Annex: Star Wars Characters: Knights of the Old Republic


List of fictional characters from the video games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.


In the fictional universe of Star Wars Atris is a Jedi master who surrounded herself with people without force sensitivity in a polar academy on Telos IV, there she allows herself to be turned into a sith by Kreia.

He was a member of the Coruscant Jedi High Council, and was one of those who expelled the exiled Jedi from the Order for his alliance with Darth Revan. She was the one who kept her lightsaber. On Telos she created a meditation hall filled with Sith holocrons.

The exile after defeating her spares her life. Atris wears a silver-white robe instead of the normal Jedi one and her silver hair is tied up in a bun. The color of her lightsaber is unknown because she always has the exile's color. However, when facing the exile he fought with a sword of red light.

Atton Rand

Atton Rand is a small-time criminal who ends up imprisoned in Peragus II. He was found by the exiled Jedi, who agreed to free him. In exchange, he agreed to accompany him on his adventure.

Atton Rand, nicknamed Jaq, served in the Mandalorian Wars and in the Jedi Civil War on the side of Darth Revan, being one of the many who followed the Sith Lord during the war against the Jedi. Atton was a Jedi assassin learning Sith teachings in this way.

This was until one time when a Jedi appeared and tried to warn him of the plan to capture all the assassins who could sense the force and convert them to the dark side by showing him what the Force was, but Atton, furious, murdered her. mercilessly. However, after that, Atton was unable to continue his work and escaped to Nar Shaddaa.

Atton Rand has a pedantic, stubborn character and does not trust anything or anyone, whether droid, human or other races. This character has the ability to become a Jedi Sentinel, giving him an interrogation in which he will reveal his feelings. In this way, he managed to use the Force and the lightsaber. It is not known if, like the exiled Jedi, he followed the path of light, or, on the contrary, crossed over to the dark side.


Bao-Dur is the mechanic in charge of repairs to the Ebon Falcon. He was the only member of the repair team in the Mandalorian wars so he knows the exile. In them he developed the Shadow Mass Generator, a powerful weapon that annihilated the Mandalorian army and a good part of the Republican forces.

Five years later he meets the exile again and accompanies him throughout his adventure. This character can use the Force if you talk to him about war, but he cannot be dressed in Jedi robes.


Brianna, also called The Maiden, is one of the many maidens in the service of the one known as the last of the Jedi, Atris. This maiden is different from her sisters since they had the same father but a different mother. In addition, she is known among them as The Last Maiden as a criticism of her character, which prevented her from reaching the level of the rest by being distracted from her.

Brianna, whose name she hides until the end, meets the Exile when she arrives in the polar region of Telos, where she discovers the hidden academy. She joins the Exile without her consent, but in the end the Exile accepts her and may even open the doors of the Force to her as her relationship progresses.

Brianna had a father who was a soldier in the Mandalorian wars and a Jedi mother, so, unlike her brothers, she could feel and perceive the Force. Brianna, like all maidens, possessed the Echani combat style, a technique in which only feet and hands were used, without any protection. She was an expert in both this form of combat and with dual weapons.

Brianna had an affair with the Jedi Exile.

Calo Nord

Better called Cayle Nord, he was a respected and influential bounty hunter. He stands out for his precision manner and subtle way of speaking. He is feared by everyone for his so-called "death count", in which he began to count the number of times his interlocutor spoke to him, and if the count reached 3 the victim suffered a blaster shot in the jugular. Without fail.

It is said that this character was "blind but with benefits", since after battling an opposing band of aliens he received a beating with a plasma torch in the eyes, which left him blind but with the ability to feel with the ears. From then on Cayle Nord was called Calo Nord to give a more serious style to his name.

In his honor, armor was also created with his name that resisted all physical attacks.

In Knights of the Old Republic 1, Malak wants to destroy the Jedi Bastila, who takes refuge on the planet Taris. Unable to find her, Malak decides to destroy the entire planet, but Bastila escapes from her at the last moment. To find her, Malak hires Calo Nord, who follows her. However, he finds Revan who murders him.

