Annex: Municipalities of Jalisco

Situation of Jalisco in Mexico.
Shield of the State of Jalisco.

The state of Jalisco is one of the thirty-two federative entities of the United Mexican States, and is divided into 125 municipalities. The municipality, as defined by the Mexican Political Constitution in its article 115, is the base of the territorial division of each entity, as well as its political and administrative organization. Each municipality has its own municipal seat, which serves as the seat of power for the municipal government, in addition to often being its most important locality.

Jalisco was established as a State of the Federation in 1824, from the territory of the former province of Guadalajara, in western Mexico. Throughout the century XIX, Jalisco adopted various systems of political-administrative organization, which divided its territory into cantons, departments, districts, and parties. As a consequence, many municipalities were created and abolished, some temporarily, others permanently. The current division into 125 municipalities was established on September 1, 2005, with the creation of the municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo, in the Altos Sur region. However, there are still other communities that hope to obtain the category of municipality, however the new laws issued by the state congress regarding the number of inhabitants for the creation of new municipalities, annuls the possibility of creating new municipalities.

With more than 8.3 million inhabitants, Jalisco is the third most populous state in the country. The most populated municipalities in the state are part of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, two of them exceed one million people. The municipality of Guadalajara, the capital, is the most populous in the state and the fifth nationally, with almost 1.5 million residents. In contrast, sixteen municipalities do not exceed 5,000 residents; in Ejutla, the population barely reaches 2,082 inhabitants. The municipalities located on the state limits tend to be larger than those found in the interior; the largest of them is Mezquitic, in the North region, with almost 3,400 km². Only two municipalities have an area of less than 100 km²: El Salto and Techaluta de Montenegro.

Most of the municipalities take their name from an indigenous language: fifty-nine from Nahuatl and six from Purépecha; In addition, seventeen names contain a Nahuatl word and a Spanish one. Thirteen pay homage to a historical figure, and another twenty-one owe their name to a figure of the Catholic Church. Finally, the remaining ten make reference to some characteristic of the landscape of the municipal term, some local legend or a Spanish city. The importance of knowing the etymological origin of the name of a municipality is reflected in the coat of arms officially adopted to represent them, and by reflecting a part of the region's cultural heritage, it has become an important element of municipal identity.

At the beginning of the 1970s, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) created a three-digit code to name each federal entity and Mexican municipality in alphabetical order, in order to standardize the data and facilitate the statistical analysis. However, since its preparation, the list has not undergone any modification, which explains why the alphabetical order is altered. The INEGI code provided in the table also serves to locate the municipality on the map below.


Municipios de Jalisco.svg


Municipal head
Date of creation
001 Acatic Acatic 1824 Acatl ‘caña’ and co ‘place’: ‘Put between the reeds’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.21 530 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.23 175 339.20 68.32 Acatic.png
002 Acatlán de Juárez Acatlán de Juárez 1891 Acatl ‘caña’ and tlan ‘Lugar’: ‘Lugar of reeds’. He was also named in honor of Benito Juárez, President of Mexico. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.22 261 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm fake025250.25 250 153.27 164.74 Acatlán de Juárez.png
003 Ahualulco Market Ahualulco Market 1844 Ayahualolco: ‘Pugar crowned with water’. He was also named in honor of José María Mercado, a hero of independence. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm.23 362 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.23 630 274,09 85.96 Ahualulco de Mercado.png
004 Amacueca Amacueca 1824 Amaitl ‘laguna’, cueitl ‘waves’ and can ‘place’: ‘In the waves of the lagoon’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5385 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5743 125.20 Amacueca.png
005 Amatitan Amatitan 1824 Amatl ‘Amate’ and Atlantic ‘place’: ‘Little Tomato Forest’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes015344.15 344 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.16 490 173,64 Amatitán.png
006 Escudo de armas de Ameca.svgAmeca Ameca 1824 Atl ‘water’ and mecatl ‘cut’: ‘Water Cut’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 060951. exposes fake brainchild.60 951 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake060386. exposes fake brainwashing.60 386 837.81 Mexico Jalisco Ameca location map.svg
