April 20th


April 20 is the 110th (hundred and tenth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 111th in leap years. There are 255 days left to end the year.


  • 1194: in Tordehumos, Spain, the king of Leon, Alfonso IX, and of Castile, Alfonso VIII, sign the Tordehumos Treaty.
  • 1283: In Sicily, King Peter III appoints Roger de Lauria as admiral of the Aragonese army of Sicily.
  • 1482: In Granada, Spain, a Muslim army led by Muley Hacén attacked Alhama of Granada, who is vigorously defended by Christians.
  • 1702: in Rome, Italy, the astronomers Giacomo Filippo Maraldi and Francesco Bianchini discover the C/1702 H1, later located by Maria Winkelmann-Kirch and by Philippe de la Hire.
  • 1741: British troops withdraw after the Cartagena de Indias site.
  • 1763: in Seville, Spain, the bullring of the Royal Maestranza is opened, which will be called the Toreo Cathedral.
  • 1775: British troops in Boston (United States) are in the city.
  • 1783: In the Santa Cruz Theatre of Barcelona (Spain) the first opera season of that city begins.
  • 1792: France declares war on Austria.
  • 1808: in Spain, King Ferdinand VII departs from Spain to meet Napoleon Bonaparte in Bayona, France, who will not return until the fall of this.
  • 1810: In Caracas (Capitanía General de Venezuela), the Board of Government proclaims the existence of a disillusioned national sovereignty in Spain. A month later, Buenos Aires will do the same.
  • 1822: In the Royal Presidio of San Diego (California), the Spanish flag was bound and the square was handed over to the First Mexican Empire, thus ending 309 years of Spanish presence in the current United States.
  • 1833: the king of Spain creates, by royal order, the Official Gazette of the Spanish Provinces.
  • 1859: From Spain a Franco-Spanish armed expedition is set for Cochinchina.
  • 1862: in Barcelona, Spain, the Liceo is inaugurated after the reconstruction motivated by the fire that destroyed it on April 9 of the previous year.
  • 1862: The first pasteurization test is completed.
  • 1866: in Madrid (Spain) the construction works of the National Library begin.
  • 1871: In the United States, a civil rights law is declared to suppress the Ku Klux Klan apartheid group. However, official apartheid will end in 1965.
  • 1878: it occurs in the Cantabrian Sea known as Galerna of the Sabbath of Gloria, in which 322 fishers die drowned by this weather phenomenon of extreme violence.
  • 1882: In Wiesbaden, Germany, the German Society of Internal Medicine was founded, with the name of the Congress of Internal Medicine.
  • 1884: In the Vatican, Pope Leo XIII published his encyclical Humanum genus where the masonry condemns.
  • 1889: In Braunau am Inn, Adolf Hitler was born, the future leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945.
  • 1897: in Barcelona (Spain) the Decree of Aggregation enters into force, according to which the municipalities of Gracia, San Martín de Provensals, San Andrés de Palomar, San Gervasio de Cassolas, Sants and Les Corts are integrated into the city.
  • 1898: In Madrid there are demonstrations against the United States for its intervention in the War that Spain declared to Cuba.
  • 1899: In the German Empire, a ruling by the Parliamentary Council authorizes women to access the official medical examination in the territory of the Empire.
  • 1900: in France, Henri Bergson publishes Laughter..
  • 1901: In Russia, the French Foreign Minister, Théophile Delcassé, visit St.Petersburg.
  • 1902: in France, scientists Pierre and Marie Curie refine radio chloride.
  • 1906: Ecuador produces the "Milagro de la Dolorosa", of the Colegio San Gabriel in Quito.
  • 1913: In Paris, the two sons of the American dancer Isadora Duncan (1878-1927) drown in the Seine River after a car accident.
  • 1913: In San Sebastián, Spain, the Military Official School was opened.
  • 1914: In the United States, President Woodrow Wilson orders US troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico.
