August 23rd


August 23 is the 235th (two hundred and thirty-fifth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 236th in leap years. There are 130 days left to end the year.


  • 79: The Vesuvius begins to activate, in the feast of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
  • 217: In Rome, the Colosseum was set on fire in the midst of a thunderstorm.
  • 406: Radagaiso is executed after being defeated by the Roman troops commanded by Estilicón.
  • 476: Odoacro, head of the Germanic tribes is proclaimed rex Italiae ("King of Italy") by his troops.
  • 1305: Sir William Wallace is executed for high treason in Smithfield, London.
  • 1328: Battle of Cassel: French troops prevent the rise of Flemish farmers.
  • 1514: The Battle of Chaldiran ends with the decisive victory of Sultan Selim I, of the Ottoman Empire, over the Shah Ismail I.
  • 1541: French explorer Jacques Cartier anchored near the current city of Quebec, on his third trip to Canada.
  • 1554: In the city of Santo Domingo, the Spanish Francisco Dávila founded the Mayorazgo de Dávila, in the person of his nephew Gaspar Dávila.
Representation of the Matanza de San Bartolomé according to the French painter Hugonote François Dubois (1529-1584).
  • 1572: In Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day, Catholic Christians kill Hugonote Christians (St. Bartholomew's death).
  • 1595 (13 August, according to the ancient calendar): the Romanian king Michael the Valiente faces the Ottoman army in the battle of Calugareni.
  • 1799: Napoleon sails from Egypt towards France.
  • 1812: In the north of Argentina—in the framework of the Argentine War of Independence—the Northern Army—leadered by lawyer Manuel Belgrano—retires to Tucumán (Exodus Jujeño).
  • 1813: In Germany, the Prussians beat the French in the battle of Grossbeeren.
  • 1839: In China, British forces capture the city of Hong Kong as a pass to prepare the war against Qing dynasty.
  • 1866: The Austrian-Prussian War with the Prague Treaty ends.
  • 1901: the Aiguille du Dru and Le Petit Aiguille du Dru are first climbed.
  • 1904: The first car chains are patented.
  • 1913: in Copenhagen (Denmark) the Sirenite is installed.
  • 1914: As part of the First World War, Japan joins the ally side and declares war against the German Empire.
  • 1917: In Venezuela, the dictator Juan Vicente Gómez closed the American Printer of Maracaibo and the country's most important newspaper, The Fonographer.
  • 1922: in Lima (Peru) the Peruvian Federation of Football is founded.
  • 1923: In Vigo, Spain, the Real Club Celta de Vigo was founded.
  • 1927: In the United States, the Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are executed in the electric chair.
  • 1939: In the framework of the Second World War, the Soviet Union and the Third German Reich sign the Ribbentrop-Mólotov Pact.
    Moment where the non-aggression pact is signed.
  • 1942: In the Soviet Union—in the framework of the Second World War—the battle of Stalingrad begins.
    Soviet soldiers fighting in the ruins of a house, 1942.
  • 1943: in the Soviet Union—in the framework of the Second World War— Járkov is delivered as a result of the battle of Kursk.
  • 1944: In Romania—in the framework of the Second World War—the people depose the fascist dictator Ion Antonescu. Dr. Petru Groza forms a coalition government. For convenience, King Michael I of Romania is changed by side, placing himself on the part of the insurgents.
    The coup d'etat in Romania, developed within the framework of the so-called "Operation Bagratión", the insurgents who left Ion Antonescu, had the logistical support of the Soviets, in order that Romania will abandon the axis and enter the band of the allies
  • 1944: on the southern coast of France—in the framework of the Second World War—the city of Marseilles is liberated.
  • 1944: In Warnsveld (Netherlands) the highest temperature is recorded in the History of that country: 38.6 °C (102 °F).
  • 1948: the World Council of Churches is founded.
  • 1953: at the site of atomic evidence in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan), the Soviet Union detonated its fifth atomic bomb, which the CIA would baptize as a free fall to 600 m high. Joe-528 kiloton. It is the first test of a RDS-4, the first "tactic" nuclear bomb.