Canderous Ordo

Canderous was a former Mandalorian, born on the planet Ordo and a member of the clan with the same name, who fought in the Mandalorian wars, including the final battle of Malachor V. He later settled in the planet of Taris, in the Outer Rim, under the orders of the influential head of the Exchange Davik Kang.

In any case, Canderous longed for the glory of good battles, and did not find full satisfaction in eliminating Davik's enemies, who were nothing more than swoop bikers or simple debtors. Fed up with his less than honorable life on Taris, Canderous decides to leave the planet, which is blockaded by Admiral Saul Karath's Sith fleet. That is why he maintains an agreement with the amnesiac Revan.

The former Sith Lord infiltrated a Sith base where he found the launch codes necessary to bypass the blockade. In exchange for this, Canderous sneaked him into Davik Kang's base and together they stole his ship, the Ebon Falcon, with which they left Taris minutes before it was destroyed by a planetary bombardment, ordered by Darth Malak.

Canderous was one of the best mercenaries of Taris, someone ruthless who never failed in his missions, he was respected and feared in the Lower City, his main rival being the infamous Calo Nord. They even had several frictions at certain times.

Canderous Ordo traveled with Revan to Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Manaan and Korriban, finding on each planet a map that would lead them to the Star Forge. After destroying the Forge and defeating Malak, Canderous was welcomed as a hero, like the rest of Revan's traveling companions.

With the first Jedi Civil War over, Revan remembered the threat of the True Sith and left the Known Galaxy to confront them, leaving his loved ones and companions behind. Revan gave Canderous the Mandalore helmet, which he rescued when he faced and defeated the Mandalore in a singular duel on Malachor V. Canderous became Mandalore the Preserver, undisputed leader of the Mandalorians, and reunited the remnants of this species. warrior on Dxun, the moon of Onderon. There he created a camp and secretly led the Mandalorians from it, restoring the glory of yesteryear, although they did not begin any new war conflict.

After the first Jedi Purge, the Jedi exile traveled to Onderon, where she was attacked by Colonel Tobin's fleet and had to crash land on Dxun. There he encountered Canderous Ordo, referred to simply as Mandalore. The exiled Jedi did various jobs for Canderous and in return he took her to Onderon in his shuttle. From that moment on, Canderous accompanied the exile on all of his travels and led a small group of Mandalorians in the battle of Telos IV; They helped the exile destroy Darth Nihilus' ghost ship

Carth Onasi

As a young man Carth Onasi enlisted in the army of the Galactic Republic, he believed strongly in it. A loyal soldier and expert pilot, he worked with distinction in small frontier skirmishes and important contracts.

The events in the Malandorian Wars furthered Carth's reputation as a hero. As a result of this, in the Sith resurgence that targeted a weakened Republic, the evil Darth Malak attacked Carth's house on Telos. His young wife was murdered, and his son Dustil disappeared.

Some of the Republic's highest officers were seduced by the Sith, including Carth's mentor, Admiral Saul Karath.

Once honor and loyalty led Carth to combat the Sith, vengeance and hatred threatened to replace these laudable attributes, as Carth's new goal in life was to kill Karath.

Carth was unable to trust anyone but still fulfilled his duty by escaping with Revan from the Endar Spiral above Taris and freeing the Jedi prisoner Bastila Shan before the world was destroyed by the Sith. He, along with other companions, accompanied Bastila and Revan on their mission to uncover the mystery of the Star Forge. In this quest, Carth had the opportunity for his revenge, killing Karath on the Bridge of Leviathan, and also created a strong bond with Revan, although upon learning of Revan's true identity he initially blamed him for his wife's death.

During the search for Darth Malak, Carth was 38 years old, a handsome man with brown hair and wearing a pilot's jacket. His favorite weapon was the blaster and he piloted the Ebon Falcon on this mission.

Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus is a Dark Lord of the Sith. He is one of the main villains of the PC and Xbox role-playing game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. [1] He is one of the most mysterious Sith lords of all, known for his tremendous Force power that he possesses, even using the Mind Bomb technique against the Jedi in Katarr, after the Jedi Civil War to end the Order.. His only known apprentice is Visas Marr.