007 San Juanito de Escobedo San Juanito de Escobedo 1939 Named in honor of Juan Calero, Franciscan friar and Antonio de Escobedo, governor of the state. ' s fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes him to death.9420 ' s fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the brainchild.9433 194,48 San Juanito de Escobedo.png
008 Arandas Arandas 1875 Named in honor of the Arandas family, one of the founders of the header. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild hippox77116. hypothesized fake brainwashing fake brainstorm.77 116 & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08080609. exposes fake brainchild.80 609 1150.51 Mexico Jalisco Arandas location map.svg
009 El Arenal El Arenal 1923 Named for all the sand in the valley. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms019900.19 900 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.17 545 103.99 El Arenal (municipio de Jalisco).png
010 Atemajac de Brizuela Atemajac de Brizuela 1884 Atl ‘water’, tetl ‘stone’ and maxatli ‘bifurcate’: ‘Piedra que bifurca el agua’. He was also named in honor of Miguel Brizuela, colonel of the Reformation. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake age6717. exposes himself to hypothesis.6717 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 758. exposes fake brainchild.7758 355.50 Atemajac de Brizuela.png
011 Attengo Attengo 1918 Atl ‘water’, templi ‘orilla’ and co ‘place’: ‘On the shore of the water’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.5475 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5599 441.07 Atengo.png
012 Atenguillo Atenguillo 1885 Atl ‘water’, templi ‘orilla’ and co ‘place’: ‘On the shore of the water’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.3899 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake castor spurs4176.4176 610.80 Atenguillo (municipio de Jalisco).png
013 Atotonilco the High Atotonilco the High 1824 Atl ‘agua’ tecuilli ‘fogon’ and co ‘place’: ‘Stop hot water’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 06060480. expose himself to hypothesis.60 480 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 064009. exposes fake brainchild.64 009 510.97 Mexico Jalisco Atotonilco el Alto location map.svg
014 Atoyac Atoyac 1824 Atoyatl ‘rio’ and co ‘place’: ‘On the River’. & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08264. exposes fake brainchild.8264 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08689. exposes fake brainchild.8689 451,17 Mexico Jalisco Atoyac location map.svg
015 Autlán de Navarro Atlantis of the Grana 1824 Aotli ‘Water’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Beside the ditch’. He was also named in honor of Paulino Navarro, hero of the Revolution. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 060572.60 572 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 064931. fake fake fake fake brainstorm64 931 705,94 Autlán de Navarro.png
016 Ayotlán Ayotlán 1824 Ayotl ‘calabaza’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Skull Place’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.37 963 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.41 552 431.04 Mexico Jalisco Ayotlan location map.svg
017 Ayutla Ayutla 1885 Ayotli ‘tortuga’ and tla ‘place’: ‘Lugar of turtles’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.12 453 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.12 880 883,80 Ayutla.png
018 The boat The boat 1824 Named for the need to use a boat to cross the river Lerma. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 06065055. expose himself to hypothesis.65 055 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake age67937.67 937 418.21 La Barca (municipio de Jalisco).png
019 Escudo de Bolanos.svgBolaños Bolaños 1885 Named in honor of Toribio de Bolaños, conqueror of the region & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.7341 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes him to death.7043 866.75 Bolaños (municipio de Jalisco).png
020 Corrientes The Tuito 1944 Named by the corporal in which strong currents are present & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. exposes herself to hypothesis.10 303 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes010940. hypothesize fake brainchild.10 940 1540,62 Mexico Jalisco Cabo Corrientes location map.svg
021 Casimiro Castillo Casimiro Castillo 1943 Named in honor of Casimiro Castillo, a peasant leader. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm nightmare.21 584 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm nightmare.20 548 522.50 Casimiro Castillo.png
022 Cihuatlán Cihuatlán 1904 Zihuatl ‘woman’ and tla ‘abundance’: ‘Lugar where women abound’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 041300.41 300 ' s fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes040139. exposes himself to death penalty040 139 494,91 Cihuatlán.png
