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Arona is a Spanish municipality belonging to the island of Tenerife, in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands.

The administrative capital is in the town of Arona, located 630 m above sea level. no. m.

Although the municipal capital is located in the midlands, Valle de San Lorenzo has greater economic and population importance, with an agricultural activity for export, and especially the coastal sector. The tourist towns —Playa de Las Américas, Los Cristianos, Costa del Silencio, Palm-Mar— have substantially transformed the coastal area, and are also the embarkation point for the island of La Gomera.

Arona, with 82,982 inhabitants in January 2022, is the third most populous municipality on the island of Tenerife, after Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de La Laguna, experiencing great demographic growth in recent years which, Following the same dynamic would allow it to challenge San Cristóbal de La Laguna for second place in the insular area. Together with the neighboring municipalities of Adeje and San Miguel de Abona, it forms the so-called Tenerife South Metropolitan Area with 194,774 inhabitants (2019).


The term by which the municipality is known comes from its administrative capital, being of Guanche origin.



The heraldic shield of the municipality was approved by the Government of the Canary Islands by Order of November 25, 1986, its description being the following: «Divided shield; 1st, gules, the gold staff of San Antonio Abad, with his silver tie 2nd, gold, the sinople seedbed, terraced. At the bell, Corona Real closed."

The crosier represents the patron saint of the municipality, while the seedbed alludes to the native tree Pistacia atlantica, of which the town of Arona preserved a hundred-year-old specimen.


The flag of Arona was approved by the Government of the Canary Islands by Order of July 17, 1998, and consists of a «rectangular cloth, of silk, taffeta, satin, wool or synthetic fiber, depending on the case, whose length is times and a half greater than its width; composed of three horizontal stripes of equal size. The first or superior, red; the central green, and the lower sea blue. If the Flag bears a shield, it must be placed in the center of its cloth, preferably on both sides."


It is located in the extreme south of the island, bordering the municipalities of San Miguel de Abona, Vilaflor de Chasna and Adeje.

With an area of 81.79 km², it is the 10th largest municipality on the island of Tenerife and the 16th in the province.

The maximum altitude of Arona is reached at 950 m s. no. m.

Marking the southern end of the island, with Punta Salema, it is a strip of land that is delimited to the west by the Barranco del Rey, which descends at its limit with Adeje. On the contrary, its border to the east with San Miguel is a practically straight line, as it is to the north, which zigzags around the 900 meter altitude, on its border with Vilaflor.


Devoid of peaks, Arona is a space that gently descends towards the coast and where some more outstanding reliefs are interspersed such as the mountains of Guaza and Cho, the rocks of Jama, Vento, Chijafe and Igara, or the small volcanic cones of Chayofita Mountain, Mojón del Rey, Big Mountain and Las Tabaibas Mountain. On the coast, small cliffs and a low coast alternate, both rocky and with small sandy beaches.


The municipal territory is crossed by numerous ravines and ravines, the largest being the Las Galletas ravine, the Chiñeja ravine, the Vargas or Mojón ravine, and the Rey ravine, the border between Arona and Adeje.


Gnome-weather-few-clouds.svgAverage climatic parameters of Arona (1982-2012)WPTC Meteo task force.svg
Month Ene.Feb.Mar.Open up.May.Jun.Jul.Ago.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Annual
Average temperature (°C) 16.7 17.0 18.2 18.9 20.1 22.2 24.8 26.0 24.6 22.7 19.6 17.5 20.7
Average temperature (°C) 13.5 13.8 14.7 15.3 16.4 18.5 20.8 21.6 20.9 19.1 16.5 14.4 17.1
Temp. medium (°C) 10.4 10.6 11.2 11.7 12.8 14.8 16.9 17.3 17.2 15.5 13.5 11.4 13.6
Total precipitation (mm) 64 49 45 23 12 4 1 2 10 41 79 83 413


The plant formations of the municipality are the characteristics of the Canarian basal floor, as Arona lacks summits.

