Archimbald I of Grailly


Arquimbaldo I de Grailly was the youngest son of Pedro II de Grailly and Rosamburga de Périgord. He was Viscount of Benauges and Castilhon, by his marriage to Isabel de Castellbó, Countess of Foix, Viscountess of Castellbó, and Viscountess of Bearn, among other titles. Isabel succeeded her brother Mateo I, who died in August 1398 without succession, and associated her husband with the government.

Arquimbaldo favored the King of England and Navarre against the King of France. Foix was under the feudal sovereignty of the King of France, Castellbó of the King of Aragon, and Bearn was fully sovereign. For this reason the king opposed the succession and royal forces occupied Mazeres and Severdun in the county of Foix, and two sons of the counts were held hostage. A truce was concluded and Elizabeth and Archimbald, successively, offered their homage to the king, who, after the second visit (that of the husband) accepted, freeing his two hostages, who, together with his father, solemnly swore allegiance to the king on March 2, 1402. Ten years later Archimbald was even appointed captain general of Languedoc

Arquimbaldo and Isabel had 5 children:

  1. Juan I, successor in Foix County and the Viscounts of Castellbo and Bearn, and count of Bigorre.
  2. Arquimbaldo I master of Navalhas, married to Sancha Jiménez de Cabrera, who by his daughter Isabel gave birth to the Caramany dynasty, Viscounts of Caramany and lords of Navalhas and San Felix.
  3. Matthew I count of Cominges for his liaison with Margarita I of Cominges.
  4. Gaston, Count of Benauges, Lord of Grailly, Viscount of Catilhon and Lord of Curson, who married Margarita de Albret giving origin to the branch of Condes de Candale.
  5. Peter, Bishop of Cominges, Tarbes, Lescars, Albano, and Cardinal and Archbishop of Arles

He died in 1413.


  • Viscount of Benauges
  • Viscount of Castilhon
  • Lord of Grailly
  • Lord of Gurson
  • Count of Lavaux
  • Count of Longueville
  • Mr. Fleix
  • Mr. Put-Paulin
  • Lord of Santa Cruz de Villagrand
  • Lord of Rolle
  • Lord of Langon
  • Lord of Castelnau
  • Lord of Melle
  • Mr. Bachevele
  • Lord of Cadillac
  • Lord of l'Isle
  • Lord of Saint George
  • Lord of La Trayne
  • Lord of Pomiers
  • Lord of Podensac
  • Lord of Hausos
  • Buch Captal

Predecessor: in Benauges, Castilhon, Grailly, Gurson, Felix, Puy-Paulin, Santa Cruz de Villagrand and Langon Pedro II de Grailly

Successor: in Foix, Castellbó, Bearn Juan I de Foix, in the other possessions Gaston de Greilly

  • Wd Data: Q632403
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Archambaud de Grailly / Q632403

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