  • 1915: In the framework of the First World War, the Treasury Minister, David Lloyd George, demands that he go to the war economy.
  • 1916: there is a naval combat in the North Sea between British and German ships in front of the Flemish coasts during the First World War.
  • 1917: In Spain, King Alfonso XIII calls the liberal Manuel García Prieto to form a government.
  • 1917: in Barcelona, the College of Physicians sends a complaint to Government because the city council does not analyze the consumption waters daily.
  • 1920: in Germany the Congress of Internal Medicine is held, in which it is a question of finding treatment against tuberculosis.
  • 1923: In Italy, Benito Mussolini suppresses the memory of May Day (the massacre against the Chicago workers).
  • 1929: In Spain, the dictatorial government decrees the closure of the University of Barcelona—as it had already done in Madrid—because of the growing student agitation.
  • 1934: in Spain, the Courts approve the Amnesty Law.
  • 1935: There are clashes between peasants in Lorca (Murcia) because of water shortages.
  • 1936: In Spain, the Athletic Club wins the Spanish Football League.
  • 1938: In Uckermark, at the northern end of the state of Brandenburg (Germany) a Nazi businessman creates the Forest Swastika as a gift for Adolf Hitler on his 49th birthday.
  • 1939: in Germany, Hitler's 50th birthday is declared a national feast.
  • 1943: During the Second World War, in Yugoslavia, the head of the guerrillas, Draza Mijailovich (1893-1946), rejects the accusations of maintaining relations with the powers of the Axis.
  • 1946: The Chinese Communists occupy Changsha.
  • 1947: in Denmark, Federico IX ascends to the throne.
  • 1949: in New Jersey (United States) there is the first test of a Talgo train, designed by Spanish engineer Alejandro Goicoechea.
  • 1952: In Jackson (Míchigan, United States), 600 of the world's 6500 largest prison inmates rebel against the brutality of the guards and the inadequacy of the medical teams.
  • 1955: The Philippines, in the province of Davao del Sur, the municipality of La Trinidad changes its name by José Abad Santos.
  • 1961: In Cuba, the Cochinos Bay invasion of Cuban anti-Castro supporters, supported by the U.S. CIA, is a failure.
  • 1961: The UN General Assembly invites Portugal to undertake reforms in Angola, where its troops face the nationalists.
  • 1961: in Spain the film is rolled The CidAnthony Mann, played by Charlton Heston and Sofia Loren.
  • 1962: After an offer of peace by the IRA, the British Government decides to release the Irish prisoners convicted of terrorism.
  • 1963: in Madrid, the Communist Julián Grimau is executed.
  • 1965: China Popular offers its support to North Vietnam against U.S. aggression.
  • 1967: in the vicinity of Nicosia (Cyprus) there is an air accident in which 128 passengers die.
  • 1967: In New York's Madison Square Garden, Italian boxer Nino Benvenuti takes the title of middleweight world champion to American Emile Griffith.
  • 1970: In Austria, Bruno Kreisky is appointed Federal Chancellor.
  • 1971: Tentist Manuel Santana is sentenced to two months' arrest for running over and killing a pedestrian while driving his car at a speed higher than allowed.
  • 1975: Inauguration of the Monumental Stadium of the Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo de Chile
  • 1983: Panama begins the Peace Conference for Central America, with the assistance of the six foreign ministers of the isthmus countries and their colleagues from Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela.
  • 1984: A broad offensive by the Soviet-Afghanistan forces takes place in north-west Kabul.
  • 1986: In Kantalai, Sri Lanka, a dam collapses, killing 100 people, while 18 000 are homeless.
  • 1988: In Belgium, Jean-Luc Dehaene gave the position to Wilfried Martens at the head of the Government, after 128 days without effective government in the nation.
  • 1988: In the neighborhood of Greenwich (London) the exhibition on the Invincible Navy was opened, in the 400th anniversary of the Spanish naval defeat.