  • 1954: first flight from C-130 Hercules.
  • 1957: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 4:30 a.m. (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Doppler11 kiloton. It is the 104th bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1961: on the road from Alquízar to Las Cañas (Cuba), 6 km from the cement factory Mártires de Artemisa (Cuba), the Tití (Israel García Díaz) gang—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA—kills the militiaman Néstor P. Milián Fernández and wounds Reynaldo Aguiar, a factory worker. Later, in the village of Las Cañas, the band of Tití (Israel García Díaz) raids the house of the old Gregoria Suárez, who is seriously injured.
  • 1962: In the UK, singer John Lennon and Cynthia Powell marry.
  • 1962: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Felipe Vallese is kidnapped and disappeared. Jorge Rulli denounces that "many [peronists] were tortured by the sailors of the Esma (Army Mechanical School) during the Conintes plan imposed by Arturo Frondizi.
  • 1963: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 4:30 a.m. (local time) United States detonates its atomic bombs Kohocton and Natches2 and 20 kt. It is the bombs n. 1079 and 1080 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1966: American space satellite Lunar Orbiter take the first photograph of the Earth seen from the Moon.
  • 1970: In the United States, the Mexican Union—leadered by César Chávez—initiates the Huelga del Salad Bowl, which was the workers' strike in that country's most important field.
  • 1973: In Stockholm (Sweden) there is an assault on a Swedish bank, whose circumstances will give rise to the term "Steak syndrome".
  • 1973: In Chile, Augusto Pinochet is named "commander in chief of the army" by President Salvador Allende. On September 11 (two weeks later) he led the coup d'etat that defeated the Allende government and the Popular Unity.
    Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte
  • 1977: In the United States, the governor of Massachusetts symbolically exonerates Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, executed 50 years ago.
  • 1977: in Bolivia is founded the Bolivian Professional Football League, which began the professional era of Bolivian football at the club level. From this date it became the First Division.
  • 1980: in Managua, in a mass event, the closure of the National Literacy Crusade led by the revolutionary FSLN government that reduced illiteracy in Nicaragua is given.
  • 1982: Bachir Gemayel is elected President of Lebanon in the midst of a civil war.
  • 1988: 289 m underground, in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 10:30 a.m. (local time), United States simultaneously detonates its atomic bombs Harlingen 1 and Harlingen 22 and 20 kt. It is the bombs n. 1079 and 1080 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1989: In Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia there is a protest known as the Baltic Chain, demanding greater sovereignty for the Baltic Republics.
  • 1990: Armenia is independent of the Soviet Union.
  • 1991: In the United States the Super Nintendo Entertainment System console is released.
  • 1996: The Congress of the Republic of Peru approves the law of authentic interpretation of article 112 of the Constitution, which allows the eventual nomination of President Alberto Fujimori to a new re-election in 2000.
  • 2005: TANS Peru Flight 204 crashes outside the city of Pucallpa. 40 of the 98 crew members died.
  • 2006: Natascha Kampusch escapes from his kidnapper's house after eight years kidnapped.
  • 2009: In Bahamas, Stefanía Fernández is crowned as Miss Universe being the sixth Venezuelan to win the contest.
  • 2011: In Libya, the rebels who organized the Arab Rebellion in Libya managed to take the capital of the country, Tripoli.
  • 2011: In Virginia (United States) there is a 5.8 magnitude earthquake at 1:51 PM EDT (17:51 UTC).
  • 2019: American singer Taylor Swift launches her seventh Lover studio album.
  • 2020: In Lisbon (Portugal), the Bayern of Munich becomes the UEFA Champions League champion after winning it 1 to 0 to Paris Saint Germain.
  • 2022: Carlos Gardel 2022 Awards are held


  • 686: Carlos Martel, aristocrat and military franc (f. 741).
  • 963: Richard II of Normandy, Norman aristocrat (f. 1027).
