Annex: Municipalities of the province of Cáceres

Municipal map.

In the province of Cáceres, one of the 50 provinces into which Spain is divided, there are 223 municipalities.

As a general rule, in this province the concept of "municipality" with that of "localidad", with most towns having their own town hall. However, there are municipalities made up of several towns, as is the case mainly in the municipalities of Las Hurdes, in those of Monfragüe and in those of irrigated areas.

Current municipalities

Name Population
Entities Other cores
Abbey 340 Abbey
Opening 388 Opening
Acebo 542 Acebo
Acehúche 816 Acehúche
Aceituna 588 Aceituna
Ahigal 1371 Ahigal
Alagón del Río 924 Alagón del Río
The Rincón
Albalá 665 Albalá
Alcántara 1361 Alcántara
Population of Iberdrola
Malpartida del Roco†
Alcollar 269 Alcollar Fernando V
Alcuéscar 2470 Alcuéscar Negrito†
Aldea del Cano 617 Aldea del Cano
Bishop's Village, La 305 The Bishop's Village
Aldeacenten 585 Aldeacenten
Aldeanueva de la Vera 2025 Aldeanueva de la Vera
Aldeanueva del Camino 742 Aldeanueva del Camino
Jerte's high school 365 Jerte's high school
Allah 761 Allah
The Calera
Bird swamp
Port of the King
Aliseda 1751 Aliseda
Almaraz 1687 Almaraz
Almoharin 1782 Almoharin Grill†
Arroyo de la Luz 5596 Arroyo de la Luz
Arroyomolinos 827 Arroyomolinos
Arroyomolinos de la Vera 412 Arroyomolinos de la Vera
Bathrooms of Montemayor 739 Bathrooms
Barrado 353 Barrado The Tabares†
Belvís de Monroy 737 Belvís de Monroy
Belvís Houses
Benchership 79 Benchership
Berrocalejo 106 Berrocalejo
Berzocana 404 Berzocana
Bohonal de Ibor 491 Bohonal de Ibor
Botija 185. Botija
Brokes 1774 Brokes Araya†
Castle Cabins 402 Castle Cabins
Cabezabellosa 343 Cabezabellosa
Cabezuela del Valle 2152 Cabezuela del Valle Vadillo†
Cabrio 347 Cabrio
Cáceres 95456 Cáceres
Arroyo-Malpartida Station
Ballesteros Corner
Aldehuela(integrated in the capital)
Cachorrilla 91 Cachorrilla
Cadalso 414 Cadalso
Calzadilla 473 Calzadilla
Caminomorisco 1155 Caminomorisco
Riomalo de Abajo
Aceña (integrated in Caminomorisco)
Campillo de Deleitosa 81 Campillo de Deleitosa
Field 822 Field
Cañamero 1641 Cañamero
Cañaveral 1018 Cañaveral
The Station
Underground 196 Underground
Cargo 1088 Cargo
Carrascale 233 Carrascale
Casar de Cáceres 4481 Casar de Cáceres
The Perala
Casar de Palomero 1036 Casar de Palomero
Rivera Oveja
Casares de las Hurdes 374 Casares de las Hurdes
Arroyo Pascual†
Casa Hurde†
Houses of Don Antonio 184 Houses of Don Antonio
Houses of Don Gómez 286 Houses of Don Gómez
Millan Houses 558 Millan Houses
Casas de Miravete 119 Casas de Miravete La Piñuela†
Castañar Houses 538 Castañar Houses Asperilla†
Casas del Monte 775 Casas del Monte
Casatejada 1342 Casatejada
Casillas de Coria 337 Casillas de Coria
Castañar de Ibor 1025 Castañar de Ibor La Avellaneda†
Ceclavín 1779 Ceclavín
Cedillo 432 Cedillo
Cerezo 151 Cerezo
Cilleros 1590 Cilleros
Collado de la Vera 237 Collar
Vega de Mesillas†
Conquest of the Sierra 201 Conquest of the Sierra
Coria 12308 Coria
Puebla de Argeme
Corner of the Bishop
Cuacos de Yuste 828 Cuacos de Yuste Cut it out.
Houses of Jaranda†
Summit, La 831 The Summit
Delightsa 675 Delightsa
Download 106 Download
Eljas 876 Eljas
The Soto
Escurial 869 Escurial
Fresned by Ibor 262 Fresned by Ibor
Galisteo 860 Galisteo
Source of the Sapo†
South Jarilla†
Garciaz 696 Garciaz
Garganta la Olla 919 Garganta la Olla Carnaceda†
Penny, La 363 La Garganta
Gargantilla 379 Gargantilla
Gargüera 177 Gargüera
Garrovillas de Alconétar 1988 Garrovillas de Alconétar Alconétar†
Garvín 96 Garvín de la Jara
Gata 1395 Gata
The Gata Fashion
Fat, El 371 The Gordo La Puebla de Naciados†
Farm, La 326 The Farm
Guadalupe 1787 Guadalupe
Guijo de Coria 186 Guijo de Coria
Guijo de Galisteo 1525 Guijo de Galisteo
The Batan
Guijo de Granadilla 494 Guijo de Granadilla
Pantano de Gabriel y Galán†
Guijo de Santa Barbara 382 Guijo de Santa Barbara
Herguijuela 267 Herguijuela
Hernán-Pérez 424 Hernán-Pérez
Herrera de Alcántara 230 Herrera de Alcántara
Herreruela 321 Herreruela
Hervás 3972 Hervás
Higuera of Albalat 104 Higuera of Albalat
Hinojal 377 Hinojal
Holguera 618 Holguera
Hoyos 878 Hoyos
Huélaga 212 Huélaga
I was inhern 542 I was inhern
Jaraicejo 447 Jaraicejo
Jaraíz de la Vera 6585 Jaraíz de la Vera
Jarandilla de la Vera 2860 Jarandilla de la Vera
Jarilla 137 Jarilla
Jerte 1256 Jerte
Ladrillar 184 Ladrillar
The Months
Riomalo de Arriba
Achievements 1936 Achievements Valdepalacios†
Losar de la Vera 2653 Losar de la Vera
Madrigal de la Vera 1543 Madrigal de la Vera