  • 1989: In Colombia, the Government approved three decrees to deal with paramilitary groups funded by drug traffickers who have sown terror in the country.
  • 1990: in Spain, Venezuelan writer Arturo Uslar Pietri is awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Letters.
  • 1990: in Barcelona, Prince Philip begins his first official visit to Catalonia, four days long.
  • 1990: in Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Czech Parliament decides that the name of the country is henceforth Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (RFCE).
  • 1990: in the maternity hospital of Valle de Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, a woman gives birth to sextillizos.
  • 1992: At the Wembley Stadium in London the tribute was made to Freddie Mercury, in which the remaining members of Queen participated, and invited artists such as George Michael, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Lisa Stansfield, Paul Young, Guns N'Roses, Elton John, Robert Plant, Metallica and Seal, among others. This historic show which was called A Concert For Life It also worked as a channel to raise awareness about AIDS.
  • 1992: in Seville, Spain, the Universal Exhibition of Seville is opened.
  • 1993: in Spain, the Basque musical group Negu Gorriak publishes Borreroak Baditu Milaka AurpegiYour best-known album.
  • 1993: The American rock band Aerosmith publishes its 11th studio album entitled Get Grip.
  • 1994: In Argentina, the Argentine Football Association, inaugurated the stadium El Gigante del Norte of the Club of Gimnasia and Tiro de Salta with a friendly match between Argentina and Morocco.
  • 1998: In the United States, Bill Gates (president of Microsoft multinational computing) presents its new Windows 98 operating system.
  • 1999: at Columbine High School (United States), two students kill 12 students and 1 teacher to then commit suicide (Masacre of Columbine High School).
  • 2000: in Bolivia, President Hugo Bánzer suspends the state of siege in the country.
  • 2001: in the Peruvian Amazon, about 60 km from the city of Iquitos, the Peruvian Air Force—with information from the U.S. CIA—releases a plane believing it to be drug traffickers. Upon falling, a family of American evangelists is identified: the wife (Veronica Bowers, 35) and her adopted baby (Charity, 7 months) die instantly for machine-gunning, while the father (Jim Bowers, 37), his son (Cory, 6) and the pilot (inherited on both legs) survive.
  • 2003: In Beijing, the Chinese authorities admit the detection of 339 cases of Asian pneumonia.
  • 2003: in South Africa four Spanish tourists die when their plane crashes.
  • 2003: the Argentine airline LAPA cancels all its bankruptcy flights.
  • 2004: in Abu Ghraib (Irak), a strange attack by the insurgents against the U.S. prison, where there are 4500 prisoners, causes the death of 22 prisoners; 8 insurgents more die in Faluya in clashes against U.S. troops.
  • 2004: In Italy a trial begins against three former German SS officials who participated in the massacre of Sant' Anna di Stazzema in Tuscany during the Second World War.
  • 2004: in Guernica and Luno (Vizcaya) dies, at the age of 146, the Guernica oak, symbol of the Basque beans, due to a serious infection of the fungus Armillaria mellea.
  • 2004: In the United States, NASA launches the Gravity Probe B space probe, with the mission of checking the predictions of Einstein's relativity theory.
  • 2005: President Lucio Gutiérrez is overthrown in Ecuador; the Ecuadorian Congress appoints Alfredo Palacio as its successor.
  • 2005: Zambia, an accident at an explosive factory leaves 52 dead.
  • 2008: in Paraguay in a historic election, Fernando Lugo is victorious as president of the Republic. The Colorado Party loses its presidency after more than sixty years in power.
  • 2008: In the Indian Ocean, 852 km from the coast of Somalia, Somali pirates hijack the Spanish fishing boat Playa de Bakio. The captivity lasted 7 days.
  • 2008: Danica Patrick becomes the first woman to win a race at the IndyCar Series, after conquering the 300 miles of Japan in the Twin Ring Motegi circuit oval.
