Annex: Mathematical statements


List of axioms and postulates

  1. Axioms of Peano
  2. Postulates of Euclides
  3. Postulate of Bertrand

List of conjectures and hypotheses

  1. Conjecture of Catalan
  2. Conjecture of Collatz
  3. Goldbach guess
  4. Goldbach's weak conjecture
  5. Kepler guess
  6. Conjecture of twin prime numbers
  7. Conjecture of Poincaré
  8. Riemann hypothesis

List of mottos

  1. Lema de Gauss
  2. Lema de Ito
  3. Lema de Zorn
  4. Lema de Caril

List of theorems

  1. Little Fermat Theorem
  2. Barrow Rule (or Second Basic Theorem of Integral Calculation)
  3. Bayes Theorem
  4. Bolzano Theorem
  5. Theorem of compassion
  6. Gödel completeness theorem
  7. Gödel incompleteness theorem
  8. Theorem of the prime numbers
  9. Theorem of Löwenheim-Skolem
  10. Theorem of Pythagoras
  11. Theorem of Schröder and Bernstein
  12. Taniyama-Shimura Theorem
  13. Taylor Theorem
  14. Theorem of Weierstrass
  15. Theorem of the sphere
  16. Theorem of the bow
  17. Average value theorem
  18. Theorem fundamental of algebra
  19. Theorem fundamental of arithmetic
  20. Basic Theorem of Integral Calculation
  21. Last theorem of Fermat

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