The coastal strip between Las Galletas and Los Cristianos preserves halophytic communities of sea thyme Frankenia ericifolia and sea grape Zygophyllum fontanesii, as well as extensive areas dominated by sweet tabaibal of Euphorbia balsamifera interspersed with teasels Euphorbia canariensis. The rocky areas immediately to the coast are covered with grasslands and sedges of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, as well as with gorse Launaea arborescens and salty whites Schizogyne sericea. The inland areas, more transformed by agricultural activities, are made up of substitution communities, highlighting the Euphorbia lamarckii bitter tabaibales and the Opuntia spp. Jaguarzales of Cistus monspeliensis also develop above 500 meters of altitude. In some ravines of the municipality, communities of balos Plocama pendula grow, while in the Roque de Jama specimens of wild olive Olea cerasiformis and Canarian juniper Juniperus turbinata are preserved. i>.


Geological materials corresponding to the different volcanic series that have formed the island appear throughout this area. From the Old series to recent volcanism, there are excellent examples of salic pyroclastic flows, those vast expanses covered with a light-colored rock that define a large part of the landscape of southern Tenerife. Some volcanic domes stand out, formed by very viscous lavas rich in silica, formed under the surface and exposed by erosion, in the case of the different rocks that dot the landscape —Jama, Vento, Montaña Chijafe, Malpaso— or built on the surface, case of the extrusive dome that is the Montaña de Guaza.

Protected spaces

In Arona there are protected spaces such as the natural monument of Montaña de Guaza, the special natural reserve of Malpaís de La Rasca and a large part of the natural monument of Roque de Jama, all of them included in the Canarian Network of Protected Natural Spaces.

In addition, both the area of the Roque de Jama natural monument and the special nature reserve of Malpaís de La Rasca are included in the Natura 2000 Network as Special Conservation Areas, to which are added the marine SACs of the Teno Strip -Rasca and Sebadales in the south of Tenerife. Likewise, Montaña de Guaza and Malpaís de la Rasca are also areas of special protection for birds.


Guanche period: before the 15th century

The territory of the modern municipality of Arona was included for the most part in the kingdom or Guanche faction of Abona. The Malpaís de la Rasca region was subject to intense use as a grazing area, as well as exploitation of coastal resources. Likewise, the unique rocks in the middle area of the municipality were places of worship.

The historian and doctor from Tenerife Juan Bethencourt Alfonso records an oral tradition about the arrival on the beach of Los Cristianos of some two hundred men who were left ashore by various ships. Many of these individuals had had their tongues cut out, and among them were priests of the Christian cult called by the Guanches "Babylons".

European Conquest and Colonization: 15th and 16th Centuries

Once the conquest officially ended with the surrender of the menceyes in May 1496, the conquistadors carried out pacification campaigns throughout the summer of that year. Since Abona had become a refuge for Guanche rebels fleeing from the subdued war parties, Alonso Fernández de Lugo sent a small armed group to the old kingdom led by Jorge Grimón, a Flemish veteran of the conquest of Granada. These expedition members disembarked on September 29 on the beach of Los Cristianos and, thanks to the muskets they carried, they soon reduced the Guanches who had become strong in the area known as Los Mogotes.

From the very beginning, the natural cove of Los Cristianos became an important port for loading and unloading products from the south and southwest of the island, already appearing in official documents in 1511.

Old Regime: 17th and 18th centuries

It is considered that the nucleus of Arona began to emerge from 1625, when Antón Domínguez el Viejo and his son came into possession of the lands from Los Cristianos to Los Quemados, who founded the hermitage of San Antonio Abad, around which the nucleus began to be developed.

The territory of Arona was from the outset under the civil and ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Vilaflor.

In 1643 an invasion of Barbary pirates took place through the port of Los Cristianos, being rejected on the slopes of the Chayofita Mountain. This area suffered attacks by English pirates again in 1746, preventing the country's militia from disembarking.

The hermitage of San Antonio was erected as a parish by order of separation of March 30, 1796, separating from the main church of Vilaflor. In 1798, the nucleus also achieved civil segregation, constituting the first town hall of Arona.

Modern period: 19th and 20th centuries

In 1812 the constitutional city councils were created with the proclamation of the Constitution of Cádiz, constituting Arona as a municipality. This was definitively consolidated in 1836 after suffering the political ups and downs of the first half of the xix century between constitutional and absolutist governments.