Madrigalejo 1712 Madrigalejo
Madroñera 2383 Madroñera
Majadas 1312 Majadas
Malpartida de Cáceres 4074 Malpartida de Cáceres
Malpartida de Plasencia 4635 Malpartida de Plasencia
The Bazagona
Haza de la Concepción
Navabuena swamp
Marchagaz 243 Marchagaz
Kill of Alcántara 292 Kill of Alcántara
Membrío 591 Membrío
Ibor Tables 157 Ibor Tables
Miajadas 9458 Miajadas
Alonso de Ojeda
Casar de Miajadas
Millan 247 Millan
Mirabel 662 Mirabel
Fashions of Granadilla 828 Fashions of Granadilla
Monroy 903 Monroy
Montánchez 1628 Montánchez
Montehermoso 5666 Montehermoso
Moraleja 6691 Moraleja Cañadas
La Mata†
La Quinta
Morcillo 362 Morcillo
Navaconcejo 2054 Navaconcejo
Navalmoral of the Mata 16784 Navalmoral of the Mata Espadañal†
Ibor Navalvillar 387 Ibor Navalvillar
Navas del Madroño 1256 Navas del Madroño
Navezuelas 641 Navezuelas
Nuñomoral 1218 Nuñomoral
The Gasco
Vegas de Coria
La Horcajada†
Olive of Plasencia 285 Olive of Plasencia
Palomero 391 Palomero
Passion of the Vera 600 Passion of the Vera
Pedroso de Acim 73 Pedroso de Acim
Peraleda de la Mata 1416 Peraleda de la Mata Torviscoso†
Peraleda de San Román 304 Peraleda de San Román Alija†
Perales del Puerto 931 Perales del Puerto
Pescueza 125 Pescueza
Pesga, La 1006 The Pesga
Stones Albas 129 Stones Albas
Pinofranque. 1686 Pinofranque.
The Erias
The Moral†
Piornal 1503 Piornal
Placing 39247 Placing
San Gil
Plasenzuela 483 Plasenzuela
Portage 371 Portage
Portezuelo 219 Portezuelo
Pozuelo de Zarzón 437 Pozuelo de Zarzón
Pueblonuevo de Miramontes 767 Pueblonuevo de Miramontes
Puerto de Santa Cruz 277 Puerto de Santa Cruz
Rebollar 200 Rebollar
Riolobos 1197 Riolobos
Pajares de la Rivera
Robledillo de Gata 86 Robledillo de Gata
Robledillo de la Vera 252 Robledillo de la Vera
Trujillo Robledillo 349 Trujillo Robledillo
Robledollano 282 Robledollano
Romangordo 255 Romangordo Albalat†
Rosalejo 1378 Rosalejo
Ruan 80 Ruan
Salorino 554 Salorino
Salvatierra de Santiago 264 Salvatierra de Santiago
San Martín de Trevejo 750 San Martín de Trevejo
Santa Ana 279 Santa Ana
Santa Cruz de la Sierra 320 Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Santa Cruz de Paniagua 288 Santa Cruz de Paniagua
The Bronco
Santa Marta de Magasca 302 Santa Marta de Magasca
Santiago de Alcántara 475 Santiago de Alcántara
Santiago del Campo 239 Santiago del Campo
Santibáñez el Alto 342 Santibáñez el Alto
Santibáñez el Bajo 734 Santibáñez el Bajo
Saucedilla 888 Saucedilla
Segura de Toro 177 Segura de Toro
Serradilla 1490 Serradilla
Villarreal de San Carlos
Serrejón 414 Serrejón
Sierra de Fuentes 2020 Sierra de Fuentes
Talaván 789 Talaván
Talaveruela de la Vera 307 Talaveruela de la Vera
Talayuela 7266 Talayuela
La Barquilla
Pinares Bark
The Centenillo
Santa Maria de las Lomas
Tiétar Fabric 778 Tiétar Fabric
Tiétar 869 Tiétar
Toril 154 Toril
La Herguijuela
Salto de Torrejón†
Tornavacas 1017 Tornavacas
Torno, El 847 The Torno
Torre de Don Miguel 487 Torre de Don Miguel
Torre de Santa Maria 531 Torre de Santa Maria
Torrecilla de los Angeles 648 Torrecilla de los Angeles
Torrecillas de la Tiesa 1067 Torrecillas de la Tiesa Bañispedros†
Casarones de Tozo†
Torrejón el Rubio 532 Torrejón el Rubio Chicks.
Torrejoncillo 2854 Torrejoncillo
Torremenga 592 Torremenga
Torremocha 763 Torremocha
Torreorgaz 1673 Torreorgaz
Torrequemada 574 Torrequemada
Trujillo 8695 Trujillo
Gardens of the Magdalena
Pago de San Clemente
Casa de Don Lucas†
Huertas de Ánimas (integrated in Trujillo)
Santa María del Carrascal†
Valdastillas 323 Valdastillas
Tajo wines 119 Tajo wines
Valdefuentes 1122 Valdefuentes
Valdehúncar 185. Valdehúncar
Valdelacasa de Tajo 341 Valdelacasa de Tajo
Valdemorals 210 Valdemorals
Valdeobispo 651 Valdeobispo
Valencia de Alcántara 5272 Valencia de Alcántara
La Aceña de la Borrega
The Casiñas
Railway Station
La Fontañera
The Cansa Gardens
The Lanchuelas
The Pine
San Pedro de los Majarretes
Valverde de la Vera 445 Valverde de la Vera
Valverde del Fresno 2162 Valverde del Fresno
Vegaviana 849 Vegaviana
Viandar de la Vera 215 Viandar de la Vera
Villa del Campo 451 Villa del Campo
Villa del Rey 115 Villa del Rey
Villamesías 256 Villamesías
Villamiel 392 Villamiel
Villanueva de la Sierra 476 Villanueva de la Sierra
Villanueva de la Vera 2108 Villanueva de la Vera Cruela†
Villar de Plasencia 237 Villar de Plasencia
Villar del Pedroso 554 Villar del Pedroso
Villasbuenas de Gata 379 Villasbuenas de Gata
Zarza de Granadilla 1803 Zarza de Granadilla
San Miguel de Granadilla†
Zarza de Montánchez 516 Zarza de Montánchez
Zarza the Major 1176 Zarza the Major
Zorita 1297 Zorita