  • 2010: In the Gulf of Mexico it exploits the semi-submersible Deepwater Horizon platform of the British Petroleum (BP). Two days later, an uncontrollable oil spill is generated.
  • 2010: American cartoonist Molly Norris publishes on YouTube a proposal to create the Day of Drawing Mohammed, a movement for everyone to draw the Islamic prophet every May 20 as a protest against the death threats against the cartoonists of American animation South Park. Six days later he would erase his drawings because of death threats.
  • 2011: United Nations Security Council resolution 1977 was adopted.
  • 2013: near Lushan, Ya'an, in the province of Sichuan, China, about 116 km from Chengdu, a 7.0-degree earthquake (Richter seismic scad), with an intensity of up to IX (Mercalli scaffolding) was generated at 8:02, Beijing time (12:02 UTC).
  • 2015: 13-year-old student murders a teacher with a machete and assaults several people with a crossbow and Molotov cocktails at a Barcelona Institute (Asalto al IES Joan Fuster in Barcelona)
  • 2017: the 2017 Paris Tyre took place.


  • 702: Ya‘far as-Sadiq, Arab religious (f. 765).
  • 1492: Pietro Aretino, Italian writer (f. 1556).
  • 1586: Rosa de Lima (Isabel Flores de Oliva), Peruvian religious, canonized by the Catholic Church (f. 1617).
  • 1633: Go-Komyo, Japanese emperor (f. 1654).
  • 1646: Charles Plumier, French botanist (f. 1704).
  • 1702: Marquis de la Ensenada (Zenón de Somodevilla), a Spanish politician (f. 1781).
  • 1739: William Bartram, American botanist and naturalist (f. 1823).
  • 1741: José Antonio García Mohedano, Spanish priest (f. 1804).
  • 1745: Philippe Pinel, French doctor (f. 1926).
  • 1808: Napoleon III, the first French president between 1848 and 1870 (f. 1873).
  • 1818: Heinrich Göbel, German inventor (f. 1893).
  • 1840: Odilon Redon, French painter (f. 1916).
  • 1848: Kurd Lasswitz, German writer, scientist and philosopher (f. 1910).
  • 1850: Daniel Chester French, American sculptor (f. 1931).
  • 1851: Tom Morris, Jr., British golfer (f. 1875).
  • 1851: Eduardo Acevedo Díaz, Uruguayan writer (f. 1921).
  • 1854: Alberto Orrego Luco, Chilean painter (f. 1931).
  • 1868: Charles Maurras, French writer and politician (f. 1952).
  • 1878: José Miaja, a Spanish military officer (f. 1958).
  • 1881: Nikolái Miaskovski, Soviet composer (f. 1950)
  • 1884: Daniel Verugian, Armenian poet. (f. 1915)
  • 1889: Adolf Hitler, Austrian politician, chancellor and leader (führer) from Germany between 1933 and 1945 (f. 1945).
  • 1890: Atilio Malinverno, Argentine painter (f. 1936).
  • 1893: Harold Lloyd, American actor (f. 1971).
  • 1893: Joan Miró, a Spanish painter (f. 1983).
  • 1904: Bruce Cabot, American actor (f. 1972).
  • 1904: George R. Stibitz, American scientist (f. 1995).
  • 1905: Inés Rodena, Cuban writer of radio and television (f. 1985).
  • 1908: Lionel Hampton, American jazz musician (f. 2002).
  • 1914: Ricardo Levene (son), Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina (f. 2000).
  • 1914: Betty Lou Gerson, American actress (f. 1999).
  • 1918: Kai Manne Börje Siegbahn, Swedish physicist, nobel physics award in 1981 (f. 2007).
  • 1920: Ronald Speirs, American military (f. 2007).
  • 1920: John Paul Stevens, American politician (f. 2019).
  • 1920: José de las Fuentes Rodríguez, Mexican politician (f. 2011).