023 Zapotlán el Grande Guzman City 1824 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar where the zapote abounds’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild expose0105423.105 423 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.115 141 274,15 Zapotlán el Grande.png
024 Cocula Cocula 1824 Cocotl ‘ondulation’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar of undulations’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.26 687 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.29 267 330.95 Mexico Jalisco Cocula location map.svg
025 ColotlanEscudo.pngColotlán Colotlán 1824 Colotl ‘alacran’ and tla ‘abundance’: ‘Lugar where the alacrans abound’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the ultimate fake brainchild.17 865 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 689 642,58 Colotlán.png
026 EscudoPMStudios.pngConcepción de Buenos Aires Concepción de Buenos Aires 1888 Named by the Immaculate Conception and by the air with pine smell that blows in the region. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.6088 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 0606334. exposes fake brainchild.6334 265,44 Concepción de Buenos Aires.png
027 Cuautitlán de García Barragán Cuautitlán de García Barragán 1946 Cuauhtli ‘tree’ and Tilan ‘between’: ‘Between the trees’. He was also named in honor of Marcelino García Barragán, governor of the state. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.18 138 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.18 370 1394,30 Cuautitlán de García Barragán.png
028 Cuautla Cuautla 1888 Cuauhtli ‘aguila’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Bring where the eagles descend’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainstorm.2120 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 02166. expose himself to hypothesis.2166 417.21 Mexico Jalisco Cuautla location map.svg
029 Coat of Arms of Cuquío, Jalisco, México.pngCuquío Cuquío 1824 Cuixui: ‘Lugar de milanos’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.17 980 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.17 820 642.53 Cuquío.png
030 Chapala Chapala 1846 Chapallan: ‘Lugar of small pots’, ‘place soaked’ or ‘place of plates on the water’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes050738.50 738 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes055196.55 196 613.43 Mexico Jalisco Chapala location map.svg
031 Chimaltitan Chimaltitan 1824 Chimalli ‘listen’ and tlan ‘between’: ‘Between the shields or surrounds’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03383. exposes fake brainchild.3383 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03270. exposes fake brainchild.3270 656,27 Chimaltitán.png
032 Chiquilistlán Chiquilistlán 1824 Chiquilitzintli ‘cigarra’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Bringing’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 0606102.6102 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the brainchild.5983 297,82 Chiquilistlán.png
033 Degollado Degollado 1861 Named thus in honour of Santos Degollado, the military of the Reformation. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm. ages 2 stars.21 479 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm. ages 1226.21 226 425.01 Degollado (municipio de Jalisco).png
034 ESCUDO Ejutla.svgEjutla Ejutla 1875 Axutla: ‘Where the water springs’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm out01862.1862 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.1981 297,37 Ejutla.png
035 Diaz Incarnation Diaz Incarnation 1824 Named for the Virgin of the Incarnation and in honor of Porfirio Díaz, president of Mexico. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes053555.53 555 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.53 039 1253.21 Encarnación de Díaz.png
036 Etzatlán Etzatlán 1844 Ytzas -Toltecs- and Atlantic ‘Lugar’: ‘Lugar where the yztas dwell.’ ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes an intelligentsia.19 847 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms020011. fake fake fake brainstorm20 011 337.99 Etzatlán.png
037 The Grullo The Grullo 1912 Named thus by the abundance of the crane zacate. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake sex brev.24 312 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.25 920 117.20 El Grullo.png
038 Guachinango Guachinango 1885 Cuauhtli ‘tree’, Chinesemitl ‘cerca’ and co ‘place’: ‘Place tree fence’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake castor age.4184 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 04199.4199 838.93 Guachinango.png
039 Escudo de Guadalajara (México).svgGuadalajara Guadalajara 1824 Named in reference to the Spanish city of Guadalajara. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.1 460 148 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.1 385 629 151.42 Guadalajara (municipio de Jalisco).png
040 Hostotipaquillo Hostotipaquillo 1824 Oztotl ‘cave, cave’ and bread ‘on’: ‘Encima de la gruta’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes him to death.9761 & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08732.8732 755,88 Hostotipaquillo.png