We can describe Darth Nihilus as a wound in force, with devastating power, he has special emphasis on the use of the Dark Side to corrupt everyone who opposes him, his power is like hunger, he is not capable of contain him, so when the Jedi met on Katarr (Visa's planet) he could not avoid destroying the planet and feeding on all the destruction caused.

He was defeated by the Jedi Exile in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, he and his ship "The Devastator" (The Ravager in English).

Darth Nihilus was capable of using the force cutting technique, which he used to banish and exile his former master Darth Traya with the help of Darth Sion.


Dorak is one of the Jedi Masters who lives in their enclave on Dantooine, along with other masters of the order such as Zhar, Vandar, and Vrook. His main role is that of librarian or guardian of the Jedi archives on the planet. He is also the character the player talks to to choose their Jedi class. After having consulted the Jedi archives about the Star Forge without finding anything of relevance, he confesses to being completely baffled.

He dies on Katarr, when the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus destroys said world to satisfy his thirst for the Force.

Darth Sion

Darth Sion, along with Darth Nihilus and Darth Traya, is one of the characters in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. His body consists of pieces held together by the Force and the energy of hate, channeled to the dark side.

When the Sith Order on Korriban turned against themselves, after the death of Darth Malak and the disappearance of Darth Revan, Sion was apparently one of the Sith lords who escaped to the unknown regions in the Galaxy. But it is believed that he actually went to Malachor 5, where he was apprenticed to Darth Traya, a former teacher of Darth Revan. Sion was a unique individual of great power, learning the ways of pain at Trayus' academy on Malachor. Torturing and killing others enhanced his power in the Force, and his ability to feed on his own pain and hatred made him immortal. Known to have been a master of the lightsaber and perhaps the most infamous Sith assassin of the era, Sion was responsible for the deaths of countless Jedi during the Shadow War waged by himself and Darth Nihilus.

On Korriban, he captured and killed Jedi Master Lonna Vash, one of the members of the Jedi Council who made himself exiled to the Outer Rim. Before her death at Sion's hands, she had this to say about him: 'This Sith lord, Darth Sion, is a perversion of the dark side, the likes of which I have never considered before. Although he was clever enough to capture me, he seems like a brute, and should be easily forced." She couldn't have been more wrong, as Darth Sion easily defeated her. He later dueled the Exile on Korriban, and defeated him, but the Exile escaped.

Darth Sion, along with Darth Nihilus as his companion, was an apprentice to Traya, before he and Nihilus kicked her out of the Sith order and stripped her of her energies. He sought not only the destruction of all Jedi, he also hated Kreia, his former master, and hoped to destroy everything she held dear. In 3951 BBY, the Exile, who had served Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars, defeated him at Trayus Academy on the ancient Sith world of Malachor V.

Living so long, knowing nothing but hatred, he was glad to get out of that evil place at last. Quite intrigued, due to Sion's impressive ability to feed off his own pain, skill with a saber, and unnatural ability to survive through the dark side, the Exile was unable to defeat him in a duel.

Instead, the Exile was forced to use his powers of persuasion to turn Sion's own belief on its head, eroding his will and convincing him that Darth Traya had no further use for him, and that he would cast aside by force, he would finally be free of the horrible pain and hatred he endured. Sion became convinced of what the exile told him, forcibly sacrificing his own life in the heart of Trayus' academy. Like most other Sith lords whose names begin with Darth, Sion's name suggests another word: scion, meaning heir. In this case, he inherited from his teacher Traya the belief of the Sith doctrine.


He is a Wookiee bounty hunter, native to the planet Kashyyyk, full of hatred and evil who ends up joining the exiled En Nar Shadda to help him finish off Visquis and settle his life debt with Mira.

She defeated Hanharr once and spared his life, something that Hanharr cannot bear due to the call by his people blood debt so he follows Mira to see her death.

Jolee Bindo

Jolee Bindo was one of the last Jedi of the Old Republic.