  • 980: Avicena, Persian philosopher (f. 1037).
  • 1486: Sigismund Herberstein, Austrian diplomat and historian (f. 1566).
  • 1498: Michael of Peace, Prince of Asturias and Gerona and Crown Prince of Portugal (f. 1500).
  • 1517: Francisco I de Lorena, French aristocrat (f. 1545).
  • 1524: François Hotman, a French lawyer and writer (f. 1590).
  • 1741: Jean-François de La Pérouse, a French navy and explorer (f. 1788).
Louis XVI.
  • 1754: Louis XVI, French king (f. 1793).
  • 1761: Gottlob Ernst Schulze, a German philosopher (f. 1833).
  • 1769: Georges Cuvier, a French naturalist (f. 1832).
  • 1779: Manuel Crescencio García Rejón, politician, journalist and Mexican lawyer (f. 1849).
  • 1785: Oliver Hazard Perry, American naval officer (f. 1819).
  • 1829: Felipe Berriozábal, Mexican military and political (f. 1900).
  • 1836: Maria Enriqueta of Austria (f. 1902).
  • 1845: Daniel de Solier, Argentine military (f. 1903).
  • 1849: William Ernest Henley, British poet and writer (f. 1903).
  • 1852: Clímaco Calderón, a Colombian politician, 15th president (f. 1913).
  • 1854: Moritz Moszkowski, Polish composer and pianist (f. 1925).
  • 1864: Eleutherios Venizelos, Greek Prime Minister (f. 1936).
  • 1869: Edgar Lee Masters, American poet (f. 1950).
  • 1880: Aleksandr Grin, Russian writer (f. 1932).
  • 1891: Maximino Ávila Camacho, Mexican military and political (f. 1945).
  • 1892: Felipe Ferreiro, a Uruguayan politician and writer (f. 1963).
  • 1894: Castillon Square, anarcofeminist Spanish (f. 1969).
  • 1895: Luis Arata, Argentine actor (f. 1967).
  • 1900: Ernst Krenek, Austrian composer (f. 1991).
  • 1903: William Primrose, British violist (f. 1982).
  • 1905: Ernie Bushmiller, American hysterist (f. 1982).
  • 1905: Constant Lambert, director of orchestra and British composer (f. 1951).
  • 1905: Cristino Mallo, Spanish sculptor (f. 1989).
  • 1905: Julio Martínez Santa-Olalla, Spanish archaeologist (f. 1972).
  • 1909: Adolf Scherbaum, Hungarian trompetist (f. 2000)
Giuseppe Meazza.
  • 1910: Giuseppe Meazza, Italian footballer (f. 1979).
Gene Kelly.
  • 1912: Gene Kelly, dancer, filmmaker and American actor (f. 1996).
  • 1913: Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera, composer and Venezuelan folklorist (f. 1993).
  • 1915: Esther Fernández, Mexican actress (f. 1999).
  • 1917: Tex Williams, American guitarist and composer (f. 1985).
  • 1918: Alberto Fernández Ruiloba, a Mexican businessman and politician (f. 2003).
  • 1920: Leo Marini, Argentinean singer and actor (f. 2000).
  • 1921: Felipe López Licea, Mexican bullfighter.
  • 1921: Kenneth Arrow, an American economist (f. 2017).
  • 1922: Patricio Phillips Peñafiel, Chilean politician (f. 1997).
  • 1923: Edgar Frank Codd, British computer scientist (f. 2003).
  • 1923: Héctor García Cobo, Mexican photographer (f. 2012).
  • 1924: Ephraim Kishon, an Israeli writer (f. 2005).
  • 1924: Robert Solow, American economist.
  • 1925: Robert Mulligan, American filmmaker (f. 2008).
  • 1925: Edgardo Boeninger, Chilean economist, engineer and politician (f. 2009).
  • 1926: Clifford Geertz, American anthropologist (f. 2006).
  • 1927: Dick Bruna, Dutch illustrator and historietist (f. 2017).
