Annex: Presidents of Armenia


The President of Armenia (Armenian: oggles, Ԁɡɐɡɐ, ɐᴀᴀʀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀᴇᴱ Hayastani nakhagah), officially President of the Republic of Armenia 기기기기기기기기기기기기기기기 기기기기 Hayastani Hanrapetut'yan nakhagah), is the head of state and guarantor of the independence and territorial integrity of Armenia, in addition to being the Commander-in-Chief of the Armenian Armed Forces; the president is elected to a seven-year term by the National Assembly of Armenia.

Under Armenia's parliamentary system, the Armenian president is simply a figurehead or symbolic figure and generally has only ceremonial duties, with most political power resting between the National Assembly and the prime minister, the latter being the head of Government of the country.

The president of Armenia strives to uphold the constitution and guarantee the regular functioning of the executive and judicial branches, as they are the guarantor of the independence, territorial integrity and security of the republic. The President of Armenia is immune: he cannot be prosecuted or held accountable for the facts arising from his condition during and after his term. However, if his actions are unrelated to his status as head of state, the president may be persecuted and prosecuted when his term ends.

According to article 60 of the Constitution of Armenia, in case the office of president is vacant and before the newly elected president takes office, the president of the National Assembly or, if impossible, the prime minister will fulfill the functions of president.

The current and fifth president of Armenia is Vahagn Khachaturyan, who has held office since March 13, 2022.


Levon Ter-Petrosián, first president of Armenia

The post of President of Armenia was established by decision of the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR on May 3, 1990. On June 21, 1991, the Supreme Council made a decision determining that an election based on the common and equal electoral rights of citizens would be held before December 31, 1991. Based on the decision of the Supreme Council of June 25, 1991, the elections of the President of the Republic of Armenia were scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 1991.

Armenia became an independent state on September 21, 1991 after the independence referendum earlier that year. The first presidential election was held on October 17, 1991, with Levon Ter-Petrosian obtaining the most votes, becoming the first president of independent Armenia. Ter-Petrosián was reelected in 1996; however, he did not finish his second term as president and resigned in 1998.

Constitutional powers and duties

The powers of the President of Armenia are determined by the Armenian constitution. The President is the one who ensures the regular functioning of the executive, legislative and judicial powers of the Republic of Armenia. They do not directly control any of the affiliates, but have the power to interfere in their actions.

Roles in the executive branch

According to Article 1 of the Law on the President of the Republic of Armenia, adopted on August 1, 1991, the President is the head of the executive branch. However, this term ceased to exist in 2007. The President of the Republic must deliver speeches before the people and the National Assembly.

Foreign Relations

The president of Armenia is the one who

  • Represents the Republic of Armenia in international relations, carries out the general orientation of foreign policy, concludes international agreements, sends international agreements to the National Assembly for ratification and signature of its instruments of ratification;
  • Adopts, suspends or cancels international conventions that do not require ratification;
  • It appoints and withdraws from office the diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Armenia in foreign countries and international organizations.

Formation of the government

The president appoints as prime minister the person who enjoys the confidence of the majority of the deputies. This is done on the basis of the distribution of seats in the National Assembly of Armenia and consultations with parliamentary factions. If the appointment of the prime minister according to the above-mentioned procedures is impossible, the President of Armenia may appoint the person who enjoys the confidence of the largest number of deputies as prime minister. The government is formed within twenty days of the appointment of the prime minister. On the recommendation of the prime minister, the president can appoint and dismiss members of the government. They can also appoint one of the ministers as deputy prime minister, with the prime minister's suggestion. The president appoints the posts of state offices, forms and chairs the National Security Council, and may establish other advisory bodies if necessary.

Government Operations

The procedure for the organization of government operations and other organs of public administration under the government are defined by decree of the president. The president can cancel the governmental decision action for one month and ask the Constitutional Court to deal with the problem. The president is the one who validates the government's decisions on the appointment and rejection of governors. Government sessions on issues related to foreign policy and national security are also initiated by the president. According to article 111 of chapter 8 of the constitution, the president is the one who can call a referendum to make amendments in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.

Government resignation

The president of Armenia accepts the resignation of the government only in one of the following cases:

  1. When the first session of the newly elected National Assembly is held
  2. When the President of the Republic assumes his post
  3. When the National Assembly expresses distrust in the government
  4. When the National Assembly does not approve the government program.
  5. When the prime minister resigns or when the prime minister's office is vacant

After the acceptance of the resignation of the government by the president, the members of the government continue to exercise their functions until the formation of the new government.

Military Affairs

The president is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Armenia, who coordinates the operations of government bodies in defense matters, appoints and removes from office the highest commander of the Armed Forces and other troops. In the event of an armed attack against Armenia, imminent danger, or declaration of war, the president can declare martial law, call for general or partial mobilization, and decide on the use of the Armed Forces. During the war, he may appoint or remove from office the commander of the Armed Forces. The president is the one who awards the orders and medals of the Republic of Armenia, promotes to the highest military ranks and awards honorary titles.

