university and secondary students, with strong police repression, and there were several cacerolazos in support of the student movement.
  • 2012: American swimmer Michael Phelps wins his Olympic medal number 22, surpassing the mark of 18 medals that until then held the Soviet gymnast Larisa Latýnina, consolidating as the highest medalist in the history of the Olympic Games and as the best swimmer in history.
  • 2014: in Bogotá, Colombia, the student Sergio Urrego (16) committed suicide because of the discrimination he was a victim at the Gymnasium Castillo Campestre School.
  • 2014: Pope Francis disclaims and revokes the suspension a divinis of the exercise of the priesthood with which Pope John Paul II—treinth years before, in the framework of the Cold War—had punished Nicaraguan priests Ernesto Cardenal (59), Fernando Cardenal (50, brother of the former), Miguel d'Escoto (51) and Edgard Parrales, because of the adscription of these to theology of liberation.
  • 2014: A threat compels a Qatar Airways aircraft to be guarded by a British fighter when approaching Manchester Airport.
  • 2018: In Caracas, (Venezuela) during a speech at Bolivar Avenue, an event commemorating the 81 years of the Bolivarian National Guard is an alleged drone attack on President Nicolás Maduro.
  • 2020: In Lebanon, a couple of massive explosions in the Port of Beirut left at least 135 dead, more than 5000 wounded and several disappeared.
  • 2021: In Tokyo 2020, in the Skateboarding Park debut as an Olympic discipline, Sky Brown consecred with the bronze medal, becoming the youngest British athlete to climb to a podium throughout the history of the Olympic Games, with 13 years of age.
  • 2022: In Venezuela, a court sentenced former legislator Juan Requesens to 8 years in prison, which included the previous Parliament elected in 2015, controlled by the opposition, and 16 other persons sentenced to between five and 30 years in prison, for their participation in an alleged attack ("magnicidio") that was killed against President Maduro in 2018.