  • 1927: Ginamaría Hidalgo, Argentinean singer (f. 2004).
  • 1927: Martial Solal, pianist and French composer.
  • 1928: Heberto Castillo, Mexican politician. (f. 1997).
Vera Miles.
  • 1930: Vera Miles, American actress.
  • 1930: Michel Rocard, French politician (f. 2016).
  • 1931: Hamilton O. Smith, U.S. microbiologist, nobel medical prize in 1978.
  • 1931: Barbara Eden, American actress.
  • 1932: Houari Boumedienne, Algerian politician and military (f. 1978).
  • 1933: Robert F. Curl, American chemical, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996.
  • 1933: Amparo Soler Leal, Spanish actress (f. 2013).
  • 1934: Sonny Jurgensen, American footballer.
  • 1934: Gregorio Pérez Companc, an Argentine businessman.
  • 1934: Carlos Amigo Vallejo,cardenal
  • 1935: Marcos Coll, Colombian footballer. (f. 2017)
  • 1936: Henry Lee Lucas, American serial killer (f. 2001).
  • 1937: Rodolfo Machado, Argentine actor (f. 2020).
  • 1939: Fernando Luján, Mexican actor (f. 2019).
  • 1939: Evaristo Márquez, Colombian film actor. (f. 2013).
  • 1940: Thomas A. Steitz, American biochemist, nobel chemistry award in 2009 (f. 2018).
  • 1942: Susana Vieira, Brazilian actress.
  • 1943: Raúl Cubas Grau, Paraguayan politician, president of Paraguay between 1998 and 1999.
Pino Presti
  • 1943: Pino Presti, bassist, arranger, composer, director and Italian producer.
  • 1945: Bob Peck, British actor (f. 1999).
  • 1946: Tarik Carson, Uruguayan writer and painter (f. 2014).
  • 1946: Keith Moon, British drummer, of the band The Who (f. 1978).
  • 1947: Terje Rypdal, Norwegian guitarist and composer, of the band The Vanguards.
  • 1949: Geoff Capes, British forzudo.
  • 1949: Shelley Long, American actress.
  • 1949: Rick Springfield, composer, guitarist and Australian actor, from the Zoot band.
  • 1950: Jorge Desormeaux, Chilean economist.
  • 1950: Roza Otunbáyeva, former President of Kyrgyzstan.
  • 1951: Allan Bristow, basketball player and American coach.
  • 1951: Jimi Jamison, American composer and guitarist, of the Survivor band (f. 2014).
  • 1951: Akhmad Kadyrov, Czech President (f. 2004).
Noor of Jordan.
  • 1951: Noor of Jordan, American queen.
  • 1952: Vicky Leandros, Greek singer.
  • 1952: Carlos Alonso "Santillana", Spanish footballer.
  • 1953: Arturas Paulauskas, a Lithuanian politician.
  • 1956: Cris Morena, model, actress, composer and producer of Argentine television.
  • 1956: Skipp Sudduth, American actor.
  • 1956: Guillermo Tovar de Teresa, Mexican historian and collector (f. 2013).
  • 1958: Julio Franco, Dominican baseball player
  • 1959: Edwyn Collins, British singer.
  • 1960: Chris Potter, Canadian actor.
  • 1961: Dean DeLeo, American guitarist, Stone Temple Pilots.
Alexandre Desplat.
  • 1961: Alexandre Desplat, French composer.
  • 1961: Gary Mabbutt, British footballer.
  • 1963:
    • Chan-Wook Park, Korean filmmaker.
    • Glória Pires, Brazilian actress.
    • Laura Flores, actress, singer and Mexican television driver.
  • 1964: Johan Bruyneel, Belgian cyclist.
  • 1964: Yoshikazu Taru, Japanese fighter.
  • 1965: Roger Avary, Canadian filmmaker.
  • 1966: Alberto Acosta, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1966: Charley Boorman, British actor and writer.
  • 1966: Rik Smits, American basketball player.