Pascual Madoz, in his Dictionary, says of Arona around the middle of the xix century:

ARONA: place with city council on the island of Tenerife (...). SITUTED in a valley, at the foot of the mountain called Meseta de Escalona, where the winds of the breeze fight; its CLIMA is healthy. The population consists of payments called Las Casas, Vento, Sabinita, Junco, Valle de Ahijadero, Cabo and Malpaís; most CASAS are low and made of dry stone. It has a parish church under the abbreviation of San Antonio abad, served by a priest, 1 sacristan, 1 sochantre and 2 monacillos, the priest is of entry and is provided by S. M. or the diocesan, prior opposition in general contest, and 1 hermit dedicated to San Lorenzo. There are some enrollments from the Santa Cruz district. Confine the TÉRMINO for the N. with that of Charna [sic] and Adeje, for the E. with that of San Miguel, and for the S. and O. with the sea. Its TERRENO is the best that lies to the S. of the island, and the widest point of it from the peak of Teide to the Ocean, and very fertile when they favor the rains of the winter; it is scarce of water, without it all passing more than a small and insignificant stream that barely carries the sufficient flow for the assortment of the neighbors. The CAMINOS are plains in general; it lacks another INDUSTRIA than the agricultural and also TRADE, despite having in its jurisdiction a long coast and a small port called the Christians; and the quarry of the same name, from which many slabs are drawn for paving, stone of sillery and also those called distilling, of which a general use is made on the island to purify. PRODUCE: wheat, barley, barrel, figs and chochinillas. POPULATION: 356 neighbors, 1,516 souls...
Pascual Madoz, 1849.

In 1941, the general highway from the South reached the town of Arona, a road that came to replace the old royal roads. This work is coupled with other infrastructure that will enable the maximum development of export agriculture in the area: the construction in this decade of the South Canal that transferred water from the municipalities of Fasnia and Arico to the rest of the south of the island.

In the 1960s there was a spectacular urban development in the coastal sectors of Arona —Los Cristianos, Las Galletas, Las Américas—, motivated by the so-called tourist boom that affected the Canary Islands thanks to its location in the south of the island, which favors the "sun and beach" climate desired by European tourists.

21st century


Population pyramid (2020)
% Men Age Women %
Graphic of demographic evolution of Arona between 1900 and 2021

Official regular residents according to ISTAC population censuses.

Its population, sensitive to the problems arising from the drop in cochineal prices, the collapse of agriculture, the effects of the First World War and the Spanish Civil War, which caused emigration, has multiplied by nine in a century, giving an idea of the importance of the development achieved by this southern municipality.

As of January 1, 2022, Arona had a total of 82,982 inhabitants, ranking 3rd in number of inhabitants, both on the island of Tenerife and in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and 5th in the autonomous community of the Canary Islands.

The population density was 1012.07 inhabitants/km².

By sexes, there were 42,033 men and 40,744 women.

From the analysis of the population pyramid it can be deduced that:

  • The population between 0 and 14 years was 14 % (11 332 people) of the total.
  • The population aged 15 to 64 was 74 % (61 277 pers).
  • The population aged over 65 was 12 % (10 168 pers.) remaining.

Regarding the place of birth, 49% (40,415 people) of the population of the municipality were of foreign origin, especially from Italy, Cuba, Venezuela, the United Kingdom and Colombia. For their part, 40% (33,403 people) were born in the Canary Islands, of which 56% (18,760 people) had been born in the municipality itself, and 34% (11,308 people) in another municipality. from the island and 10% (3,335 people) came from another island in the archipelago. The rest of the population was made up of 11% (8,959 people) of peninsular Spaniards.

