Astronomical unit

The gray line indicates the distance between the Earth and the Sun that is, on average, an astronomical unit (AU).

The astronomical unit (abbreviated ua, au, AU or AU) is a unit of length equal, by definition, to 149,597,870,700 m, which is approximately equivalent to the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. This definition has been in force since the general assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) of August 31, 2012, in which the «Gaussian» definition used since 1976, which was «the radius of a Newtonian circular orbit free of disturbances around the Sun described by a particle of infinitesimal mass that moves averaging 0.01720209895 radians per day."

The symbol UA is the one recommended by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and by the international standard ISO 80000, while au is the only one considered valid by the UAI, and the most common in English-speaking countries. It is also common to see the symbol written in capital letters, UA or AU, despite the fact that the International System of Units uses capital letters only for the symbols of the units that carry the name of a person

The name comes from the 16th and 17th centuries, when the absolute distances between the bodies of the solar system were not yet accurately calculated, and only the relative distances were known taking as a standard the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, which was called astronomical unit. It was even stated that the day this value was measured, "the size of the universe would be known."


A direct antecedent of the astronomical unit can be found directly in the demonstrations of Nicholas Copernicus (also known as “Copernicus”) for his heliocentric system in the 16th century. In volume V of his book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543) he calculated, using trigonometry, the relative distances between the then known planets and the Sun, based on the distance between the Earth and the Sun. By measuring the angles between the Earth, the planet and the Sun at the moments in which they form a right angle, it is possible to obtain the Sun-planet distance in astronomical units. This was one of his demonstrations to prove that the planets, including the Earth, revolved around the Sun (heliocentrism), ruling out Claudius Ptolemy's model which postulated that the Earth was the center around which the planets and the Sun revolved (geocentrism).. He thus established the first relative scale of the solar system using the distance between the Earth and the Sun as a standard.

Comparison of relative distances (in ua) measures by Copernicus and current
Planet Copernicus Current
Mercury 0.386 0.389
Venus 0.719 0.773
Mars 1.520 1,524
Jupiter 5.219 5,203
Saturn 9,174 9,537

Later, Johannes Kepler, based on the careful observations of Tycho Brahe, established the laws of planetary motion, which are justly known as “Kepler's laws”. The third of these laws relates the distance of each planet from the Sun to the time it takes to travel its orbit (that is, the orbital period) and, as a consequence, establishes an improved relative scale for the solar system: for example, it is enough to measure how many years does it take Saturn to orbit the Sun to know what is the distance of Saturn from the Sun in astronomical units. Kepler estimated the sizes of the planetary orbits with very good precision; for example, he fixed the distance between Mercury and the Sun at 0.387 astronomical units (the correct value being 0.389), and the distance from Saturn to the Sun at 9.510 astronomical units (the correct value being 9.539). However, neither Kepler nor any of his contemporaries knew how much this astronomical unit was worth, and therefore were completely ignorant of the actual scale of the known planetary system, which at the time extended as far as Saturn.

Based on Kepler's laws, it was enough to measure the distance of any planet from the Sun, or from the Earth, to know the astronomical unit. In 1659 Christian Huygens measured the angle that Mars subtends in the sky and, attributing a value to the diameter of this planet, estimated that the astronomical unit should be 160 million kilometers, that is, seven times greater than that estimated by Kepler, but of made less than 10% above the actual value. However, this measurement was not accepted, since, as Huygens himself recognized, everything depended on the value that one attributed to the size of Mars. Curiously, Huygens guessed with remarkable accuracy the size of Mars.

Another more reliable method was known, but it required measurements that were very difficult to perform: the parallax method. If two people located at points far from Earth, say in Paris, France, and Cayenne, French Guiana, simultaneously observe the position of a planet in the sky in relation to the background stars, their measurements give a small difference that It corresponds to the angle that the Paris-Cayenne line would subtend seen from the planet. Knowing this angle, and the Paris-Cayenne distance, the value of the astronomical unit can be deduced. In practice there were three difficulties: first, distances on Earth were not well known; second, the measurement of time was not precise enough to allow simultaneous measurements between points far apart; and third, the measurement of the apparent position of the planet in the sky had to be very precise. More than half a century passed before it was possible to measure the parallax of a planet: in 1672 Jean Richer traveled to Cayenne to measure the position of Mars in the sky at the same instant that his colleagues in Paris were doing the same. Richer and his colleagues estimated the value at 140 million kilometers.

Over time, more accurate and reliable methods were developed to estimate the astronomical unit; in particular, the one proposed by the Scottish mathematician James Gregory and by the British astronomer Edmund Halley (the same as the comet), is based on measurements of the transit of Venus or Mercury on the solar disk and was used until the beginning of the century XX. Contemporary measurements are made with laser or radar techniques and give the value 149,597,870 km, with an apparent error of one or two kilometers.

Difference between the astronomical unit and the actual orbit of the Earth

Newton reformulated Kepler's third law. A planet of mass m, orbiting the sun of mass M, in an ellipse with semi-major axis a and with a sidereal period T, check the equation

k2(m+M)T2=4π π 2a3{displaystyle k^{2}(m+M)T^{2}=4{pi }^{2}a^{3,!}

The German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) used the solar mass as the unit of mass for his calculations of the dynamics of the solar system, the mean solar day as the unit of time, and the semi-major axis of the distance as the unit of distance. earth orbit. Using these units, the above equation is written as

k2(1+M)T2=4π π 2a3,{displaystyle k^{2}(1+M)T^{2}=4{pi }^{2}a^{3},,}

Where k is known as the Gaussian gravitational constant. Gauss used the estimated values in his time

T=365,2563835days{displaystyle T=365,2563835{mbox{ days}},!}
M=365710Earth masses{displaystyle M=365710{mbox{ masses terrestrial}},!}

Gauss recognized that the problem with this definition was that when the sidereal year and the mass of the Sun were determined with better precision, the value of k would change. In 1938, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted the value of the Gaussian gravitational constant (and the astronomical unit derived from it) as a definition in astronomy. However, with the precision of current measurements, it is known that the sidereal year is 56 seconds shorter than the known value in Gaussian times, and that the semimajor axis of Earth's actual orbit is about 17 km smaller than the astronomical unit.