  • 1967: Cedella Marley, Jamaican singer.
  • 1967: Kazumi Totaka, Japanese composer.
  • 1968: Cortez Kennedy, American football player (f. 2017).
  • 1969: Alexandra Moreno Piraquive, Colombian politics.
  • 1970: Lawrence Frank, American basketball coach.
  • 1970: Brad Mehldau, American pianist and composer.
  • 1970: Jay Mohr, American actor and comic.
River Phoenix.
  • 1970: River Phoenix, American actor (f. 1993).
  • 1971: Demetrio Albertini, Italian footballer.
  • 1971: Aleksandr Novak, Russian politician
  • 1971: Bone Crusher, American rapper.
  • 1972: Martin Grainger, British footballer.
  • 1972: Manuel Vidrio, Mexican footballer.
  • 1973: Casey Blake, American baseball player.
  • 1973: Mariela Celis, presenter, journalist, editor, actress and Venezuelan comedian.
  • 1974: Alejandro Freire, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1974: Konstantin Novoselov, Anglo-Russian physicist.
  • 1974: Ray Park, British actor.
  • 1974: Carmen Porter, Spanish journalist.
  • 1974: Makoto Raiku, Japanese-sleeved drawer.
  • 1974: Pablo Montero, Mexican singer and actor.
  • 1975: Sean Marks, New Zealand basketball player.
  • 1976: Scott Caan, American actor.
  • 1976: Pat Garrity, American basketball player.
  • 1977: Douglas Sequeira, Costa Rican footballer.
  • 1977: Ariel Winograd, filmmaker, screenwriter and Argentine producer.
Kobe Bryant.
  • 1978: Kobe Bryant, American basketball player (f. 2020).
Julian Casablancas.
  • 1978: Julian Casablancas, American vocalist, of the band The Strokes and The Voidz.
  • 1980: Denny Bautista, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1980: Rex Grossman, American football player.
  • 1981: Carlos Cuéllar, Spanish footballer.
  • 1982: Natalie Coughlin, American swimmer.
  • 1982: Emmanuel Osei, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1982: Christian Tudor, Romanian footballer (f. 2012).
  • 1982: Trevor Wright, American actor.
  • 1983: Joseph Bailey, American fighter (f. 2010).
  • 1983: Bruno Spengler, a Canadian motor racing pilot.
  • 1983: James Collins, British footballer.
  • 1983: Route Gedmintas, British actress.
  • 1983: Sun Ming Ming, Chinese basketball player.
  • 1984: Glen Johnson, British footballer.
  • 1985: Valeria Lukyanova, a Ukrainian model.
  • 1986: Sky Blu, American singer, from the LMFAO band.
  • 1987: Nikki Gil, Philippine actress and singer.
  • 1987: Natalia Salas, Peruvian actress.
  • 1988: Olga Govortsova, Belarusian tennis player.
  • 1988: Jeremy Lin, American basketball player.
  • 1988: Jimmy Nirlo, French footballer.
  • 1989:
    • Alan Ruschel, a Brazilian soccer player, one of the three survivors of LaMia Flight 2933.
    • Trixie Mattel, American dredging Queen.
  • 1994: August Ames, Canadian pornographic actress (f. 2017).
  • 1996: David Gore, American actor.
  • 1998: Sherel Floranus, Dutch footballer.


  • 93: Cneo Julio Agrícola, general and politician roman (n. 40).
  • 406: Radagaiso, king godo (n.?).
  • 634: Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Islamic caliph (n. 573).
  • 818: Ali ibn Musa, Islamic magnet (n. 765).
William Wallace.
  • 1305: William Wallace, Scottish liberator (n. 1272).
  • 1387: Olaf II, king dynamarquis (n. 1370).
  • 1498: Isabel de Aragón, queen consorte de Portugal, princess of Asturias and infanta of Aragón, Castilla y Sicilia (n. 1470).
  • 1507: Jean Molinet, French writer (n. 1435).
  • 1540: Guillaume Budé, French humanist (n. 1467).