  • 1921: Marcos Moshinsky, Mexican physicist of Ukrainian origin (f. 2009).
  • 1923: José Barea Tejeiro, Spanish economist (f. 2014).
  • 1923: Antonio Núñez Jiménez, a Cuban scientist, revolutionary and politician (f. 1998).
  • 1923: Tito Puente, American jazz musician (f. 2000).
  • 1923: Jorge Romo Fuentes, Mexican footballer (f. 2014).
  • 1923: Mother Angelica, nun, Clare religious, Catholic communicator and American writer (f. 2016)
  • 1926: Alfredo Cocucci, botanist, taxomo, and Argentine professor (f. 2015).
  • 1927: Pedro Beltrán, writer and Spanish actor (f. 2007).
  • 1927: Phil Hill, an American motor vehicle pilot (f. 2008).
  • 1927: Karl Alexander Müller, Swiss physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1987.
  • 1930: José Narosky, Argentine writer of aphorisms.
  • 1935: Mario Camus, Spanish film director and screenwriter (f. 2021).
  • 1936: Alfonso de Borbón and Dampierre, Spanish politician (f. 1989).
  • 1937: George Takei, American actor.
  • 1938: Betty Cuthbert, an Australian athlete and speeder (f. 2017).
  • 1938: Johnny Tillotson, American singer.
  • 1939: Miguel Urrutia Montoya is a Colombian economist and academic.
  • 1939: Gro Harlem Brundtland, PhD, Politics and First Norwegian Minister (1981, 1986-1989 and 1990-1996).
  • 1940: Inocencio Arias, Spanish diplomat.
  • 1940: Pilar Miró, Spanish filmmaker (f. 1997).
  • 1940: Miquel Roca, Spanish politician.
  • 1940: Alberto Vázquez, Mexican actor and singer.
  • 1941: Ryan O'Neal, American actor.
  • 1941: Juan Claudio Cifuentes, Francoespañol musical critic (f. 2015).
  • 1942: Arto Paasilinna, Finnish writer (f. 2018).
  • 1943: John Eliot Gardiner, director of British orchestra and musician.
  • 1943: Edie Sedgwick, American actress and model (f. 1971).
  • 1943: Marta Varela, pianist, director of orchestra and Argentine professor.
  • 1944: Fernando Bravo, Argentine radio and television driver.
  • 1946: Fedor den Hertog, Dutch cyclist (f. 2011).
  • 1947: Leonela Relys, Cuban pedagogue (f. 2015).
  • 1947: Björn Skifs, actor, screenwriter, singer and Swedish writer.
  • 1948: Raúl Rosero Polo, Colombian composer.
  • 1948: Craig Frost, American musician, Grand Funk Railroad.
  • 1948: Juan Ramón Martínez, Salvadoran footballer.
  • 1949: Veronica Cartwright, American actress.
  • 1949: Massimo D'Alema, Italian politician.
  • 1949: Jessica Lange, American actress.
  • 1949: Jaime López, Mexican footballer (f. 1974).
  • 1950: Sergio Cabrera, Colombian filmmaker.
  • 1951: Luther Vandross, American singer (f. 2005).
  • 1952: Bozidar Maljkovic, Serbian basketball coach.
  • 1952: José Miguel Cejas, Doctor of Information Sciences and Spanish writer (f. 2016).
  • 1955: Juan Carlos Aparicio, Spanish politician.
  • 1955: Elena Benarroch, Spanish entrepreneur.
  • 1955: José Conde, actor and Spanish model (f. 2011).
  • 1955: Svante Pääbo, Swedish geneticist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022.
  • 1956: Prudencio Norales, a Honduran footballer.
  • 1959: Guillermo Guido, Argentine singer.
  • 1959: Clint Howard, American actor.
  • 1960: Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cuban politician, President of Cuba since 2018.
  • 1961: Daniel Rocha, Colombian actor.