Foreign population by nationality (2020)
Position Nationality Population
1. aBandera de ItaliaItaly7410
2. aBandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom3550
3. aBandera de la República Popular ChinaChina1900
4. aBandera de CubaCuba1658
5. aBandera de MarruecosMorocco1489
6. aBandera de VenezuelaVenezuela1476
7. aBandera de BélgicaBelgium1147
8. aBandera de RumaniaRomania1145
9. aBandera de ColombiaColombia1112
10. aBandera de AlemaniaGermany956
Distribution by entities (2020)
Single entityInhabitants
Arona (municipal capital) 2899
Buzanada 4713
Corporal 6271
La Camella 3742
Chayofa 1840
Cho 3730
Costa del Silencio 6724
The Christians 15945
The Fraile 10006
Cookies 8013
Guargacho 2400
Guaza 2426
Palm-Mar 2199
Playa de las Américas 4127
San Lorenzo Valley 7742

Administration and politics

City Hall

The municipality is governed by its city council, made up of 25 councillors. In the last elections, held in May 2019, the results were as follows: PSOE, 14 councilors (absolute majority, which is located from 13 councilors); CC, 4 councilors; PP, 3 councilors; Citizens x Arona, 2 councillors; Sí Se Puede-Podemos, 1 councilor and Ciudadanos, 1 councilor. All of this meant the revalidation of the Mayor's Office by the Socialist Party, which it had acceded to in 2015 after several years of nationalist hegemony.

Electoral results of the municipality of Arona
Political partyNumber of councilors
Innerfeña Group of Independents (ATI)1125
Popular Alliance-PDP-UL Popular Democratic Party30
Centro Canario Reformista (CCR)10
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS)623
Centro de Arona (CAN)622
Citizens by Arona (CxARONA)13
Coalition Canaria (CC)27713135
Independent Group of the municipality of Arona (GIMA)2
Instituto Canaria (ICAN)11
Independent Electoral Movement6
Communist Party of Spain (PCE)01
Popular Party (PP)2444445
Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)161399876512
Centrist-Democratic and Social Centre (UC-CDS)22
Union de Centro Democrático (UCD)13
Union of the Canary People (UPC)1

1In 1995, it is presented jointly with the Independent Electoral Movement (IOM).
2In 2007 and 2011, it is presented jointly with the Canario Nationalist Party (PNC) and in 2011 also with the Nationalist Canary Center (CCN).

List of mayors since the 1979 democratic elections

Mayor.Start of mandateEnd of mandateParty
Luciano Reverón Reverón1979 1980 Union de Centro Democratico (logo).svgUnion de Centro Democrático (UCD)
Inocencio Salazar Beltrán1980 1981 Union de Centro Democratico (logo).svgUnion de Centro Democrático (UCD)
Leocadio Toledo Tejera1981 1983 Union de Centro Democratico (logo).svgUnion de Centro Democrático (UCD)
Manuel Barrios Rodríguez1983 1995 Logotipo del PSOE.svgSpanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
Mario Spreáfico García1995 1997 Centro Democrático y Social (logo).pngDemocratic and Social Centre (CDS)
Antonio Miguel Delgado Díaz1997 1999 Agrupación Tinerfeña de Independientes.png Coat of Arms of Arona (Spain).svgATI - MEI
Antonio Miguel Delgado Díaz1999 2003 Logocoalicion.svgCoalition Canaria (CC)
José Alberto González Reverón2003 2011 Logocoalicion.svgCoalition Canaria (CC)
Francisco José Niño Rodríguez2011 2015 Logocoalicion.svgCoalition Canaria (CC)
José Julián Mena Pérez2015 - Logotipo del PSOE.svgSpanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)

After the 1983 elections, a pact government was formed between the PSOE, AP, PCC and ATI.

In 1991 the PSOE formed an alliance with the CDS and the PP.

In 1995 a coalition was formed between ATI-MEI, CDS, ICAN and PP.

Territorial organization

The municipality is included in the Comarca de Abona.

The municipality of Arona is divided into three zones, made up of several unique population entities divided into smaller nuclei.