  • 1135: Humberto III of Saboya, French aristocrat (f. 1189).
  • 1222: Richard de Clare, English soldier (f. 1262).
  • 1290: Leopoldo I, Austrian aristocrat (f. 1326).
  • 1502: Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Dutch painter (f. 1550).
  • 1521: Urban VII, Italian potato (f. 1590).
  • 1703: Louis I of Orleans, French aristocrat (f. 1752).
  • 1755: Nicolas-Jacques Conté, French engineer, inventor of modern pencil (f. 1805).
  • 1765: Domingo Matheu, Argentine trader and politician, member of the First Board (f. 1831).
  • 1783: Domingo de Caycedo y Sanz de Santamaría, militar y política colombiano (f. 1843).
  • 1792: Percy Bysshe Shelley, British lyric poet (f. 1822).
  • 1805: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Irish mathematician and astronomer (f. 1865).
  • 1819: Antonio Cua, Italian mathematician (f. 1899).
  • 1820: Pellegrino Artusi, Italian gastronomy (f. 1911).
  • 1821: Louis Vuitton, French designer (f. 1892).
  • 1825: Domingo Santa Maria, Chilean president between 1881 and 1886 (f. 1889).
  • 1826: Domenico Morelli, Italian painter (f. 1901).
  • 1834: Gaspar Núñez de Arce, a Spanish poet and politician (f. 1903).
  • 1834: John Venn, British mathematician (f. 1923).
  • 1839: Walter Pater, art historian and British writer (f. 1894).
  • 1841: Guillermo Enrique Hudson, ornithologist and Argentine writer (f. 1922).
  • 1843: Aureliano Faifofer, Italian mathematician (f. 1909).
  • 1848: Domingo Almenara Butler, Peruvian lawyer and politician (f. 1931).
  • 1851: Francesco Paolo Michetti, Italian painter (f. 1929).
  • 1852: Claudio José Brindis de Salas, Cuban violinist (f. 1910).
Knut Hamsun.
  • 1859: Knut Hamsun, Norwegian writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920 (f. 1952).
  • 1860: Remigio Crespo Toral, Ecuadorian writer (f. 1939).
  • 1870: Simion Sanielevici, a Romanian mathematician (f. 1963).
  • 1871: Enrique Molina Garmendia, a Chilean philosopher and educator (f. 1964).
  • 1873: Dámaso Berenguer, a Spanish military and political man (f. 1953).
  • 1880: Francisco Moreno Zuleta, Spanish politician (f. 1963).
  • 1884: Balázs Béla, film critic and Hungarian theorist (f. 1949).
  • 1884: Henrí Cornet, French cyclist (f. 1941).
  • 1889: William Keighley, American filmmaker (f. 1984).
  • 1890: Adolfo Dolf Luque, Cuban baseball player (f. 1957).
  • 1891: José del Carmen Sánchez Magallanes, a Mexican revolutionary (f. 1941).
  • 1897: Juan Orol, Mexican filmmaker (f. 1988).
  • 1900: Arturo Umberto Illia, president of Argentina (f. 1983).
  • 1900: Isabel Bowes-Lyon (the "Mother Queen"), British woman, wife of Jorge VI (f. 2002).
  • 1900: Nabi Tajima, Japanese supercentenary (f. 2018)
  • 1901: Louis Armstrong, American trumpetist (f. 1971).
  • 1903: Teresa de Marzo, pioneer of Brazilian aviation (f. 1986).
  • 1903: Hans-Christoph Seebohm, politician and German minister (f. 1967).
  • 1904: Witold Gombrowicz, Polish writer and playwright (f. 1969).
  • 1906: Mary Joseph of Belgium, Belgian aristocrat, wife of the Italian king Humberto II (f. 2001).
  • 1906: Harry Persson, Swedish actor (f. 1961).
  • 1906: Eugen Schuhmacher, German zoologist (f. 1973).
  • 1908: Kurt Eichhorn, director of orchestra and German musician (f. 1994).
  • 1909: Glenn Cunningham, American athlete (f. 1988).
  • 1909: Eva Kemlein, German photographer (f. 2004).
  • 1909: Roberto Burle Marx, Brazilian architect (f. 1994).
  • 1909: Saunders MacLane, American mathematician (f. 2005).
  • 1909: Otto Steiger, Swiss engineer (f. 1923).
  • 1910: William Schuman, American composer (f. 1992).
  • 1910: Anita Page, American actress (f. 2008).
  • 1910: Hedda Sterne, a Romanian-American painter (f. 2011).
  • 1912: Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov, a Russian mathematician, philosopher and mountaineer (f. 1999).
  • 1912: Virgilio Piñera, a Cuban writer (f. 1979).
  • 1912: Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat (f. 1947).
  • 1913: Robert Hayden, American poet (f. 1980).
  • 1915: Domingo Mania, Argentine actor (f. 1981).
  • 1920: Helen Thomas, American journalist (f. 2013).
  • 1922: Luis Aponte Martínez, Puerto Rican archbishop (f. 2012)
  • 1924: Hilda Suárez, an Argentine actress (f. 2006).
  • 1926: Julio Alfredo Egea, Spanish poet (f. 2018).
  • 1927: Jess Thomas, American tenor (f. 1993).
  • 1929: Kishore Kumar, Indian singer and actor (f. 1997).
  • 1930: Hans Dahlberg, Swedish actor (f. 2019).
  • 1930: Ali al-Sistani, Iraqi Muslim leader.
  • 1930: Götz Friedrich, director of German orchestra and musician (f. 2000).
  • 1932: Guillermo Mordillo, Argentine graphic humorist (f. 2019).
  • 1932: Frances Elizabeth Allen, American IT (f. 2020).
  • 1936: Assia Djebar, writer and literary critic of Algeria (f. 2015).
  • 1939: Piper Pimienta, Colombian singer (f. 1998).
  • 1940: Coriún Aharonián, composer and Uruguayan musicologist (f. 2017).
  • 1940: Juan Antonio García Díez, Spanish politician, Vice President of the Government (f. 1998).
  • 1940: Larry Knechtel, American rock player and guitarist (f. 2009).
  • 1941: Aníbal Tarabini, Argentine footballer (f. 1997).
  • 1943: Vicente Álvarez Areces, Spanish politician, president of the Principality of Asturias between 1999 and 2011 (f. 2019).
  • 1944: Richard Belzer, American actor and comic.