He was Revan's companion during the search for the Star Forge. The two met on Kashyyyk and he was one of the few humans who had earned the respect of the Wookiees.

He was a Jedi from the Old Republic and never stopped watching Revan until he regained his memory. When they arrive at the Rakata temple, he decides to accompany them on their expedition to said temple, where they will discover Bastila Shan's betrayal.

His saber had a green blade and long hilt, obtained from the Jedi Order.


Jedi of the Cathar race. He lived during the events narrated in Knights of the Old Republic. He was at the Dantooine Jedi Academy as a Padawan. Her teacher subjected her to a harsh test to prevent her from falling to her dark side, but Juhani could not resist her and attacked her, inflicting serious injuries. He hid on the plains of Dantooine and when Revan (who still did not know that his memory had been erased and therefore did not know that he had been a Dark Lord), he passed by with two of his companions and attacked them, paralyzing the two companions. Revan. The two Jedi faced each other in combat, with Revan the winner, who, by sparing Juhani's life, made her return to the side of the light. The Jedi admitted Juhani again, and her teacher recovered. Juhani asked to accompany Revan and her companions on her mission and he admitted her. Revan had great affection for the cathar, something that was very strange for Juhani since she had always been despised by many people. Juhani was a vital member of Revan's group and among his exploits was the rescue of all his companions from the Leviathan, Darth Malak's flagship, thanks to his stealth powers. When Darth Malak was defeated by Revan, Juhani and his companions were welcomed as heroes and received the highest decoration the Galactic Republic could bestow.

She was very powerful in combat with the saber and it was blue.


Bounty hunter with certain scruples since he tries to avoid killing whenever possible. Some time ago he defeated and spared the life of the Wookiee, also a bounty hunter, Hanharr, which implies a Life Debt that the Wookiee cannot deal with. Therefore she is pursued by Hanharr, who awaits his death or his release.

He will meet the Exile in Nar Shaddaa, and can join him if he does not lean towards the dark side. She possesses some Force sensitivity, so she could become a Jedi with the right training.


T3-M4 belonged to Revan on the planet Taris and lived part of his adventures with him and his companions. On the planet Tatooine he met an android named HK-47, Revan got him and T3-M4 lived many adventures in the Jedi Civil War.

After a time it was left in the hands of an exiled Jedi along with his companions aboard the Herald and the Ebon Falcon.

Brown Visas

Visas marr was a miraluka from the planet Katarr. She was the only living being to survive the devastation of her world by Darth Nihilus, and subsequently became his Sith apprentice. Visas later accompanied the exiled Jedi on his adventures in 3951 BBY, and abandoned the Sith to become a Jedi.


Zaalbar is a Wookiee who was exiled from his clan on the planet Kashyyyk. He is Mission Vao's best friend.

Zaalbar owed a life debt to Darth Revan, which is why he accompanied him in his search for the Star Forge. This was what forced him to return to Kashyyyk. There, Zaalbar meets his brother Chuundar, who had replaced his father Freyyr as Chief. Darth Revan helped Zaalbar find his father, and with the help of Jolee Bindo they manage to overthrow Chuundar and restore Freyyr as Chief. Zaalbar had to continue his journey towards the Star Forge, taking Bacca's Sword with him.

After the fall of Darth Malak, Zaalbar separates from Darth Revan to return once again to Kashyyyk, returning the sword and, this time, staying in his home.

Zhar Lestin

Zhar Lestin is a fictional character belonging to the Star Wars universe.

Zhar Lestin was a Twi'lek Jedi Master who lived 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Zhar taught Bastila Shan the ways of the Force and later offered additional training to Revan before and after he fell to the dark side. He died when Darth Nihilus chose to destroy the Force-sensitive planet Katarr along with the rest of the Jedi, pending a secret meeting and along with the population of Miraluka. Only one Jedi was saved: Visas Marr.

For reasons that remain unclear, Revan's master, Kreia, considered Zhar a "madman" and seemed to regret his dedication to his former padawan.

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