AreaSingle entityNuclesSurface
NorthArona Arona
Las Casas
Frías Mountains
Taste High
8,21 km2
Buzanada Buzanada

Barranco Oscuro
The Beverage
The Morritos

8,56 km2
Corporal Corporal
Dead of the Cats
The Toscales
3,64 km2
La Camella La Camella
Las Casas Viejas
La Sabinita
8,63 km2
Chayofa 1,29 km2
San Lorenzo Valley San Lorenzo Valley

La Cruz del Guanche
The Guanche Roses
The Toscales

7.67 km2
SoutheastCho Cho
Parque de La Reina
0.94 km2
Costa del Silencio 1.5 km2
The Fraile The Fraile

The Star of the South
The Star

2.06 km2
Cookies Cookies

The Star
The Roses

19 km2
Guargacho Guargacho

The Rose

2.8 km2
Guaza Guaza
Plains of Guaza
8.12 km2
Palm-Mar 0.76 km2
SouthwestThe Christians The Christians
South Oasis
7.07 km2
Playa de las Américas 1.54 km2
Total:81.79 km2


The service sector forms the basis of the wealth of this southern municipality, which has managed to exploit the characteristics of its climate —warm, dry and with permanent sun— to create an important tourist enclave. More than 60% of its population works in this sector.

Intense agricultural activity is concentrated in the San Lorenzo Valley. There bananas are cultivated in increasing areas, destined for the peninsular markets. Along with the banana plantation, but without reaching its importance, land is dedicated to the production of tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and flowers —in a greenhouse— destined for export to European countries. The farms are not usually excessively large, the largest being those located towards the coast. The medium-sized ones are located in the center of the municipality, while the small ones occupy the higher areas.

Livestock is in sharp decline, as the difficulties derived from water scarcity are compounded by the attraction of more comfortable earnings in the service sector.

  • The Spanish SEAT car brand, has given the name of Arona to the new SUV model that has been presented in 2017, which can be an acicate for the locality.



Regarding infant and primary education:

  • C.E.I.P. The Americas
  • C.E.I.P. Buzanada
  • C.E.I.P. Corporal
  • C.E.I.P. Chayofa-La Camella
  • C.E.I.P. The Christians
  • C.E.I.P. The Star, in Las Galletas
  • C.E.I.P. The Fraile
  • C.E.I.P. Luis Álvarez Cruz, in Las Galletas
  • C.E.I.P. Óscar Domínguez, Arona
  • C.E.I.P. Parque de La Reina
  • C.E.I.P. Pérez Valero, in Los Cristianos
  • C.E.I.P. San Lorenzo Valley
  • Echeyde III College in Buzanada
  • Wingate School, Cabo Blanco

Regarding secondary education and vocational training:

  • I.E.S. Corporal
  • I.E.S. The Christians
  • I.E.S. Cookies
  • I.E.S. Guaza
La Reina Park (unfinished)
  • I.E.S. Ichasagua, in Los Cristianos
  • Echeyde III College in Buzanada
  • Wingate School, Cabo Blanco

Regarding language teaching:

  • E.O.I. The Christians


  • Cabo Blanco Health Center
  • Centro de Salud El Fraile
  • El Mojón Health Center in Chayofa
  • Centro de Salud Valle San Lorenzo
  • Medical consulting Las Galletas
  • Hospiten Sur, in Playa de las Américas
  • Hospital del Sur de Tenerife
  • Salvaser Ambulances, Cho

Citizen security

  • South Tenerife National Police Station
  • Local Police Station, in the hull of Arona
  • Local Police Station, Los Cristianos
  • Civil Protection in Las Américas
  • Civil Guard Headquarters, Las Américas



The main communication routes through which the municipality is accessed are the Autopista del Sur TF-1 highway and the general highway of the South TF-28. Likewise, there are other secondary roads that link the different population entities with each other or with other municipalities:

  • TF-481 of Christians to St. Eugene
  • TF-51 de La Camella a Vilaflor
  • TF-652 from Las Chafiras to Las Galletas
  • TF-653 from Guargacho to Guaza
  • TF-655 from Las Chafiras to Christians
  • White Village TF-657 to La Camella by Buzanada
  • TF-66 from San Lorenzo Valley to Las Galletas
  • TF-662 from Guaza to Cactus Park
  • TF-665 of the TF-28 of Christians

Public transport

The municipality has taxi ranks and a bus station —guaguas— in Los Cristianos, being connected by the following TITSA lines:

110Sta. Cruz - Los Cristianos - Costa AdejeTime/Line
111Sta. Cruz - South Airport - Los Cristianos - Costa AdejeTime/Line
112Sta. Cruz - Arona (by Costa del Silencio)Time/Line (breakable link available on the Internet Archive; see history, first version and last).
115Sta. Cruz - Las Galletas - Costa del SilencioTime/Line (breakable link available on the Internet Archive; see history, first version and last).
342Costa Adeje - Las Cañadas del Teide - El PortilloTime/Line
343Puerto de la Cruz - Los Cristianos (by North and South Airport) ExpressTime/Line
416Granadilla - Adeje (Los Olivos)Time/Line
417Los Cristianos - Isora Guide (by Costa Adeje)Time/Line
418La Caleta - Estación Costa Adeje - Los Cristianos - Valle de San LorenzoTime/Line
450Costa Adeje - San Isidro (by South Airport)Time/Line
467Costa Adeje - Las Galletas (for Los Cristianos)Time/Line
468Costa Adeje - Las Galletas (for Los Cristianos)Time/Line
470Parque de la Reina - Las Galletas - Parque de la ReinaTime/Line
472Los Cristianos - Playa Paraíso - Callao SalvajeTime/Line (breakable link available on the Internet Archive; see history, first version and last).
473Christians - Acantilados de Los Gigantes (for Adeje)Time/Line
477Christians - Acantilados de Los Gigantes (direct)Time/Line
480Arona - The Christians (by La Camella)Time/Line
482Los Cristianos - Vilaflor (by Arona)Time/Line
483Costa Adeje - El Médano (for Los Cristianos)Time/Line
484Granadilla - The FraileTime/Line

Port of Los Cristianos

The port area of Los Cristianos ranks first in Spain in terms of passenger traffic thanks to its connections with the ports of San Sebastián de La Gomera, La Estaca and Santa Cruz de La Palma. To this is added the various boats that are dedicated to the practice of tourist excursions in nearby areas such as the cliffs of Los Gigantes, Masca or, visits to the cetaceans that live in the vicinity of this port.


The municipality has several heritage elements declared of Cultural Interest:

  • Archaeological zone:
  • The Barranco del Rey
  • The Cambados
  • Rasca
  • Roque de Chijafe
  • Roque de Higara
  • Roque de Malpaso
  • Roque de Vento
  • Roque de la Abejera
  • Las Toscas reservoir
  • Paleontological zone:
  • Playa del Búnker-El Guincho
  • Black tip
  • Historical set:
  • Arona
  • Casa Altas Townhouse, shared with Vilaflor


Cultural events

Since the summer of 2005, the Aguaviva Canarias music festival has been held in the municipality.


In the municipality of Arona, various festivals are celebrated, with local holidays being Shrove Tuesday and October 6, the festival of the Santísimo Cristo de la Salud.

Among the various festivals that are celebrated on the first Sunday of October and the following Monday, those of Cristo de la Salud and Ntra. Sra. del Rosario attract many people from all over the south.

Nearest Sunday 13 MayRomería in Honor to the Virgin of FatimaSan Lorenzo Valley
Third Sunday of MayPatron Festivals in Honor to Ntra. Ms. De FátimaLa Sabinita
Last Sunday of MayPatron Festivals in Honor to Divine ShepherdLa Camella
Principles of the month (variable date)Corpus ChristiArona helmet
Sunday before 4 July (Romeria)F.P. in Honor to Santa Isabel de PortugalThe Fraile
Nearest Sunday 9 JulyF.P. in Honor to the Virgin of La PazBuzanada
16 JulyVirgen del Carmen, Patrona de los PescadoresCookies
10 AugustFiestas Patronales en Honor a San Lorenzo MártirSan Lorenzo Valley
3. Sunday AugustFiestas Patronales en Honor a San CasianoCookies
1. Sunday of SeptemberF.P. in Honor to the Virgin of Carmen, patron of the fishermenThe Christians
27 SeptemberThesis of the Child JesusCho
1. Sunday and Monday of OctoberF.P. in Honor to the Christ of Health and the Virgin of the RosaryArona helmet
2nd Sunday of OctoberF.P. in honor of Sta. Teresita del Niño Jesús y San JerónimoGuaza
3 NovemberF.P. in Honor to San Martín de PorresCorporal