Disappeared municipalities

In this province there have been the following municipalities, now disappeared:

  • Arco: a historic village that was a municipality until 1963, when it became a neighborhood of Cañaveral;
  • El Bronco: town that was municipality in the second third of the centuryXIXbetween 1877 and 1887 to be a pedantic of Santa Cruz de Paniagua;
  • Estorninos: villa that was incorporated into the municipality of Alcántara in the 1970s;
  • Granadilla: villa whose land was flooded by the Gabriel and Galan reservoir in 1965. Its term was divided between Mohedas de Granadilla and Zarza de Granadilla. Alagón del Río is considered its historical heir;
  • Grimaldo: historic villa that belonged to Holguera from the 1840s to the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. It appears as a municipality in the censuses of the second third of the centuryXX.. It currently belongs to Cañaveral;
  • Pino de Valencia: pedanía de Valencia de Alcántara which was a municipality briefly in the centuryXIX. Only in the census in 1857;
  • Rivera Oveja: It was a municipality until the first years of the centuryXX.and since then it belongs to Casar de Palomero;
  • Talavera la Vieja: ancient town of Roman origin whose land was flooded by the Valdecañas reservoir in 1965. His term was divided between Bohonal de Ibor and Peraleda de San Román. Rosalejo is considered its historical heir;
  • Torviscoso: depopblado whose municipality was integrated in the 1950s in the municipality of Peraleda de la Mata;
  • Trevejo: Pedanía de Villamiel which was briefly a municipality in two periods, in the mid-centuryXIX and mid-centuryXX..

In addition, there are several municipalities that only existed briefly during the 1830s, not being included in the first census of 1842: Araya, Asperilla, La Calera, Corchuelas, Espadañal, Navatrasierra, Puebla de Naciados, Retamosa, Roturas, Solana, Vadillo and Villarreal de San Carlos.

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