041 Huejúcar Huejúcar 1861 Huexotl ‘sauce’ and can ‘place’: ‘Between the willows’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes herself to death.5633 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5920 308,91 Huejúcar.png
042 High Pouch High Pouch 1861 Huexotl ‘sauce’, quililitl ‘green’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘In the Willow’. & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08787. exposes fake brainchild.8787 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 010015. expose himself to hypothesis.10 015 770.39 Mexico Jalisco Huejuquilla location map.svg
043 The Garden The Garden 1943 Named like this by an orchard at the place of its foundation. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm.24 563 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.23 258 2013,67 Mexico Jalisco La Huerta location map.svg
044 Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos 1824 Ixtlahuatl ‘loud’ and can ‘place’: ‘Lugar of plains’. He was also named for the large amount of shrapnel harvested in the area. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.53 045 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake67969.67 969 202,39 Mexico Jalisco Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos location map.svg
045 Ixtlahuacán del Río Ixtlahuacán del Río 1824 Ixtlahuatl ‘loud’ and can ‘place’: ‘Lugar of plains’. He was also named after the Santiago River crossing its territory. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 070 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.20 465 831.17 Ixtlahuacán del Río.png
046 Jalostotitlán Jalostotitlán 1824 Xalli ‘arena’, oztotl ‘cave’ and Tilan ‘place’: ‘Between the sand caves’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.33 777 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.32 678 519.97 Mexico Jalisco Jalostotitlan location map.svg
047 Jamay Jamay 1824 Xaiman: ‘Lugar of King Xama’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.24 753 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm fake sex brainstorm.24 894 162.78 Mexico Jalisco Jamay location map.svg
048 Jesus Jesus 1882 Named by the Holy Family, figure of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 469 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.18 982 665,22 Mexico Jalisco Jesus Maria location map.svg
049 Jilotlán de los Dolores Jilotlán de los Dolores 1849 Xilotl ‘beautiful maize’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Put where tender corn abounds’. He was also named after the Virgin of the Dolores, a figure of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.9917 ' s fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the brainchild of the brainchild.9425 1475,18 Jilotlán de los Dolores.png
050 Jocotepec Jocotepec 1824 Xocotl ‘Acid fruit’ and tepetl ‘cerro’: ‘Cerro of acid or agrios fruits’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 046521.46 521 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. age47105.47 105 334.43 Jocotepec (municipio de Jalisco).png
051 Juanacatlán Juanacatlán 1943 Xonaca ‘cebollah’ and tlan ‘abundance’: ‘Place where onions abound’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.17 955 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03030855. expose himself to hypothesis.30 855 138.31 Mexico Jalisco Juanacatlan location map.svg
052 Juchitlán Juchitlán 1837 Xochitl ‘flor’ and tlan ‘abundance’: ‘Where the flowers abound’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5638 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild hips05534. expose himself to fake brainstorm.5534 246,41 Juchitlán.png
053 Lagos de Moreno Lagos de Moreno 1824 Named for the geography of the area and in honor of Pedro Moreno, hero of independence. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm out0164981.164 981 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. exposes herself to death patterns.172 403 2515.85 Mexico Jalisco Lagos de Moreno location map.svg
054 The Lemon The Lemon 1921 Named for lemon cultivation. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5379 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.5368 114.29 El Limón.png
055 Escudo de Magdalena.svgMagdalena Magdalena 1824 Named thus by Mary Magdalene, saint of the Catholic Church. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm nightmare.22 643 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms.21 781 293,24 Mexico Jalisco Magdalena location map.svg
056 Smdo escudo.gifSanta Maria del Oro Santa Maria del Oro 1938 Named thus by Mary, saint of the Catholic Church and for the extraction of gold in the area. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 02028. exposes fake brainchild.2028 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 02517. exposes fake brainchild.2517 775,00 Mexico Jalisco Santa Maria del Oro location map.svg
057 La Manzanilla de la Paz La Manzanilla de la Paz 1909 So named for the abundance of chamomile and the peacefulness of the people. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.3688 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.4099 134.69 La Manzanilla de la Paz.png
