Annex: Presidents of Iceland


The President of Iceland (Icelandic: Forseti Íslands) is the Icelandic head of state with powers limited by the Prime Minister, who performs the role of head of government. From June 17, 1944 —when it gained its independence from Denmark— until now, Iceland has had five presidents; the first of them was Sveinn Björnsson, chosen by the Alþingi. The remaining heads of state were elected by universal suffrage with the possibility of re-election.

List of Icelandic Presidents

Name Photo Date of entry Date of departure
1 Sveinn Björnsson Sveinn Björnsson.jpg17 July 1944 25 January 1952
2 Asgeir Ásgeirsson Asgeir Asgeirsson.jpg1 August 1952 1 August 1968
3 Kristján Eldjárn Kristján Eldjárn (1982).jpg1 August 1968 1 August 1980
4 Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Vigdis Finnbogadottir (1985).jpg1 August 1980 1 August 1996
5 Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, September 2011 (cropped).jpeg1 August 1996 1 August 2016
6 Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson Guðni Th. Jóhannesson (2017-03-30).jpg1 August 2016 Currently in charge


Guðni Thorlacius JóhannessonÓlafur Ragnar GrímssonVigdís FinnbogadóttirKristján EldjárnÁsgeir ÁsgeirssonSveinn Björnsson

Living former presidents

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