At the August 2012 general assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Beijing, it was decided to cancel the Gaussian definition and give the astronomical unit the current value of 149,597,870,700 meters.


  • La Voyager 1 is currently the object made by man farther from Earth. Being more than 140 ua from this, it is estimated that it moves away at a speed of 3,592 ua per year.

Some conversion factors:

  • 1 ua = 149 597 870 700 meters = 149 597 870.7 kilometers.
  • 1 ua = 499,00478362 seconds light ≈ 8,317 minutes light.

The following table shows some distances taken in astronomical units. It includes some examples with approximate distances because they are too small or too far apart. Distances change over time. It can also be ordered as the distance increases.

Object Distance in astronomical units (UA) Scope Commentary and reference point Reference
Earth (his circumference) 0.0003 - Earth Circumference in Ecuador (about 40 075 075 meters (40 000 km) -
Second light 0.002 - Distance that runs through the light in a second -
Moon 0.0026 - Average distance from Earth (taken from Apollo missions on your third day of travel) -
Solar radio 0.005 - Sun Radio (695 500 kilometers, 432 450 miles, ~ 110 times the Earth radio, or 10 times the Jupiter medium radio) -
Lagrange Points 0.01 - The Lagrange L2 point is approximately 1 500 000 kilometers (930 000 miles) from Earth. Unmanned spatial missions, such as the James Webb, Planck and Gaia space telescope, take this location as a reference.
Minute light 0.12 - Distance that runs through the light in a minute -
Mercury 0.39 - Average distance from the Sun -
Venus 0.72 - Average distance from the Sun -
Earth 1,00 - Average Earth orbit distance from the Sun (sunlight travels for 8 minutes and 19 seconds before reaching Earth) -
Mars 1.52 - Average distance from the Sun -
Ceres 2.77 - Average distance from the Sun. The only dwarf planet known in the asteroid belt. -
Jupiter 5,20 - Average distance from the Sun -
Betelgeuse 5.5 - Average star diameter (is a red supergigant with about 1000 solar radios). -
Light time 7.2 - Distance that runs through the light over an hour -
NML Cygni 7.67 - Radio of one of the biggest known stars -
Saturn 9,588 - Average distance from the Sun -
Uranus 19,23 - Average distance from the Sun -
Neptune 30.10 - Average distance from the Sun -
Kuiper Belt 30 - Principle from the average distance of the Sun
New Horizons32,92 - Distance from the ship from the Sun, taken July 15, 2015
Pluto 39.3 - Average distance from the Sun (approximately 9.6 UA due to its orbital eccentricity) -
Disbanded 45 - Approximately starts at that distance from the Sun (solving with the Kuiper belt) -
Kuiper Belt 50 ± 3 End from the average distance of the Sun -
Eris 67.8 - Your older semage -
(90377) Sedna 76 - Nearest distance to the Sun (perihelium) -
(90377) Sedna 87 - Distance from the Sun (since 2012 it is a scattered disk object and takes approximately 11 400 years to orbit the Sun)
Termination shock front 94 - Distance from the Sun of the border between solar winds / interstellar winds / half interstellar -
Eris 96.4 - Distance from the Sun taken in 2014 (Eris and its moons are currently the most distant object known to the solar system, apart from the comets and space probe and approximately three times further away than Pluto).
Heliopausa 100 - Region of the heliosfera beyond the termination shock, where the solar wind slows, being more turbulent and compressed due to the interstellar medium -
Voyager 1151 - In August 2013, it is the space probe is the most distant object of the Sun made by man. Moving at an approximate speed of about 3.5 astronomical units per year.
Light day 173 - Average distance that runs through the light in a day -
(90377) Sedna 942 - Distance from the Sun (shall) -
Oort Cloud 2000 ± 1000 Hills cloud start (inner part of the Oort cloud and with disk or doughnut shape) -
Oort Cloud 20 000 - End of the inner Oort cloud, beginning of the outer Oort cloud, which is subtly linked to the Sun and is believed to have a spherical shape -
Year light 63 241 - Distance that runs through the light in a Julian year (365.25 days) -
Oort Cloud 75 000 ± 25 000 Average distance from the outer limit of the Oort cloud from the Sun (estimated, corresponds to 1.2 light years) -
Parasec 206 265 - A parasec (the parasect is defined in terms of astronomical unit, is used to measure distances beyond the reach of the solar system and is about 3.26 light years)
Hill Sphere 230 000 - Maximum scope of the gravitational field of the Sun, beyond it becomes interstellar (~3.6 light years)
Next Centauri 268 000 ± 126 Distance to the star closest to the solar system -
Sirio 544 000 - Distance to the brightest star visible in the night sky from Earth (~8.6 light years) -
Betelgeuse 40 663 000 - Betelgeuse distance, in Orion constellation (~643 light years) -
Galactic Centre 1 700 000 - Distance from the Sun to the center of the Milky Way -
Note: The figures in this table are rounded, based on estimates, often approximate calculations and may differ considerably from other sources. Table also includes other units of length for comparison.

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