058 Escudo de el Municipio de Mascota Jalisco.gifPetty Petty 1824 Mazatl ‘venado’, coatl ‘culebra’ and tla ‘place’: ‘Place of bandages and snakes’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.14 477 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.14 451 1844.27 Mexico Jalisco Mascota location map.svg
Mazamitla Mazamitla 1870 Mazatl ‘venado’, mitl ‘flecha’ and tla ‘Place’: ‘Place where you hunt with arrows’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes013799.13 799 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.14 043 288,85 Mazamitla (municipio de Jalisco).png
060 Mexticacan Mexticacan 1824 Meztli ‘luna’, theocalli ‘templo’ and can ‘place’: ‘Pray where the temple is for the worship of the moon’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 05088. exposes fake brainchild.5088 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5307 287,54 Mexticacán.png
061 Mezquitic Mezquitic 1880 Mezquitl ‘mezquite’ and ictli ‘centro, inside’: ‘Besides the Mezquites’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.19 452 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.22 083 3360.71 Mezquitic.png
062 Mixtlán Mixtlán 1938 Mixtl ‘nube’ and Atlantic ‘place’: ‘Load of clouds’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.3526 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.3638 630,19 Mixtlán.png
063 Ocotlán Ocotlán 1824 Ocotl ‘Ocote’ and tlan ‘Lugar’: ‘Lugar de Ocotes’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes099461.99 461 & fake fake fake fake blouse fake blobs0106050. fake fake blobs.106 050 242,46 Mexico Jalisco Ocotlan location map.svg
064 Ojuelos de Jalisco Ojuelos de Jalisco 1862 So called for the abundance of water eyes in the area. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes032357. exposes fake brainchild.32 357 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.33 588 1156.18 Mexico Jalisco Ojuelos de Jalisco location map.svg
065 Pihuamo Pihuamo 1824 Pequamo: ‘Praying’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.11 192 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.11 386 875.40 Pihuamo.png
066 Poncitlán Poncitlán 1824 Poanzitl ‘chilacayote’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar de chilacayotes’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild dies051944. hypothesize fake fake brainstorm51 944 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.53 659 835.86 Poncitlán.png
067 Escudo de Puerto Vallarta.svgPuerto Vallarta Puerto Vallarta 1918 Named in honor of Ignacio Luis Vallarta, governor of the state. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms0275640. hypothesized fake brainstorm.275 640 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms0291839.291 839 680.41 Puerto Vallarta (municipio de Jalisco).png
068 Villa Purificación Villa Purificación 1871 Named thus by the Pure Conception, figure of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm out of the world.10 704 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes011303.11 303 1848,70 Villa Purificación.png
069 Quitupan Quitupan 1824 Quitoa: ‘Take where something important was determined.’ ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 08379.8379 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake hipster dies age734. exposes himself to hypothesis.7734 676,50 Quitupan.png
070 Escudo de El Salto Jalisco.svgThe Jump The Jump 1943 Named for the existence of a water jump. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms0183437. hypothesize fake brainstorm.183 437 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake sex brainstorm.232 852 87.86 Mexico Jalisco El Salto location map.svg
071 San Cristobal de la Barranca San Cristobal de la Barranca 1824 Named thus in honor of Cristóbal de Licia, saint of the Catholic Church and the relief of the area. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.3117 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.2924 521.49 Mexico Jalisco San Cristobal de la Barranca location map.svg
072 San Diego de Alejandría San Diego de Alejandría 1885 Named by Diego de Alcalá, saint of the Catholic Church ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes him to death.7349 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes him to death.7609 352,48 San Diego de Alejandría.png
073 Escudo de San Juan de los Lagos.svgSan Juan de los Lagos San Juan de los Lagos 1824 Thus named by John the Baptist, saint of the Catholic Church, and by the existence of lakes in the area. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 06069725.69 725 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild dies 072230. hypothesize fake brainchild.72 230 847.68 Mexico Jalisco San Juan de los Lagos location map.svg
074 San Julián San Julián 1912 Named in honor of Julián of Antince, saint of the Catholic Church & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm.15 890 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.16 792 262,09 San Julián.png
075 San Marcos San Marcos 1907 Thus named by Mark the Evangelist, the saint of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.3783 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.3791 305,94 San Marcos (municipio de Jalisco).png