  • 1946: Sergio Marqués, Spanish politician, president of the Principality of Asturias between 1995 and 1999 (f. 2012).
  • 1946: Pierre-André Taguieff, French philosopher and polytologist.
  • 1947: Hubert Ingraham, Bahamian politician.
  • 1947: Klaus Schulze, German composer (f. 2022).
  • 1948: Ciriaco Cano, former footballer and Spanish football coach.
  • 1948: Giorgio Parisi, Italian physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics 2021.
  • 1949: Amparo Pamplona, Spanish actress.
  • 1950: Edgardo Román, Colombian actor (f. 2022).
  • 1952: Daniel Bautista, a Mexican athlete.
  • 1952: Moya Brennan, Irish singer.
  • 1955: Alberto R. Gonzales, American politician.
  • 1955: Billy Bob Thornton, American actor.
  • 1957: Valdis Valters, Latvian basketball player.
  • 1958: William Orbaugh, Guatemalan guitarist.
  • 1958: Edvaldo Oliveira Chaves, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1959: Blanca Andreu, Spanish poet.
  • 1959: Robbin Crosby, American band musician Ratt (f. 2002).
  • 1960: Dean Malenko, American professional fighter.
  • 1960: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spanish president (the fifth since the end of the Franco dictatorship).
  • 1961: Barack Obama, American lawyer and politician, president of the United States between 2009 and 2017.
  • 1961: Lauren Tom, American voice actress.
  • 1961: Pumpuang Duangjan, Thai singer (f. 1992).
  • 1962: Roger Clemens, American baseball player.
  • 1962: Paul Reynolds, British musician, from the A Flock of Seagulls band.
  • 1962: Lori Lightfoot, American politics.
  • 1963: Martín Garitano, journalist and Spanish politician.
  • 1965: Begoña Huertas: Spanish writer and philosopher.
  • 1965: Neus Asensi, Spanish actress.
  • 1965: Dennis Lehane, American writer.
  • 1965: Fredrik Reinfeldt, 32nd Swedish Prime Minister.
  • 1966: Luc Leblanc, French professional cyclist.
  • 1967: Mike Marsh, American athlete.
  • 1968: Ignacio García Camacho, Spanish excyclist.
  • 1968: Daniel Dae Kim, American actor.
  • 1968: Marcus Schenkenberg, Swedish model.
  • 1969: Max Cavalera, Brazilian musician.
  • 1969: Diego Latorre, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1970: John August, American writer.
  • 1971: Jeff Gordon, American motor racing pilot.
  • 1972: Eva Amaral, Spanish singer, of the Amaral band.
  • 1972: Daniel Šarić, Croatian footballer.
  • 1972: Predrag Đorđević, Serbian footballer.
  • 1973: Francisco Javier De Pedro, Spanish footballer.
  • 1973: Marcos Roberto Silveira Reis, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1974: Kukín Flores, Peruvian footballer. (f. 2019).
  • 1974: Kily González, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1975: Daniella van Graas, model and Dutch actress.
  • 1975: Fabiano Cezar Viegas, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1977: Luís Boa Morte, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1977: Marek Heinz, Czech footballer.
  • 1977: Marco Brito, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1978: Kurt Busch, American motor racing pilot.
  • 1978: Ricardo Serrano González, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1978: Ibán Espadas Zubizarreta, Spanish footballer.
  • 1979: Celso Moraes, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1979: Daniela Chmet, Italian triathlet.
  • 1981: Manuel Lloret Zaragozi, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1981: Meghan de Sussex, a former American actress.
  • 1981: Simone Del Nero, Italian footballer.
  • 1983: Nathaniel Buzolic, Australian actor.
  • 1984: Jen Lilley, American actress and singer.
  • 1985: Mark Milligan, Australian footballer.
  • 1985: Marco Russ, German footballer.
  • 1985: Ha Seung-Jin, South Korean basketball player.
  • 1985: Antonio Valencia, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • 1985: Alexis Ruano, Spanish footballer.
  • 1985: Robbie Findley, American footballer.
  • 1986: Oleg Ivanov, Russian footballer.
  • 1987: Jang Keun-suk, actor, singer, dancer and South Korean model.
  • 1988: Tom Parker, British singer, The Wanted band (f. 2022).
  • 1988: Daniel Carriço, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1989: Jessica Mauboy, Australian singer and actress.
  • 1989: Fabiana da Silva Simões, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1990: David Lama, Austrian mountaineer (f. 2019).
  • 1990: Betsy Hassett, New Zealand footballer.
  • 1990: Eric Kibi, Canadian basketball player.
  • 1991: Graeme Shinnie, Scottish footballer.
  • 1991: Lucinda Dryzek, British actress.
  • 1991: Christian Clemens, German footballer.
  • 1992: Cole and Dylan Sprouse, American actors.
  • 1993: Giovanni Di Lorenzo, Italian footballer.
  • 1994: Orlando Arcia, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1994: Alejandra Lara, Colombian fighter.
Bruna Marquezine, actriz y modelo brasilera nacida un 4 de agosto.
Bruna Marquezine
  • 1995: Andreas Vindheim, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1995: Bruna Marquezine, Brazilian actress and model.
  • 1997: André Lamoglia, Brazilian actor.
  • 1997: Yekaterina Riábova, Russian singer.
  • 1997: Cinzia Zehnder, Swiss footballer.
  • 1999: Saku Ylätupa, Finnish footballer.
  • 2000: Guðný Árnadóttir, Icelandic footballer.
  • 2000: Gabbie Carter, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
  • 2000: Autumn Falls, pornographic actress and American erotic model.