Fray Luis de León.
  • 1591: Fray Luis de León, professor, theologian and Spanish poet (n. 1527).
  • 1618: Gerbrand Bredero, a Dutch writer (n. 1585).
  • 1628: George Villiers, English aristocrat (n. 1592).
  • 1777: Charles-Joseph Natoire, French painter (n. 1700).
  • 1806: Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, French physicist (n. 1736).
  • 1813: Alexander Wilson, American poet, naturalist and illustrator (n. 1766).
  • 1819: Oliver Hazard Perry, American admiral (n. 1785).
  • 1822: Juan José Rondon, Venezuelan military, 1. Afro-descendant colonel (n. 1790).
  • 1831: Ferenc Kazinczy, Hungarian writer (n. 1759).
  • 1838: Ferenc Kölcsey, Hungarian poet and politician (n. 1790).
Rafael Urdaneta
  • 1845: Rafael Urdaneta, Venezuelan politician and military, procer of independence (n. 1785).
  • 1875: Andrés Ibarra, Venezuelan politician (n. 1807).
  • 1888: Philip Henry Gosse, a natural historian and British scientific divultor (n. 1810).
  • 1892: Deodoro da Fonseca, a Brazilian politician (n. 1827).
  • 1900: Kuroda Kiyotaka, Japanese politician, 2nd Prime Minister (n. 1840).
  • 1901: Enrique Tornú, Argentine physician (n. 1865).
  • 1903: Fray Mocho, Argentine writer and journalist (n. 1858).
  • 1916: Jean-Paul Aubé, French sculptor (n. 1837).
Rodolfo Valentino.
  • 1926: Rodolfo Valentino, an Italian actor (n. 1895).
N. Sacco (der.) and B. Vanzetti (izq.)
  • 1927: They were executed in the electric chair:
* Nicola Sacco, italo-American anarchist (n. 1891).
* Bartolomeo Vanzetti, anarchist italo-American (n. 1888).
  • 1933: Adolf Loos, Austrian architect (n. 1870).
  • 1934: Viktor Kaplan, Austrian engineer (n. 1876).
  • 1936: Rafael Villegas, a Spanish military officer (n. 1875).
  • 1936: José María Albiñana, doctor, writer and Spanish politician (n. 1883).
  • 1936: José Martínez de Velasco and Escolar, Spanish politician (n. 1875).
  • 1936: Mariano Juan María de la Cruz García Méndez, a Spanish religious (n. 1891).
  • 1936: Julio Ruiz de Alda, Spanish aviator (n. 1897).
  • 1937: Albert Roussel, French musician (n. 1869).
  • 1939: Eugène-Henri Gravelotte, a French spatist (n. 1876).
  • 1945: Ludwig von Hofmann, German painter (n. 1861).
  • 1952: Géza Kiss, Hungarian swimmer (n. 1882).
  • 1955: Reginald Tate, British actor (n. 1896).
  • 1960: Oscar Hammerstein II, American musician (n. 1895).
  • 1962: Hoot Gibson, American actor (n. 1892).
  • 1965: Francisco Antonio Encina Armanet, Chilean historian (n. 1874).
  • 1966: Francis X. Bushman, American actor (n. 1883).
  • 1966: Guillermo Gorostiza, Spanish footballer (n. 1909).
  • 1966: Jaime Sarlanga, Argentine footballer (n. 1916).
  • 1967: Georges Berger, Belgian racing pilot (n. 1918).
  • 1967: Nathaniel Cartmell, American basketball coach and athlete (n. 1883).
  • 1977: Naum Gabo, Soviet sculptor (n. 1890).
  • 1980: Gerhard Hanappi, Austrian footballer (n. 1929).
  • 1982: Stanford Moore, American biochemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1972 (n. 1913).
  • 1987: Didier Pironi, a French motor vehicle pilot (n. 1952).
R. D. Laing.
  • 1989: R. D. Laing, British psychiatrist (n. 1927).
