Annex:Genealogies of Greek mythology
Contenido The genealogy of characters in Greek mythology is particularly intricate. In the first place, as a family tree, the main gods of Greek mythology will be shown. In the following sections, an attempt has been made to indicate only the descendants, ignoring couples without children. The notation for the sections after the family tree is of the form:
- Father + Mother
- Son1
- Son2 + Couple Son2
- Nieto1
The signs "+" they do not necessarily indicate marriages. The gods are in bold. Links of the type "(V. PELOPIDAS)" lead to other sections of this article.
Perseus and Heracles
- Perseus + Andromeda
- Electrión + Anaxo
- Alcmena + Zeus
- Heracles + Megara (1) + Deyanira (2)
- Terímaco (1)
- Blindness 1
- Deicoonte (1)
- Hilo (2)
- Gleno (2)
- Onites (2)
- Heracles + Megara (1) + Deyanira (2)
- Alcmena + Zeus
- Hold it + Nícipe
- Euristeo
- Alcíone
- Euristeo
- Alceo + Astidamía
- Host + Alcmena
- Iphicles
- Anaxo + Electrión
- Host + Alcmena
- Gorgófone + Perieres (1) + Ebalo (2)
- Afareo (1)
- Leucipo (1)
- Tíndaro (2) + Leda
- Icario (2) + Peribea
- Penelope + Odysseus
- Telémaco
- Penelope + Odysseus
- Electrión + Anaxo
- Arginusa+Hermes
- Enomao
- Hypodamy + Pelope (V. PELOPED)
- Atreo
- Agamemnon
- Menelao
- Plístenes
- Tiestes
- Pelopea and, with her, Egyptian (incest)
- Get it.
- Holders
- Atreo
- Hypodamy + Pelope (V. PELOPED)
- Enomao
- Zeus + Pluto
- Tántalo + Dione
- Broteas
- Get it.
- Pélope
- Crisipo
- The Atridas (V.ATRIDAS)
- Níobe
- Broteas
- Tántalo + Dione
Sons of Antiope
- Antiope + Zeus
- Anfion, husband of Neobe (V. PELÓPIDAS)
- Zeto + Aedón
- Itilo
Helen of Troy
- Tespio + Deidamía
- Leda + Zeus (1) + Tíndaro (2)
- (1) Helena de Troya (house with Menelaus, V. ATRIDAS)
- (1) Pólux
- (2) Cástor
- (2) Timandra
- (2) Filonoé
- (2) Clitemnestra (V. TINARO)
- Leda + Zeus (1) + Tíndaro (2)
- Perieres + Gorgófone
- Tíndaro + Leda
- Cástor
- Timandra
- Filonoé
- Clitemnestra + Agamemnon (V. ATRIDAS)
- Ifigenia
- Orestes
- Crisótemis
- Electra (V. ELECTRA)
- Tíndaro + Leda
- Anaxibia + Estrophy (grandfather)
- Pílades + Electra (see TÍNDARO)
- Medon
- Strophy
- Pílades + Electra (see TÍNDARO)
- Zeus + Electra
- Yasion
- Dárdano + Batea
- Ilo
- Erictonio
- Troos + Calírroe
- Ganimedes
- Asaraco
- Capis
- Anquises + Aphrodite
- Eneas + Creuse (1) + Lavinia (2)
- (1)Ascanio
- Silvio (Origen of the gens Julia)
- Brutus (First of the Mythic Kings of Great Britain)
- Silvio (Origen of the gens Julia)
- (2)Silvio
- (1)Ascanio
- Eneas + Creuse (1) + Lavinia (2)
- Anquises + Aphrodite
- Capis
- Ilo
- Laomedonte
- Astíoque
- Antigone
- Hesione + Telamon (V.ÉACO)
- Príamo + Arisbe (1) + Hecuba (2)
- Ésaco (1)
- Héctor (2) + Andromaca
- Astianax
- Polites(2)
- Príamo
- Paris (2) + Enone
- Corito
- Creussa(2) + Eneas
- Ascanio (2)
- Laodice (2) + Aceman (V.AGENORID)
- Políxena (2)
- Casandra (2) + Agamemnon (V.ATREIDES)
- Deifobo (2)
- Héleno (2) + Andromaca
- Cestrino
- Pamon (2)
- Ántifo (2)
- Hipónoo (2)
- Polidoro (2)
- Troilo (2)
- Ilione (2)
- Laomedonte
- Troos + Calírroe
- Poseidon + Libya
- Belo
- Agénor + Telefasa
- Phoenix
- Cílix
- Europe Zeus
- Sarpedón
- Radamantis
- Taurus
- Minos + Pasífae
- Fedra + Teseo
- Demofonte + Filis
- Anphipolis
- Lover + Laodice
- Muffin
- Demofonte + Filis
- Deucalion
- Trace
- Androgeo
- Ariadna + Theseus
- Enopion
- Staphile
- Enzy
- Fedra + Teseo
- Cadmo + Harmony
- Polidoro
- Labdaco + Nicteis
- Layo + Yocasta
- Edipo + Yocasta
- Eteocles
- Ismene
- Antigone
- Polynics + Argia
- Adrasto
- Timeas
- Tersandro
- Edipo + Yocasta
- Layo + Yocasta
- Labdaco + Nicteis
- Ino + Atamante
- Learco
- Melicerte
- Agave + Equine
- Penteo
- Autónoe + Aristeo
- Polidoro
- Acteón
- Bemele + Zeus
- Dioniso
- Polidoro
- Ocean + Tetis
- Asopo + Metope
- Tebe
- Egina + Zeus
- Éaco + Psámate (1) + Endeis (2)
- (1) Foco
- (2) Theme + Peribea (a) + Hesione (b)
- (a) Ayax
- (b) Teucro
- (2) Peleo + Tetis
- Achilles + Deidamy
- Pirro + Andromaca
- Mold
- Pie
- Pergam
- Pirro + Andromaca
- Achilles + Deidamy
- Éaco + Psámate (1) + Endeis (2)
- Asopo + Metope
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