

The region of Aranda is an Aragonese region (Spain) located in the west of the province of Zaragoza. It owes its name to the Aranda River. Its capital is Illueca.


The region includes the municipalities of Aranda de Moncayo, Brea de Aragón, Calcena, Gotor, Illueca, Jarque, Mesones de Isuela, Oseja, Pomer, Purujosa, Sestrica, Tierga and Trasobares.


It borders to the north with the region of Tarazona and Moncayo and Campo de Borja, to the west with the province of Soria, to the south and east with the Community of Calatayud and Jalón Medio. The Aranda and Isuela rivers pass through this region.

Part of its territory is occupied by the Moncayo Natural Park.

Moncayo Natural Park

The Moncayo.

It is located in the province of Zaragoza (Aragon, Spain), on its border with the province of Soria, occupying part of the regions of Aranda, Campo de Borja and Tarazona and Moncayo. It sits on the slopes of Mount Moncayo, the highest peak in the Iberian system, specifically on its colder and wetter northern slope. It is distributed among the municipalities of Añón, Calcena, Litago, Lituénigo, Purujosa, San Martín de la Virgen de Moncayo, Talamantes, Tarazona and Trasmoz.

It has an area of 11,144 hectares. The altitude ranges between 600 m s. n. m. of the Huecha River and the 2,315 m s. n. m. at the top of the San Miguel hill.

It was created on October 27, 1978 as Dehesa del Moncayo Natural Park, changing to its current name on March 31, 1998.

It has other protection figures such as LIC and ZEPA.


The region as an institution

The law creating the region is 9/2000 of December 27, 2000. It was established on February 16, 2001. The powers were transferred to it on March 1, 2003.

Flag and shield

The Aranda flag and shield were created on January 10, 2006.


CargoNameCity CouncilPolitical Party
ChairmanJosé Ángel Calvo AyoraMayor of GotorPSOE
SecretaryAlberto Cano Reglero--
VocalJosé Antonio Gómez RuizMayor of Mesones de IsuelaPSOE
VocalMa Pilar García BerdejoCouncilor of IlluecaPSOE
VocalMaría Carmen Serrano TejedorCouncilwoman of Jarque de MoncayoPSOE
VocalMariano Miguel San ClaudioMayor of CalcenaPSOE
VocalJosé Antonio Jordan MarquinaCouncilman GotorPSOE
VocalJesús Enrique Martínez BarcelonaTierga CouncilorPAR
VocalMiguel Ángel Garcés ZapataMayor of Jarque de moncayoPAR
VocalCelia Joven SánchezCouncilor of IlluecaPAR
VocalFernando Sainz CrespoCouncilman for Brea de AragónCHA
VocalChusé Inazio Felices MaicasConcejal de Aranda de MoncayoCHA
VocalIgnacio Herero AsensioMayor of IlluecaP
VocalImmaculate Conception BarrigaCouncilwoman of Brea de AragónP
VocalMillán Martínez ModregoMayor of PomerP
VocalTomás Gómez EmbidSestrica CouncillorP
VocalJuan Carlos Ibarzo MarínIsuela Mesones CouncilorP
VocalJosé Javier Jordan MarquinaConcejal de Aranda de MoncayoP
VocalVictoriano Redrado CachoCouncilman of IlluecaP
VocalEaster Moon GimenoCouncilman GotorP
Elections 2015
PartyVotes% VowsElectsCounsellors
P1.550 38.01% 17 8
PSOE1.248 30.60% 29 6
PAR753 18.46% 19 3
CHA381 9.34% 2 2
FIA109 2.67% 1 0
IUA37 0.91 per cent 1 0


The industry focuses on the production of footwear in Illueca and Brea de Aragón, where the majority of the population is also concentrated.


Among its heritage, the Papa Luna castle in Illueca, the Jarque de Moncayo castle, the Dominican Convent in Gotor and the Mesones de Isuela castle, a century-old fortress, stand out. XV.

Territory and population

Aranda de Moncayo91.30 16.30 152 145 Decrecimiento1.59 907
Brea de Aragón13,20 2.36 1609 1589 Decrecimiento120.38 553
Calcena65,00 11.60 72 73 Crecimiento1,12 836
Gotor15,60 2.78 318 302 Decrecimiento20,38 609
Illueca24,90 4.44 2924 2809 Decrecimiento112.81 599
Moncayo Jarque42,90 7.66 435 417 Decrecimiento10.16 631
Mesones de Isuela48,55 8.67 264 257 Decrecimiento5,29 513
Oseja12,48 2.23 53 47 Decrecimiento3.77 827
Pomer33.15 5,92 22 21 Decrecimiento0.63 1.107
Purujosa35,50 6.34 35 32 Decrecimiento0.90 978
Dry40,80 7.28 352 344 Decrecimiento8,43 572 Live from the Sierra.
Tierga66.10 11,80 186 190 Crecimiento2.87 650
Trasobars70.70 12,60 122 115 Decrecimiento1.63 694
Graphic of demographic evolution of Aranda between 1996 and 2020

Population according to the INE Municipal Register.

Illustrious Persons

  • Papa Luna (Benedict XIII)

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