In Arona there are various associations and entities dedicated to promoting sport. Below is a brief list of the equipment that the municipality has:

  • Athletics: C.A. Arona.
  • Basketball: A.D. Valle Sur Fátima, C.B. Cookies.
  • Balonmano: C.D. Balonmano Arona, C.D. Bamloc.
  • Boxing: Povedano Boxing Club.
  • Cycling: C.C. Bicisport Tenerife, C.C. Chindia, C.D. Tandem Cycloturist.
  • Football: C.D Buzanada, C.D. Furia Arona, C.D. 'I'Gara Cabo Blanco, C.D. Marino, C.D. San Lorenzo Constancia, U. D. Ibarra.
  • Football Room: Club of Football Room Costa Sur
  • Hockey Line: Tenerife Guanches Hockey Club
  • Judo y Deportes Asociados: Club de Judo Yogo.
  • Swimming: C.N. The Christians.
  • Skating: C.D. Magma Skating, C.D. Rolling Bielman.
  • Taekwondo: C.T. Samguk, C.D. Sun Intercontinental School.
  • You have: Tennisquick Sports Club Christians.
  • Volleyball: C.V. Arona Tenerife Sur

From the town hall, at the Arona Sports Gala (held every November since 1995) the different teams and athletes who have performed outstandingly, both regionally and nationally, in the last competitive season and thus how to recognize the young promises of the municipality.

It is worth noting the Alevín 7-a-side International Soccer Tournament that has been held every Christmas at the Antonio Domínguez Alfonso Stadium since 1996, the most recent edition being in 2018. The winner of the latter was Valencia C. F., followed by Atlético de Madrid and Real Madrid C.F.

Since October 2018, an informative program has been broadcast monthly on the city council's social networks (YouTube and Facebook) where the latest sports news in the municipality is released.

Outstanding athletes born in the municipality: Javier Cueto (Tennis), Jesús Domínguez Martín 'Grillo' (swimmer), Bruno González (soccer player), Óscar Jiménez (Beach Volleyball), Alejandro Huerta (Beach Volleyball), David Paniagua (Tennis).

Sports facilities

A large part of the socio-sporting activities take place at the Jesús Domínguez 'Grillo' and in the Antonio Domínguez Alfonso Stadium, located in the towns of Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Américas respectively. The municipality also has different pavilions located in: Arona (town), Las Galletas and El Fraile.

As for soccer fields, there are 8 and they are the following: Anexo Antonio Domínguez Municipal Field (Playa de Las Américas), Clementina Bello Municipal Field (Buzanada), Dionisio González Municipal Field (El Fraile), El Culantro Municipal Field (San Lorenzo Valley), Fernando Pérez Municipal Field (Arona Casco), Los Salones Municipal Field (Cabo Blanco), Villa Isabel Municipal Field (El Fraile), Antonio Domínguez Alfonso Stadium (Playa de Las Américas).


parish church of San Antonio Abad, in the hull of Arona

The majority of the believing population of the municipality professes the Catholic religion, the parishioners being divided into nine parishes belonging to the archpriesthood of Granadilla of the diocese of Tenerife:

  • San Antonio abad parent parroquia in the hull of Arona
  • Parish of Mary Mother of the Divine Shepherd in La Camella
  • Our Lady of Peace Parish in Buzanada
  • Parish of Our Lady of Carmen in Los Cristianos
  • San Casiano Parish in Las Galletas
  • San Jerónimo parish in Guaza
  • Parish of San Lorenzo martyr in Valle de San Lorenzo
  • Parish of Santa Isabel de Portugal in El Fraile
  • Parish of Santa Teresita del Niño Jesus in Cho

The municipality also has temples of other Christian denominations, such as the Evangelical Christian Church, the Temple of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Christian Fellowship Church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church Day, the Evangelist church of the Light of the World, the Christian Center of the Assemblies of God, the Fuente Viva Pentecostal church, the Christian Church of the South of Tenerife or the Swedish church.

Twinned cities

  • Bandera de España San Cristobal de La Laguna
  • Bandera de Italia Arona

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