076 San Martín de Bolaños San Martín de Bolaños 1824 Named in honor of Martin de Tours, saint of the Catholic Church, and in honor of Toribio de Bolaños, conqueror of the region. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.3122 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.3095 690.73 San Martín de Bolaños.png
077 San Martín Hidalgo San Martín Hidalgo 1824 Named in honor of Martin de Tours, saint of the Catholic Church, and in honor of Miguel Hidalgo, hero of independence ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.27 777 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake sex.28 102 344.16 Mexico Jalisco San Martin Hidalgo location map.svg
078 San Miguel el Alto San Miguel el Alto 1824 Named thus by Archangel Michael, saint of the Catholic Church. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.32 960 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 031965.31(+34) 965 787.09 San Miguel el Alto.png
079 Gómez Farías San Sebastian del Sur 1869 Named in honor of Valentin Gómez Farías, politician of the Reformation. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.14 278 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.16 431 353,68 Mexico Jalisco Gomez Farias location map.svg
080 San Sebastian West San Sebastian West 1824 So named by Sebastian, saint of the Catholic Church, and to distinguish him from other peoples of the same name. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5643 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 05086. exposes herself to hypothesis.5086 1117.16 Mexico Jalisco San Sebastian de Oeste location map.svg
081 Escudo de Santa Maria de los Angeles.svgSanta Maria de los Angeles Santa Maria de los Angeles 1861 Named by the Virgin of Angels, figure of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03033. exposes fake brainchild.3033 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.3515 258,98 Santa María de los Ángeles (municipio de Jalisco).png
082 Sayula Sayula 1824 Sotyolmet: ‘Lugar of flies’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.36 778 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.37 186 215,94 Sayula.png
083 Tala Tala 1824 Tlalli ‘ground’ and tlan ‘abundance’: ‘Lugar terroso’. & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 080365. exposes himself to hypothesis.80 365 & fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 087690. exposes fake brainchild.87 412,32 Tala (municipio de Jalisco).png
084 Tda escudo.gifTalpa de Allende Talpa de Allende 1824 Tlalli ‘ground’ and bread ‘on’: ‘Lugar on the Earth’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.15 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes014997.14 997 1996,04 Talpa de Allende (municipio de Jalisco).png
085 Gordian Tamazula Gordian Tamazula 1824 Tlamazotl ‘I know’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar de sapos’. He was also named in honor of Gordiano Guzmán, a hero of independence. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03038396.38 396 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.38 955 1363.68 Mexico Jalisco Tamazula de Gordiano location map.svg
086 Tapalpa escudo.gifTapalpa Tapalpa 1825 Tlapal ‘colored land’ and bread ‘place’: ‘Lugar of land of color’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 506 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm sex.21 245 619.48 Tapalpa.png
087 Tecalitlan escudo.gifTecalitlán Tecalitlán 1824 Tetl ‘piedra’, Shut up. ‘house’ and tla ‘abundance’: ‘Where the stones for houses abound’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.16 579 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake age 6705.16 705 1300,59 Tecalitlán.png
088 Techaluta de Montenegro Techaluta de Montenegro 1824 Techalotl ‘single’ and tla ‘abundance’: ‘Place where squirrels abound’. He was also named in honor of Lauro Montenegro, a French Intervention military. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.3703 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 04072.4072 79.44 Techaluta de Montenegro.png
089 Tecolotlán Tecolotlán 1824 Tecolotl ‘buho’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar of Owls’ & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.17 257 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.16 603 765.77 Tecolotlán (municipio de Jalisco).png
090 Tenamaxtlán Tenamaxtlán 1538 Tenamaxtl ‘Piedra de fogón’ and tla ‘abundance’: ‘Place where the fires abound’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 07005. exposes fake brainchild.7005 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the age of death.7302 281,60 Tenamaxtlán.png
091 Teocaltiche Teocaltiche 1824 Teocalli ‘templo’ and titech ‘near or next’: ‘Take by the temple’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 041278.41 278 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 03039839.39 839 933.85 Teocaltiche (municipio de Jalisco).png
092 Theocuitatlán de Corona Theocuitatlán de Corona 1844 Teocuitatlan: ‘Lugar where there is gold’. He was also named in honor of Ramón Corona, the military and governor of the state. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.10 317 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.11 039 335.57 Teocuitatlán de Corona.png