  • 886: Muhammad I, independent Cordoba emir (n. 852).
  • 1060: Henry I, French king (n. 1031).
  • 1265: Simon of Monfort, leader of the British aristocrats (n. 1208).
  • 1306: Wenceslaus III, king Bohemian (n. 1289).
  • 1338: Thomas of Brotherton, an English aristocrat, son of Edward I (n. 1300).
  • 1526: Juan Sebastián Elcano, was a Spanish navy who completed the first round of the Earth (n. 1480).
  • 1578: Sebastián el Deseado, Portuguese king (n. 1554).
  • 1639: Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, Mexican playwright (n. 1581).
  • 1792: John Burgoyne, general and British playwright (n. 1723).
  • 1795: Francisco Bayeu, a Spanish painter (n. 1734).
  • 1871: Henri Lecoq, French botanist (n. 1802).
  • 1873: Viktor Hartmann, architect, sculptor and Russian painter (n. 1834).
  • 1875: Hans Christian Andersen, Danish writer (n. 1805).
  • 1890: Salvador Albacete, Spanish politician (n. 1827).
  • 1900: Etienne Lenoir, Belgian engineer, creator of the internal combustion engine (n. 1872).
  • 1900: Ary Renan, symbolist painter, French poet, writer and political activist (n. 1857).
  • 1925: Charles W. Clark, American baritone (n. 1865).
  • 1927: Eugène Atget, French photographer (n. 1857).
  • 1930: Siegfried Wagner, German composer, son of Richard Wagner (n. 1869).
  • 1938: Pearl White, American actress (n. 1889).
  • 1940: Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a Russian military, journalist and theorist (n. 1880).
  • 1962: Marilyn Monroe, American actress, model and singer (n. 1926).
  • 1966: Helen Tamiris, American dancer and choreographer (n. 1905).
  • 1972: Norah Lange, an Argentine writer (n. 1905).
  • 1973: Eddie Condon, American musician (n. 1905).
  • 1976: Enrique Angelelli, Argentine bishop, killed by the dictatorship of Videla (n. 1923).
  • 1977: Ernst Bloch, German philosopher (n. 1885).
  • 1977: Antonio Machín, Cuban singer (n. 1903).
  • 1980: Vicente de la Mata, Argentine footballer (n. 1918).
  • 1981: Melvyn Douglas, American actor (n. 1901).
  • 1982: Carlos Sabat Ercasty, Uruguayan poet (n. 1887).
  • 1983: Yuri Levitan, Soviet radio announcer (n. 1914).
  • 1988: Ofelia Uribe de Acosta, Colombian politics (n. 1900).
  • 1990: Ettore Maserati, Italian businessman, creator of a Formula 1 (n. 1894).
  • 1991: Cassen (Casto Sendra Barrufet), Spanish humorist (n. 1928).
  • 1992: Seicho Matsumoto, a Japanese writer (n. 1909).
  • 1994: Giovanni Spadolini, politician and Italian journalist (n. 1925).
  • 1997: Jeanne Calment, a French citizen who lived 122 years (n. 1875).
  • 1998: José Ángel Conchello, Mexican politician (n. 1923).
  • 1999: José de Torres Wilson, Uruguayan historian (n. 1931).
  • 1999: Victor Mature (Vittore Maturi), an Italian American actor (n. 1913).
  • 2003: Chung Mong Hun, son of the founder of the Korean conglomerate Hyundai.
  • 2003: Frederick C Robbins, American doctor, nobel medical prize in 1954 (n. 1916).
  • 2004: Pablo González del Amo, Spanish film assembler (n. 1927).
  • 2006: Julio Galán, Mexican painter of contemporary art (n. 1959).
  • 2006: Toni Schneiders, German photographer (n. 1920).
  • 2006: Carlos García, pianist, director, composer and Argentine arranger (n. 1914).
  • 2007: Lee Hazlewood, American composer (n. 1929).
  • 2007: Raul Hilberg, Austrian Jewish historian (n. 1926).
  • 2008: Eri Kawai, Japanese singer and composer (n. 1965).
  • 2009: Julián Lago, journalist and Spanish presenter (n. 1946).
  • 2010: Manuel Ayau, a Guatemalan entrepreneur, educator and politician (n. 1925).
  • 2010: Héctor Herrera Álvarez, Mexican comic and political actor (n. 1934).
  • 2011: Naoki Matsuda, Japanese footballer (n. 1977).
  • 2012: Julio López, Argentine actor (n. 1934).
  • 2013: Immaculate Cross, teacher and Spanish socialist policy (n. 1960).
  • 2013: Renato Ruggiero, Italian politician (n. 1930).
  • 2013: Lilian Valmar, an Argentine actress (n. 1927).
  • 2014: Rodolfo Motta, footballer and technical director of Argentina (n. 1944).
  • 2014: Sergio Urrego, a Colombian student victim of homophobia (n. 1997).
  • 2020: Frances Elizabeth Allen, American computing (n. 1932).
  • 2021: Zelá Brambillé, a Mexican writer and novelist (n. 1994).
  • 2022: Adriana Roel, Mexican actress