  • 1963: Adrián Fernández Mier, a Mexican motor racing driver.
  • 1963: Maurício Gugelmin, Brazilian Formula 1 pilot.
  • 1963: Champi Herreros, Spanish motorcycle pilot.
  • 1963: Fermin Muguruza, Spanish musician.
  • 1963: Rafa Guerrero, Spanish football assistant arbitrator.
  • 1964: Crispin Glover, American actor.
Andy Serkis, actor nacido un 20 de abril.
Andy Serkis
  • 1964: Andy Serkis, British actor.
  • 1964: Adrián Tracogna, an Argentine driver of motorism.
  • 1964: Serafín Zubiri, Spanish singer.
  • 1967: Mike Portnoy, American drummer, of the Dream Theater band.
  • 1969: Felix Baumgartner, Austrian parachutist.
  • 1969: Alberto Herreros, Spanish basketball player.
  • 1970: Shemar Moore, American actor and model.
  • 1971: Allan Houston, American basketball player.
  • 1971: Mikey Welsh, American musician (f. 2011).
  • 1972: Carmen Electra, American actress.
  • 1972: Stephen Marley, Jamaican musician.
  • 1973: Gabry Ponte, Italian.
  • 1974: Tina Cousins, British singer.
  • 1974: Mijail Mulkay, Cuban actor.
  • 1976: Shay Given, Irish footballer.
  • 1976: Joey Lawrence, American actor.
  • 1978: Matt Austin, American actor.
  • 1978: Manuel Baqueiro, Spanish actor.
  • 1979: Ludovic Magnin, Swiss footballer.
  • 1980: Edward Santana, Dominican basketball player.
  • 1980: Jasmin Wagner, German singer.
  • 1981: Julieta Prandi, model, television presenter and Argentine actress.
  • 1981: Ronald Raldes, Bolivian footballer.
  • 1982: Dario Knežević, Croatian footballer.
Sebastian Ingrosso, DJ y productor nacido un 20 de abril.
Sebastian Ingrosso
  • 1983: Sebastian Ingrosso, DJ and Swedish producer.
  • 1983: Danny Granger, American basketball player.
  • 1983: Miranda Kerr, Australian model.
  • 1984: Barbara Lennie, Spanish actress.
  • 1985: Brian Myers, American Professional Fighter
  • 1986: Alejandro Graue, actor of Argentine bent and locutor.
  • 1989: Gerardo Suero, Dominican basketball player.
  • 1989: Sergei Zenjov, Estonian footballer.
  • 1990: Lu Han, singer, model, actor and Chinese dancer.
  • 1990: Kristinn Steindorsson, Icelandic footballer.
  • 1992: Kristian Alvarez, Mexican footballer.
  • 1995: Eduard Sobol, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 1995: Crismery Santana, Dominican heavy lifter.
  • 1997: Alexander Zverev, German tennis player.
  • 1999: Carly Rose Sonenclar, American actress and singer.
  • 2006: Dean Berta Viñales, a Spanish bike rider (f. 2021).


  • 888: Xi zong, Chinese emperor (n. 862).
  • 1099: Peter Bartolome, a French monk (n. 1099).
  • 1314: Clemente V, Italian potato (n. 1264).
  • 1317: Ines of Montepulciano, religious and holy Italian Catholic (n. 1268).
  • 1472: Leon Battista Alberti, architect, mathematician and Italian poet (n. 1404).
  • 1521: Zhengde, Chinese emperor (n. 1491).
  • 1672: Juan Rana (Cosme Pérez), Spanish comic actor of the Golden Age (n. 1593).
  • 1693: Claudio Coello, a Spanish painter (n. 1642).
  • 1812: George Clinton, U.S. Vice President (n. 1739).
  • 1865: Braulio Foz, a Spanish writer and politician (n. 1791).
  • 1902: Joaquim de Sousa Andrade, Brazilian poet (n. 1833).