Martial law and states of emergency

One of the only powers granted to the president by the constitution is the power to declare martial law. But in this case, new elections cannot be held in Armenia, so power can be usurped by the current president, so the National Assembly reviews the case and decides if the causes presented by the president are sufficient. to declare martial law or a state of emergency. In case of imminent danger to the constitutional order, the president, after consulting with the president of the National Assembly and the prime minister, declares a state of emergency and takes appropriate measures and addresses the people about the situation.

Impact on independent agencies

The president of Armenia plays an important role in the formation of different independent agencies. They are the ones who recommend to the National Assembly the candidacy of the attorney general, the president of the Central Bank and the president of the Chamber of Control. On the recommendation of the attorney general, he appoints or removes deputies to the attorney general. He also appoints the Board of Control Chamber at the proposal of the president of the Control Chamber. The members of the Council of the Central Bank are also appointed by the president.

Staff training and remuneration

The president trains his staff according to procedures defined by law. His remuneration, service and security are also prescribed by law.

Other topics

The president resolves issues related to the granting of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia and political asylum. He also promotes others to the highest diplomatic and other ranks.

Roles in the legislative branch

The president signs and promulgates laws passed by the National Assembly. Within twenty-one days they may return the law issued by the National Assembly and return it in the form of a letter, in which they state their objections and recommendations and request new deliberations on the matter. Considering the recommendations and objections of the president, he must, within five days, sign and promulgate the law readopted by the National Assembly. The president has the power to dissolve the National Assembly and hold special elections if the National Assembly does not approve the program of government twice in a row within two months. The President can also dissolve the National Assembly on the recommendation of the President of the National Assembly or the Prime Minister in the following cases:

  1. If the National Assembly does not resolve within three months on the bill that was deemed urgent by a government decision;
  2. If in the course of an ordinary session no meetings of the National Assembly are convened within three months;
  3. If in the course of a regular session the National Assembly does not adopt, for more than three months, a resolution on matters under consideration.

The president also has the power to:

  • To veto the decision of the National Assembly to adopt a law;
  • Start the reform of the constitution.

Legal acts issued by the president

According to the Law on Legal Acts, the President of Armenia can only adopt regulatory or individual decrees or executive orders. Decrees and orders issued by the president cannot contradict the constitution and laws of Armenia and are subject to implementation throughout the territory.

Roles in the judiciary

The President of Armenia appoints four members of the constitutional court and, if the National Assembly does not appoint the president of the constitutional court within the time prescribed in article 83, clause 1 of the constitution, appoints the president of the court constitutional from among the members of the constitutional court.

May, on the basis of a constitutional court finding, terminate the powers of any of its constitutional court appointees or consent to implicating the member as a defendant, detaining the member, or authorizing the institution of legal proceedings to subject the member to administrative responsibility. On the recommendation of the Council of Justice, the president appoints the presidents and judges of the court of cassation and its chambers, the court of appeal, the court of first instance, and other specialized courts.

The president appoints two jurists to the Justice Council. He can also grant clemency to convicted persons and suggest that the National Assembly declare an amnesty.

List of Armenian Presidents

Democratic Republic of Armenia (1918-1920)

Political spectrum


President of the Republic Home Fin Party Elections
Presidents of the National Armenian Council (1917-1918)
Avetis Aharonian.jpg
Avetis Aharoni
11 October 1917 17 July 1918 FRA -
Presidents of the Armenian Parliament (1918-1920)
Avetik Sahakyan.jpg
Avetik Sahakyan
1 August 1918 1 August 1919 FRA -
Avetis Aharonian.jpg
Avetis Aharoni
1 August 1919 4 November 1920 FRA -
Hovhannes Katchaznouni.JPG
Hovhannes Kajaznuni
4 November 1920 2 December 1920 FRA -

Republic of Armenia (1991-present)

President of the Republic of Armenia Home Fin Party Elections
Levon ter-petrosian.jpg
Levon Ter-Petrosián
11 November 1991 3 February 1998 PANM 1991
Robert Kocharyan.jpg
Robert Kocharián
3 February 1998 9 April 2008 Independent 1998
Serzh Sargsyan 2009.jpg
Serzh Sargsián
9 April 2008 April 9, 2018 HHK 2008
Sarkissian armen profile.jpg
Armen Sarkissian
April 9, 2018 1 February 2022 Independent 2018
Alen Simonyan (cropped).jpg
Alen Simonyan
1 February 2022 13 March 2022 Civil contract -
Vahagn Khachaturyan 2021.jpg
Vahagn Jachaturián
13 March 2022 PresentIndependent 2022

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