Bandera de ArgentinaArgentina: Panadero Day.

Cook IslandsBandera de Islas CookCook Islands: Constitutional Day.

SpainBandera de EspañaSpain

  • Spain, Basque Country, Álava, Vitoria – Fiestas de La Blanca in honor of the Virgen Blanca (Dates: August 4 – August 9).
  • Spain, Basque Country, Álava, Zalduendo de Álava – Tribute to the "Celedon".
  • Spain, Andalusia, Malaga, Benalauría – Fair in honor of Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
  • Spain, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Agaete – Fair in honor of Our Lady of the Snows.
  • Spain, La Rioja, Rincón de Soto – Festivals of the Virgin of Carravieso.
  • Spain, Andalusia, Almería, Roquetas de Mar, barrio The Solanillo – Feasts of the Virgin Mary of the Mother Church.

GuatemalaFlag of Guatemala.svgGuatemala The Ministry of Culture and Sports of Guatemala on the website:
traditions/faith parties/Official website of the Guatemalan MCD (breakable link available on the Internet Archive; see history, first version and last).
gives as patron saints of the 4th of August the following in honor of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is the 8th of August.

  • Cobán (Alta Verapaz): Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is the 8th of August.
  • Mixco: Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is the 8th of August.
  • Sacapulas (Quiché) Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is the 8th of August.
  • Santo Domingo Xenacoj (Sacatepéquez): Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is the 8th of August.
  • Santo Domingo Suchitepequez (Suchitepéquez): Santo Domingo de Guzmán, which is on 8 August.

MexicoFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico

  • Aramberri (New Lion): Avocado Fair (fixed dates: July 29th to August 4th).

PeruFlag of Peru.svg Peru: Judge's Day

NicaraguaFlag of Nicaragua.svgNicaragua

  • In Managua, the patron saints are celebrated in honor of their patron Santo Domingo de Guzmán through a joyful journey that takes place every year along the different streets of the eastern neighborhoods of the city.

El SalvadorFlag of El Salvador.svgEl Salvador: Holiday Day.

Catholic saints list

  • San Juan Maria Vianney, priest (f. 1859)
  • Saint Aristarchus of Thessaloniki (s. I)
  • Saints Justin and Crescence of Rome, martyrs (f. 258)
  • Saint Jacinto of Rome, martyr (s. III/IV)
  • St. Eleuterio de Tarsia, martyr (s. IV)
  • Santa Ia de Persia, martyr (f. c. 632)
  • St. Eupronium of Tours, Bishop (f. 573)
  • San Onofre de Panaia, eremita (f. 995)
  • San Rainero de Spalato, bishop and martyr (f. 1180)
  • Blessed Cecilia of Bologna, virgin (f. 1290)
  • Beato Guillermo Horne, martyr (f. 1540)
  • Blessed Federico Janssoone, priest (f. 1916)
  • Blessed Gonzalo Gonzalo, religious and martyr (f. 1936)
  • Blessed José Batalla Parramón, José Rabasa Bentanachs and Egidio Gil Rodicio, religious and martyrs (f. 1936)
  • Blessed Enrique Krzysztofik, priest and martyr (f. 1942)

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