  • 1909: Manuel Penella Raga, Spanish composer (n. 1847).
Pedro Lira
  • 1912: Pedro Lira, Chilean painter (n. 1845).
  • 1912: Bram Stoker, Irish writer (n. 1847).
  • 1918: Carl Ferdinand Braun, German physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1909 (n. 1850).
  • 1927: Enrique Simonet, a Spanish painter (n. 1866).
  • 1932: Giuseppe Peano, mathematician and Italian philosopher (n. 1858).
  • 1936: Atilio Malinverno, an Argentine painter (n. 1890).
  • 1947: Christian X, Danish king (n. 1870).
  • 1951: Ivanoe Bonomi, Italian politician (n. 1873).
  • 1963: Julián Grimau, Spanish politician (n. 1911).
  • 1964: August Sander, German photographer (n. 1876).
  • 1965: Alfredo Palacios, Argentine socialist lawyer and politician (n. 1878).
  • 1967: Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, engineer, physicist and Peruvian mathematician (n. 1887).
  • 1970: Paul Celan, a German poet of Romanian origin (n. 1920).
  • 1977: Sepp Herberger, player and German football coach (n. 1897).
  • 1980: Helmut Käutner, German actor and filmmaker (n. 1908).
  • 1983: Pedro Quartucci, boxer and Argentine actor (n. 1905).
  • 1990: Carlos Manini Rios, Uruguayan politician (n. 1909).
  • 1991: Steve Marriott, British singer and guitarist, Small Faces and Humble Pie (n. 1947).
  • 1991: Don Siegel, Montajist, Filmmaker and American Producer (n. 1912).
  • 1992: Benny Hill, British comic (n. 1924).
  • 1993: Cantinflas (Mario Moreno), Mexican actor and comedian (n. 1911).
  • 1995: Milovan Đilas, Yugoslav politician (n. 1911).
  • 1996: Christopher Robin Milne, British writer (n. 1920).
  • 1998: Jean François Lyotard, French philosopher (n. 1924).
  • 1998: Alfredo Palacio Moreno, Ecuadorian sculptor (n. 1912).
  • 1999: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, American students and murderers (n. 1981).
  • 2001: Antonio Asensio, Spanish editor (n. 1947).
  • 2001: Giuseppe Sinopoli, composer and director of Italian orchestra (n. 1946).
  • 2003: Teddy Edwards, Saxophonist, American composer and arranger (n. 1924).
  • 2003: Daijirō Katō, a Japanese bike rider (n. 1976).
  • 2003: Bernard Katz, German biophysicist, nobel medical prize in 1970 (n. 1911).
  • 2003: Jorge Peirano Facio, entrepreneur and Uruguayan banker (n. 1920).
  • 2006: Wolfgang Unzicker, German chess player (n. 1925).
  • 2007: Andrew Hill, American jazz pianist (n. 1937).
  • 2011: Osvaldo Miranda, Argentine actor (n. 1915).
  • 2013: Patrick Garland, British actor and writer (n. 1935).
  • 2014: Emmanuel Carballo, Mexican writer (n. 1929).
  • 2014: Rubin Carter, American boxer (n. 1937).
  • 2015: Frederic Morton, a Jewish-Austrian writer (n. 1923).
  • 2018: Avicii, DJ, record producer and Swedish remixer (n. 1989).
  • 2020: Joxe Ulibarrena, Spanish sculptor and ethnographer (n. 1924).
  • 2020: Michel Baklouk Merhej, Lebanese musician and teacher (n. 1928).
  • 2021: Idriss Déby, the military and political Chadian, president of Chad between 1990 and 2021 (n. 1952).
  • 2022: Hilda Bernard, an Argentine actress (n. 1920).


  • Chinese Language Day at the United Nations
  • Day of cannabis use, also called 420.

Catholic saints list

  • Santa Inés de Montepulciano

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