  • 1990: Sergio Magaña, playwright and Mexican writer (n. 1924).
  • 1990: Antolín García, radio announcer and Spanish TV host (n. 1928).
  • 1991: Innes Lloyd, British television producer (n. 1925).
  • 1996: Zulfiya Isroilova, Uzbek poet (n. 1915).
  • 1997: Eric Gairy, a Spanish politician (n. 1922).
  • 1997: John Kendrew, British chemical, nobel chemistry award in 1962 (n. 1917).
  • 2001: Manolita Saval, Spanish-French-Mexican actress and singer (n. 1914).
  • 2001: Peter Maas, American novelist (n. 1929).
  • 2003: Enrique Sdrech, Argentine journalist (n. 1928).
  • 2005: Brock Peters, American actor (n. 1927).
  • 2006:
    • Maynard Ferguson, Canadian musician (n. 1928).
    • Marie Tharp, American Oceanographic Cartograph and Geologist (n. 1920).
    • Ed Warren, American parapsychologist (n. 1926).
  • 2009: John Vermeulen, Belgian writer (n. 1941).
  • 2010: Satoshi Kon, Japanese filmmaker (n. 1963).
  • 2010: Carlos Mendo, Spanish journalist (n. 1933).
  • 2010: Klaus Pförtner, doctor and businessman of Argentina (n. 1916).
  • 2010: George David Weiss, American composer (n. 1921).
Jorge Matute Matute.
  • 2011: Jorge Matute Matute, Chilean trade unionist (n. 1951).
  • 2012: Jean-Luc Delarue, French television producer (n. 1964).
  • 2012: Steve Van Buren, American football player (n. 1920).
  • 2013: Alvaro Bultó, TV presenter and Spanish-risk sportsman (n. 1962).
  • 2013: Ellis Jacobson, American painter and cartoonist (n. 1925).
  • 2013: Dean Meminger, basketball player and American coach (n. 1948).
  • 2014: Jaume Vallcorba, editor, philologist and Spanish writer (n. 1949)
  • 2016: Steven Hill, American actor (n. 1922).
  • 2016: Evita Muñoz "Chachita", Mexican actress (n. 1936).
  • 2020: Valentina Prudskova, a Soviet sportsman (n. 1938).
Rosita Quintana.
  • 2021:
    • José Yudica, footballer and Argentine coach (n. 1936).
    • Rosita Quintana, actress, singer and Argentine-Mexican composer (n. 1925).


  • Flag of UNESCO.svg Unesco: International Day of Remembrance of Slave Trade and its Abolition.
  • UN flag watermark.svg International: Internet Day, Dia do Internaut's Day.
  • Bandera de Unión Europea European Union: European Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism.
  • SpainBandera de EspañaSpain: Sale of Bathrooms (municipality).
  • SpainBandera de EspañaSpain: Tembleque (municipal).
  • (Palencia): Patron Festival in honor of Santa Rosa de Lima.
  • (Córdoba): Feast of the Virgin of the Peña.
  • Bandera de UcraniaUkraine: Flag Day.
  • RomaniaBandera de Rumania Romania: Liberation Day in 1944, held under the regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu (1967-1989).
  • ChileBandera de ChileChile: National Day.

Catholic saints list

Santa Rosa
  • Santa Rosa de Lima (optional)


  • San Altigiano
  • San Antonio de Gerace
  • San Apolinar de Reims
  • San Asterio de Agea
  • Saints Cyriac and Archaeal of Ostia
  • San Claudio de Agea
  • Saint Eugene de Ardstraw
  • San Flaviano de Autun
  • Santa Fructuosa
  • San Hilarino
  • San Lupo de Nove
  • San Minervo
  • San Neón de Agea
  • Santa Tidfil
  • St. Timothy of Reims
  • San Victor de Vita
  • San Zaqueo.


  • Blessed Francisco Dachtera
  • Blessed John Bourdon
  • Beata Rosario de Soano
  • Beata Serafina from Ochovi.

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