Art in italy

Aldobrand weddings.

In Italy, the confrontation and coexistence with classical antiquity, considered a national legacy, provided a broad basis for a homogeneous and generally valid stylistic evolution. Therefore, there, the emergence of Renaissance art is possible and precedes all other nations. In Florence, the development of a wealthy bourgeoisie helped the deployment of the forces of the Renaissance, the city became the starting point for the new style, and the first works emerged under the protection of the Medicis, which from here would spread to the rest of the world. rest of Italy.

Outside Italy, Classical Antiquity will mean an assimilable academic wealth, and the development of the Renaissance will constantly depend on the impulses set by Italy. Artists imported from Italy or trained there, play the role of true transmitters.

Contemporary art

The Venice Biennale and the Rome Quadriennale are the most important venues for Italian contemporary art. To this must be added the Milan Triennale, which institutionally proposes a broader field of action when interacting with industry, the world of production and applied arts. Among the latest generation Italian artists, Umberto Pettinicchio, Maurizio Cattelan, Salvatore Garau, Michelangelo Pistoletto and Mimmo Paladino have received international recognition.

Macchiaioli and Verismo

One of the first movements to surpass academic art, becoming avant-garde, was that of the Macchiaioli, with a revolutionary use of color ("stain"), which anticipated the novelties of the Impressionists by a few decades. Important exponents were Giovanni Fattori, Silvestro Lega, Telemaco Signorini, Giuseppe Abbati.

Verismo brought popular and everyday themes to art. Among the other authors Lorenzo Viani, Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo.

But it was then the Milanese Scapigliati, and in particular the Italian protagonist of naturalism Francesco Filippini, fellow researcher in opposition to Claude Monet, who founded late Italian impressionism.


  • Architecture
  • Cinematography
  • Sculpture
  • comic or comic
  • Painting
  • Wd Data: Q938616
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Art of Italy / Q938616

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