093 Escudo-TepatitlanJAL.jpgTepatitlán de Morelos Tepatitlán de Morelos 1824 Tepatl ‘hardstone’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar of hard stone’. He was also named in honor of José María Morelos, a hero of independence. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild expose0141322.141 322 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild expose0150190. expose himself to hypothesis.150 190 1429.70 Tepatitlán de Morelos.png
094 Tequila. Tequila. 1824 Tequillan: ‘Place of Tribes’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.42 009 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild style.44 353 1696,23 Mexico Jalisco Tequila location map.svg
095 Teuchitlán Teuchitlán 1824 Teotl ‘gods’ and Atlantic ‘place’: ‘Lugar dedicated to God’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 09608.9608 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 09647.9647 219,23 Mexico Jalisco Teuchitlan location map.svg
096 Tea escudo.gifTizapan el Alto Tizapan el Alto 1824 Tizatl ‘tiza’ and bread ‘place’: ‘Pray of chalk’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake020961.20 961 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm. age-smart fake brainstorm.22 758 193,56 Tizapán el Alto.png
097 Coat of arms of Tlajomulco.svgZúñiga Tlajomulco Zúñiga Tlajomulco 1824 Tlalli ‘tier’, molli ‘monton’ and co ‘place’: ‘Place the Lot of Land’. He was also named in honor of Eugenio Zúñiga, hero of the Revolution. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild expose0549442.549 442 & fake fake fake fake fake fake die0727750. expose himself to hypothesis.727 750 713.95 Mexico Jalisco Tlajomulco de Zuniga location map.svg
098 Escudo Tlaquepaque Jalisco.svgTlaquepaque Tlaquepaque 1824 Tlacapán: ‘Mans manufacturers of mud frets’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild 060664193. hypothesized fake brainwashing brainwashing664 193 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild age 0687127.687 127 110.44 Tlaquepaque (municipio de Jalisco).png
099 Tolimán Tolimán 1895 Tollan ‘tule’ and tlan ‘abundance’: ‘Lugar where the tule abounds’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. exposes herself to hypothesis.10 310 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes011219. exposes fake brainchild.11 219 512,18 Mexico Jalisco Toliman location map.svg
100 Tomalan Tomalan 1824 Tomatl ‘take’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Place tomatoes’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.35 824 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes036316.36 316 3014,14 Mexico Jalisco Tomatlan location map.svg
101 Escudo de Tonala.svgTonalá Tonalá 1824 Tonallan: ‘Take where the sun goes.’ & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.536 111 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes0569913.569 913 166.10 Tonalá.png
102. Tonaya Tonaya 1824 Tonatiuh: ‘To the east where the sun rises.’ ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.5960 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.5961 293,89 Tonaya.png
103 ESCUDO Tonila.svgTonila Tonila 1824 Tonillan: ‘Lugar where the sun begins to come’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms07919.7919 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorms07565.7565 145,28 Mexico Jalisco Tonila location map.svg
104 Escudo de Totatiche.svgTotatiche Totatiche 1861 Totatzintzin: ‘Take our reverenced parents’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 04412.4412 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake castor style.4180 587,44 Totatiche.png
105 Tototlán Tototlán 1824 Tototl ‘bird’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Pray of birds’ & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.23 171 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.23 573 337.07 Tototlán.png
106 Tuxcacuesco Tuxcacuesco 1824 Tazcacuscomatl: ‘Holden’ or ‘bird on stone’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 04229.4229 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake anal05482.5482 428.82 Tuxcacuesco.png
107 Tuxcueca Tuxcueca 1886 Tuxcuecan: ‘Bullicio de conejos’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 0606156. exposes fake brainchild.6156 & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake age6702.6702 137.77 Tuxcueca.png
108 Tuxpan Tuxpan 1825 Toch ‘ Rabbit’ and bread ‘place’: ‘Lugar of rabbits’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 034535.34 535 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.37 518 725.50 Mexico Jalisco Tuxpan location map.svg
109 Union de San Antonio Union de San Antonio 1824 Named so because it was built in the union of two paths and by Antonio de Padua, saint of the Catholic Church. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake brainchild.17 915 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 069 729.31 Unión de San Antonio.png
