

Aristida is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family.

It comprises 747 described species and of these, only 298 accepted.


They are annual or generally perennial plants, cespitose, rarely rhizomatous; stems cylindrical or compressed, usually solid; hermaphrodite plants. Ligule a minute, ciliolate membrane; sheets linear, flattened to folded or convoluted. Inflorescence a panicle, solitary, terminal, open to spiciform; spikelets solitary, more or less terete, pedicelate, with 1 bisexual floret; disarticulation above glumes; glumes frequently almost as long as the lemma, equal or unequal, membranaceous, narrow, acuminate, keeled, 1–3 (–5)-veined, entire or emarginate, muticous or briefly awned, the lower generally disarticulating much earlier than the upper; lemma terete, convoluted or involute, 3-veined, rigid, sometimes ending in a narrow column, straight or twisted, articulated or not, margins overlapping palea; awns generally 3, terminal, usually glabrous, the central one as long as a longer than the laterals, rarely the 2 laterals rudimentary or absent; palea small, much shorter than lemma, hyaline or membranaceous; callus usually hairy, obtuse or pointed, rarely 2-fidus; lodicules 2; stamens 1 or 3; styles 2. Fruit a caryopsis, sulcate or non-sulcate; linear thread; embryo 1/3–1/2 the length of the caryopsis.


The genus was described by Carlos Linnaeus and published in Species Plantarum 1: 82. 1753. The type species is: Aristida adscensionis L.


The name of the genus comes from the Latin Arista or from the Greek Aristos (bristles, or corn awns).


The basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 11 and 12, with somatic chromosome numbers of 2n = 22, 24, 36, 44, 48 and 66, since there are diploid species and a polyploid series. Relatively "small" chromosomes. Persistent nucleoli.

Selected species

  • Aristida adscensionis L.
  • Aristida aequiramea Scheele
  • Aristida appressa Vasey
  • Aristida arizonica Vasey
  • Aristida aspera Swallen
  • Aristida basiramea Engelm.
  • Aristida brittonorum Hitchc.
  • Aristida californica Thurb.
  • Aristida chapadensis Trin.
  • Aristida chapmaniana Nash
  • Aristida chaseae
  • Aristida condensate Chapm.
  • Aristida culionensis Pilg.
  • Aristida curtifolia Hitchc.
  • Aristida desmantha Trin.
  • Aristida dichotoma Michx.
  • Aristida dissita I.M.Johnst.
  • Aristida divaricata
  • Aristida ecuadoriensis Henrard
  • Aristida ekmaniana Henrard
  • Aristida enodis Hack.
  • Aristida erecta Hitchc.
  • Aristida fasciculata Torr.
  • Aristida flabella Caro
  • Aristida geyeriana Steud.
  • Hamulous aristide Henrard
  • Aristida hassleri Hack.
  • Aristida havardii Vasey
  • Aristida hintonii Hitchc.
  • Aristida humboldtiana Trin.
  • Aristida hypomegas Mez
  • Aristida implexa Trin.
  • Aristida laevigata Ekman
  • Aristida lanuginosa Hitchc.
  • Aristida lemmoni Scribn.
  • Aristida longiseta Steud.
  • Aristida macrantha Hack.
  • Aristida Manzanilloana Vasey
  • Aristida mexican Henrard
  • Aristida mohrii Nash
  • Aristida multiramea Hack.
  • Aristida neglecta Leon
  • Aristida oligantha Michx.
  • Aristida Orcuttiana Vasey
  • Aristida orizabensis E.Fourn.
  • Aristida pallens Cav.
  • Aristida patula Nash
  • Aristida peninsularis Hitchc.
  • Aristida pradana Leon
  • Aristida purpurascens Poir.
  • Aristida purpurea Nutt.
  • Aristida ramosissima Engelm.
  • Aristida reflexa Griseb.
  • Aristida reverchoni Vasey
  • Aristida riedeliana Rupr.
  • Aristida rosei Hitchc.
  • Aristida schiedeana Trin.
  • Aristida schimperi Hochst. & Steud.
  • Aristida simplicifolia Chapm.
  • Aristida stricta Michx.
  • Aristida tenuifolia Hitchc.
  • Aristida vaginata Hitchc.
  • Aristida virgata Trin.
  • Aristida wrightii Nash

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