110 Union of Tula Union of Tula 1824 Named for one of the guarantees of the Plan de Iguala. Tula is an acronym made with the surnames of its four founders. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainstorm.13 446 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes013799.13 799 443,61 Unión de Tula.png
111 Guadalupe Valley Guadalupe Valley 1922 Named by the Virgin of Guadalupe, figure of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainstorms06924.6924 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 06627. exposes himself to fake brainstorm.6627 351.71 Valle de Guadalupe (municipio de Jalisco).png
112 Valle de Juárez Valle de Juárez 1895 Named in honor of Benito Juárez, President of Mexico. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5389 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake fake fake fake fake sex6151 195.63 Valle de Juárez.png
113 ESCUDO San Gabriel.svgSan Gabriel San Gabriel 1845 Named thus by the Archangel Gabriel, saint of the Catholic Church. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake style 6105.16 105 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake brainchild.16 548 747.45 Mexico Jalisco San Gabriel location map.svg
114 Villa Corona Villa Corona 1918 Named in honor of Ramón Corona, military and state governor. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. exposes herself to hypothesis.17 824 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.19 063 318,02 Villa Corona.png
115 Villa Guerrero Villa Guerrero 1921 Named in honor of Vicente Guerrero, hero of independence. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5417 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes the fake brainchild.5525 673,35 Villa Guerrero (municipio de Jalisco).png
116 Villa Hidalgo Villa Hidalgo 1869 Named in honor of Miguel Hidalgo, hero of independence. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm fake0257.20 257 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brain tumor.20 088 451.96 Mexico Jalisco Villa Hidalgo location map.svg
117 Cañadas de Obregón Cañadas de Obregón 1903 Named for the production of cane and in honor of Álvaro Obregón, hero of the Revolution. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.4110 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild exposes 04388.4388 272,28 Mexico Jalisco Canadas de Obregon location map.svg
118 Yahualica de González Gallo Yahualica de González Gallo 1824 Ayahualli ‘round table’ and can ‘junct’: ‘Put next to the round table’. He was also named in honor of Jesús González Gallo, governor of the state. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.22 586 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm brainstorm.22 394 563,43 Yahualica de González Gallo.png
119 Zacoalco de Torres Zacoalco de Torres 1824 Tzacoal ‘computer’ and co ‘place’: ‘Put where the gate is.’ He was also named in honor of José Antonio Torres, a hero of independence. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake sex.28 205 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.30 472 479.81 Zacoalco de Torres.png
120 Escudo de Zapopan.svgZapopan Zapopan 1824 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and bread ‘place’: ‘Place between zapotes’. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.1 332 272 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.1 476 491 1163.63 Zapopan (municipio de Jalisco).png
121 Zapotiltic Zapotiltic 1824 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and tiltic ‘prieto’: ‘Lugar de zapotes prietos’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainstorm nightmare.29 190 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.33 713 252.83 Zapotiltic.png
122 Zapotitlán de Vadillo Zapotitlán de Vadillo 1886 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and titlan ‘place’: ‘Between zapotes’. He was also named in honor of Basilio Vadillo, governor of the state. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 07027. exposes herself to death row07027 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake sex7466. expose himself to fake brainstorm.7466 305,83 Zapotitlán de Vadillo.png
123 Zapotlán del Rey Zapotlán del Rey 1913 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Place where the zapotes abound’. He was also named after being founded on the birthday of King Philip II. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.17 893 ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.19 279 399.81 Zapotlán del Rey.png
124 Zapotlanejo Zapotlanejo 1824 Tzapotl ‘zapote’ and tlan ‘place’: ‘Lugar de zapotes’. & fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild fake 06068519.68 519 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild 064806. exposes fake fake brainstorm.64 806 719.46 Zapotlanejo.png
125 San Ignacio Cerro Gordo San Ignacio Cerro Gordo 2005 Named by Ignacio de Loyola, saint of the Catholic Church, and by the hill that dominates its relief. ' s fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild.18 952 & fake fake fake fake fake fake fake brainchild. fake brainchild.18 341 262,27 Mexico Jalisco San Ignacio Cerro Gordo location map.svg

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